(2)弹出“新建Java项目”对话框,在”项目名“文本框中输入新建项目的名称;在“位置”栏中选择项目的创建位置,可以选择默认位置(即当前工作空间),也可以单击“浏览”按钮指定具体的位置,这里采用默认位置;然后再JRE栏中选择该项目所使用的JRE(Java SE Runtime Environment,Java运行环境);接下来再在“项目布局”栏中选中“为源文件和类文件创建单独的文件夹”单选按钮;最后还可以为该项目指定工作集,这里不指定任何工作集,单击“完成”按钮,如图所示。
package com.lzw;
public class Item {// 数据表公共类
private String id;// 编号属性
private String name;// 名称信息
public Item() {// 缺省构造函数
public Item(String id, String name) {// 完整构造函数
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将数据表公共类的私有属性封装起来
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
// 重写toString()方法,只输出名称信息
public String toString() {
return getName();
package com.lzw.dao.model;
public class TbSpinfo implements java.io.Serializable {// 商品信息(实现序列化接口)
private String id;// 商品编号
private String spname;// 商品名称
private String jc;// 商品简称
private String cd;// 产地
private String dw;// 商品计量单位
private String gg;// 商品规格
private String bz;// 包装
private String ph;// 批号
private String pzwh;// 批准文号
private String memo;// 备注
private String gysname;// 供应商名称
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将商品信息类的私有属性封装起来
public TbSpinfo() {
public TbSpinfo(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getId() {
return this.id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getSpname() {
return this.spname;
public void setSpname(String spname) {
this.spname = spname;
public String getJc() {
return this.jc;
public void setJc(String jc) {
this.jc = jc;
public String getCd() {
return this.cd;
public void setCd(String cd) {
this.cd = cd;
public String getDw() {
return this.dw;
public void setDw(String dw) {
this.dw = dw;
public String getGg() {
return this.gg;
public void setGg(String gg) {
this.gg = gg;
public String getBz() {
return this.bz;
public void setBz(String bz) {
this.bz = bz;
public String getPh() {
return this.ph;
public void setPh(String ph) {
this.ph = ph;
public String getPzwh() {
return this.pzwh;
public void setPzwh(String pzwh) {
this.pzwh = pzwh;
public String getMemo() {
return this.memo;
public void setMemo(String memo) {
this.memo = memo;
public String getGysname() {
return this.gysname;
public void setGysname(String gysname) {
this.gysname = gysname;
public String toString() {
return getSpname();
public int hashCode() {// 重写hashCode方法
final int PRIME = 31;
int result = 1;
result = PRIME * result + ((bz == null) ? 0 : bz.hashCode());
result = PRIME * result + ((cd == null) ? 0 : cd.hashCode());
result = PRIME * result + ((dw == null) ? 0 : dw.hashCode());
result = PRIME * result + ((gg == null) ? 0 : gg.hashCode());
result = PRIME * result + ((gysname == null) ? 0 : gysname.hashCode());
result = PRIME * result + ((id == null) ? 0 : id.hashCode());
result = PRIME * result + ((jc == null) ? 0 : jc.hashCode());
result = PRIME * result + ((memo == null) ? 0 : memo.hashCode());
result = PRIME * result + ((ph == null) ? 0 : ph.hashCode());
result = PRIME * result + ((pzwh == null) ? 0 : pzwh.hashCode());
result = PRIME * result + ((spname == null) ? 0 : spname.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {// 重写equals方法
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
final TbSpinfo other = (TbSpinfo) obj;
if (bz == null) {
if (other.bz != null)
return false;
} else if (!bz.equals(other.bz))
return false;
if (cd == null) {
if (other.cd != null)
return false;
} else if (!cd.equals(other.cd))
return false;
if (dw == null) {
if (other.dw != null)
return false;
} else if (!dw.equals(other.dw))
return false;
if (gg == null) {
if (other.gg != null)
return false;
} else if (!gg.equals(other.gg))
return false;
if (gysname == null) {
if (other.gysname != null)
return false;
} else if (!gysname.equals(other.gysname))
return false;
if (id == null) {
if (other.id != null)
return false;
} else if (!id.equals(other.id))
return false;
if (jc == null) {
if (other.jc != null)
return false;
} else if (!jc.equals(other.jc))
return false;
if (memo == null) {
if (other.memo != null)
return false;
} else if (!memo.equals(other.memo))
return false;
if (ph == null) {
if (other.ph != null)
return false;
} else if (!ph.equals(other.ph))
return false;
if (pzwh == null) {
if (other.pzwh != null)
return false;
} else if (!pzwh.equals(other.pzwh))
return false;
if (spname == null) {
if (other.spname != null)
return false;
} else if (!spname.equals(other.spname))
return false;
return true;
类名 | 说明 |
TbGysinfo | 供应商数据表模型类 |
TbJsr | 经手人数据表模型类 |
TbKhinfo | 客户数据表模型类 |
TbKucun | 库存数据表模型类 |
TbRkthDetail | 进货退货详细数据表模型类 |
TbRkthMain | 进货退货主数据表模型类 |
TbRukuDetail | 进货详细信息数据表模型类 |
TbRukuMain | 进货主表模型类 |
TbSellDetail | 销售详细信息数据表模型类 |
TbSellMain | 销售主表模型类 |
TbSpinfo | 商品信息数据表模型类 |
TbXsthDetail | 销售退货详细信息数据表模型类 |
TbXsthMain | 销售退货主表模型类 |
package com.lzw.dao.model;
public class TbGysinfo implements java.io.Serializable {// 供应商信息(实现序列化接口)
private String id;// 供应商编号
private String name;// 供应商名称
private String jc;// 供应商简称
private String address;// 供应商地址
private String bianma;// 邮政编码
private String tel;// 电话
private String fax;// 传真
private String lian;// 联系人
private String ltel;// 联系电话
private String yh;// 开户银行
private String mail;// 电子信箱
public TbGysinfo() {// 缺省构造函数
public TbGysinfo(String id) {// 最小构造函数(主键)
this.id = id;
public TbGysinfo(String id, String name, String jc, String address, String bianma, String tel, String fax,
String lian, String ltel, String yh, String mail) {// 完整构造函数
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.jc = jc;
this.address = address;
this.bianma = bianma;
this.tel = tel;
this.fax = fax;
this.lian = lian;
this.ltel = ltel;
this.yh = yh;
this.mail = mail;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将供应商信息类的私有属性封装起来
public String getId() {
return this.id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getJc() {
return this.jc;
public void setJc(String jc) {
this.jc = jc;
public String getAddress() {
return this.address;
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
public String getBianma() {
return this.bianma;
public void setBianma(String bianma) {
this.bianma = bianma;
public String getTel() {
return this.tel;
public void setTel(String tel) {
this.tel = tel;
public String getFax() {
return this.fax;
public void setFax(String fax) {
this.fax = fax;
public String getLian() {
return this.lian;
public void setLian(String lian) {
this.lian = lian;
public String getLtel() {
return this.ltel;
public void setLtel(String ltel) {
this.ltel = ltel;
public String getYh() {
return this.yh;
public void setYh(String yh) {
this.yh = yh;
public String getMail() {
return this.mail;
public void setMail(String mail) {
this.mail = mail;
package com.lzw.dao.model;
public class TbJsr {// 经手人信息
private String name;// 经手人姓名
private String sex;// 经手人性别
private String age;// 经手人年龄
private String tel;// 经手人电话
