public class Link
public Link Next;
public string Data;
public Link(Link next, string data)
this.Next = next;
this.Data = data;
static void Main(string[] args)
Link head = GenerateLink();
Link curr = head;
while (curr != null)
curr = curr.Next;
public static Link ReverseLink1(Link head)
Link curr = head.Next;
Link next = null;
Link nextnext = null;
//if no elements or only one element exists
if (curr == null || curr.Next == null)
return head;
//if more than one element
while (curr.Next != null)
next = curr.Next; //1
nextnext = next.Next; //2
next.Next = head.Next; //3
head.Next = next; //4
curr.Next = nextnext; //5
return head;
public static void ReverseLink2(Link head)
if (head.Next != null)
public static Link ReverseLink3(Link head)
//if no elements or only one element exists
if (head.Next == null || head.Next.Next == null)
return head;
head.Next = ReverseLink(head.Next);
return head;
head.Next = ReverseLink(head.Next);
static Link ReverseLink(Link head)
if (head.Next == null)
return head;
Link rHead = ReverseLink(head.Next);
head.Next.Next = head;
head.Next = null;
return rHead;
head.Next.Next = head; //1
head.Next = null; //2
static Link GetLast4thOne(Link head)
Link first = head;
Link second = head;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (first.Next == null)
throw new Exception("Less than 4 elements");
first = first.Next;
while (first != null)
first = first.Next;
second = second.Next;
return second;
static Link GetLast4thOneByArray(Link head)
Link curr = head;
int i = 0;
Link[] arr = new Link[4];
while (curr.Next != null)
arr[i] = curr.Next;
curr = curr.Next;
i = (i + 1) % 4;
if (arr[i] == null)
throw new Exception("Less than 4 elements");
return arr[i];
static Link GetMiddleOne(Link head)
Link first = head;
Link second = head;
while (first != null && first.Next != null)
first = first.Next.Next;
second = second.Next;
return second;
static void Main(string[] args)
Link head = GenerateLink();
bool isOdd = true;
Link middle = GetMiddleOne(head, ref isOdd);
if (isOdd)
static Link GetMiddleOne(Link head, ref bool isOdd)
Link first = head;
Link second = head;
while (first != null && first.Next != null)
first = first.Next.Next;
second = second.Next;
if (first != null)
isOdd = false;
return second;
curr.Data = curr.Next.Data;
curr.Next = curr.Next.Next;
static Link MergeTwoLink(Link head1, Link head2)
Link head = new Link(null, Int16.MinValue);
Link pre = head;
Link curr = head.Next;
Link curr1 = head1;
Link curr2 = head2;
//compare until one link run to the end
while (curr1.Next != null && curr2.Next != null)
if (curr1.Next.Data < curr2.Next.Data)
curr = new Link(null, curr1.Next.Data);
curr1 = curr1.Next;
curr = new Link(null, curr2.Next.Data);
curr2 = curr2.Next;
pre.Next = curr;
pre = pre.Next;
//if head1 run to the end
while (curr1.Next != null)
curr = new Link(null, curr1.Next.Data);
curr1 = curr1.Next;
pre.Next = curr;
pre = pre.Next;
//if head2 run to the end
while (curr2.Next != null)
curr = new Link(null, curr2.Next.Data);
curr2 = curr2.Next;
pre.Next = curr;
pre = pre.Next;
return head;
static Link MergeTwoLink2(Link head1, Link head2)
Link head = new Link(null, Int16.MinValue);
Link pre = head;
Link curr = head.Next;
Link intersect = GetIntersect(head1, head2);
Link curr1 = head1;
Link curr2 = head2;
//compare until one link run to the intersect
while (curr1.Next != intersect && curr2.Next != intersect)
if (curr1.Next.Data < curr2.Next.Data)
curr = new Link(null, curr1.Next.Data);
curr1 = curr1.Next;
curr = new Link(null, curr2.Next.Data);
curr2 = curr2.Next;
pre.Next = curr;
pre = pre.Next;
//if head1 run to the intersect
if (curr1.Next == intersect)
while (curr2.Next != null)
curr = new Link(null, curr2.Next.Data);
curr2 = curr2.Next;
pre.Next = curr;
pre = pre.Next;
//if head2 run to the intersect
else if (curr2.Next == intersect)
