nowcoder possible sentences

题目: possible sentences

题目描述:Given a string s and a dictionary of words dict, add spaces in s to construct a sentence where each word is a valid dictionary word.
Return all such possible sentences.

s ="catsanddog"
dict ="cat", "cats", "and", "sand", "dog"
[cats and dog, cat sand dog]



1)处理输入的数据为程序所需要的数据;例如:s =“catsanddog” 处理为 :catsanddog;第二行dic处理思路和第一行s处理思路一致;
2)找到dic中的字符串在s 中的位置;

using namespace std ;
void solveProblem(map>& dic , vector& answer , vector& pri , int strSize , int ad , bool& sta)
    if (dic.find(ad) == dic.end())
        return ;
    for (auto tmp : dic[ad])
        if (ad + tmp.length() == strSize)
            if (sta)
                pri.push_back(", ") ;
            string strtmp = "" ;
            for (int c_i = 0 ; c_i < answer.size() ; c_i ++)
                strtmp += (answer[c_i] + " ") ;
            strtmp += tmp ;
            pri.push_back(strtmp) ;
            sta = true ;
            return ;
        answer.push_back(tmp) ;
        solveProblem(dic , answer , pri , strSize , ad + tmp.length() , sta) ;
        answer.pop_back() ;

int main()

    string str , tmp , getStr;
    int first , second ;
    getline(cin , str) ;
    //第一步,将输入处理为需要的数据例如:s ="catsanddog" , 处理为:catsanddog
    first = str.find("\"") ;
    second = str.find("\"" , first + 1) ;
    str = str.substr(first + 1 , second - first - 1) ;
    vector vecStr ;
    bool sta = false ;
    map> dic ;
    getline(cin , getStr) ;
    int ad ;
    vector answer , pri ;
    first = 0 ;
    first = getStr.find("\"" , first) ;
    //建立dic 中字符串在 s位置之间的映射以及dic行数据处理为数组
    while (first != -1)
        second = getStr.find("\"" , first + 1) ;
        tmp = getStr.substr(first + 1 , second - first - 1) ;
        ad = str.find(tmp) ;
        if (dic.find(ad) == dic.end())
            dic[ad] = vecStr ;
        dic[ad].push_back(tmp) ;
        first = getStr.find("\"" , second + 1) ;
    cout << '[' ;
    solveProblem(dic , answer , pri , str.length() , 0 , sta) ;
    int c_i = pri.size() - 1 ;
    while(c_i > -1)
        cout << pri[c_i --] ;
    cout << ']' << endl ;
    return 0 ;
