- 在idea中连接数据库
- 下载idea的CodeMaker插件
import com.intellij.database.model.DasTable
import com.intellij.database.model.ObjectKind
import com.intellij.database.util.Case
import com.intellij.database.util.DasUtil
import java.io.*
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.lang.*;
* Available context bindings:
* SELECTION Iterable
* PROJECT project
* FILES files helper
packageName = ""
typeMapping = [
(~/(?i)bigint/) : "Long",
(~/(?i)int|tinyint|smallint|mediumint/) : "Integer",
(~/(?i)bool|bit/) : "Boolean",
(~/(?i)float|double|decimal|real/) : "Double",
(~/(?i)datetime|timestamp|date|time/) : "Date",
(~/(?i)blob|binary|bfile|clob|raw|image/): "InputStream",
(~/(?i)/) : "String"
FILES.chooseDirectoryAndSave("Choose directory", "Choose where to store generated files") { dir ->
SELECTION.filter { it instanceof DasTable && it.getKind() == ObjectKind.TABLE }.each { generate(it, dir) }
def generate(table, dir) {
def className = javaName(table.getName(), true)
def fields = calcFields(table)
packageName = getPackageName(dir)
PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(dir, className + ".java")), "UTF-8"))
printWriter.withPrintWriter {out -> generate(out, className, fields,table)}
// new File(dir, className + ".java").withPrintWriter { out -> generate(out, className, fields,table) }
// 获取包所在文件夹路径
def getPackageName(dir) {
return dir.toString().replaceAll("\\\\", ".").replaceAll("/", ".").replaceAll("^.*src(\\.main\\.java\\.)?", "") + ";"
def generate(out, className, fields,table) {
out.println "package $packageName"
out.println ""
out.println "import com.yunhuakeji.component.base.annotation.doc.ApiField;"
out.println "import com.yunhuakeji.component.base.annotation.entity.Code;"
out.println "import com.yunhuakeji.component.base.bean.entity.base.BaseEntity;"
out.println "import com.yunhuakeji.component.base.enums.entity.YesNoCodeEnum;"
out.println "import lombok.Getter;"
out.println "import lombok.Setter;"
out.println "import lombok.ToString;"
out.println "import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;"
out.println "import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;"
out.println "import java.time.LocalDateTime;"
out.println "import javax.persistence.Table;"
out.println "import javax.persistence.Column;"
//out.println "import import java.util.Date;"
Set types = new HashSet()
fields.each() {
if (types.contains("Date")) {
out.println "import java.time.LocalDateTime;"
if (types.contains("InputStream")) {
out.println "import java.io.InputStream;"
out.println ""
out.println "/**\n" +
" * @Description \n" +
" * @Author chenzhicong\n" +
" * @Date "+ new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()) + " \n" +
" */"
out.println ""
out.println "@Setter"
out.println "@Getter"
out.println "@ToString"
out.println "@Table ( name =\""+table.getName() +"\" )"
out.println "public class $className extends BaseEntity {"
out.println ""
out.println genSerialID()
fields.each() {
out.println ""
// 输出注释
if (isNotEmpty(it.commoent)) {
out.println "\t/**"
out.println "\t * ${it.commoent.toString()}"
out.println "\t */"
if (it.annos != "") out.println " ${it.annos.replace("[@Id]", "")}"
// 输出成员变量
out.println "\tprivate ${it.type} ${it.name};"
// 输出get/set方法
// fields.each() {
// out.println ""
// out.println "\tpublic ${it.type} get${it.name.capitalize()}() {"
// out.println "\t\treturn this.${it.name};"
// out.println "\t}"
// out.println ""
// out.println "\tpublic void set${it.name.capitalize()}(${it.type} ${it.name}) {"
// out.println "\t\tthis.${it.name} = ${it.name};"
// out.println "\t}"
// }
out.println ""
out.println "}"
def calcFields(table) {
DasUtil.getColumns(table).reduce([]) { fields, col ->
def spec = Case.LOWER.apply(col.getDataType().getSpecification())
def typeStr = typeMapping.find { p, t -> p.matcher(spec).find() }.value
typeStr = "Long"