while (curr1.Next != null)
curr = new Link(null, curr1.Next.Data);
curr1 = curr1.Next;
pre.Next = curr;
pre = pre.Next;
return head;
public class Link
public Link Next;
public int Data;
public Link(Link next, int data)
this.Next = next;
this.Data = data;
public class CascadeLink
public Link Next;
public CascadeLink NextHead;
public CascadeLink(CascadeLink nextHead, Link next)
this.Next = next;
this.NextHead = nextHead;
public static CascadeLink GenerateCascadeLink()
Link head1 = GenerateLink1();
Link head2 = GenerateLink2();
Link head3 = GenerateLink1();
CascadeLink element3 = new CascadeLink(null, head3);
CascadeLink element2 = new CascadeLink(element3, head2);
CascadeLink element1 = new CascadeLink(element2, head1);
CascadeLink head = new CascadeLink(element1, null);
return head;
就是说,这些单链表的表头head1、head2、head3、head4……,它们组成了一个二级单链表head:null –> head1 –> head2 –> head3 –> head4
public static Link GenerateNewLink(CascadeLink head)
CascadeLink curr1 = head.NextHead;
Link newHead = curr1.Next;
Link curr2 = newHead;
while (curr1 != null)
curr2.Next = curr1.Next.Next;
while (curr2.Next != null)
curr2 = curr2.Next;
curr1 = curr1.NextHead;
return newHead;
其中,curr2.Next = curr1.Next.Next; 这句话是关键,它负责把上一个单链表的表尾和下一个单链表的非空表头连接起来。
public static Link SwitchPoints(Link head, Link p, Link q)
if (p == head || q == head)
throw new Exception("No exchange with head");
if (p == q)
return head;
//find p and q in the link
Link curr = head;
Link curr1 = p;
Link curr2 = q;
Link pre1 = null;
Link pre2 = null;
int count = 0;
while (curr != null)
if (curr.Next == p)
pre1 = curr;
if (count == 2)
else if (curr.Next == q)
pre2 = curr;
if (count == 2)
curr = curr.Next;
curr = curr1.Next;
pre1.Next = curr2;
curr1.Next = curr2.Next;
pre2.Next = curr1;
curr2.Next = curr;
return head;
static bool JudgeCircleExists(Link head)
Link first = head; //1 step each time
Link second = head; //2 steps each time
while (second.Next != null && second.Next.Next != null)
second = second.Next.Next;
first = first.Next;
if (second == first)
return true;
return false;
static int GetCircleLength(Link point)
int length = 1;
Link curr = point;
while (curr.Next != point)
curr = curr.Next;
return length;
static int GetLengthFromHeadToPoint(Link head, Link point)
int length = 1;
Link curr = head;
while (curr != point)
curr = curr.Next;
return length;
private static Link FindIntersect(Link head)
Link p = null;
//get the point in the circle
bool result = JudgeCircleExists(head, ref p);
if (!result) return null;
Link curr1 = head.Next;
Link curr2 = p.Next;
//length from head to p
int M = 1;
while (curr1 != p)
curr1 = curr1.Next;
//circle length
int N = 1;
while (curr2 != p)
curr2 = curr2.Next;
//recover curr1 & curr2
curr1 = head.Next;
curr2 = p.Next;
//make 2 links have the same distance to the intersect
if (M > N)
for (int i = 0; i < M - N; i++)
curr1 = curr1.Next;
else if (M < N)
for (int i = 0; i < N - M; i++)
curr2 = curr2.Next;
//goto the intersect
while (curr1 != p)
if (curr1 == curr2)
return curr1;
curr1 = curr1.Next;
curr2 = curr2.Next;
return null;
static bool JudgeIntersectLink1(Link head1, Link head2)
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
Link curr1 = head1;
Link curr2 = head2;
//store all the elements of link1
while (curr1.Next != null)
ht[curr1.Next] = string.Empty;
curr1 = curr1.Next;
//check all the elements in link2 if exists in Hashtable or not
while (curr2.Next != null)
//if exists
if (ht[curr2.Next] != null)
return true;
curr2 = curr2.Next;
return false;
static bool JudgeIntersectLink2(Link head1, Link head2)
bool exists = false;
Link curr1 = head1;
Link curr2 = head2;
//goto the end of the link1
while (curr1.Next != null)
curr1 = curr1.Next;
//join these two links
curr1.Next = head2;
//iterate link2
while (curr2.Next != null)
if (curr2.Next == head2)
exists = true;
curr2 = curr2.Next;