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将经手人信息类的私有属性封装起来
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getSex() {
return sex;
public void setSex(String username) {
this.sex = username;
public String getAge() {
return this.age;
public void setAge(String pass) {
this.age = pass;
public String getTel() {
return this.tel;
public void setTel(String quan) {
this.tel = quan;
package com.lzw.dao.model;
public class TbKhinfo implements java.io.Serializable {// 客户信息(实现序列化接口)
private String id;// 客户编号
private String khname;// 客户名称
private String jian;// 客户简称
private String address;// 客户地址
private String bianma;// 邮编
private String tel;// 电话
private String fax;// 传真
private String lian;// 联系人
private String ltel;// 联系电话
private String mail;// 电子邮箱
private String xinhang;// 开户银行
private String hao;// 银行账号
public TbKhinfo() {// 缺省构造函数
public TbKhinfo(String id) {// 最小构造函数(主键)
this.id = id;
public TbKhinfo(String id, String khname, String jian, String address, String bianma, String tel, String fax,
String lian, String ltel, String mail, String xinhang, String hao) {// 完整构造函数
this.id = id;
this.khname = khname;
this.jian = jian;
this.address = address;
this.bianma = bianma;
this.tel = tel;
this.fax = fax;
this.lian = lian;
this.ltel = ltel;
this.mail = mail;
this.xinhang = xinhang;
this.hao = hao;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将客户信息类的私有属性封装起来
public String getId() {
return this.id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getKhname() {
return this.khname;
public void setKhname(String khname) {
this.khname = khname;
public String getJian() {
return this.jian;
public void setJian(String jian) {
this.jian = jian;
public String getAddress() {
return this.address;
public void setAddress(String address) {
this.address = address;
public String getBianma() {
return this.bianma;
public void setBianma(String bianma) {
this.bianma = bianma;
public String getTel() {
return this.tel;
public void setTel(String tel) {
this.tel = tel;
public String getFax() {
return this.fax;
public void setFax(String fax) {
this.fax = fax;
public String getLian() {
return this.lian;
public void setLian(String lian) {
this.lian = lian;
public String getLtel() {
return this.ltel;
public void setLtel(String ltel) {
this.ltel = ltel;
public String getMail() {
return this.mail;
public void setMail(String mail) {
this.mail = mail;
public String getXinhang() {
return this.xinhang;
public void setXinhang(String xinhang) {
this.xinhang = xinhang;
public String getHao() {
return this.hao;
public void setHao(String hao) {
this.hao = hao;
package com.lzw.dao.model;
public class TbKucun implements java.io.Serializable {// 库存信息(实现序列化接口)
private String id;// 商品编号
private String spname;// 商品名称
private String jc;// 商品简称
private String cd;// 产地
private String gg;// 商品规格
private String bz;// 包装
private String dw;// 商品计量单位
private Double dj;// 单价
private Integer kcsl;// 库存数量
public TbKucun() {// 缺省构造函数
public TbKucun(String id) {// 最小构造函数(主键)
this.id = id;
public TbKucun(String id, String spname, String jc, String cd, String gg, String bz, String dw, Double dj,
Integer kcsl) {// 完整构造函数
this.id = id;
this.spname = spname;
this.jc = jc;
this.cd = cd;
this.gg = gg;
this.bz = bz;
this.dw = dw;
this.dj = dj;
this.kcsl = kcsl;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将库存信息类的私有属性封装起来
public String getId() {
return this.id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getSpname() {
return this.spname;
public void setSpname(String spname) {
this.spname = spname;
public String getJc() {
return this.jc;
public void setJc(String jc) {
this.jc = jc;
public String getCd() {
return this.cd;
public void setCd(String cd) {
this.cd = cd;
public String getGg() {
return this.gg;
public void setGg(String gg) {
this.gg = gg;
public String getBz() {
return this.bz;
public void setBz(String bz) {
this.bz = bz;
public String getDw() {
return this.dw;
public void setDw(String dw) {
this.dw = dw;
public Double getDj() {
return this.dj;
public void setDj(Double dj) {
this.dj = dj;
public Integer getKcsl() {
return this.kcsl;
public void setKcsl(Integer kcsl) {
this.kcsl = kcsl;
public String toString() {
return getSpname();
package com.lzw.dao.model;
public class TbRkthDetail implements java.io.Serializable {// 进货退货详细信息(实现序列化接口)
private Integer id;// 进货退货编号
private String tbRkthMain;// 进货退货主表
private String spid;// 商品编号
private Double dj;// 单价
private Integer sl;// 数量
public TbRkthDetail() {// 缺省构造函数
public TbRkthDetail(String tbRkthMain, String spid, Double dj, Integer sl) {// 完整构造函数
this.tbRkthMain = tbRkthMain;
this.spid = spid;
this.dj = dj;
this.sl = sl;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将进货退货详细信息类的私有属性封装起来
public Integer getId() {
return this.id;
public void setId(Integer id) {
this.id = id;
public String getTbRkthMain() {
return this.tbRkthMain;
public void setTbRkthMain(String tbRkthMain) {
this.tbRkthMain = tbRkthMain;
public String getSpid() {
return this.spid;
public void setSpid(String spid) {
this.spid = spid;
public Double getDj() {
return this.dj;
public void setDj(Double dj) {
this.dj = dj;
public Integer getSl() {
return this.sl;
public void setSl(Integer sl) {
this.sl = sl;
package com.lzw.dao.model;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class TbRkthMain implements java.io.Serializable {// 进货退货主表(实现序列化接口)
private String rkthId;// 进货退货编号
private String pzs;// 销售品种数
private String je;// 总计金额
private String ysjl;// 验收结论
private String gysname;// 供应商名称
private String rtdate;// 进货退货时间
private String czy;// 操作员
private String jsr;// 经手人
private String jsfs;// 结算方式
private Set tbRkthDetails = new HashSet(0);// 进货退货详细信息
public TbRkthMain() {// 缺省构造函数
public TbRkthMain(String rkthId, String pzs, String je, String ysjl, String gysname, String rtdate, String czy,
String jsr, String jsfs) {// 完整构造函数
this.rkthId = rkthId;
this.pzs = pzs;
this.je = je;
this.ysjl = ysjl;
this.gysname = gysname;
this.rtdate = rtdate;
this.czy = czy;
this.jsr = jsr;
this.jsfs = jsfs;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将进货退货主表类的私有属性封装起来
public String getRkthId() {
return this.rkthId;
public void setRkthId(String rkthId) {
this.rkthId = rkthId;
public String getPzs() {
return this.pzs;
public void setPzs(String pzs) {
this.pzs = pzs;
public String getJe() {
return this.je;
public void setJe(String je) {
this.je = je;
public String getYsjl() {
return this.ysjl;
public void setYsjl(String ysjl) {
this.ysjl = ysjl;
public String getGysname() {
return this.gysname;
public void setGysname(String gysname) {
this.gysname = gysname;
public String getRtdate() {
return this.rtdate;
public void setRtdate(String rtdate) {
this.rtdate = rtdate;
