* jQuery Steps v1.0.6 - 04/27/2014
* Copyright (c) 2014 Rafael Staib (http://www.jquery-steps.com)
* Licensed under MIT http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT
! function (a, b) {
function c(a, b) {
function d(d, e, f) {
var g = d.children(e.headerTag),
h = d.children(e.bodyTag);
g.length > h.length ? R(Z, "contents") : g.length < h.length && R(Z, "titles");
var i = e.startIndex;
if (f.stepCount = g.length, e.saveState && a.cookie) {
var j = a.cookie(U + q(d)),
k = parseInt(j, 0);
!isNaN(k) && k < f.stepCount && (i = k)
f.currentIndex = i, g.each(function (e) {
var f = a(this),
g = h.eq(e),
i = g.data("mode"),
j = null == i ? $.html : r($, /^\s*$/.test(i) || isNaN(i) ? i : parseInt(i, 0)),
k = j === $.html || g.data("url") === b ? "" : g.data("url"),
l = j !== $.html && "1" === g.data("loaded"),
m = a.extend({}, bb, {
title: f.html(),
content: j === $.html ? g.html() : "",
contentUrl: k,
contentMode: j,
contentLoaded: l
c(d, m)
function e(a) {
function f(a, b) {
return a.currentIndex - b
function g(b, c) {
var d = i(b);
b.unbind(d).removeData("uid").removeData("options").removeData("state").removeData("steps").removeData("eventNamespace").find(".actions a").unbind(d), b.removeClass(c.clearFixCssClass + " vertical");
var e = b.find(".content > *");
e.removeData("loaded").removeData("mode").removeData("url"), e.removeAttr("id").removeAttr("role").removeAttr("tabindex").removeAttr("class").removeAttr("style")._removeAria("labelledby")._removeAria("hidden"), b.find(".content > [data-mode='async'],.content > [data-mode='iframe']").empty();
var f = a('<{0} class="{1}">{0}>'.format(b.get(0).tagName, b.attr("class"))),
g = b._id();
return null != g && "" !== g && f._id(g), f.html(b.find(".content").html()), b.after(f), b.remove(), f
function h(a, b) {
var c = a.find(".steps li").eq(b.currentIndex);
a.triggerHandler("finishing", [b.currentIndex]) ? (c.addClass("done").removeClass("error"), a.triggerHandler("finished", [b.currentIndex])) : c.addClass("error")
function i(a) {
var b = a.data("eventNamespace");
return null == b && (b = "." + q(a), a.data("eventNamespace", b)), b
function j(a, b) {
var c = q(a);
return a.find("#" + c + V + b)
function k(a, b) {
var c = q(a);
return a.find("#" + c + W + b)
function l(a, b) {
var c = q(a);
return a.find("#" + c + X + b)
function m(a) {
return a.data("options")
function n(a) {
return a.data("state")
function o(a) {
return a.data("steps")
function p(a, b) {
var c = o(a);
return (0 > b || b >= c.length) && R(Y), c[b]
function q(a) {
var b = a.data("uid");
return null == b && (b = a._id(), null == b && (b = "steps-uid-".concat(T), a._id(b)), T++, a.data("uid", b)), b
function r(a, c) {
if (S("enumType", a), S("keyOrValue", c), "string" == typeof c) {
var d = a[c];
return d === b && R("The enum key '{0}' does not exist.", c), d
if ("number" == typeof c) {
for (var e in a)
if (a[e] === c) return c;
R("Invalid enum value '{0}'.", c)
} else R("Invalid key or value type.")