//recover original status, whether exists or not
curr1.Next = null;
return exists;
static bool JudgeIntersectLink3(Link head1, Link head2)
Link curr1 = head1;
Link curr2 = head2;
//goto the end of the link1
while (curr1.Next != null)
curr1 = curr1.Next;
//goto the end of the link2
while (curr2.Next != null)
curr2 = curr2.Next;
if (curr1 != curr2)
return false;
return true;
public static Link GetIntersect(Link head1, Link head2)
Link curr1 = head1;
Link curr2 = head2;
int M = 0, N = 0;
//goto the end of the link1
while (curr1.Next != null)
curr1 = curr1.Next;
//goto the end of the link2
while (curr2.Next != null)
curr2 = curr2.Next;
//return to the begining of the link
curr1 = head1;
curr2 = head2;
if (M > N)
for (int i = 0; i < M - N; i++)
curr1 = curr1.Next;
else if (M < N)
for (int i = 0; i < N - M; i++)
curr2 = curr2.Next;
while (curr1.Next != null)
if (curr1 == curr2)
return curr1;
curr1 = curr1.Next;
curr2 = curr2.Next;
return null;
例如:9>9>9>NULL + 1>NULL =>
//head1 length > head2, so M > N
public static int Add(Link head1, Link head2, ref Link newHead, int M, int N)
// goto the end
if (head1 == null)
return 0;
int temp = 0;
int result = 0;
newHead = new Link(null, 0);
if (M > N)
result = Add(head1.Next, head2, ref newHead.Next, M - 1, N);
temp = head1.Data + result;
newHead.Data = temp % 10;
return temp >= 10
1 : 0;
else // M == N
result = Add(head1.Next, head2.Next, ref newHead.Next, M - 1, N - 1);
temp = head1.Data + head2.Data + +result;
newHead.Data = temp % 10;
return temp >= 10
1 : 0;
for(inti=1;i { for(intj=i;(j>0)&&arr[j] { arr[j]=arr[j]^arr[j-1]; arr[j-1]=arr[j]^arr[j-1]; arr[j]=arr[j]^arr[j-1]; } } returnarr; } 仿照上面的思想,我们来编写基于Link的算法: public static Link SortLink(Link head) { Link pre1 = head; Link pre2 = head.Next; Link min = null; for (Link curr1 = head.Next; curr1 != null; curr1 = min.Next) { if (curr1.Next == null) break; min = curr1; for (Link curr2 = curr1.Next; curr2 != null; curr2 = curr2.Next) { //swap curr1 and curr2 if (curr2.Data < curr1.Data) { min = curr2; curr2 = curr1; curr1 = min; pre1.Next = curr1; curr2.Next = curr1.Next; curr1.Next = pre2; //if exchange element n-1 and n, no need to add reference from pre2 to curr2, because they are the same one if (pre2 != curr2) pre2.Next = curr2; } pre2 = curr2; } pre1 = min; pre2 = min.Next; } return head; } 值得注意的是,很多人的算法不能交换相邻两个元素,这是因为pre2和curr2是相等的,如果此时还执行pre2.Next = curr2; 会造成一个自己引用自己的环。 交换指针很是麻烦,而且效率也不高,需要经常排序的东西最好不要用链表来实现,还是数组好一些。 用Hashtable辅助,遍历一遍单链表就能搞定。 实践中发现,curr从表头开始,每次判断下一个元素curr.Netx是否重复,如果重复直接使用curr.Next = curr.Next.Next; 就可以删除重复元素——这是最好的算法。唯一的例外就是表尾,所以到达表尾,就break跳出while循环。 public static Link DeleteDuplexElements(Link head) { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); Link curr = head; while (curr != null) { if (curr.Next == null) { break; } if (ht[curr.Next.Data] != null) { curr.Next = curr.Next.Next; } else { ht[curr.Next.Data] = ""; } curr = curr.Next; } return head; } 结语: 单链表只有一个向前指针Next,所以要使用1-2个额外变量来存储当前元素的前一个或后一个指针。 尽量用while循环而不要用for循环,来进行遍历。 哇塞,我就是不用指针,照样能“修改地址”,达到和C++同样的效果,虽然很烦~ 遍历的时候,不要在while循环中head=head.Next;这样会改变原先的数据结构。我们要这么写:Link curr=head;然后curr=curr.Next; 有时我们需要临时把环切开,有时我们需要临时把单链表首尾相连成一个环。 究竟是玩curr还是curr.Next,根据不同题目而各有用武之地,没有定论,不必强求。 目录: 1.设计含min函数的栈,要求min、push和pop的时间复杂度都是o(1)。 2.设计含min函数的栈的另解 3.用两个栈实现队列 4.用两个队列实现栈 5.栈的push、pop序列是否一致 6.递归反转一个栈,要求不得重新申请一个同样的栈,空间复杂度o(1) 7.给栈排个序 8..如何用一个数组实现两个栈 9..如何用一个数组实现三个栈 算法思想:需要设计一个辅助栈,用来存储当前栈中元素的最小值。网上有人说存储当前栈中元素的最小值的所在位置,虽然能节省空间,这其实是不对的,因为我在调用Min函数的时候,只能得到位置,还要对存储元素的栈不断的pop,才能得到最小值——时间复杂度o(1)。 所以,还是在辅助栈中存储元素吧。 此外,还要额外注意Push操作,第一个元素不用比较,自动成为最小值入栈。其它元素每次都要和栈顶元素比较,小的那个放到栈顶。 