public String getCzy() {
return this.czy;
public void setCzy(String czy) {
this.czy = czy;
public String getJsr() {
return this.jsr;
public void setJsr(String jsr) {
this.jsr = jsr;
public String getJsfs() {
return this.jsfs;
public void setJsfs(String jsfs) {
this.jsfs = jsfs;
public Set getTbRkthDetails() {
return this.tbRkthDetails;
public void setTbRkthDetails(Set tbRkthDetails) {
this.tbRkthDetails = tbRkthDetails;
package com.lzw.dao.model;
public class TbRukuDetail implements java.io.Serializable {// 入库明细(实现序列化接口)
private String id;// 流水号
private String tbSpinfo;// 商品信息
private String tbRukuMain;// 入库主表
private Double dj;// 单价
private Integer sl;// 数量
public TbRukuDetail() {// 缺省构造函数
public TbRukuDetail(String tbSpinfo, String tbRukuMain, Double dj, Integer sl) {// 完整构造函数
this.tbSpinfo = tbSpinfo;
this.tbRukuMain = tbRukuMain;
this.dj = dj;
this.sl = sl;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将入库明细类的私有属性封装起来
public String getId() {
return this.id;
public void setId(String lsh) {
this.id = lsh;
public String getTabSpinfo() {
return this.tbSpinfo;
public void setTabSpinfo(String tbSpinfo) {
this.tbSpinfo = tbSpinfo;
public String getTabRukuMain() {
return this.tbRukuMain;
public void setTabRukuMain(String tbRukuMain) {
this.tbRukuMain = tbRukuMain;
public Double getDj() {
return this.dj;
public void setDj(Double dj) {
this.dj = dj;
public Integer getSl() {
return this.sl;
public void setSl(Integer sl) {
this.sl = sl;
package com.lzw.dao.model;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class TbRukuMain implements java.io.Serializable {// 入库主表(实现序列化接口)
private String rkId;// 入库编号
private String pzs;// 品种数量
private String je;// 总计金额
private String ysjl;// 验收结论
private String gysname;// 供应商名称
private String rkdate;// 入库时间
private String czy;// 操作员
private String jsr;// 经手人
private String jsfs;// 结算方式
private Set<TbRukuDetail> tabRukuDetails = new HashSet<TbRukuDetail>(0);// 入库明细
public TbRukuMain() {// 缺省构造函数
public TbRukuMain(String rkId, String pzs, String je, String ysjl, String gysname, String rkdate, String czy,
String jsr, String jsfs) {// 完整构造函数
this.rkId = rkId;
this.pzs = pzs;
this.je = je;
this.ysjl = ysjl;
this.gysname = gysname;
this.rkdate = rkdate;
this.czy = czy;
this.jsr = jsr;
this.jsfs = jsfs;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将入库主表类的私有属性封装起来
public String getRkId() {
return this.rkId;
public void setRkId(String rkId) {
this.rkId = rkId;
public String getPzs() {
return this.pzs;
public void setPzs(String pzs) {
this.pzs = pzs;
public String getJe() {
return this.je;
public void setJe(String je) {
this.je = je;
public String getYsjl() {
return this.ysjl;
public void setYsjl(String sf) {
this.ysjl = sf;
public String getGysname() {
return this.gysname;
public void setGysname(String gysname) {
this.gysname = gysname;
public String getRkdate() {
return this.rkdate;
public void setRkdate(String rkdate) {
this.rkdate = rkdate;
public String getCzy() {
return this.czy;
public void setCzy(String czy) {
this.czy = czy;
public String getJsr() {
return this.jsr;
public void setJsr(String jsr) {
this.jsr = jsr;
public String getJsfs() {
return this.jsfs;
public void setJsfs(String jsfs) {
this.jsfs = jsfs;
public Set<TbRukuDetail> getTabRukuDetails() {
return this.tabRukuDetails;
public void setTabRukuDetails(Set<TbRukuDetail> tabRukuDetails) {
this.tabRukuDetails = tabRukuDetails;
package com.lzw.dao.model;
public class TbSellDetail implements java.io.Serializable {// 销售明细(实现序列化接口)
private Integer id;// 流水号
private String tbSellMain;// 销售主表
private String spid;// 商品编号
private Double dj;// 销售单价
private Integer sl;// 销售数量
public TbSellDetail() {// 缺省构造函数
public TbSellDetail(String tbSellMain, String spid, Double dj, Integer sl) {// 完整构造函数
this.tbSellMain = tbSellMain;
this.spid = spid;
this.dj = dj;
this.sl = sl;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将销售明细类的私有属性封装起来
public Integer getId() {
return this.id;
public void setId(Integer id) {
this.id = id;
public String getTbSellMain() {
return this.tbSellMain;
public void setTbSellMain(String tbSellMain) {
this.tbSellMain = tbSellMain;
public String getSpid() {
return this.spid;
public void setSpid(String spid) {
this.spid = spid;
public Double getDj() {
return this.dj;
public void setDj(Double dj) {
this.dj = dj;
public Integer getSl() {
return this.sl;
public void setSl(Integer sl) {
this.sl = sl;
package com.lzw.dao.model;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class TbSellMain implements java.io.Serializable {// 销售主表(实现序列化接口)
private String sellId;// 销售编号
private String pzs;// 销售品种数
private String je;// 总计金额
private String ysjl;// 验收结论
private String khname;// 客户名称
private String xsdate;// 销售日期
private String czy;// 操作员
private String jsr;// 经手人
private String jsfs;// 结算方式
private Set tbSellDetails = new HashSet(0);// 销售明细
public TbSellMain() {// 缺省构造函数
public TbSellMain(String sellId, String pzs, String je, String ysjl, String khname, String xsdate, String czy,
String jsr, String jsfs) {// 完整构造函数
this.sellId = sellId;
this.pzs = pzs;
this.je = je;
this.ysjl = ysjl;
this.khname = khname;
this.xsdate = xsdate;
this.czy = czy;
this.jsr = jsr;
this.jsfs = jsfs;
this.tbSellDetails = tbSellDetails;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将销售主表类的私有属性封装起来
public String getSellId() {
return this.sellId;
public void setSellId(String sellId) {
this.sellId = sellId;
public String getPzs() {
return this.pzs;
public void setPzs(String pzs) {
this.pzs = pzs;
public String getJe() {
return this.je;
public void setJe(String je) {
this.je = je;
public String getYsjl() {
return this.ysjl;
public void setYsjl(String ysjl) {
this.ysjl = ysjl;
public String getKhname() {
return this.khname;
public void setKhname(String khname) {
this.khname = khname;
public String getXsdate() {
return this.xsdate;
public void setXsdate(String xsdate) {
this.xsdate = xsdate;
public String getCzy() {
return this.czy;
public void setCzy(String czy) {
this.czy = czy;
public String getJsr() {
return this.jsr;
public void setJsr(String jsr) {
this.jsr = jsr;
public String getJsfs() {
return this.jsfs;
public void setJsfs(String jsfs) {
this.jsfs = jsfs;
public Set getTbSellDetails() {
return this.tbSellDetails;
public void setTbSellDetails(Set tbSellDetails) {
this.tbSellDetails = tbSellDetails;
package com.lzw.dao.model;
public class TbXsthDetail implements java.io.Serializable {// 销售退货详细信息(实现序列化接口)
private Integer id;// 销售退货编号
private String tbXsthMain;// 销售退货主表
private String spid;// 商品编号
private Double dj;// 单价
private Integer sl;// 数量
public TbXsthDetail() {// 缺省构造函数
public TbXsthDetail(String tbXsthMain, String spid, Double dj, Integer sl) {// 完整构造函数
