android wear开发之:创建可穿戴设备应用 - Creating Wearable Apps








Creating Wearable Apps


Wearable apps run directly on the device, giving you access to hardware such as sensors and the GPU. They are fundamentally the same as apps built for other devices using the Android SDK, but differ greatly in design and usability and the amount of functionality provided. These are the main differences between handheld and wearable apps:

可穿戴设备应用直接运行在设备上,允许你访问诸如传感器和GPU之类的硬件。它们本质上与运行在其他设备上并且使用Android SDK的应用相同,但是在设计、可用性与功能提供的数量上有很大的不同。下面是手持设备与可穿戴设备主要的区别:

  • Wearable apps are relatively small in size and functionality compared to handheld apps. They contain only what makes sense on the wearable, which is usually a small subset of the corresponding handheld app. In general, you should carry out operations on the handheld when possible and send the results to the wearable.


  • Users don't download apps directly onto the wearable. Instead, you bundle the wearable app inside the handheld app. When users install the handheld app, the system automatically installs the wearable app. However, for development purposes, you can still install the wearable app directly to the wearable.


  • Wearable apps can access much of the standard Android APIs, but don't support the following APIs:

可穿戴设备应用可以访问更多标准Android APIs,除了以下APIs:

    • android.webkit
    • android.print
    • android.appwidget
    • android.hardware.usb

You can check if a wearable supports a feature by calling hasSystemFeature() before trying to use an API.



To conserve power on a wearable device, you can enable ambient mode for your Wear app. Devices transition from interactive to ambient mode when the user is idle on an activity or when the user covers the screen with their palm. Wearable apps that can transition into ambient mode are called always-on apps. The following describes the two modes of operation for always-on apps:

为了保证可穿戴设备的电量,你可以使你的Wear App适应环境。当用户的一个activity空闲时,或用户用手掌转变屏幕时,设备从与环境的交互转变模式。能够转变到环境模式的Wearable apps被always-on的应用调用。


交互 - Interactive

Use full color with fluid animation in this mode. The app is also responsive to input.



环境 - Ambient

Render the screen with grayscale graphics and do not present any input cues in this mode. This display mode is only supported on devices running Android 5.1 or higher.

在这个模组中,用灰度绘图分开屏幕,且不显示任何输入提示。该显示模组只支持运行在Android 5.1或更高版本的设备上。


On devices running versions prior to Android 5.1 or for apps that do not support ambient mode, when a user is idle on an activity or when the user covers the screen with their palm on an activity, the Wear home screen is displayed instead of your activity in ambient mode. If you need to show persistent content on versions prior to Android 5.1, create a notification in the context stream instead.

设备运行版本低于Android 5.1,或者不支持环境模式的应用,当用户的一个activity空闲时,或者用户用它们的手掌覆盖activity,Wear home screen将用环境模组中的你的activity显示来替代。如果你坚持要在Android 5.1以前的版本显示内容,在内容流中创建一个通知。


Note: We recommend using Android Studio for Android Wear development as it provides project setup, library inclusion, and packaging conveniences that aren't available in ADT. The rest of this training assumes you're using Android Studio.

注意:我们建议使用Android Studio来为安卓可穿戴设备开发,它提供项目安装、类库包含、以及打包便利器等ADT中不可用的内容。下面的训练我们假设您使用的是Android Studio。


课程 - Lessons

创建和运行一个可穿戴设备应用 - Creating and Running a Wearable App

创建自定义布局 - Creating Custom Layouts

保持你的应用的可见性 - Keeping Your App Visible

添加语音功能 - Adding Voice Capabilities

打包可穿戴设备应用 - Packaging Wearable Apps

通过蓝牙进行调试 - Debugging over Bluetooth


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