function s(a, b, c) {
return B(a, b, c, v(c, 1))
function t(a, b, c) {
return B(a, b, c, f(c, 1))
function u(a, b, c, d) {
if ((0 > d || d >= c.stepCount) && R(Y), !(b.forceMoveForward && d < c.currentIndex)) {
var e = c.currentIndex;
return a.triggerHandler("stepChanging", [c.currentIndex, d]) ? (c.currentIndex = d, O(a, b, c), E(a, b, c, e), D(a, b, c), A(a, b, c), P(a, b, c, d, e), a.triggerHandler("stepChanged", [d, e])) : a.find(".steps li").eq(e).addClass("error"), !0
function v(a, b) {
return a.currentIndex + b
function w(b) {
var c = a.extend(!0, {}, cb, b);
return this.each(function () {
var b = a(this),
e = {
currentIndex: c.startIndex,
currentStep: null,
stepCount: 0,
transitionElement: null
b.data("options", c), b.data("state", e), b.data("steps", []), d(b, c, e), J(b, c, e), G(b, c), c.autoFocus && 0 === T && j(b, c.startIndex).focus()
function x(b, c, d, e, f) {
(0 > e || e > d.stepCount) && R(Y), f = a.extend({}, bb, f), y(b, e, f), d.currentIndex !== d.stepCount && d.currentIndex >= e && (d.currentIndex++, O(b, c, d)), d.stepCount++;
var g = b.find(".content"),
h = a("<{0}>{1}{0}>".format(c.headerTag, f.title)),
i = a("<{0}>{0}>".format(c.bodyTag));
return (null == f.contentMode || f.contentMode === $.html) && i.html(f.content), 0 === e ? g.prepend(i).prepend(h) : k(b, e - 1).after(i).after(h), K(b, d, i, e), N(b, c, d, h, e), F(b, c, d, e), e === d.currentIndex && E(b, c, d), D(b, c, d), b
function y(a, b, c) {
o(a).splice(b, 0, c)
function z(b) {
var c = a(this),
d = m(c),
e = n(c);
if (d.suppressPaginationOnFocus && c.find(":focus").is(":input")) return b.preventDefault(), !1;
var f = {
left: 37,
right: 39
b.keyCode === f.left ? (b.preventDefault(), t(c, d, e)) : b.keyCode === f.right && (b.preventDefault(), s(c, d, e))
function A(b, c, d) {
if (d.stepCount > 0) {
var e = p(b, d.currentIndex);
if (!c.enableContentCache || !e.contentLoaded) switch (r($, e.contentMode)) {
case $.iframe:
b.find(".content > .body").eq(d.currentIndex).empty().html('').data("loaded", "1");
case $.async:
var f = k(b, d.currentIndex)._aria("busy", "true").empty().append(M(c.loadingTemplate, {
text: c.labels.loading
url: e.contentUrl,
cache: !1
}).done(function (a) {
f.empty().html(a)._aria("busy", "false").data("loaded", "1")
function B(a, b, c, d) {
var e = c.currentIndex;
if (d >= 0 && d < c.stepCount && !(b.forceMoveForward && d < c.currentIndex)) {
var f = j(a, d),
g = f.parent(),
h = g.hasClass("disabled");
return g._enableAria(), f.click(), e === c.currentIndex && h ? (g._enableAria(!1), !1) : !0
return !1
function C(b) {
var c = a(this),
d = c.parent().parent().parent().parent(),
f = m(d),
g = n(d),
i = c.attr("href");
switch (i.substring(i.lastIndexOf("#") + 1)) {
case "cancel":
case "finish":
h(d, g);
case "next":
s(d, f, g);
case "previous":
t(d, f, g)
function D(a, b, c) {
if (b.enablePagination) {
var d = a.find(".actions a[href$='#finish']").parent(),
e = a.find(".actions a[href$='#next']").parent();
if (!b.forceMoveForward) {
var f = a.find(".actions a[href$='#previous']").parent();
f._enableAria(c.currentIndex > 0)
b.enableFinishButton && b.showFinishButtonAlways ? (d._enableAria(c.stepCount > 0), e._enableAria(c.stepCount > 1 && c.stepCount > c.currentIndex + 1)) : (d._showAria(b.enableFinishButton && c.stepCount >= c.currentIndex + 1), e._showAria(0 === c.stepCount || c.stepCount > c.currentIndex + 1)._enableAria(c.stepCount > c.currentIndex + 1 || !b.enableFinishButton))
function E(b, c, d, e) {
var f = j(b, d.currentIndex),
g = a('' + c.labels.current + " "),
h = b.find(".content > .title");
if (null != e) {
var i = j(b, e);
i.parent().addClass("done").removeClass("error")._selectAria(!1), h.eq(e).removeClass("current").next(".body").removeClass("current"), g = i.find(".current-info"), f.focus()
f.prepend(g).parent()._selectAria().removeClass("done")._enableAria(), h.eq(d.currentIndex).addClass("current").next(".body").addClass("current")
function F(a, b, c, d) {