this.tbXsthMain = tbXsthMain;
this.spid = spid;
this.dj = dj;
this.sl = sl;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将销售退货详细信息类的私有属性封装起来
public Integer getId() {
return this.id;
public void setId(Integer id) {
this.id = id;
public String getTbXsthMain() {
return this.tbXsthMain;
public void setTbXsthMain(String tbXsthMain) {
this.tbXsthMain = tbXsthMain;
public String getSpid() {
return this.spid;
public void setSpid(String spid) {
this.spid = spid;
public Double getDj() {
return this.dj;
public void setDj(Double dj) {
this.dj = dj;
public Integer getSl() {
return this.sl;
public void setSl(Integer sl) {
this.sl = sl;
package com.lzw.dao.model;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class TbXsthMain implements java.io.Serializable {// 销售退货主表(实现序列化接口)
private String xsthId;// 销售退货编号
private String pzs;// 品种数量
private String je;// 总计金额
private String ysjl;// 验收结论
private String khname;// 客户名称
private String thdate;// 退货日期
private String czy;// 操作员
private String jsr;// 经手人
private String jsfs;// 结算方式
private Set tbXsthDetails = new HashSet(0);// 销售退货详细信息
public TbXsthMain() {// 缺省构造函数
public TbXsthMain(String xsthId, String pzs, String je, String ysjl, String khname, String thdate, String czy,
String jsr, String jsfs) {// 完整构造函数
this.xsthId = xsthId;
this.pzs = pzs;
this.je = je;
this.ysjl = ysjl;
this.khname = khname;
this.thdate = thdate;
this.czy = czy;
this.jsr = jsr;
this.jsfs = jsfs;
// 使用Getters and Setters方法将销售退货主表类的私有属性封装起来
public String getXsthId() {
return this.xsthId;
public void setXsthId(String xsthId) {
this.xsthId = xsthId;
public String getPzs() {
return this.pzs;
public void setPzs(String pzs) {
this.pzs = pzs;
public String getJe() {
return this.je;
public void setJe(String je) {
this.je = je;
public String getYsjl() {
return this.ysjl;
public void setYsjl(String ysjl) {
this.ysjl = ysjl;
public String getKhname() {
return this.khname;
public void setKhname(String khname) {
this.khname = khname;
public String getThdate() {
return this.thdate;
public void setThdate(String thdate) {
this.thdate = thdate;
public String getCzy() {
return this.czy;
public void setCzy(String czy) {
this.czy = czy;
public String getJsr() {
return this.jsr;
public void setJsr(String jsr) {
this.jsr = jsr;
public String getJsfs() {
return this.jsfs;
public void setJsfs(String jsfs) {
this.jsfs = jsfs;
public Set getTbXsthDetails() {
return this.tbXsthDetails;
public void setTbXsthDetails(Set tbXsthDetails) {
this.tbXsthDetails = tbXsthDetails;
Dao的全称是Data Access Object,即数据访问对象。本项目中应用该名称作为数据库访问类的名称,在该类中实现了数据库的驱动、连接、关闭和多个操作数据库的方法,这些方法包括不同数据表的操作方法。在介绍具体的数据库访问方法之前,先看一下Dao类的定义:
package com.lzw.dao;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import com.lzw.Item;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbGysinfo;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbJsr;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbKhinfo;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbKucun;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbRkthDetail;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbRkthMain;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbRukuDetail;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbRukuMain;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbSellDetail;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbSellMain;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbSpinfo;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbXsthDetail;
import com.lzw.dao.model.TbXsthMain;
public class Dao {
protected static String dbClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";// MySQL数据库驱动类的名称
protected static String dbUrl = "jdbc:mysql://";// 访问MySQL数据库的路径
protected static String dbUser = "root";// 访问MySQL数据库的用户名
protected static String dbPwd = "123456";// 访问MySQL数据库的密码
protected static String dbName = "db_database28";// 访问MySQL数据库中的实例(db_database28)
protected static String second = null;//
public static Connection conn = null;// MySQL数据库的连接对象
static {// 静态初始化Dao类
try {
if (conn == null) {
Class.forName(dbClassName).newInstance();// 实例化MySQL数据库的驱动
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, dbUser, dbPwd);// 连接MySQL数据库
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请将MySQL的JDBC驱动包复制到lib文件夹中。");// 捕获异常后,弹出提示框
System.exit(-1);// 系统停止运行
} catch (Exception e) {
private Dao() {
// 数据库备份
public static String backup() throws SQLException {
LinkedList<String> sqls = new LinkedList<String>();// 备份文件中的所有sql
// 涉及的相关表命数组
String tables[] = { "tb_gysinfo", "tb_jsr", "tb_khinfo", "tb_kucun",
"tb_rkth_detail", "tb_rkth_main", "tb_ruku_detail",
"tb_ruku_main", "tb_sell_detail", "tb_sell_main", "tb_spinfo",
"tb_userlist", "tb_xsth_detail", "tb_xsth_main" };
ArrayList<Tables> tableList = new ArrayList<Tables>();// 创建保存所有表对象的集合
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {// 遍历表名称数组
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("desc " + tables[i]);// 查询表结构
ArrayList<Columns> columns = new ArrayList<Columns>();// 列集合
while (rs.next()) {
Columns c = new Columns();// 创建列对象
c.setName(rs.getString("Field"));// 读取列名
c.setType(rs.getString("Type"));// 读取列类型
String isnull = rs.getString("Null");// 读取为空类型
if ("YES".equals(isnull)) {// 如果列可以为空
c.setNull(true);// 列可以为空
String key = rs.getString("Key");// 读取主键类型
if ("PRI".equals(key)) {// 如果是主键
c.setKey(true);// 列为主键
String increment = rs.getString("Extra");// 读取特殊属性
if ("auto_increment".equals(increment)) {// 表主键是否自增
c.setIncrement(true);// 主键自增
columns.add(c);// 列集合添加此列
Tables table = new Tables(tables[i], columns);// 创建表示此表命和拥有对应列对象的表对象
tableList.add(table);// 表集合保存此表对象
rs.close();// 关闭结果集
stmt.close();// 关闭sql语句接口
for (int i = 0; i < tableList.size(); i++) {// 遍历表对象集合
Tables table = tableList.get(i);// 获取表格对象
String dropsql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + table.getName() + " ;";// 删除表sql
sqls.add(dropsql);// 添加删除表sql
StringBuilder createsql = new StringBuilder();// 创建表sql
createsql.append("CREATE TABLE " + table.getName() + "( ");// 创建语句句头
ArrayList<Columns> columns = table.getColumns();// 获取表中所有列对象
for (int k = 0; k < columns.size(); k++) {// 遍历列集合
Columns c = columns.get(k);// 获取列对象
createsql.append(c.getName() + " " + c.getType());// 添加列名和类型声明语句
if (!c.isNull()) {// 如果列可以为空
createsql.append(" not null ");// 添加可以为空语句
if (c.isKey()) {// 如果是主键
createsql.append(" primary key ");// 添加主键语句
if (c.isIncrement()) {// 如果是主键自增
createsql.append(" AUTO_INCREMENT ");// 添加自增语句
if (k < columns.size() - 1) {// 如果不是最后一列
createsql.append(",");// 添加逗号
} else {// 如果是最后一列
createsql.append(");");// 创建语句结尾
sqls.add(createsql.toString());// 添加创建表sql
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();// 执行sql接口
ResultSet rs = stmt
