Enhanced Center Coding for Cell Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
The algorithm comes from the paper
"Enhanced Center Coding for Cell Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks"
import numpy as np
from skimage.draw import disk as sk_disk
def draw_repel_code_ori(im: np.ndarray, pts: np.ndarray, r, A=1):
:param im: [H, W, 1] The image to be drawn.
:param pts: [N, yx] Input points. You need to ensure that the each point is unique.
:param r: The radius of the drawing area.
:param A: Control the gradual change.
if not isinstance(pts, np.ndarray):
pts = np.asarray(pts, np.int)
assert im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[2] == 1
wait_check_pixs = []
for pt in pts:
rr, cc = sk_disk(pt, r, shape=im.shape[:2])
pts2 = np.stack([rr, cc], 1)
pts2 = np.asarray(pts2, np.int32)
check_pixs = np.unique(wait_check_pixs, axis=0)
# # 源代码,很慢
# for pix in check_pixs:
# ds = np.linalg.norm(pix[None] - pts, 2, 1)
# seq_id = np.argsort(ds)[:2]
# # close_2pts = list(pts[seq_id])
# close_2pts_ds = list(ds[seq_id])
# C = 0
# if len(close_2pts_ds) == 2:
# D = close_2pts_ds[0] * (1 + close_2pts_ds[0] / (np.clip(close_2pts_ds[1], 1e-8, None)))
# if D < r:
# C = 1 / (1 + D * A)
# elif len(close_2pts_ds) == 1:
# D = close_2pts_ds[0]
# if D < r:
# C = 1 / (1 + D * A)
# im[pix[0], pix[1]] = C
# # 这里为上面的并行加速代码。但还有待优化,内存占用太大了。
# big_ds = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(check_pixs[:, None] - pts[None], np.float32), 2, 2)
# big_seq_id = np.argsort(big_ds, axis=-1)[:, :2]
# big_close_2pts_ds = np.take_along_axis(big_ds, big_seq_id, 1)
# if big_close_2pts_ds.shape[1] == 2:
# D = big_close_2pts_ds[:, 0] * (1 + big_close_2pts_ds[:, 0] / (np.clip(big_close_2pts_ds[:, 1], 1e-8, None)))
# C = np.where(D < r, 1 / (1 + D * A), 0)
# elif big_close_2pts_ds.shape[1] == 1:
# D = big_close_2pts_ds[:, 0]
# C = np.where(D < r, 1 / (1 + D * A), 0)
# else:
# return im
# im[check_pixs[:, 0], check_pixs[:, 1]] = C[:, None]
# 这里为上面的并行加速代码的分段代码,一次性查全部点,占用内存过于吓人。
n_each_draw = 5000
draw_count = int(np.ceil(len(check_pixs) / n_each_draw))
for i in range(draw_count):
cur_check_pixs = check_pixs[i*n_each_draw:(i+1)*n_each_draw]
big_ds = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(cur_check_pixs[:, None] - pts[None], np.float32), 2, 2)
big_seq_id = np.argsort(big_ds, axis=-1)[:, :2]
big_close_2pts_ds = np.take_along_axis(big_ds, big_seq_id, 1)
if big_close_2pts_ds.shape[1] == 2:
D = big_close_2pts_ds[:, 0] * (1 + big_close_2pts_ds[:, 0] / (np.clip(big_close_2pts_ds[:, 1], 1e-8, None)))
C = np.where(D < r, 1 / (1 + D * A), 0)
elif big_close_2pts_ds.shape[1] == 1:
D = big_close_2pts_ds[:, 0]
C = np.where(D < r, 1 / (1 + D * A), 0)
# 这里是一次性检查全部点,如果没有,可以认为后面也没有了,可以直接退出
im[cur_check_pixs[:, 0], cur_check_pixs[:, 1]] = C[:, None]
return im
def draw_repel_code_fast(im: np.ndarray, pts: np.ndarray, r, A=1):
Another faster acceleration method code of the above function, but there are accuracy problems.
:param im: [H, W, 1] The image to be drawn.
:param pts: [N, yx] Input points. You need to ensure that the each point is unique.
:param r: The radius of the drawing area.
:param A: Control the gradual change.
assert im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[2] == 1
for pt in pts:
ds = np.linalg.norm(pt[None,] - pts, 2, 1)
# 注意,这个点集已经包含了待查询点自身
# 该处r*2是为了增加更多的检查点,减少不准确问题
close_pts = pts[ds <= r * 2]
rr, cc = sk_disk(pt, r, shape=im.shape[:2])
pts2 = np.stack([rr, cc], 1)
pts2 = np.asarray(pts2, np.int32)
big_ds = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(pts2[:, None] - close_pts[None], np.float32), 2, 2)
# big_ds = np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(close_pts[None,] - pts2[:, None], np.float32), 2, 2)
big_seq_id = np.argsort(big_ds, axis=-1)[:, :2]
big_close_2pts_ds = np.take_along_axis(big_ds, big_seq_id, 1)
if big_close_2pts_ds.shape[1] == 2:
D = big_close_2pts_ds[:, 0] * (1 + big_close_2pts_ds[:, 0] / (np.clip(big_close_2pts_ds[:, 1], 1e-8, None)))
C = np.where(D < r, 1 / (1 + D * A), 0)
elif big_close_2pts_ds.shape[1] == 1:
D = big_close_2pts_ds[:, 0]
C = np.where(D < r, 1 / (1 + D * A), 0)
# return im
im[pts2[:, 0], pts2[:, 1]] = C[:, None]
return im
if __name__ == '__main__':
import cv2
im = np.zeros([512, 512, 1], np.float32)
# 注意输入的pt坐标顺序为yx,而不是xy
pts = np.random.randint(0, 512, [100, 2], np.int)
# 不允许有重复的坐标
pts = np.unique(pts, axis=0)
oim1 = draw_repel_code_ori(im, pts, 9)
oim2 = draw_repel_code_fast(im, pts, 9)
cv2.imshow('oim1', oim1)
cv2.imshow('oim2', oim2)