批量梯度下降法(Batch Gradient Descent, BGD):使用所有样本在当前点的梯度值来对变量参数进行更新操作。
随机梯度下降法(Stochastic Gradient Descent, SGD):在更新变量参数的时候,选取一个样本的梯度值来更新参数。
小批量梯度下降法(Mini-batch Gradient Descent, MBGD):集合BGD和SGD的特性,从原始数据中,每次选择n个样本来更新参数值。
以下为分别采用BGD、SGD、MBGD拟合的系数[3, 4]的代码:
import time
import numpy as np
# 样本数为100条,特征数为二维
def get_data(sample_num=100):
x1 = np.linspace(0, 9, sample_num)
x2 = np.linspace(4, 13, sample_num)
x = np.concatenate(([x1], [x2]), axis=0).T
y = np.dot(x, np.array([3, 4]).T)
return x, y
def bgd(x, y, step_size=0.01, max_iter_count=10000):
w = np.ones((x.shape[1],))
x1 = x[:, 0]
x2 = x[:, 1]
loss = 10
iter_count = 0
while abs(loss) > 0.0001 and iter_count < max_iter_count:
w[0] -= step_size * \
np.sum((w[0] * x1 + w[1] * x2 - y) * x1) / x.shape[0]
w[1] -= step_size * \
np.sum((w[0] * x1 + w[1] * x2 - y) * x2) / x.shape[0]
loss = np.sum(w[0] * x1 + w[1] * x2 - y)
iter_count += 1
print("iter_count:%d the loss:%f" % (iter_count, loss))
return w
def sgd(x, y, step_size=0.01, max_iter_count=10000):
w = np.ones((x.shape[1],))
x1 = x[:, 0]
x2 = x[:, 1]
loss = 10
iter_count = 0
while abs(loss) > 0.00001 and iter_count < max_iter_count:
i = np.random.randint(x.shape[0])
w[0] -= step_size * (w[0] * x1[i] + w[1] * x2[i] - y[i]) * x1[i]
w[1] -= step_size * (w[0] * x1[i] + w[1] * x2[i] - y[i]) * x2[i]
loss = np.sum(w[0] * x1 + w[1] * x2 - y)
iter_count += 1
print("iter_count:%d the loss:%f" % (iter_count, loss))
return w
def msgd(x, y, batch_size, step_size=0.01, max_iter_count=10000):
w = np.ones((x.shape[1],))
x1 = x[:, 0]
x2 = x[:, 1]
loss = 10
iter_count = 0
while abs(loss) > 0.00001 and iter_count < max_iter_count:
i = np.random.randint(x.shape[0], size=batch_size)
w[0] -= step_size * \
np.sum((w[0] * x1[i] + w[1] * x2[i] - y[i]) * x1[i]) / batch_size
w[1] -= step_size * \
np.sum((w[0] * x1[i] + w[1] * x2[i] - y[i]) * x2[i]) / batch_size
loss = np.sum(w[0] * x1 + w[1] * x2 - y)
iter_count += 1
print("iter_count:%d the loss:%f" % (iter_count, loss))
return w
if __name__ == '__main__':
time1 = time.time()
x, y = get_data()
# print(bgd(x, y))
# print(sgd(x, y))
print(msgd(x, y, 10))
time2 = time.time()
print(time2 - time1)