.executeQuery("select * from " + table.getName());
while (rs.next()) {
StringBuilder insertsql = new StringBuilder();// 插入值sql
insertsql.append("INSERT INTO " + table.getName() + " VALUES(");
for (int j = 0; j < columns.size(); j++) {// 遍历表中所有列
Columns c = columns.get(j);// 获取列对象
String type = c.getType();// 获取列字段修饰符
if (type.startsWith("varchar") || type.startsWith("char")
|| type.startsWith("datetime")) {// 如果数据类型开头用varchar、char、datetime任意一种修饰
insertsql.append("'" + rs.getString(c.getName()) + "'");// 获取本列数据,两端加逗号
} else {
insertsql.append(rs.getString(c.getName()));// 获取本列数据,两端不加逗号
if (j < columns.size() - 1) {// 如果不是最后一列
insertsql.append(",");// 添加逗号
} else {// 如果是最后一列
insertsql.append(");");// 添加句尾
sqls.add(insertsql.toString());// 添加插入数据sql
rs.close();// 关闭结果集
stmt.close();// 关闭sql语句接口
sqls.add("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v_rukuView;"); // 插入删除视图语句
// 插入创建爱视图语句
sqls.add("CREATE VIEW v_rukuView AS SELECT tb_ruku_main.rkID, tb_ruku_detail.spid, tb_spinfo.spname, tb_spinfo.gg, tb_ruku_detail.dj, tb_ruku_detail.sl,tb_ruku_detail.dj * tb_ruku_detail.sl AS je, tb_spinfo.gysname, tb_ruku_main.rkdate, tb_ruku_main.czy, tb_ruku_main.jsr,tb_ruku_main.jsfs FROM tb_ruku_detail INNER JOIN tb_ruku_main ON tb_ruku_detail.rkID = tb_ruku_main.rkID INNER JOIN tb_spinfo ON tb_ruku_detail.spid = tb_spinfo.id;");
sqls.add("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v_sellView;");// 插入删除视图语句
// 插入创建爱视图语句
sqls.add("CREATE VIEW v_sellView AS SELECT tb_sell_main.sellID, tb_spinfo.spname, tb_sell_detail.spid, tb_spinfo.gg, tb_sell_detail.dj, tb_sell_detail.sl,tb_sell_detail.sl * tb_sell_detail.dj AS je, tb_sell_main.khname, tb_sell_main.xsdate, tb_sell_main.czy, tb_sell_main.jsr,tb_sell_main.jsfs FROM tb_sell_detail INNER JOIN tb_sell_main ON tb_sell_detail.sellID = tb_sell_main.sellID INNER JOIN tb_spinfo ON tb_sell_detail.spid = tb_spinfo.id;");
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();// 通过Date对象获得当前时间
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss");// 设置当前时间的输出格式
String backupTime = sdf.format(date);// 格式化Date对象
String filePath = "backup\\" + backupTime + ".sql";// 通过拼接字符串获得备份文件的存放路径
File sqlFile = new File(filePath);// 创建备份文件对象
FileOutputStream fos = null;// 文件字节输出流
OutputStreamWriter osw = null;// 字节流转为字符流
BufferedWriter rw = null;// 缓冲字符流
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream(sqlFile);
osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos);
rw = new BufferedWriter(osw);
for (String tmp : sqls) {// 遍历所有备份sql
rw.write(tmp);// 向文件中写入sql
rw.newLine();// 文件换行
rw.flush();// 字符流刷新
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
// 倒序依次关闭所有IO流
if (rw != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (osw != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (fos != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return filePath;
// 数据库恢复
public static void restore(String filePath) {
File sqlFile = new File(filePath);// 创建备份文件对象
Statement stmt = null;// sql语句直接接口
FileInputStream fis = null;// 文件输入字节流
InputStreamReader isr = null;// 字节流转为字符流
BufferedReader br = null;// 缓存输入字符流
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(sqlFile);
isr = new InputStreamReader(fis);
br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String readStr = null;// 缓冲字符串,保存备份文件中一行的内容
while ((readStr = br.readLine()) != null) {// 逐行读取备份文件中的内容
if (!"".equals(readStr.trim())) {// 如果读取的内容不为空
stmt = conn.createStatement();// 创建sql语句直接接口
int count = stmt.executeUpdate(readStr);// 执行sql语句
stmt.close();// 关闭接口
} catch (SQLException e) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
// 倒序依次关闭所有IO流
if (br != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (isr != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (fis != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// 读取所有客户信息
public static List getKhInfos() {
List list = findForList("select id,khname from tb_khinfo");
return list;
// 读取所有供应商信息
public static List getGysInfos() {
List list = findForList("select id,name from tb_gysinfo");
return list;
// 读取客户信息
public static TbKhinfo getKhInfo(Item item) {
String where = "khname='" + item.getName() + "'";
if (item.getId() != null)
where = "id='" + item.getId() + "'";
TbKhinfo info = new TbKhinfo();
ResultSet set = findForResultSet("select * from tb_khinfo where "
+ where);
try {
if (set.next()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return info;
// 读取指定供应商信息
public static TbGysinfo getGysInfo(Item item) {
String where = "name='" + item.getName() + "'";
if (item.getId() != null)
where = "id='" + item.getId() + "'";
TbGysinfo info = new TbGysinfo();
ResultSet set = findForResultSet("select * from tb_gysinfo where "
+ where);
try {
if (set.next()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return info;
// 读取经手人
public static TbJsr getJsr(String name, String password) {
TbJsr user = new TbJsr();
ResultSet rs = findForResultSet("select * from tb_jsr where name='"
+ name + "'");
try {
if (rs.next()) {
if (user.getAge().equals(password)) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return user;
// 执行指定查询
public static ResultSet query(String QueryStr) {
ResultSet set = findForResultSet(QueryStr);
return set;
// 执行删除
public static int delete(String sql) {
return update(sql);
// 添加客户信息的方法
public static boolean addKeHu(TbKhinfo khinfo) {
if (khinfo == null)
return false;
return insert("insert tb_khinfo values('" + khinfo.getId() + "','"
+ khinfo.getKhname() + "','" + khinfo.getJian() + "','"
+ khinfo.getAddress() + "','" + khinfo.getBianma() + "','"
+ khinfo.getTel() + "','" + khinfo.getFax() + "','"
+ khinfo.getLian() + "','" + khinfo.getLtel() + "','"
+ khinfo.getMail() + "','" + khinfo.getXinhang() + "','"
+ khinfo.getHao() + "')");
// 修改客户信息的方法
public static int updateKeHu(TbKhinfo khinfo) {
return update("update tb_khinfo set jian='" + khinfo.getJian()
+ "',address='" + khinfo.getAddress() + "',bianma='"
+ khinfo.getBianma() + "',tel='" + khinfo.getTel() + "',fax='"
+ khinfo.getFax() + "',lian='" + khinfo.getLian() + "',ltel='"
+ khinfo.getLtel() + "',mail='" + khinfo.getMail()
+ "',xinhang='" + khinfo.getXinhang() + "',hao='"
+ khinfo.getHao() + "' where id='" + khinfo.getId() + "'");
// 修改库存的方法
public static int updateKucunDj(TbKucun kcInfo) {
return update("update tb_kucun set dj=" + kcInfo.getDj()
+ " where id='" + kcInfo.getId() + "'");
// 修改供应商信息的方法
public static int updateGys(TbGysinfo gysInfo) {
return update("update tb_gysinfo set jc='" + gysInfo.getJc()
+ "',address='" + gysInfo.getAddress() + "',bianma='"
+ gysInfo.getBianma() + "',tel='" + gysInfo.getTel()
+ "',fax='" + gysInfo.getFax() + "',lian='" + gysInfo.getLian()
+ "',ltel='" + gysInfo.getLtel() + "',mail='"