def comm =[
colName : col.getName(),
name : javaName(col.getName(), false),
type : typeStr,
commoent: col.getComment(),
annos: "\t@Column(name = \""+col.getName()+"\" )"]
comm.annos +="\r\n\t@ApiField(desc = \""+col.getComment()+"\")"
/* if(col.getComment().startsWith("pk_")){
comm.annos +="\r\n\t@Id"
comm.annos +="\r\n\t@Id"
comm.annos +=["@Id"]}
fields += [comm]
// 处理类名(这里是因为我的表都是以t_命名的,所以需要处理去掉生成类名时的开头的T,
// 如果你不需要那么请查找用到了 javaClassName这个方法的地方修改为 javaName 即可)
def javaClassName(str, capitalize) {
def s = com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.NameUtil.splitNameIntoWords(str)
.collect { Case.LOWER.apply(it).capitalize() }
.replaceAll(/[^\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}[_]]/, "_")
// 去除开头的T http://developer.51cto.com/art/200906/129168.htm
s = s[1..s.size()-1]
capitalize || s.length() == 1? s : Case.LOWER.apply(s[0]) + s[1..-1]
def javaName(str, capitalize) {
// def s = str.split(/(?<=[^\p{IsLetter}])/).collect { Case.LOWER.apply(it).capitalize() }
// .join("").replaceAll(/[^\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}]/, "_")
// capitalize || s.length() == 1? s : Case.LOWER.apply(s[0]) + s[1..-1]
def s = com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.NameUtil.splitNameIntoWords(str)
.collect { Case.LOWER.apply(it).capitalize() }
.replaceAll(/[^\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}[_]]/, "_")
capitalize || s.length() == 1? s : Case.LOWER.apply(s[0]) + s[1..-1]
def isNotEmpty(content) {
return content != null && content.toString().trim().length() > 0
static String changeStyle(String str, boolean toCamel){
if(!str || str.size() <= 1)
return str
String r = str.toLowerCase().split('_').collect{cc -> Case.LOWER.apply(cc).capitalize()}.join('')
return r[0].toLowerCase() + r[1..-1]
str = str[0].toLowerCase() + str[1..-1]
return str.collect{cc -> ((char)cc).isUpperCase() ? '_' + cc.toLowerCase() : cc}.join('')
static String genSerialID()
return "\tprivate static final long serialVersionUID = "+Math.abs(new Random().nextLong())+"L;"
与实体生成不一样,这里使用codemaker插件功能生成。先在codemaker中添加模板。 进入settings,搜索codemaker,进入codemaker相关配置项。
模板代码也是使用现成的,自己根据需要猜着改就行,模板代码如下: dao/mapper模板:
## Common variables:
## $YEAR - yyyy
## $TIME - yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
## $USER - 陈之聪
## Available variables:
## $class0 - the context class, alias: $class
## $class1 - the selected class, like $class1, $class2
## $ClassName - generate by the config of "Class Name", the generated class name
## Class Entry Structure:
## $class0.className - the class Name
## $class0.packageName - the packageName
## $class0.importList - the list of imported classes name
## $class0.fields - the list of the class fields
## - type: the field type
## - name: the field name
## - modifier: the field modifier, like "private",or "@Setter private" if include annotations
## $class0.allFields - the list of the class fields include all fields of superclass
## - type: the field type
## - name: the field name
## - modifier: the field modifier, like "private",or "@Setter private" if include annotations
## $class0.methods - the list of class methods
## - name: the method name
## - modifier: the method modifier, like "private static"
## - returnType: the method returnType
## - params: the method params, like "(String name)"
## $class0.allMethods - the list of class methods include all methods of superclass
## - name: the method name
## - modifier: the method modifier, like "private static"
## - returnType: the method returnType
## - params: the method params, like "(String name)"#
package $class0.PackageName;
import com.mapper.GeneralMapper;
* @author chenzhicong
* @version $Id: ${ClassName}.java, v 0.1 $TIME $USER Exp $$
public interface $ClassName extends GeneralMapper<${class0.className}>{
这里好像只能生成在entity同目录,不能选择其他目录,需要我们移动到对应的包。 生成后的dao如图所示: