[(108.940430, 34.343436), (116.411133, 39.909736)]
[(108.940430, 34.343436), (116.411133, 39.909736), (120.168457, 30.278044), (114.323730, 30.581179), (108.940430, 34.343436)]
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在同一编码长度下,GeoHash将地图打上同尺寸的矩形网格,那么一条线段所穿过所有网格的hash值集合就是该线段GeoHash编码结果。根据这个思路,我们首先将线段所在的外包矩形bbox(Bounding box)找到,将bbox按照GeoHash编码打上网格,然后判断每个网格是否被线段穿过。因为网格是矩形,线段穿过矩形只有两种情况:线段与矩形的边相交,或线段在矩形内部。由此可见,我们需要从更基本的判定方法进行准备。
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x, self.y = float(x), float(y)
def __lt__(self, other):
if self.x != other.x:
return self.x < other.x
return self.y < other.y
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y
class Line(object):
def __init__(self, start, end):
self.start, self.end = start, end
self.x = end.x - start.x
self.y = end.y - start.y
def cross_product(line1, line2):
return line1.x * line2.y - line2.x * line1.y
def dot_product(line1, line2):
return line1.x * line2.x + line1.y * line2.y
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def is_included(line1, line2):
return min(line1.start.x, line1.end.x) <= max(line2.start.x, line2.end.x) and \
min(line2.start.x, line2.end.x) <= max(line1.start.x, line1.end.x) and \
min(line1.start.y, line1.end.y) <= max(line2.start.y, line2.end.y) and \
min(line2.start.y, line2.end.y) <= max(line1.start.y, line1.end.y)
def is_crossed(line_ab, line_cd):
line_ac = Line(line_ab.start, line_cd.start)
line_ad = Line(line_ab.start, line_cd.end)
line_bc = Line(line_ab.end, line_cd.start)
line_bd = Line(line_ab.end, line_cd.end)
return cross_product(line_ac, line_ad) * cross_product(line_bc, line_bd) <= 0 and \
cross_product(line_ac, line_bc) * cross_product(line_ad, line_bd) <= 0
def is_lines_intersected(line_ab, line_cd):
return is_included(line1, line2) and is_crossed(line_ab, line_cd)
线段与矩形相交,要么线段与矩形的4条边相交,要么线段在矩形内部。在这里我们定义矩形为字典rect = {'w': min_x, 'e': max_x, 's': min_y, 'n': max_y}
,定义矩形的边为字典rect_sides = {'w': west_line, 'e': east_line, 's': south_line, 'n': north_line}
def is_rect_has_intersected_side(rect_sides):
return any(map(lambda side: side[1] == 1, rect_sides.values()))
def is_point_within_rect(point, rect):
return rect['w'] <= point.x <= rect['e'] and rect['s'] <= point.y <= rect['n']
def is_line_rect_intersected(line, rect, rect_sides):
if is_point_within_rect(line.start, rect) or is_point_within_rect(line.end, rect):
return True
for k, side in rect_sides.iteritems():
if side[1] == -1 and is_lines_intersected(line, side[0]):
rect_sides[k][1] = 1
return is_rect_has_intersected_side(rect_sides)
import numpy as np
import geohash
def bounding_rect(line_points_list):
north = east = 0.