+ gysInfo.getMail() + "',yh='" + gysInfo.getYh()
+ "' where id='" + gysInfo.getId() + "'");
// 添加供应商信息的方法
public static boolean addGys(TbGysinfo gysInfo) {
if (gysInfo == null)
return false;
return insert("insert tb_gysinfo values('" + gysInfo.getId() + "','"
+ gysInfo.getName() + "','" + gysInfo.getJc() + "','"
+ gysInfo.getAddress() + "','" + gysInfo.getBianma() + "','"
+ gysInfo.getTel() + "','" + gysInfo.getFax() + "','"
+ gysInfo.getLian() + "','" + gysInfo.getLtel() + "','"
+ gysInfo.getMail() + "','" + gysInfo.getYh() + "')");
// 添加商品
public static boolean addSp(TbSpinfo spInfo) {
if (spInfo == null)
return false;
return insert("insert tb_spinfo values('" + spInfo.getId() + "','"
+ spInfo.getSpname() + "','" + spInfo.getJc() + "','"
+ spInfo.getCd() + "','" + spInfo.getDw() + "','"
+ spInfo.getGg() + "','" + spInfo.getBz() + "','"
+ spInfo.getPh() + "','" + spInfo.getPzwh() + "','"
+ spInfo.getMemo() + "','" + spInfo.getGysname() + "')");
// 更新商品
public static int updateSp(TbSpinfo spInfo) {
return update("update tb_spinfo set jc='" + spInfo.getJc() + "',cd='"
+ spInfo.getCd() + "',dw='" + spInfo.getDw() + "',gg='"
+ spInfo.getGg() + "',bz='" + spInfo.getBz() + "',ph='"
+ spInfo.getPh() + "',pzwh='" + spInfo.getPzwh() + "',memo='"
+ spInfo.getMemo() + "',gysname='" + spInfo.getGysname()
+ "' where id='" + spInfo.getId() + "'");
// 读取商品信息
public static TbSpinfo getSpInfo(Item item) {
String where = "spname='" + item.getName() + "'";
if (item.getId() != null)
where = "id='" + item.getId() + "'";
ResultSet rs = findForResultSet("select * from tb_spinfo where "
+ where);
TbSpinfo spInfo = new TbSpinfo();
try {
if (rs.next()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return spInfo;
// 获取所有商品信息
public static List getSpInfos() {
List list = findForList("select * from tb_spinfo");
return list;
// 获取库存商品信息
public static TbKucun getKucun(Item item) {
String where = "spname='" + item.getName() + "'";
if (item.getId() != null)
where = "id='" + item.getId() + "'";
ResultSet rs = findForResultSet("select * from tb_kucun where " + where);
TbKucun kucun = new TbKucun();
try {
if (rs.next()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return kucun;
// 获取入库单的最大ID,即最大入库票号
public static String getRuKuMainMaxId(Date date) {
return getMainTypeTableMaxId(date, "tb_ruku_main", "RK", "rkid");
// 在事务中添加入库信息
public static boolean insertRukuInfo(TbRukuMain ruMain) {
try {
boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
// 添加入库主表记录
insert("insert into tb_ruku_main values('" + ruMain.getRkId()
+ "','" + ruMain.getPzs() + "'," + ruMain.getJe() + ",'"
+ ruMain.getYsjl() + "','" + ruMain.getGysname() + "','"
+ ruMain.getRkdate() + "','" + ruMain.getCzy() + "','"
+ ruMain.getJsr() + "','" + ruMain.getJsfs() + "')");
Set<TbRukuDetail> rkDetails = ruMain.getTabRukuDetails();
for (Iterator<TbRukuDetail> iter = rkDetails.iterator(); iter
.hasNext();) {
TbRukuDetail details = iter.next();
// 添加入库详细表记录
insert("insert into tb_ruku_detail values('" + ruMain.getRkId()
+ "','" + details.getTabSpinfo() + "',"
+ details.getDj() + "," + details.getSl() + ")");
// 添加或修改库存表记录
Item item = new Item();
TbSpinfo spInfo = getSpInfo(item);
if (spInfo.getId() != null && !spInfo.getId().isEmpty()) {
TbKucun kucun = getKucun(item);
if (kucun.getId() == null || kucun.getId().isEmpty()) {
insert("insert into tb_kucun values('" + spInfo.getId()
+ "','" + spInfo.getSpname() + "','"
+ spInfo.getJc() + "','" + spInfo.getCd()
+ "','" + spInfo.getGg() + "','"
+ spInfo.getBz() + "','" + spInfo.getDw()
+ "'," + details.getDj() + ","
+ details.getSl() + ")");
} else {
int sl = kucun.getKcsl() + details.getSl();
update("update tb_kucun set kcsl=" + sl + ",dj="
+ details.getDj() + " where id='"
+ kucun.getId() + "'");
} catch (SQLException e) {
return false;
return true;
public static ResultSet findForResultSet(String sql) {
if (conn == null)
return null;
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
Statement stmt = null;
stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
second = ((System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000d) + "";
} catch (Exception e) {
return rs;
// 添加数据
public static boolean insert(String sql) {
boolean result = false;
try {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
result = stmt.execute(sql);
} catch (SQLException e) {
return result;
// 更新数据
public static int update(String sql) {
int result = 0;
try {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
result = stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
} catch (SQLException e) {
return result;
public static List findForList(String sql) {
List<List> list = new ArrayList<List>();
ResultSet rs = findForResultSet(sql);
try {
ResultSetMetaData metaData = rs.getMetaData();
int colCount = metaData.getColumnCount();
while (rs.next()) {
List<String> row = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++) {
String str = rs.getString(i);
if (str != null && !str.isEmpty())
str = str.trim();
} catch (Exception e) {
return list;
// 获取退货最大ID
public static String getRkthMainMaxId(Date date) {
return getMainTypeTableMaxId(date, "tb_rkth_main", "RT", "rkthId");
// 在事务中添加入库退货信息
public static boolean insertRkthInfo(TbRkthMain rkthMain) {
try {
boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
// 添加入库退货主表记录
insert("insert into tb_rkth_main values('" + rkthMain.getRkthId()
+ "','" + rkthMain.getPzs() + "'," + rkthMain.getJe()
+ ",'" + rkthMain.getYsjl() + "','" + rkthMain.getGysname()
+ "','" + rkthMain.getRtdate() + "','" + rkthMain.getCzy()
+ "','" + rkthMain.getJsr() + "','" + rkthMain.getJsfs()
+ "')");
Set<TbRkthDetail> rkDetails = rkthMain.getTbRkthDetails();
for (Iterator<TbRkthDetail> iter = rkDetails.iterator(); iter
.hasNext();) {
TbRkthDetail details = iter.next();
// 添加入库详细表记录
insert("insert into tb_rkth_detail values('"
+ rkthMain.getRkthId() + "','" + details.getSpid()
+ "'," + details.getDj() + "," + details.getSl() + ")");
// 添加或修改库存表记录
Item item = new Item();
TbSpinfo spInfo = getSpInfo(item);
if (spInfo.getId() != null && !spInfo.getId().isEmpty()) {
TbKucun kucun = getKucun(item);
if (kucun.getId() != null && !kucun.getId().isEmpty()) {
int sl = kucun.getKcsl() - details.getSl();
update("update tb_kucun set kcsl=" + sl + " where id='"
+ kucun.getId() + "'");
} catch (SQLException e) {
return false;
return true;
// 获取销售主表最大ID
public static String getSellMainMaxId(Date date) {
return getMainTypeTableMaxId(date, "tb_sell_main", "XS", "sellID");
// 在事务中添加销售信息
public static boolean insertSellInfo(TbSellMain sellMain) {
try {
boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
// 添加销售主表记录
insert("insert into tb_sell_main values('" + sellMain.getSellId()