for (var e = q(a), f = d; f < c.stepCount; f++) {
var g = e + V + f,
h = e + W + f,
i = e + X + f,
j = a.find(".title").eq(f)._id(i);
a.find(".steps a").eq(f)._id(g)._aria("controls", h).attr("href", "#" + i).html(M(b.titleTemplate, {
index: f + 1,
title: j.html()
})), a.find(".body").eq(f)._id(h)._aria("labelledby", i)
function G(a, b) {
var c = i(a);
a.bind("canceled" + c, b.onCanceled), a.bind("finishing" + c, b.onFinishing), a.bind("finished" + c, b.onFinished), a.bind("stepChanging" + c, b.onStepChanging), a.bind("stepChanged" + c, b.onStepChanged), b.enableKeyNavigation && a.bind("keyup" + c, z), a.find(".actions a").bind("click" + c, C)
function H(a, b, c, d) {
return 0 > d || d >= c.stepCount || c.currentIndex === d ? !1 : (I(a, d), c.currentIndex > d && (c.currentIndex--, O(a, b, c)), c.stepCount--, l(a, d).remove(), k(a, d).remove(), j(a, d).parent().remove(), 0 === d && a.find(".steps li").first().addClass("first"), d === c.stepCount && a.find(".steps li").eq(d).addClass("last"), F(a, b, c, d), D(a, b, c), !0)
function I(a, b) {
o(a).splice(b, 1)
function J(b, c, d) {
var e = '<{0} class="{1}">{2}{0}>',
f = r(_, c.stepsOrientation),
g = f === _.vertical ? " vertical" : "",
h = a(e.format(c.contentContainerTag, "content " + c.clearFixCssClass, b.html())),
i = a(e.format(c.stepsContainerTag, "steps " + c.clearFixCssClass, '
j = h.children(c.headerTag),
k = h.children(c.bodyTag);
b.attr("role", "application").empty().append(i).append(h).addClass(c.cssClass + " " + c.clearFixCssClass + g), k.each(function (c) {
K(b, d, a(this), c)
}), j.each(function (e) {
N(b, c, d, a(this), e)
}), E(b, c, d), L(b, c, d)
function K(a, b, c, d) {
var e = q(a),
f = e + W + d,
g = e + X + d;
c._id(f).attr("role", "tabpanel")._aria("labelledby", g).addClass("body")._showAria(b.currentIndex === d)
function L(a, b, c) {
if (b.enablePagination) {
var d = '<{0} class="actions {1}">{3}
e = '{1} ',
f = "";
b.forceMoveForward || (f += e.format("previous", b.labels.previous)), f += e.format("next", b.labels.next), b.enableFinishButton , b.enableCancelButton, a.append(d.format(b.actionContainerTag, b.clearFixCssClass, b.labels.pagination, f)), D(a, b, c), A(a, b, c)
function M(a, c) {
for (var d = a.match(/#([a-z]*)#/gi), e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
var f = d[e],
g = f.substring(1, f.length - 1);
c[g] === b && R("The key '{0}' does not exist in the substitute collection!", g), a = a.replace(f, c[g])
return a
function N(b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = q(b),
h = g + V + f,
j = g + W + f,
k = g + X + f,
l = b.find(".steps > ul"),
m = M(c.titleTemplate, {
index: f + 1,
title: e.html()
n = a('' + m + " ");
n._enableAria(c.enableAllSteps || d.currentIndex > f), d.currentIndex > f && n.addClass("done"), e._id(k).attr("tabindex", "-1").addClass("title"), 0 === f ? l.prepend(n) : l.find("li").eq(f - 1).after(n), 0 === f && l.find("li").removeClass("first").eq(f).addClass("first"), f === d.stepCount - 1 && l.find("li").removeClass("last").eq(f).addClass("last"), n.children("a").bind("click" + i(b), Q)
function O(b, c, d) {
c.saveState && a.cookie && a.cookie(U + q(b), d.currentIndex)
function P(b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = b.find(".content > .body"),
h = r(ab, c.transitionEffect),
i = c.transitionEffectSpeed,
j = g.eq(e),
k = g.eq(f);
switch (h) {
case ab.fade:
case ab.slide:
var l = h === ab.fade ? "fadeOut" : "slideUp",
m = h === ab.fade ? "fadeIn" : "slideDown";
d.transitionElement = j, k[l](i, function () {
var b = a(this)._showAria(!1).parent().parent(),
c = n(b);
c.transitionElement && (c.transitionElement[m](i, function () {
}), c.transitionElement = null)
case ab.slideLeft:
var o = k.outerWidth(!0),
p = e > f ? -o : o,
q = e > f ? o : -o;
left: p
}, i, function () {
}).promise(), j.css("left", q + "px")._showAria().animate({
left: 0
}, i).promise();
k._showAria(!1), j._showAria()
function Q(b) {
var c = a(this),
d = c.parent().parent().parent().parent(),