south = west = np.inf
for lng, lat in line_points_list:
if lat > north: north = lat
if lat < south: south = lat
if lng > east: east = lng
if lng < west: west = lng
return {'w': west, 'e': east, 'n': north, 's': south}
def init_grid_lines(lng_list, lat_list):
n_lng, n_lat = len(lng_list), len(lat_list)
lng_lines_list = []
for i in xrange(n_lng):
lng = lng_list[i]
sign = 0 if i == 0 or i == n_lng - 1 else -1
line_list = [[Line(Point(lng, lat_list[j]), Point(lng, lat_list[j + 1])), sign]
for j in xrange(n_lat - 1)]
lat_lines_list = []
for i in xrange(n_lat):
lat = lat_list[i]
sign = 0 if i == 0 or i == n_lat - 1 else -1
line_list = [[Line(Point(lng_list[j], lat), Point(lng_list[j + 1], lat)), sign]
for j in xrange(n_lng - 1)]
return lng_lines_list, lat_lines_list
def get_rect(rect_sides): # 辅助函数,由rect_sides获取rect
start, end = rect_sides['w'][0].start, rect_sides['e'][0].end
return {'w': start.x, 'e': end.x, 's': start.y, 'n': end.y}
def line_to_geohash(line_points_list, precision):
rect = bounding_rect(line_points_list)
seed_code = geohash.encode(rect['s'], rect['w'], precision)
seed_bbox = geohash.bbox(seed_code)
lng_delta, lat_delta = seed_bbox['e'] - seed_bbox['w'], seed_bbox['n'] - seed_bbox['s']
lng_list = np.arange(seed_bbox['w'], rect['e'] + lng_delta, lng_delta)
lat_list = np.arange(seed_bbox['s'], rect['n'] + lat_delta, lat_delta)
lng_lines_list, lat_lines_list = init_grid_lines(lng_list, lat_list)
hash_list = []
for i in xrange(len(lng_lines_list) - 1):
for j in xrange(len(lat_lines_list) - 1):
west_line, east_line = lng_lines_list[i][j], lng_lines_list[i + 1][j]
south_line, north_line = lat_lines_list[j][i], lat_lines_list[j + 1][i]
rect_sides = {'w': west_line, 'e': east_line, 's': south_line, 'n': north_line}
rect = get_rect(rect_sides)
if is_line_rect_intersected(rect, rect_sides, line_points_list):
center_lat, center_lng = rect['s'] + rect['n']) / 2, (rect['w'] + rect['e']) / 2
hash_list.append(geohash.encode((center_lat, center_lng, precision))
return hash_list
def is_poly_rect_intersected(poly_points_list, rect, rect_sides):
for i in xrange(len(poly_points_list) - 1):
line = to_line(poly_points_list[i], poly_points_list[i + 1])
if is_line_rect_intersected(line, rect, rect_sides): return True
return False
def is_ray_intersected(point, start, end):
if start[0] <= point[0] and end[0] <= point[0]: return False # ray left
if start[1] >= point[1] and end[1] >= point[1]: return False # ray up
if end[1] < point[1] and start[1] < point[1]: return False # ray down
x_seg = end[0] - (end[0] - start[0]) * (end[1] - point[1]) / (end[1] - start[1]) # intersect point
if x_seg < point[0]: return False # intersected ray left
return True
def is_point_within_poly(point, poly_points_list):
intersected = False
length = len(poly_points_list)
for i in xrange(length - 1):
if is_ray_intersected(point, poly_points_list[i], poly_points_list[i + 1]):
intersected = not intersected
return intersected
def is_rect_within_poly(rect, poly_points_list):
if is_point_within_poly((rect['w'], rect['s']), poly_points_list): return True
if is_point_within_poly((rect['w'], rect['n']), poly_points_list): return True
if is_point_within_poly((rect['e'], rect['s']), poly_points_list): return True
if is_point_within_poly((rect['e'], rect['n']), poly_points_list): return True
return False
def poly_to_geohash(poly_points_list, precision):
rect = bounding_rect(poly_points_list)
seed_code = geohash.encode(rect['s'], rect['w'], precision)
seed_bbox = geohash.bbox(seed_code)
lng_delta, lat_delta = seed_bbox['e'] - seed_bbox['w'], seed_bbox['n'] - seed_bbox['s']
lng_list = np.arange(seed_bbox['w'], rect['e'] + lng_delta, lng_delta)
lat_list = np.arange(seed_bbox['s'], rect['n'] + lat_delta, lat_delta)
lng_lines_list, lat_lines_list = init_grid_lines(lng_list, lat_list)
hash_list = []
for i in xrange(len(lng_lines_list) - 1):
for j in xrange(len(lat_lines_list) - 1):
west_line, east_line = lng_lines_list[i][j], lng_lines_list[i + 1][j]
south_line, north_line = lat_lines_list[j][i], lat_lines_list[j + 1][i]
rect_sides = {'w': west_line, 'e': east_line, 's': south_line, 'n': north_line}
rect = get_rect(rect_sides)
if is_poly_rect_intersected(poly_points_list, rect, rect_sides) or \
is_rect_within_poly(rect, poly_points_list):
center_lat, center_lng = rect['s'] + rect['n']) / 2, (rect['w'] + rect['e']) / 2
hash_list.append(geohash.encode((center_lat, center_lng, precision))
return hash_list