public class NewStack { private Stack dataStack; private Stack mindataStack; public NewStack() { dataStack = new Stack(); mindataStack = new Stack(); } public void Push(int element) { dataStack.Push(element); if (mindataStack.Count == 0) mindataStack.Push(element); else if (element <= (int)mindataStack.Peek()) mindataStack.Push(element); else //(element > mindataStack.Peek) mindataStack.Push(mindataStack.Peek()); } public int Pop() { if (dataStack.Count == 0) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); mindataStack.Pop(); return (int)dataStack.Pop(); } public int Min() { if (dataStack.Count == 0) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); return (int)mindataStack.Peek(); } } 话说,和青菜脸呆久了,就沾染了上海小市民意识,再加上原本我就很抠门儿,于是对于上一题目,我把一个栈当成两个用,就是说,每次push,先入站当前元素,然后入栈当前栈中最小元素;pop则每次弹出2个元素。 算法代码如下所示(这里最小元素位于当前元素之上,为了下次比较方便): public class NewStack { private Stack stack; public NewStack() { stack = new Stack(); } public void Push(int element) { if (stack.Count == 0) { stack.Push(element); stack.Push(element); } else if (element <= (int)stack.Peek()) { stack.Push(element); stack.Push(element); } else //(element > stack.Peek) { object min = stack.Peek(); stack.Push(element); stack.Push(min); } } public int Pop() { if (stack.Count == 0) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); stack.Pop(); return (int)stack.Pop(); } public int Min() { if (stack.Count == 0) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); return (int)stack.Peek(); } } 之所以说我这个算法比较叩门,是因为我只使用了一个栈,空间复杂度o(N),节省了一半的空间(算法1的空间复杂度o(2N))。 实现队列,就要实现它的3个方法:Enqueue(入队)、Dequeue(出队)和Peek(队头)。 1)stack1存的是每次进来的元素,所以Enqueue就是把进来的元素push到stack1中。 2)而对于Dequeue,一开始stack2是空的,所以我们把stack1中的元素全都pop到stack2中,这样stack2的栈顶就是队头。只要stack2不为空,那么每次出队,就相当于stack2的pop。 3)接下来,每入队一个元素,仍然push到stack1中。每出队一个元素,如果stack2不为空,就从stack2中pop一个元素;如果stack2为空,就重复上面的操作——把stack1中的元素全都pop到stack2中。 4)Peek操作,类似于Dequeue,只是不需要出队,所以我们调用stack2的Peek操作。当然,如果stack2为空,就把stack1中的元素全都pop到stack2中。 5)注意边界的处理,如果stack2和stack1都为空,才等于队列为空,此时不能进行Peek和Dequeue操作。 按照上述分析,算法实现如下: public class NewQueue { private Stack stack1; private Stack stack2; public NewQueue() { stack1 = new Stack(); stack2 = new Stack(); } public void Enqueue(int element) { stack1.Push(element); } public int Dequeue() { if (stack2.Count == 0) { if (stack1.Count == 0) throw new Exception("The queue is empty"); else while (stack1.Count > 0) stack2.Push(stack1.Pop()); } return (int)stack2.Pop(); } public int Peek() { if (stack2.Count == 0) { if (stack1.Count == 0) throw new Exception("The queue is empty"); else while (stack1.Count > 0) stack2.Push(stack1.Pop()); } return (int)stack2.Peek(); } } 这个嘛,就要queue1和queue2轮流存储数据了。这个“轮流”发生在Pop和Peek的时候,假设此时我们把所有数据存在queue1中(此时queue2为空),我们把queue1的n-1个元素放到queue2中,queue中最后一个元素就是我们想要pop的元素,此时queue2存有n-1个元素(queue1为空)。 至于Peek,则是每次转移n个数据,再转移最后一个元素的时候,将其计下并返回。 那么Push的操作,则需要判断当前queue1和queue2哪个为空,将新元素放到不为空的队列中。 public class NewStack { private Queue queue1; private Queue queue2; public NewStack() { queue1 = new Queue(); queue2 = new Queue(); } public void Push(int element) { if (queue1.Count == 0) queue2.Enqueue(element); else queue1.Enqueue(element); } public int Pop() { if (queue1.Count == 0 && queue2.Count == 0) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); if (queue1.Count > 0) { while (queue1.Count > 1) { queue2.Enqueue(queue1.Dequeue()); } //还剩一个 return (int)queue1.Dequeue(); } else //queue2.Count > 0 { while (queue2.Count > 1) { queue1.Enqueue(queue2.Dequeue()); } //还剩一个 return (int)queue2.Dequeue(); } } public int Peek() { if (queue1.Count == 0 && queue2.Count == 0) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); int result = 0; if (queue1.Count > 0) { while (queue1.Count > 1) { queue2.Enqueue(queue1.Dequeue()); } //还剩一个 result = (int)queue1.Dequeue(); queue2.Enqueue(result); } else //queue2.Count > 0 { while (queue2.Count > 1) { queue1.Enqueue(queue2.Dequeue()); } //还剩一个 result = (int)queue2.Dequeue(); queue1.Enqueue(result); } return result; } } 输入两个整数序列。其中一个序列表示栈的push顺序,判断另一个序列有没有可能是对应的pop顺序。为了简单起见,我们假设push序列的任意两个整数都是不相等的。 比如输入的push序列是1、2、3、4、5,那么4、5、3、2、1就有可能是一个pop系列。