e = m(d),
f = n(d),
g = f.currentIndex;
if (c.parent().is(":not(.disabled):not(.current)")) {
var h = c.attr("href"),
i = parseInt(h.substring(h.lastIndexOf("-") + 1), 0);
u(d, e, f, i)
return g === f.currentIndex ? (j(d, g).focus(), !1) : void 0
function R(a) {
throw arguments.length > 1 && (a = a.format(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1))), new Error(a)
function S(a, b) {
null == b && R("The argument '{0}' is null or undefined.", a)
_aria: function (a, b) {
return this.attr("aria-" + a, b)
}, _removeAria: function (a) {
return this.removeAttr("aria-" + a)
}, _enableAria: function (a) {
return null == a || a ? this.removeClass("disabled")._aria("disabled", "false") : this.addClass("disabled")._aria("disabled", "true")
}, _showAria: function (a) {
return null == a || a ? this.show()._aria("hidden", "false") : this.hide()._aria("hidden", "true")
}, _selectAria: function (a) {
return null == a || a ? this.addClass("current")._aria("selected", "true") : this.removeClass("current")._aria("selected", "false")
}, _id: function (a) {
return a ? this.attr("id", a) : this.attr("id")
}), String.prototype.format || (String.prototype.format = function () {
for (var b = 1 === arguments.length && a.isArray(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] : arguments, c = this, d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var e = new RegExp("\\{" + d + "\\}", "gm");
c = c.replace(e, b[d])
return c
var T = 0,
U = "jQu3ry_5teps_St@te_",
V = "-t-",
W = "-p-",
X = "-h-",
Y = "Index out of range.",
Z = "One or more corresponding step {0} are missing.";
a.fn.steps = function (b) {
return a.fn.steps[b] ? a.fn.steps[b].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) : "object" != typeof b && b ? void a.error("Method " + b + " does not exist on jQuery.steps") : w.apply(this, arguments)
}, a.fn.steps.add = function (a) {
var b = n(this);
return x(this, m(this), b, b.stepCount, a)
}, a.fn.steps.destroy = function () {
return g(this, m(this))
}, a.fn.steps.finish = function () {
h(this, n(this))
}, a.fn.steps.getCurrentIndex = function () {
return n(this).currentIndex
}, a.fn.steps.getCurrentStep = function () {
return p(this, n(this).currentIndex)
}, a.fn.steps.getStep = function (a) {
return p(this, a)
}, a.fn.steps.insert = function (a, b) {
return x(this, m(this), n(this), a, b)
}, a.fn.steps.next = function () {
return s(this, m(this), n(this))
}, a.fn.steps.previous = function () {
return t(this, m(this), n(this))
}, a.fn.steps.remove = function (a) {
return H(this, m(this), n(this), a)
}, a.fn.steps.setStep = function () {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented!")
}, a.fn.steps.skip = function () {
throw new Error("Not yet implemented!")
var $ = a.fn.steps.contentMode = {
html: 0,
iframe: 1,
async: 2
_ = a.fn.steps.stepsOrientation = {
horizontal: 0,
vertical: 1
ab = a.fn.steps.transitionEffect = {
none: 0,
fade: 1,
slide: 2,
slideLeft: 3
bb = a.fn.steps.stepModel = {
title: "",
content: "",
contentUrl: "",
contentMode: $.html,
contentLoaded: !1
cb = a.fn.steps.defaults = {
headerTag: "h1",
bodyTag: "div",
contentContainerTag: "div",
actionContainerTag: "div",
stepsContainerTag: "div",
cssClass: "wizard",
clearFixCssClass: "clearfix",
stepsOrientation: _.horizontal,
titleTemplate: '#index#. #title#',
loadingTemplate: ' #text#',
autoFocus: !1,
enableAllSteps: !1,
enableKeyNavigation: !0,
enablePagination: !0,
suppressPaginationOnFocus: !0,
enableContentCache: !0,
enableCancelButton: !0,
enableFinishButton: !0,
preloadContent: !1,
showFinishButtonAlways: !1,
forceMoveForward: !1,
saveState: !1,
startIndex: 0,
transitionEffect: ab.none,
transitionEffectSpeed: 200,
onStepChanging: function () {
return !0
}, onStepChanged: function () {}, onCanceled: function () {}, onFinishing: function () {
return !0
}, onFinished: function () {}, labels: {
// cancel: "取消",
current: "当前步骤:",
pagination: "分页",
// finish: "完成",
next: "下一步",
previous: "上一步",
loading: "加载中 ..."