[Leetcode] LRU 算法实现

Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and set.

get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.
set(key, value) - Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.



class LRUCache{

struct ListNode{

    int key;

    int value;

    ListNode* prev;

    ListNode* next;



    LRUCache(int capacity){

        if(capacity >= 0){

            Capacity = capacity;

            size = 0;




    void set(int key, int value){

        ListNode* p = head;

        for(; p != NULL && p -> key != key; p = p -> next);

        if(p == NULL && size == Capacity){  //The case that didn't find key and capacity is full

            p = end;

            p -> key = key;


        if(p != NULL){  //The case that has found the key (treat the previous case as found the key in end)

            p -> value = value;

            if(p != head){  //If the key is in head of the list, we don't need to do anything since the head is the most recently used.

                ListNode* pre = p -> prev;

                ListNode* fol = p -> next;


                if(p == end && pre != NULL){

                    end = pre;


                p -> next = head;

                p -> prev = NULL;

                head -> prev = p;

                head = p;


                if(pre != NULL)

                    pre -> next = fol;

                if(fol != NULL)

                    fol -> prev = pre;


        }else{  //The case that has not found the key, and capacity is not full, need to create one.

            p = new ListNode();

            p -> key = key;

            p -> value = value;

            if(head == NULL){

                head = end = p;

                p -> prev = NULL;

                p -> next = NULL;


                p -> prev = NULL;

                p -> next = head;

                head -> prev = p;

                head = p;







    int get(int key){

        ListNode* p = head;

        for(; p != NULL && p -> key != key; p = p -> next);

        if(p == NULL) return -1;


        if(p != head){

            ListNode* pre = p -> prev;

            ListNode* fol = p -> next;

            if(p == end)

                end = pre;


            p -> next = head;

            p -> prev = NULL;

            head -> prev = p;

            head = p;


            if(pre != NULL)

                pre -> next = fol;

            if(fol != NULL)

                fol -> prev = pre;


        return p -> value;



    ListNode* head = NULL;

    ListNode* end = NULL;

    int size = 0;

    int Capacity = 0;


