Linux Centos7 上安装consul

Linux Centos7 上安装consul


[root@localhost soft]# wget 
--2017-07-02 19:01:02--
Resolving (, 2a04:4e42:11::439
Connecting to (||:443... failed: Connection timed out.
Connecting to (|2a04:4e42:11::439|:443... failed: Network is unreachable.
[root@localhost soft]# wget 
--2017-07-02 19:04:23--
Resolving (, 2a04:4e42:11::439
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 8764587 (8.4M) [application/zip]
Saving to: 鈥榗onsul_0.7.5_linux_amd64.zip100%[==================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 8,764,587   59.4KB/s   in 3m 31s 

2017-07-02 19:07:55 (40.7 KB/s) - 鈥榗onsul_0.7.5_linux_amd64.zip鈥saved [8764587/8764587]

[root@localhost soft]# ll




  inflating: consul                  
[root@localhost soft]# ll
total 44540
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 36003713 Feb 14 20:15 consul
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  8764587 Mar  1 08:50

3.执行以下 ./consul 出现以下信息就说明安装成功

[root@localhost soft]# ./consul
usage: consul [--version] [--help]  []

Available commands are:
    agent          Runs a Consul agent
    configtest     Validate config file
    event          Fire a new event
    exec           Executes a command on Consul nodes
    force-leave    Forces a member of the cluster to enter the "left" state
    info           Provides debugging information for operators
    join           Tell Consul agent to join cluster
    keygen         Generates a new encryption key
    keyring        Manages gossip layer encryption keys
    kv             Interact with the key-value store
    leave          Gracefully leaves the Consul cluster and shuts down
    lock           Execute a command holding a lock
    maint          Controls node or service maintenance mode
    members        Lists the members of a Consul cluster
    monitor        Stream logs from a Consul agent
    operator       Provides cluster-level tools for Consul operators
    reload         Triggers the agent to reload configuration files
    rtt            Estimates network round trip time between nodes
    snapshot       Saves, restores and inspects snapshots of Consul server state
    version        Prints the Consul version
    watch          Watch for changes in Consul


我的linux ip地址为:

 ./consul agent -dev -ui -node=consul-dev -client=


[root@localhost soft]# ./consul agent -dev -ui -node=consul-dev -client=
==> Starting Consul agent...
==> Starting Consul agent RPC...
==> Consul agent running!
           Version: 'v0.7.5'
           Node ID: '564da851-08d0-5ca7-732d-220ea19adae9'
         Node name: 'consul-dev'
        Datacenter: 'dc1'
            Server: true (bootstrap: false)
       Client Addr: (HTTP: 8500, HTTPS: -1, DNS: 8600, RPC: 8400)
      Cluster Addr: (LAN: 8301, WAN: 8302)
    Gossip encrypt: false, RPC-TLS: false, TLS-Incoming: false

==> Log data will now stream in as it occurs:

    2017/07/02 19:14:43 [DEBUG] Using unique ID "564da851-08d0-5ca7-732d-220ea19adae9" from host as node ID
    2017/07/02 19:14:43 [INFO] raft: Initial configuration (index=1): [{Suffrage:Voter ID: Address:}]
    2017/07/02 19:14:43 [INFO] raft: Node at [Follower] entering Follower state (Leader: "")
    2017/07/02 19:14:43 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: consul-dev
    2017/07/02 19:14:43 [INFO] consul: Adding LAN server consul-dev (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
    2017/07/02 19:14:43 [INFO] serf: EventMemberJoin: consul-dev.dc1
    2017/07/02 19:14:43 [INFO] consul: Adding WAN server consul-dev.dc1 (Addr: tcp/ (DC: dc1)
    2017/07/02 19:14:50 [WARN] raft: Heartbeat timeout from "" reached, starting election
    2017/07/02 19:14:50 [INFO] raft: Node at [Candidate] entering Candidate state in term 2
    2017/07/02 19:14:50 [DEBUG] raft: Votes needed: 1
    2017/07/02 19:14:50 [DEBUG] raft: Vote granted from in term 2. Tally: 1
    2017/07/02 19:14:50 [INFO] raft: Election won. Tally: 1
    2017/07/02 19:14:50 [INFO] raft: Node at [Leader] entering Leader state
    2017/07/02 19:14:50 [INFO] consul: cluster leadership acquired
    2017/07/02 19:14:50 [INFO] consul: New leader elected: consul-dev
    2017/07/02 19:14:50 [DEBUG] consul: reset tombstone GC to index 3
    2017/07/02 19:14:50 [INFO] consul: member 'consul-dev' joined, marking health alive
    2017/07/02 19:14:51 [INFO] agent: Synced service 'consul'
    2017/07/02 19:14:51 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
==> Failed to check for updates: Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout
    2017/07/02 19:16:19 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:16:19 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:18:06 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:18:06 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:19:54 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:19:54 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:21:15 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:21:15 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:22:44 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/catalog/datacenters (49.937碌s) from=
    2017/07/02 19:22:44 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/catalog/datacenters (28.699碌s) from=
    2017/07/02 19:22:44 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/internal/ui/nodes?dc=dc1&token= (526.341碌s) from=
    2017/07/02 19:22:44 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/coordinate/nodes?dc=dc1&token= (99.51碌s) from=
    2017/07/02 19:22:44 [DEBUG] http: Request GET /v1/internal/ui/services?dc=dc1&token= (92.846碌s) from=
    2017/07/02 19:22:57 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:22:57 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:24:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:24:43 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:25:46 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:25:46 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:27:43 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:27:43 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:29:18 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:29:18 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:30:51 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:30:51 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:32:41 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:32:41 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:34:02 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:34:02 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:35:21 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:35:21 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:36:22 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:36:22 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:37:32 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:37:32 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync
    2017/07/02 19:38:49 [DEBUG] agent: Service 'consul' in sync
    2017/07/02 19:38:49 [DEBUG] agent: Node info in sync

然后在虚拟机浏览器中输 就看到以下图:
Linux Centos7 上安装consul_第1张图片

然后我在本机上访问consul 发现访问不了,后发现centos的防火墙比较严,8500端口没有打开,执行以下命令即行:

[root@localhost soft]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8500/tcp --permanent  
[root@localhost soft]# systemctl stop firewalld.service 
[root@localhost soft]# systemctl start firewalld.service 

