Create a vector
# Define the variable vegas
vegas <- "Go!"
Create a vector (2)
numeric_vector <- c(1, 10, 49)
character_vector <- c("a", "b", "c")
# Complete the code for boolean_vector
boolean_vector <-c(T,F,T)
Create a vector (3)
# Poker winnings from Monday to Friday
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
# Roulette winnings from Monday to Friday
roulette_vector <-c(-24,-50,100,-350,10)
Naming a vector
# Poker winnings from Monday to Friday
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
# Roulette winnings from Monday to Friday
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
# Assign days as names of poker_vector
names(poker_vector) <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
# Assign days as names of roulette_vectors
names(roulette_vector) <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
Naming a vector (2)
# Poker winnings from Monday to Friday
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
# Roulette winnings from Monday to Friday
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
# The variable days_vector
days_vector <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
# Assign the names of the day to roulette_vector and poker_vector
names(poker_vector) <-days_vector
names(roulette_vector) <-days_vector
Calculating total winnings
A_vector <- c(1, 2, 3)
B_vector <- c(4, 5, 6)
# Take the sum of A_vector and B_vector
total_vector <-A_vector+B_vector
# Print out total_vector
Calculating total winnings (2)
# Poker and roulette winnings from Monday to Friday:
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
days_vector <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
names(poker_vector) <- days_vector
names(roulette_vector) <- days_vector
# Assign to total_daily how much you won/lost on each day
total_daily <-poker_vector+roulette_vector
Calculating total winnings (3)
# Poker and roulette winnings from Monday to Friday:
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
days_vector <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
names(poker_vector) <- days_vector
names(roulette_vector) <- days_vector
# Total winnings with poker
total_poker <- sum(poker_vector)
# Total winnings with roulette
total_roulette <-sum(roulette_vector)
# Total winnings overall
total_week <-total_poker+total_roulette
# Print out total_week
Comparing total winnings
# Poker and roulette winnings from Monday to Friday:
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
days_vector <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
names(poker_vector) <- days_vector
names(roulette_vector) <- days_vector
# Calculate total gains for poker and roulette
total_poker <-sum(poker_vector)
total_roulette <-sum(roulette_vector)
# Check if you realized higher total gains in poker than in roulette
Vector selection: the good times
# Poker and roulette winnings from Monday to Friday:
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
days_vector <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
names(poker_vector) <- days_vector
names(roulette_vector) <- days_vector
# Define a new variable based on a selection
poker_wednesday <-poker_vector[3]
Vector selection: the good times (2)
# Poker and roulette winnings from Monday to Friday:
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
days_vector <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
names(poker_vector) <- days_vector
names(roulette_vector) <- days_vector
# Define a new variable based on a selection
poker_midweek <-poker_vector[2:4]
Vector selection: the good times (3)
# Poker and roulette winnings from Monday to Friday:
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
days_vector <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
names(poker_vector) <- days_vector
names(roulette_vector) <- days_vector
# Define a new variable based on a selection
roulette_selection_vector <-roulette_vector[2:5]
Vector selection: the good times (4)
# Poker and roulette winnings from Monday to Friday:
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
days_vector <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
names(poker_vector) <- days_vector
names(roulette_vector) <- days_vector
# Select poker results for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
poker_start <-poker_vector[c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday")]
# Calculate the average of the elements in poker_start
Selection by comparison - Step 1
# Poker and roulette winnings from Monday to Friday:
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
days_vector <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
names(poker_vector) <- days_vector
names(roulette_vector) <- days_vector
# Which days did you make money on poker?
selection_vector <-poker_vector>0
# Print out selection_vector
Selection by comparison - Step 2
# Poker and roulette winnings from Monday to Friday:
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
days_vector <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
names(poker_vector) <- days_vector
names(roulette_vector) <- days_vector
# Which days did you make money on poker?
selection_vector <- poker_vector > 0
# Select from poker_vector these days
poker_winning_days <-poker_vector[selection_vector]
Advanced selection
# Poker and roulette winnings from Monday to Friday:
poker_vector <- c(140, -50, 20, -120, 240)
roulette_vector <- c(-24, -50, 100, -350, 10)
days_vector <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
names(poker_vector) <- days_vector
names(roulette_vector) <- days_vector
# Which days did you make money on roulette?
selection_vector <-roulette_vector>0
# Select from roulette_vector these days
roulette_winning_days <- roulette_vector[selection_vector]