+ "','" + sellMain.getPzs() + "'," + sellMain.getJe()
+ ",'" + sellMain.getYsjl() + "','" + sellMain.getKhname()
+ "','" + sellMain.getXsdate() + "','" + sellMain.getCzy()
+ "','" + sellMain.getJsr() + "','" + sellMain.getJsfs()
+ "')");
Set<TbSellDetail> rkDetails = sellMain.getTbSellDetails();
for (Iterator<TbSellDetail> iter = rkDetails.iterator(); iter
.hasNext();) {
TbSellDetail details = iter.next();
// 添加销售详细表记录
insert("insert into tb_sell_detail values('"
+ sellMain.getSellId() + "','" + details.getSpid()
+ "'," + details.getDj() + "," + details.getSl() + ")");
// 修改库存表记录
Item item = new Item();
TbSpinfo spInfo = getSpInfo(item);
if (spInfo.getId() != null && !spInfo.getId().isEmpty()) {
TbKucun kucun = getKucun(item);
if (kucun.getId() != null && !kucun.getId().isEmpty()) {
int sl = kucun.getKcsl() - details.getSl();
update("update tb_kucun set kcsl=" + sl + " where id='"
+ kucun.getId() + "'");
} catch (SQLException e) {
return false;
return true;
// 获取更类主表最大ID
private static String getMainTypeTableMaxId(Date date, String table,
String idChar, String idName) {
String dateStr = date.toString().replace("-", "");
String id = idChar + dateStr;
String sql = "select max(" + idName + ") from " + table + " where "
+ idName + " like '" + id + "%'";
ResultSet set = query(sql);
String baseId = null;
try {
if (set.next())
baseId = set.getString(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
baseId = baseId == null ? "000" : baseId.substring(baseId.length() - 3);
int idNum = Integer.parseInt(baseId) + 1;
id += String.format("%03d", idNum);
return id;
// 获得最大的销售退货编号
public static String getXsthMainMaxId(Date date) {
return getMainTypeTableMaxId(date, "tb_xsth_main", "XT", "xsthID");
// 获得库存信息
public static List getKucunInfos() {
List list = findForList("select id,spname,dj,kcsl from tb_kucun");
return list;
// 在事务中添加销售退货信息
public static boolean insertXsthInfo(TbXsthMain xsthMain) {
try {
boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
// 添加销售退货主表记录
insert("insert into tb_xsth_main values('" + xsthMain.getXsthId()
+ "','" + xsthMain.getPzs() + "'," + xsthMain.getJe()
+ ",'" + xsthMain.getYsjl() + "','" + xsthMain.getKhname()
+ "','" + xsthMain.getThdate() + "','" + xsthMain.getCzy()
+ "','" + xsthMain.getJsr() + "','" + xsthMain.getJsfs()
+ "')");
Set<TbXsthDetail> xsthDetails = xsthMain.getTbXsthDetails();
for (Iterator<TbXsthDetail> iter = xsthDetails.iterator(); iter
.hasNext();) {
TbXsthDetail details = iter.next();
// 添加销售退货详细表记录
insert("insert into tb_xsth_detail values('"
+ xsthMain.getXsthId() + "','" + details.getSpid()
+ "'," + details.getDj() + "," + details.getSl() + ")");
// 修改库存表记录
Item item = new Item();
TbSpinfo spInfo = getSpInfo(item);
if (spInfo.getId() != null && !spInfo.getId().isEmpty()) {
TbKucun kucun = getKucun(item);
if (kucun.getId() != null && !kucun.getId().isEmpty()) {
int sl = kucun.getKcsl() + details.getSl();
update("update tb_kucun set kcsl=" + sl + " where id='"
+ kucun.getId() + "'");
} catch (SQLException e) {
return true;
// 添加用户
public static int addJsr(TbJsr jsr) {
String sql = "insert tb_jsr values('" + jsr.getName() + "','"
+ jsr.getSex() + "','" + jsr.getAge() + "','" + jsr.getTel()
+ "',1)";
return update(sql);
public static List getJsrs() {
List list = findForList("select * from tb_jsr where enable=1");
return list;
// 修改用户方法
public static int modifyPassword(String oldPass, String pass) {
return update("update tb_userlist set pass='" + pass + "' where pass='"
+ oldPass + "'");
// 获取用户对象的方法
public static TbJsr getUser(Item item) {
String where = "username='" + item.getName() + "'";
if (item.getId() != null)
where = "name='" + item.getId() + "'";
ResultSet rs = findForResultSet("select * from tb_userlist where "
+ where);
TbJsr user = new TbJsr();
try {
if (rs.next()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return user;
// 验证登录
public static boolean checkLogin(String userStr, String passStr)
throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs = findForResultSet("select * from tb_userlist where name='"
+ userStr + "' and pass='" + passStr + "'");
if (rs == null)
return false;
return rs.next();
(1)getKhInfo(Item item)方法
public static TbKhinfo getKhInfo(Item item) {
String where = "khname='" + item.getName() + "'";
if (item.getId() != null)
where = "id='" + item.getId() + "'";
TbKhinfo info = new TbKhinfo();
ResultSet set = findForResultSet("select * from tb_khinfo where "
+ where);
try {
if (set.next()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return info;
(2)getGysInfo(Item item)方法
// 读取指定供应商信息
public static TbGysinfo getGysInfo(Item item) {
String where = "name='" + item.getName() + "'";
if (item.getId() != null)
where = "id='" + item.getId() + "'";
TbGysinfo info = new TbGysinfo();
ResultSet set = findForResultSet("select * from tb_gysinfo where "
+ where);
try {
if (set.next()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return info;
(3)getSpInfo(Item item)方法
// 读取商品信息
public static TbSpinfo getSpInfo(Item item) {
String where = "spname='" + item.getName() + "'";
if (item.getId() != null)
where = "id='" + item.getId() + "'";
ResultSet rs = findForResultSet("select * from tb_spinfo where "
+ where);
TbSpinfo spInfo = new TbSpinfo();
try {
if (rs.next()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
return spInfo;
(4)getLogin(String name, String password)方法
public static boolean getLogin(String name, String password)
throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs = findForResultSet("select * from tb_userlist where name='"
+ name + "' and pass='" + password + "'");//执行SQL查询
return rs.next();
(5)insertSellInfo(TbSellMain sellMain)方法
// 在事务中添加销售信息
public static boolean insertSellInfo(TbSellMain sellMain) {
try {
boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit();
// 添加销售主表记录
insert("insert into tb_sell_main values('" + sellMain.getSellId()
+ "','" + sellMain.getPzs() + "'," + sellMain.getJe()
+ ",'" + sellMain.getYsjl() + "','" + sellMain.getKhname()
+ "','" + sellMain.getXsdate() + "','" + sellMain.getCzy()
+ "','" + sellMain.getJsr() + "','" + sellMain.getJsfs()
+ "')");
Set<TbSellDetail> rkDetails = sellMain.getTbSellDetails();
for (Iterator<TbSellDetail> iter = rkDetails.iterator(); iter
.hasNext();) {
TbSellDetail details = iter.next();
// 添加销售详细表记录
insert("insert into tb_sell_detail values('"
+ sellMain.getSellId() + "','" + details.getSpid()
+ "'," + details.getDj() + "," + details.getSl() + ")");
// 修改库存表记录
Item item = new Item();
TbSpinfo spInfo = getSpInfo(item);
if (spInfo.getId() != null && !spInfo.getId().isEmpty()) {
TbKucun kucun = getKucun(item);
if (kucun.getId() != null && !kucun.getId().isEmpty()) {
