利用Yii写了一个Hello World.

log date: 2012.4.25


>>>Example of hello world:<<<

0. 修改C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd-xampp.conf

    Alias /yii "C:/xampp/yii/"
        AllowOverride AuthConfig


1. 生成web项目目录
C:\xampp\yii> .\framework\yiic webapp power

C:\xampp\yii\power> ..\framework\yiic shell
>> controller message helloWorld

3. 编辑程序文件

Edit the file protected/views/message/helloWorld.php
so that it contains just thefollowing code:


Hello, World!

Edit the file protected/controllers/MessageController.php
add the following two lines to function actionHelloWorld()
and remove the old one:

$theTime = date("D M j G:i:s T Y");

4. you can visit:

>>> End of hello world <<<

你可能感兴趣的:(利用Yii写了一个Hello World.)