因为可以有如下的push和pop序列:push 1,push 2,push 3,push 4,pop,push 5,pop,pop,pop,pop,这样得到的pop序列就是4、5、3、2、1。但序列4、3、5、1、2就不可能是push序列1、2、3、4、5的pop序列。 网上的若干算法都太复杂了,现提出包氏算法如下: 先for循环把arr1中的元素入栈,并在每次遍历时,检索arr2中可以pop的元素。如果循环结束,而stack中还有元素,就说明arr2序列不是pop序列。 static bool JudgeSequenceIsPossible(int[] arr1,int[] arr2) { Stackstack =newStack(); for(inti = 0, j = 0; i < arr1.Length; i++) { stack.Push(arr1[i]); while(stack.Count > 0 && (int)stack.Peek() == arr2[j]) { stack.Pop(); j++; } } returnstack.Count == 0; } 算法思想:汉诺塔的思想,非常复杂,玩过九连环的人都想得通的 static void ReverseStack(ref Stack stack) { if (stack.Count == 0) return; object top = stack.Pop(); ReverseStack(ref stack); if (stack.Count == 0) { stack.Push(top); return; } object top2 = stack.Pop(); ReverseStack(ref stack); stack.Push(top); ReverseStack(ref stack); stack.Push(top2); } 本题目是上一题目的延伸 static void Sort(ref Stack stack) { if (stack.Count == 0) return; object top = stack.Pop(); Sort(ref stack); if (stack.Count == 0) { stack.Push(top); return; } object top2 = stack.Pop(); if ((int)top > (int)top2) { stack.Push(top); Sort(ref stack); stack.Push(top2); } else { stack.Push(top2); Sort(ref stack); stack.Push(top); } } 继续我所提倡的抠门儿思想,也不枉我和青菜脸相交一场。 网上流传着两种方法: 方法1 采用交叉索引的方法 一号栈所占数组索引为0, 2, 4, 6, 8......(K*2) 二号栈所占数组索引为1,3,5,7,9 ......(K*2 + 1) 算法实现如下: public class NewStack { object[] arr; int top1; int top2; public NewStack(int capticy) { arr = new object[capticy]; top1 = -1; top2 = -2; } public void Push(int type, object element) { if (type == 1) { if (top1 + 2 >= arr.Length) throw new Exception("The stack is full"); else { top1 += 2; arr[top1] = element; } } else //type==2 { if (top2 + 2 >= arr.Length) throw new Exception("The stack is full"); else { top2 += 2; arr[top2] = element; } } } public object Pop(int type) { object obj = null; if (type == 1) { if (top1 == -1) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); else { obj = arr[top1]; arr[top1] = null; top1 -= 2; } } else //type == 2 { if (top2 == -2) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); else { obj = arr[top2]; arr[top2] = null; top2 -= 2; } } return obj; } public object Peek(int type) { if (type == 1) { if (top1 == -1) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); return arr[top1]; } else //type == 2 { if (top2 == -2) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); return arr[top2]; } } } 方法2: 第一个栈A:从最左向右增长 第二个栈B:从最右向左增长 代码实现如下: public class NewStack { object[] arr; int top1; int top2; public NewStack(int capticy) { arr = new object[capticy]; top1 = 0; top2 = capticy; } public void Push(int type, object element) { if (top1 == top2) throw new Exception("The stack is full"); if (type == 1) { arr[top1] = element; top1++; } else //type==2 { top2--; arr[top2] = element; } } public object Pop(int type) { object obj = null; if (type == 1) { if (top1 == 0) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); else { top1--; obj = arr[top1]; arr[top1] = null; } } else //type == 2 { if (top2 == arr.Length) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); else { obj = arr[top2]; arr[top2] = null; top2++; } } return obj; } public object Peek(int type) { if (type == 1) { if (top1 == 0) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); return arr[top1 - 1]; } else //type == 2 { if (top2 == arr.Length) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); return arr[top2]; } } } 综合比较上述两种算法,我们发现,算法1实现的两个栈,每个都只有n/2个空间大小;而算法2实现的两个栈,如果其中一个很小,另一个则可以很大,它们的和为常数n。 最后,让我们把抠门儿进行到底,相信看完本文,你已经从物质和精神上都升级为一个抠门儿主义者。 如果还使用交叉索引的办法,每个栈都只有N/3个空间。 让我们只好使用上个题目的第2个方法,不过这只能容纳2个栈,我们还需要一个位置存放第3个栈,不如考虑数组中间的位置——第3个栈的增长规律可以如下: 第1个入栈C的元素进mid处 第2个入栈C的元素进mid+1处 第3个入栈C的元素进mid-1处 第4个入栈C的元素进mid+2处 这个方法的好处是,每个栈都有接近N/3个空间。 