【英语学习】【WOTD】resurrection 释义/词源/示例


  • Podcast
  • resurrection *n.* [rez-uh-REK-shun]
  • Definition
  • Did You Know?
  • Examples


resurrection podcast

resurrection n. [rez-uh-REK-shun]



1 a (capitalized Resurrection): the rising of Christ from the dead
1 a (大写的 Resurrection):基督从死亡中复活

   b (often capitalized Resurrection): the rising again to life of all the human dead before the final judgement
   b(常用大写 Resurrection):审判日之前死去的所有人都将会被复活

   c: the state of one risen from the dead

2: resurgence, revival

Did You Know?

In the 1300s, speakers of Middle English borrowed resurreccioun from Anglo-French. Originally, the word was used in specific Christian contexts to refer to the rising of Christ from the dead or to the festival celebrating this rising (now known as Easter). By the 1400s, the word was being used in the more general sense of “resurgence” or “revival.” The Anglo-French resurreccioun comes from the Late Latin resurrectio (“the act of rising from the dead”), which is derived from the verb resurgere (“to rise from the dead”). In earlier Latin, resurgere meant simply “to rise again” and was formed by attaching the re- prefix to the verb surgere, meaning “to rise.” Resurgere is also the source of English resurge and resurgence.

词源词根演化:re- + surere (“to rise”) —> resurgere (“to rise again”) —> resurrectio (Late Latin) —> resurreccioun (Middle English, n. “rise again from the dead”) —> resurrection (n.)

在1300年代,中古英语从Anglo-French中借来了resurreccioun。起初,这个词特指基督教中基督耶稣从死亡中复活,或者庆祝基督复活的节日(现在叫Easter,复活节)。到了1400年代,这个词可以用于泛指“重生”或者“复活”。Anglo-French的resurrecioun来自于后期拉丁名词resurrectio,意思是“从死亡中复活的行为”,这个词又是由动词resurgere(“从死亡中复活”)衍生而来。在早期拉丁语中,resurgere仅仅表示“再一次站起来”,由前缀re-与动词surgere组合而成。resurgere也为英语世界贡献了resurge(v. “复活,再生”)与resurgence(n. 复活,再现)这两个词。


  • “After the ceremony was concluded upon the present condition, I felt all the easier … [All] the days I should now live would be as good as the days that Lazarus lived after his resurrection; a supplementary clean gain of so many months or weeks as the case might be.”
    Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, 1851

  • “Every few weeks I get a press release declaring that coal is going to make a comeback, but reports of the resurrection have been greatly exaggerated.”
    Chris Tomlinson, The Houston Chronicle, 11 Mar. 2019

