Bing Maps——必应地图

When the Bing Maps tile service doesn't have tiles for a given resolution and region it returns "placeholder" tiles indicating that. Zoom the map beyond level 19 to see the "placeholder" tiles. If you want OpenLayers to display stretched tiles in place of "placeholder" tiles beyond zoom level 19 then set maxZoom to19 in the options passed to ol.source.BingMaps.
Bing Maps瓦片服务在一个给定的分辨率和区域下而没有瓦片时,它将会返回“占位”瓦片来表示它的位置。放大地图并超过19级,你就会看见“占位”瓦片。在缩放级别超过19级以后,如果你想让OpenLayers显示拉伸的瓦片代替“占位”瓦片,你需要通过ol.source.BingMaps来设置其maxZoom属性为19。

    Bing Maps