public class NewStack { object[] arr; int top1; int top2; int top3_left; int top3_right; bool isLeft; public NewStack(int capticy) { arr = new object[capticy]; top1 = 0; top2 = capticy; isLeft = true; top3_left = capticy / 2; top3_right = top3_left + 1; } public void Push(int type, object element) { if (type == 1) { if (top1 == top3_left + 1) throw new Exception("The stack is full"); arr[top1] = element; top1++; } else if (type == 2) { if (top2 == top3_right) throw new Exception("The stack is full"); top2--; arr[top2] = element; } else //type==3 { if (isLeft) { if (top1 == top3_left + 1) throw new Exception("The stack is full"); arr[top3_left] = element; top3_left--; } else { if (top2 == top3_right) throw new Exception("The stack is full"); arr[top3_right] = element; top3_right++; } isLeft = !isLeft; } } public object Pop(int type) { object obj = null; if (type == 1) { if (top1 == 0) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); else { top1--; obj = arr[top1]; arr[top1] = null; } } else if (type == 2) { if (top2 == arr.Length) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); else { obj = arr[top2]; arr[top2] = null; top2++; } } else //type==3 { if (top3_right == top3_left + 1) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); if (isLeft) { top3_left++; obj = arr[top3_left]; arr[top3_left] = null; } else { top3_right--; obj = arr[top3_right]; arr[top3_right] = null; } isLeft = !isLeft; } return obj; } public object Peek(int type) { if (type == 1) { if (top1 == 0) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); return arr[top1 - 1]; } else if (type == 2) { if (top2 == arr.Length) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); return arr[top2]; } else //type==3 { if (top3_right == top3_left + 1) throw new Exception("The stack is empty"); if (isLeft) return arr[top3_left + 1]; else return arr[top3_right - 1]; } } } 目录: 1.二叉树三种周游(traversal)方式: 2.怎样从顶部开始逐层打印二叉树结点数据 3.如何判断一棵二叉树是否是平衡二叉树 4.设计一个算法,找出二叉树上任意两个节点的最近共同父结点,复杂度如果是O(n2)则不得分。 5.如何不用递归实现二叉树的前序/后序/中序遍历? 6.在二叉树中找出和为某一值的所有路径 7.怎样编写一个程序,把一个有序整数数组放到二叉树中? 8.判断整数序列是不是二叉搜索树的后序遍历结果 9.求二叉树的镜像 10.一棵排序二叉树(即二叉搜索树BST),令 f=(最大值+最小值)/2,设计一个算法,找出距离f值最近、大于f值的结点。复杂度如果是O(n2)则不得分。 11.把二叉搜索树转变成排序的双向链表 首先写一个二叉树的C#实现,这是我们的基石: public class BinNode { public int Element; public BinNode Left; public BinNode Right; public BinNode(int element, BinNode left, BinNode right) { this.Element = element; this.Left = left; this.Right = right; } public bool IsLeaf() { return this.Left == null && this.Right == null; } } 1)前序周游(preorder):节点–>子节点Left(包括其子树)–>子节点Right(包括其子树) static void PreOrder(BinNode root) { if (root == null) return; //visit current node Console.WriteLine(root.Element); PreOrder(root.Left); PreOrder(root.Right); } 2)后序周游(postorder):子节点Left(包括其子树)–>子节点Right(包括其子树)–>节点 static void PostOrder(BinNode root) { if (root == null) return; PostOrder(root.Left); PostOrder(root.Right); //visit current node Console.WriteLine(root.Element); } 3)中序周游(inorder):子节点Left(包括其子树)–>节点–>子节点Right(包括其子树) static void InOrder(BinNode root) { if (root == null) return; InOrder(root.Left); //visit current node Console.WriteLine(root.Element); InOrder(root.Right); } 我们发现,三种周游的code实现,仅仅是访问当前节点的这条语句所在位置不同而已。 有2种算法: 算法1:基于Queue来实现,也就是广度优先搜索(BFS)的思想 static void PrintTree1(BinNode root) { if (root == null) return; BinNode tmp = null; Queue queue = new Queue(); queue.Enqueue(root); while (queue.Count > 0) { tmp = (BinNode)queue.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine(tmp.Element); if (tmp.Left != null) queue.Enqueue(tmp.Left); if (tmp.Right != null) queue.Enqueue(tmp.Right); } } 话说,BFS和DFS思想本来是用于图的,但我们不能被传统的思维方式所束缚。 算法2:基于单链表实现 如果没有Queue给我们用,我们只好使用单链表,把每个节点存在单链表的Data中,实现如下: public class Link { public Link Next; public BinNode Data; public Link(Link next, BinNode data) { this.Next = next; this.Data = data; } } 看过了Queue的实现,我们发现永远是先出队1个(队头),然后入队2个(把出队的Left和Right放到队尾)。 对于单链表而言,我们可以先模拟入队——把first的Data所对应的Left和Right,先后插到second的后面,即second.Next和second.Next.Next位置,同时second向前走0、1或2次,再次到达链表末尾,这取决于Left和Right是否为空;然后我们模拟出队——first前进1步。 