


 Sname CHAR(20) UNIQUE,

 Sstatus int,






 Pname CHAR(20),

 Color char(4),

 Weight float(4),




(Jno char(4) PRIMARY KEY,

 Jname CHAR(20) UNIQUE,





(Sno char(4),




 primary key(Sno,Pno,Jno),

 foreign key(Sno) references S(Sno),

 foreign key(Pno) references P(Pno),

 foreign key(Jno) references J(Jno),



insert into S values('S1','Smith',20,'London');

insert into S values('S2','Jones',10,'Paris');

insert into S values('S3','Blake',30,'Paris');

insert into S values('S4','Clark',20,'London');

insert into S values('S5','Adams',30,'Athens');

insert into S values('S6','Brown',null,'New York');


alter table P alter column Color char(5);


insert into P values('P1','Nut','Red',12);

insert into Pvalues('P2','Bolt','Green',17);

insert into Pvalues('P3','Screw','Blue',14);

insert into P values('P4','Sew','Red',14);

insert into P values('P5','Cam','Blue',12);

insert into P values('P6','Cog','Red',19);


insert into Jvalues('J1','Sorter','Paris');

insert into J values('J2','Punch','Rome');

insert into J values('J3','Reader','Athens');

insert into J values('J4','Console','Athens');


insert into SPJ values('S1','P1','J1',200);

insert into SPJ values('S1','P1','J4',700);

insert into SPJ values('S2','P3','J1',400);

insert into SPJ values('S2','P3','J2',200);

insert into SPJ values('S2','P3','J3',200);

insert into SPJ values('S2','P3','J4',500);

insert into SPJ values('S2','P5','J2',100);



alter table S add constraint Sno check (Snois not null);



alter table S add unique(Sname);

alter table P add unique(Pname);



alter table P add constraint Color check(Color in('Red','Yellow','Green','Blue'));



alter table S add constraint Sstatus check(City<>'London'or Sstatus=20);









INSERT  INTO S  VALUES ('S1','精益',20,'天津');

INSERT  INTO S  VALUES ('S2','盛锡',10,'北京');

INSERT  INTO S  VALUES ('S3','东方红',30,'北京');

INSERT  INTO S  VALUES ('S4','丰盛泰',20,'天津');

INSERT  INTO S  VALUES ('S5','为民',30,'上海');

INSERT  INTO P  VALUES ('P1','螺母','',12);

INSERT  INTO P  VALUES ('P2','螺栓','绿',17);

INSERT  INTO P  VALUES ('P3','螺丝刀','',14);

INSERT  INTO P  VALUES ('P4','螺丝刀','',14);

INSERT  INTO P  VALUES ('P5','凸轮','',40);

INSERT  INTO P  VALUES ('P6','齿轮','',30);

INSERT  INTO J  VALUES ('J1','三建','北京');

INSERT  INTO J  VALUES ('J2','一汽','长春');

INSERT  INTO J  VALUES ('J3','弹簧厂','天津');

INSERT  INTO J  VALUES ('J4','造船厂','天津');

INSERT  INTO J  VALUES ('J5','机车厂','唐山');

INSERT  INTO J  VALUES ('J6','无线电厂','常州');

INSERT  INTO J  VALUES ('J7','半导体厂','南京');

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S1','P1','J1',200);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S1','P1','J3',100);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S1','P1','J4',700);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES ('S1','P2','J2',100);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S2','P3','J1',400);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S2','P3','J2',200);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S2','P3','J4',500);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S2','P3','J5',400);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S2','P5','J1',400);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES ('S2','P5','J2',100);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S3','P1','J1',200);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S3','P3','J1',200);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S4','P5','J1',100);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S4','P6','J3',300);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S4','P6','J4',200);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S5','P2','J4',100);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S5','P3','J1',200);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S5','P6','J2',200);

INSERT  INTO SPJ  VALUES('S5','P6','J4',500);









select Sno from SPJ where Jno='J1' ANDPno='P1';


select Sname,City from S;


select Pname,Color,Weight from P;


select Jno from SPJ where Sno='S1';


select distinct Jno,Sno from  SPJ where Jno='J1' order by Jno ASC;


select * from SPJ where QTY between 300 and500;


select count(distinct Jno) from SPJ whereSno='S1';


select count(Pno)Number ,sum(QTY)Quantityfrom SPJ where Sno='S1' and Pno='P1';



select distinct Sno from SPJ,P whereJno='J1' and color='';


select P.Pname,count(SPJ.Pno) from SPJ,Pwhere SPJ.Pno=P.Pno and Jno='J2' group by P.Pname;


