Retrofit是一套RESTful架构的Android(Java)客户端实现,基于注解,提供JSON to POJO(Plain Ordinary Java Object,简单Java对象),POJO to JSON,网络请求(POST,GET,PUT,DELETE等)封装。
public interface GitHubService {
Repo loadRepo();
异步函数定义public interface GitHubService {
void loadRepo(Callback cb);
Retrofit2 同步异步方法定义一个接口就可以了mport retrofit.Call;
public interface GitHubService {
Call loadRepo();
Gson: com.squareup.retrofit:converter-gson
Jackson: com.squareup.retrofit:converter-jackson
Moshi: com.squareup.retrofit:converter-moshi
Protobuf: com.squareup.retrofit:converter-protobuf
Wire: com.squareup.retrofit:converter-wire
Simple XML: com.squareup.retrofit:converter-simplexml
public interface APIService {
Call loadUsers();
if (baseUrl == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Base URL required.");
} public T create(final Class service) {
if (validateEagerly) {
return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(service.getClassLoader(), new Class>[] { service },
return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(service.getClassLoader(), new Class>[] { service },
new InvocationHandler() {
private final Platform platform = Platform.get();
@Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object... args)
throws Throwable {
// If the method is a method from Object then defer to normal invocation.
if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {
return method.invoke(this, args);
if (platform.isDefaultMethod(method)) {
return platform.invokeDefaultMethod(method, service, proxy, args);
ServiceMethod serviceMethod = loadServiceMethod(method);
OkHttpCall okHttpCall = new OkHttpCall<>(serviceMethod, args);
return serviceMethod.callAdapter.adapt(okHttpCall);
ServiceMethod loadServiceMethod(Method method) {
ServiceMethod result;
synchronized (serviceMethodCache) {
result = serviceMethodCache.get(method);
if (result == null) {
result = new ServiceMethod.Builder(this, method).build();
serviceMethodCache.put(method, result);
return result;
public ServiceMethod build() {
callAdapter = createCallAdapter();
responseType = callAdapter.responseType();
if (responseType == Response.class || responseType == okhttp3.Response.class) {
throw methodError("'"
+ Utils.getRawType(responseType).getName()
+ "' is not a valid response body type. Did you mean ResponseBody?");
responseConverter = createResponseConverter();
public CallAdapter> get(Type returnType, Annotation[] annotations, Retrofit retrofit) {
if (getRawType(returnType) != Call.class) {
return null;
final Type responseType = Utils.getCallResponseType(returnType);
return new CallAdapter>() {
@Override public Type responseType() {
return responseType;
@Override public Call adapt(Call call) {
return new ExecutorCallbackCall<>(callbackExecutor, call);
private okhttp3.Call createRawCall() throws IOException {
Request request = serviceMethod.toRequest(args);
okhttp3.Call call = serviceMethod.callFactory.newCall(request);
if (call == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Call.Factory returned null.");
return call;