当first指针走不下去了,那么任务也就结束了。 static void PrintTree2(BinNode root) { if (root == null) return; Link head = new Link(null, root); Link first = head; Link second = head; while (first != null) { if (first.Data.Left != null) { second.Next = new Link(null, first.Data.Left); second = second.Next; } if (first.Data.Right != null) { second.Next = new Link(null, first.Data.Right); second = second.Next; } Console.WriteLine(first.Data.Element); first = first.Next; } } 平衡二叉树的定义,如果任意节点的左右子树的深度相差不超过1,那这棵树就是平衡二叉树。 算法思路:先编写一个计算二叉树深度的函数GetDepth,利用递归实现;然后再递归判断每个节点的左右子树的深度是否相差1 static int GetDepth(BinNode root) { if (root == null) return 0; int leftLength = GetDepth(root.Left); int rightLength = GetDepth(root.Right); return (leftLength > rightLength leftLength : rightLength) + 1; } 注意这里的+1,对应于root不为空(算作当前1个深度) static bool IsBalanceTree(BinNode root) { if (root == null) return true; int leftLength = GetDepth(root.Left); int rightLength = GetDepth(root.Right); int distance = leftLength > rightLength leftLength - rightLength : rightLength - leftLength; if (distance > 1) return false; else return IsBalanceTree(root.Left) && IsBalanceTree(root.Right); } 上述程序的逻辑是,只要当前节点root的Left和Right深度差不超过1,就递归判断Left和Right是否也符合条件,直到为Left或Right为null,这意味着它们的深度为0,能走到这一步,前面必然都符合条件,所以整个二叉树都符合条件。 本题网上有很多算法,都不怎么样。这里提出包氏的两个算法: 算法1:做一个容器,我们在遍历二叉树寻找节点的同时,把从根到节点的路径扔进去(两个节点就是两个容器)。由于根节点最后一个被扔进去,但我们接下来又需要第一个就能访问到它——后进先出,所以这个容器是一个栈。时间复杂度O(N),空间复杂度O(N)。 static bool GetPositionByNode(BinNode root, BinNode node, ref Stack stack) { if (root == null) return false; if (root == node) { stack.Push(root); return true; } if (GetPositionByNode(root.Left, node, ref stack) || GetPositionByNode(root.Right, node, ref stack)) { stack.Push(root); return true; } return false; } 然后我们要同时弹出这两个容器的元素,直到它们不相等,那么之前那个相等的元素就是我们要求的父亲节点。 static BinNode FindParentNode(BinNode root, BinNode node1, BinNode node2) { Stack stack1 = new Stack(); GetPositionByNode(root, node1, ref stack1); Stack stack2 = new Stack(); GetPositionByNode(root, node2, ref stack2); BinNode tempNode = null; while (stack1.Peek() == stack2.Peek()) { tempNode = (BinNode)stack1.Pop(); stack2.Pop(); } return tempNode; } 算法2:如果要求o(1)的空间复杂度,就是说,只能用一个变量来辅助我们。 我们选择一个64位的整数,然后从1开始,从左到右逐层为二叉树的每个元素赋值,root对应1,root.Left对应2,root.Right对应3,依次类推,而不管实际这个位置上是否有节点,我们发现两个规律: //// 1 //// 2 3 //// 4 5 6 7 //// 8 9 10 如果要找的是5和9位置上的节点。 我们发现,它们的二进制分别是101和1001,右移1001使之与101位数相同,于是1001变成了100(也就是9的父亲4)。 这时101和100(也就是4和5位于同样的深度),我们从左往右找,101和100具有2位相同,即10,这就是我们要找的4和5的父亲,也就是9和5的最近父亲。 由上面观察,得到算法: 1)将找到的两个节点对应的数字 static bool GetPositionByNode(BinNode root, BinNode node, ref int pos) { if (root == null) return false; if (root == node) return true; int temp = pos; //这么写很别扭,但是能保证只要找到就不再进行下去 pos = temp * 2; if (GetPositionByNode(root.Left, node, ref pos)) { return true; } else { //找不到左边找右边 pos = temp * 2 + 1; return GetPositionByNode(root.Right, node, ref pos); } } 2)它们的二进制表示,从左向右逐一比较,直到一个结束或不再相同,则最大的相同子串,就是我们需要得到的最近父亲所对应的位置K。 static int FindParentPosition(int larger, int smaller) { if (larger == smaller) return larger; int left = GetLen(larger) - GetLen(smaller); while (left > 0) { larger = larger >> 1; left--; } while (larger != smaller) { larger = larger >> 1; smaller = smaller >> 1; } return smaller; } static int GetLen(int num) { int length = 0; while (num != 0) { num = num >> 1; length++; } return length; } 3)第3次递归遍历,寻找K所对应的节点。 函数GetNodeByPosition的思想是,先算出k在第几层power,观察k的二进制表示,比如说12,即1100,从左向右数第一个位1不算,还剩下100,1表示向右走,0表示向左走,于是从root出发,1->3->6->12。 