int sl = kucun.getKcsl() - details.getSl();
update("update tb_kucun set kcsl=" + sl + " where id='"
+ kucun.getId() + "'");
} catch (SQLException e) {
return false;
return true;
// 数据库备份
public static String backup() throws SQLException {
LinkedList<String> sqls = new LinkedList<String>();// 备份文件中的所有sql
// 涉及的相关表命数组
String tables[] = { "tb_gysinfo", "tb_jsr", "tb_khinfo", "tb_kucun",
"tb_rkth_detail", "tb_rkth_main", "tb_ruku_detail",
"tb_ruku_main", "tb_sell_detail", "tb_sell_main", "tb_spinfo",
"tb_userlist", "tb_xsth_detail", "tb_xsth_main" };
ArrayList<Tables> tableList = new ArrayList<Tables>();// 创建保存所有表对象的集合
for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {// 遍历表名称数组
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("desc " + tables[i]);// 查询表结构
ArrayList<Columns> columns = new ArrayList<Columns>();// 列集合
while (rs.next()) {
Columns c = new Columns();// 创建列对象
c.setName(rs.getString("Field"));// 读取列名
c.setType(rs.getString("Type"));// 读取列类型
String isnull = rs.getString("Null");// 读取为空类型
if ("YES".equals(isnull)) {// 如果列可以为空
c.setNull(true);// 列可以为空
String key = rs.getString("Key");// 读取主键类型
if ("PRI".equals(key)) {// 如果是主键
c.setKey(true);// 列为主键
String increment = rs.getString("Extra");// 读取特殊属性
if ("auto_increment".equals(increment)) {// 表主键是否自增
c.setIncrement(true);// 主键自增
columns.add(c);// 列集合添加此列
Tables table = new Tables(tables[i], columns);// 创建表示此表命和拥有对应列对象的表对象
tableList.add(table);// 表集合保存此表对象
rs.close();// 关闭结果集
stmt.close();// 关闭sql语句接口
for (int i = 0; i < tableList.size(); i++) {// 遍历表对象集合
Tables table = tableList.get(i);// 获取表格对象
String dropsql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + table.getName() + " ;";// 删除表sql
sqls.add(dropsql);// 添加删除表sql
StringBuilder createsql = new StringBuilder();// 创建表sql
createsql.append("CREATE TABLE " + table.getName() + "( ");// 创建语句句头
ArrayList<Columns> columns = table.getColumns();// 获取表中所有列对象
for (int k = 0; k < columns.size(); k++) {// 遍历列集合
Columns c = columns.get(k);// 获取列对象
createsql.append(c.getName() + " " + c.getType());// 添加列名和类型声明语句
if (!c.isNull()) {// 如果列可以为空
createsql.append(" not null ");// 添加可以为空语句
if (c.isKey()) {// 如果是主键
createsql.append(" primary key ");// 添加主键语句
if (c.isIncrement()) {// 如果是主键自增
createsql.append(" AUTO_INCREMENT ");// 添加自增语句
if (k < columns.size() - 1) {// 如果不是最后一列
createsql.append(",");// 添加逗号
} else {// 如果是最后一列
createsql.append(");");// 创建语句结尾
sqls.add(createsql.toString());// 添加创建表sql
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();// 执行sql接口
ResultSet rs = stmt
.executeQuery("select * from " + table.getName());
while (rs.next()) {
StringBuilder insertsql = new StringBuilder();// 插入值sql
insertsql.append("INSERT INTO " + table.getName() + " VALUES(");
for (int j = 0; j < columns.size(); j++) {// 遍历表中所有列
Columns c = columns.get(j);// 获取列对象
String type = c.getType();// 获取列字段修饰符
if (type.startsWith("varchar") || type.startsWith("char")
|| type.startsWith("datetime")) {// 如果数据类型开头用varchar、char、datetime任意一种修饰
insertsql.append("'" + rs.getString(c.getName()) + "'");// 获取本列数据,两端加逗号
} else {
insertsql.append(rs.getString(c.getName()));// 获取本列数据,两端不加逗号
if (j < columns.size() - 1) {// 如果不是最后一列
insertsql.append(",");// 添加逗号
} else {// 如果是最后一列
insertsql.append(");");// 添加句尾
sqls.add(insertsql.toString());// 添加插入数据sql
rs.close();// 关闭结果集
stmt.close();// 关闭sql语句接口
sqls.add("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v_rukuView;"); // 插入删除视图语句
// 插入创建爱视图语句
sqls.add("CREATE VIEW v_rukuView AS SELECT tb_ruku_main.rkID, tb_ruku_detail.spid, tb_spinfo.spname, tb_spinfo.gg, tb_ruku_detail.dj, tb_ruku_detail.sl,tb_ruku_detail.dj * tb_ruku_detail.sl AS je, tb_spinfo.gysname, tb_ruku_main.rkdate, tb_ruku_main.czy, tb_ruku_main.jsr,tb_ruku_main.jsfs FROM tb_ruku_detail INNER JOIN tb_ruku_main ON tb_ruku_detail.rkID = tb_ruku_main.rkID INNER JOIN tb_spinfo ON tb_ruku_detail.spid = tb_spinfo.id;");
sqls.add("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v_sellView;");// 插入删除视图语句
// 插入创建爱视图语句
sqls.add("CREATE VIEW v_sellView AS SELECT tb_sell_main.sellID, tb_spinfo.spname, tb_sell_detail.spid, tb_spinfo.gg, tb_sell_detail.dj, tb_sell_detail.sl,tb_sell_detail.sl * tb_sell_detail.dj AS je, tb_sell_main.khname, tb_sell_main.xsdate, tb_sell_main.czy, tb_sell_main.jsr,tb_sell_main.jsfs FROM tb_sell_detail INNER JOIN tb_sell_main ON tb_sell_detail.sellID = tb_sell_main.sellID INNER JOIN tb_spinfo ON tb_sell_detail.spid = tb_spinfo.id;");
java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();// 通过Date对象获得当前时间
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss");// 设置当前时间的输出格式
String backupTime = sdf.format(date);// 格式化Date对象
String filePath = "backup\\" + backupTime + ".sql";// 通过拼接字符串获得备份文件的存放路径
File sqlFile = new File(filePath);// 创建备份文件对象
FileOutputStream fos = null;// 文件字节输出流
OutputStreamWriter osw = null;// 字节流转为字符流
BufferedWriter rw = null;// 缓冲字符流
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream(sqlFile);
osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos);
rw = new BufferedWriter(osw);
for (String tmp : sqls) {// 遍历所有备份sql
rw.write(tmp);// 向文件中写入sql
rw.newLine();// 文件换行
rw.flush();// 字符流刷新
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
// 倒序依次关闭所有IO流
if (rw != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (osw != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (fos != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return filePath;
(7)restore(String filePath)方法
// 数据库恢复
public static void restore(String filePath) {
File sqlFile = new File(filePath);// 创建备份文件对象
Statement stmt = null;// sql语句直接接口
FileInputStream fis = null;// 文件输入字节流
InputStreamReader isr = null;// 字节流转为字符流
BufferedReader br = null;// 缓存输入字符流
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(sqlFile);
isr = new InputStreamReader(fis);
br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String readStr = null;// 缓冲字符串,保存备份文件中一行的内容
while ((readStr = br.readLine()) != null) {// 逐行读取备份文件中的内容
if (!"".equals(readStr.trim())) {// 如果读取的内容不为空
stmt = conn.createStatement();// 创建sql语句直接接口
int count = stmt.executeUpdate(readStr);// 执行sql语句
stmt.close();// 关闭接口
} catch (SQLException e) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
// 倒序依次关闭所有IO流
if (br != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (isr != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (fis != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
(8)checkLogin(String userStr, String passStr)方法
// 验证登录
public static boolean checkLogin(String userStr, String passStr)
throws SQLException {
ResultSet rs = findForResultSet("select * from tb_userlist where name='"
+ userStr + "' and pass='" + passStr + "'");
if (rs == null)
return false;
return rs.next();