select J.Jname from SPJ,J whereSPJ.Jno=J.Jno and CITY='上海';


select P.Pno,P.Pname from SPJ,P,S whereSPJ.Pno=P.Pno and SPJ.Sno=S.Sno and CITY='Paris'and weight<15;


select J.Jname from SPJ,S,J whereSPJ.Jno=J.Jno and SPJ.Sno=S.Sno and SPJ.Sno='S1';


select P.Pname,J.Jname from SPJ,P,J whereSPJ.Jno=J.Jno and SPJ.Pno=P.Pno and J.Jname='Athens' and color='red';


select Jname from SPJ,S,J whereSPJ.Jno=J.Jno and SPJ.Sno=S.Sno and J.Jname='London'and S.Sname='London';


select S.Sno,S.Sname from SPJ,J,P,S whereSPJ.Jno=J.Jno and SPJ.Pno=P.Pno and SPJ.Sno=S.Sno and J.Jname='天津'and P.Pname='齿轮';



select Sno,Sname from s where status>(selectstatus from s where Sname='Clark');

--18.查询与供应商 S2 在同一城市的供应商代码和供应商名。

select Sno,Sname from s where CITY=(selectcity from s where Sno='S2')and Sno!='S2';


select x.Sno,x.Sname from S x,S y wherex.CITY=y.CITY and y.Sno='S2'and x.Sno!='S2';


select Pno,Pname from P where color=(selectcolor from P where Pname='Nut' )and Pname!='Nut';


select pno,pname from p px wherepx.color=(select py.color from p py where py.pname='Nut');



select J.*,P.* from J,P,S left outer joinSPJ on (S.Sno=SPJ.Sno) where SPJ.Jno=J.Jno and P.Pno=SPJ.Pno;



select Jno from S,SPJ,J where SPJ.Sno=S.Snoand SPJ.Sno=J.Jno and J.City<>'天津';


select Jname from J,SPJ where SPJ.Sno=J.Jnoand SPJ.Jno not in (select Jno from SPJ,S,P where SPJ.Pno=P.Pno andSPJ.Sno=S.Sno and Sname='London'and Color='red');


select J.Jno,Jname from J,SPJ,P whereSPJ.Sno=J.Jno and SPJ.Pno=P.Pno and P.Pno<>'P2';


select Pname from SPJ,P where SPJ.Pno=P.Pnoand not exists (select SPJ.Pno from P,SPJ where SPJ.Pno=P.Pno and Sno='S3');


select distinct S.Sno,Sname from SPJ,Swhere SPJ.Sno=S.Sno and Jno not in (select Jno from SPJ,P where SPJ.Pno=P.Pnoand Color='Red');



select distinct Sno,Sname from S where notexists (select * from P,SPJ where Color<>'Red' and SPJ.Sno=S.Sno );


select distinct Jno,Jname from J where notexists (select * from S,SPJ where S.Sno<>'S1' and J.Jno=SPJ.Jno );


select distinct Jname from J where notexists (select * from S,SPJ where S.Sno<>'S2' and J.Jno=SPJ.Jno );



select distinct Jname from J,SPJ SPJ3 whereJ.Jno=SPJ3.Jno and not exists(

       select* from SPJ SPJ1 where Sno='S1' and not exists(

              select* from SPJ SPJ2 where SPJ2.Pno=SPJ1.Pno and SPJ2.Jno=SPJ3.Jno));


select distinct S.Sno,Sname from S,SPJ SPJ2where S.Sno=SPJ2.Sno and not exists(

       select* from J where City='London'and not exists(

              select* from SPJ SPJ1 where SPJ1.Jno=J.Jno and SPJ1.Sno=SPJ2.Sno));



select Jname from J where not exists(

       select* from P where not exists(

              select* from SPJ where Pno=P.Pno and Jno=J.Jno));


select Sname from S where not exists(

       select* from P where not exists(

              select* from SPJ where Pno=P.Pno and Sno=S.Sno));

--33.查询London 的所有工程都使用的零件名。

select Pname from P where not exists(

       select* from S where City='London'and not exists(

              select* from SPJ where Pno=P.Pno and Sno=S.Sno));


select Pname from P where not exists(

       select* from J where City='London'and not exists(

              select* from SPJ where Pno=P.Pno and Jno=J.Jno));



select Sname from S where Sno in(select Snofrom SPJ where Pno='P1' intersect select Sno from SPJ where Pno='P2');



select Sname from S where Sno in (selectSno from SPJ where Pno='P2' except select Sno from SPJ where Pno='P3');
