学习笔记2018-8-28(读论文MODIS-TERRA & MODIS-Chla)

In contrast toMODISA,MODIS-Terra (MODIST) has been regarded as not being able to provide science quality data for water applications (Franz et al., 2007; Franz et al., 2008) until 2010 when NASA initiated an ocean color reprocessing of the full MODIST mission based on improved calibration of the MODIST visible (VIS)–NIR bands.

MODIS terra:上午星 AQUA:下午星

This is because MODIST SWIR bands contain more noise than MODISA SWIR bands, and MODIST SWIR bands have not been vicariously calibrated.Furthermore, both atmosphere and coastal/inland waters may change quickly; so much so that MODISA (afternoon passes) and MODIST (morning passes) may face very different cloud and water conditions.

MODISA SWIR波段存在垂直条纹噪声,MODISA SWIR带中的这种垂直条带噪声可以通过特定于各子帧的校准来校正。但是MODIST SWIR中既存在水平噪声,又存在垂直噪声,这使得噪声很难去除,A 3 × 3 median filter has shown effectiveness in removing the horizontal striping noise,but vertical striping noise remains a challenge.

提出了一个新的用于去除垂直条带噪声的方法:Average of Median Filtering of Even rows and Odd rows(偶数行和奇数行中值滤波的平均值,AMFEO),步骤如下:
(1) Fill the odd numbered columnswith invalidvalue (NAN), and apply a n × n median filter;
(2) fill the even numbered columns with invalid value (NAN), and apply a n × n median filter;
(3) calculate the average of the two filtered images. Considering that Taihu Lake is less homogenous than open ocean, n was selected to be 3.


传感器定标就是将图像的数字量化值(DN)转化为辐射亮度值或者反射率或者表面温度等物理量的处理过程。其中反射率又分为大气外层表观反射率和地表实际反射率,后者又属于大气校正的范畴,有的时候也会将大气校正纳入传感器定标的一种途径。传感器定标可分为绝对定标和相对定标。绝对定标是获取图像上目标物的绝对辐射值等物理量;相对定标是将图像目标物辐射量归一化某个值范围内,比如以其他数据作为基准。目的 是消除传感器本身产生的误差。
大气校正:就是将辐射亮度或者表观反射率转换为地表实际反射率,目的是消除大气散 射、吸收、反射引起的误差。

2.区域辐射定标的修正:(1)Calibration adjustment of SWIR bands based on the well-calibrated NIR ocean bands
(2)Calibration adjustment of VIS-NIR land bands based on calibrated SWIR bands and in situ Rrs

关于这个问题,国际上比较常用的fan方法是: (1)以实测点对应的像元为中心,提取3*3窗口的像元;(2)计算这9给像元的变化率=标准差/均值;(3)变化率如果大于40%的,剔除这个点;(4)变化率小于40%的,求3*3的中值,作为和实测数据匹配的图像像元值。*

AURE and rURMSE are important and are often used when both MODIS-derived and field measured values contain large errors, when Chla concentrations vary between the time that MODIS data and in-situ measurements were obtained, or when water properties are not homogenous around the sampling site.
学习笔记2018-8-28(读论文MODIS-TERRA & MODIS-Chla)_第1张图片

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