static BinNode GetNodeByPosition(BinNode root, int num) { if (num == 1) return root; int pow = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Log(num, 2)); //1 return 0, 2-3 return 1, 4-7 return 2 //第一个位不算 num -= 1 << pow; while (pow > 0) { if ((num & 1 << (pow - 1)) == 0) root = root.Left; else root = root.Right; pow--; } return root; } 总结上面的3个步骤: static BinNode FindParentNode(BinNode root, BinNode node1, BinNode node2) { int pos1 = 1; GetPositionByNode(root, node1, ref pos1); int pos2 = 1; GetPositionByNode(root, node2, ref pos2); int parentposition = 0; if (pos1 >= pos2) { parentposition = FindParentPosition(pos1, pos2); } else //pos1 { parentposition = FindParentPosition(pos2, pos1); } return GetNodeByPosition(root, parentposition); } 算法思想:三种算法的思想都是让root的Left的Left的Left全都入栈。所以第一个while循环的逻辑,都是相同的。 下面详细分析第2个while循环,这是一个出栈动作,只要栈不为空,就始终要弹出栈顶元素,由于我们之前入栈的都是Left节点,所以每次在出栈的时候,我们都要考虑Right节点是否存在。因为前序/后序/中序遍历顺序的不同,所以在具体的实现上有略为区别。 1)前序遍历 这个是最简单的。 前序遍历是root->root.Left->root.Right的顺序。 因为在第一个while循环中,每次进栈的都可以认为是一个root,所以我们直接打印,然后root.Right和root.Left先后进栈,那么出栈的时候,就能确保先左后右的顺序。 static void PreOrder(BinNode root) { Stack stack = new Stack(); BinNode temp = root; //入栈 while (temp != null) { Console.WriteLine(temp.Element); if (temp.Right != null) stack.Push(temp.Right); temp = temp.Left; } //出栈,当然也有入栈 while (stack.Count > 0) { temp = (BinNode)stack.Pop(); Console.WriteLine(temp.Element); while (temp != null) { if (temp.Right != null) stack.Push(temp.Right); temp = temp.Left; } } } //后序遍历比较麻烦,需要记录上一个访问的节点,然后在本次循环中判断当前节点的Right或Left是否为上个节点,当前节点的Right为null表示没有右节点。 static void PostOrder(BinNode root) { Stack stack = new Stack(); BinNode temp = root; //入栈 while (temp != null) { if (temp != null) stack.Push(temp); temp = temp.Left; } //出栈,当然也有入栈 while (stack.Count > 0) { BinNode lastvisit = temp; temp = (BinNode)stack.Pop(); if (temp.Right == null || temp.Right == lastvisit) { Console.WriteLine(temp.Element); } else if (temp.Left == lastvisit) { stack.Push(temp); temp = temp.Right; stack.Push(temp); while (temp != null) { if (temp.Left != null) stack.Push(temp.Left); temp = temp.Left; } } } } //中序遍历,类似于前序遍历 static void InOrder(BinNode root) { Stack stack = new Stack(); BinNode temp = root; //入栈 while (temp != null) { if (temp != null) stack.Push(temp); temp = temp.Left; } //出栈,当然也有入栈 while (stack.Count > 0) { temp = (BinNode)stack.Pop(); Console.WriteLine(temp.Element); if (temp.Right != null) { temp = temp.Right; stack.Push(temp); while (temp != null) { if (temp.Left != null) stack.Push(temp.Left); temp = temp.Left; } } } } 算法思想:这道题目的苦恼在于,如果用递归,只能打出一条路径来,其它符合条件的路径打不出来。 为此,我们需要一个Stack,来保存访问过的节点,即在对该节点的递归前让其进栈,对该节点的递归结束后,再让其出栈——深度优先原则(DFS)。 此外,在递归中,如果发现某节点(及其路径)符合条件,如何从头到尾打印是比较头疼的,因为DFS使用的是stack而不是queue,为此我们需要一个临时栈,来辅助打印。 static void FindBinNode(BinNode root, int sum, Stack stack) { if (root == null) return; stack.Push(root.Element); //Leaf if (root.IsLeaf()) { if (root.Element == sum) { Stack tempStack = new Stack(); while (stack.Count > 0) { tempStack.Push(stack.Pop()); } while (tempStack.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine(tempStack.Peek()); stack.Push(tempStack.Pop()); } Console.WriteLine(); } } if (root.Left != null) FindBinNode(root.Left, sum - root.Element, stack); if (root.Right != null) FindBinNode(root.Right, sum - root.Element, stack); stack.Pop(); } 算法思想:我们该如何构造这棵二叉树呢?当然是越平衡越好,如下所示: //// arr[0] //// arr[1] arr[2] //// arr[3] arr[4] arr[5] 相应编码如下: public static void InsertArrayIntoTree(int[] arr, int pos, ref BinNode root) { root = new BinNode(arr[pos], null, null); root.Element = arr[pos]; //if Left value less than arr length if (pos * 2 + 1 > arr.Length - 1) { return; } else { InsertArrayIntoTree(arr, pos * 2 + 1, ref root.Left); } //if Right value less than arr length if (pos * 2 + 2 > arr.Length - 1) { return; } else { root.Right = new BinNode(arr[pos * 2 + 2], null, null); InsertArrayIntoTree(arr, pos * 2 + 2, ref root.Right); } } 比如,给你一个数组: int a[] = [1, 6, 4, 3, 5] ,则F(a) => false 算法思想:在后续遍历得到的序列中,最后一个元素为树的根结点。从头开始扫描这个序列,比根结点小的元素都应该位于序列的左半部分;从第一个大于跟结点开始到跟结点前面的一个元素为止,所有元素都应该大于跟结点,因为这部分元素对应的是树的右子树。根据这样的划分,把序列划分为左右两部分,我们递归地确认序列的左、右两部分是不是都是二元查找树。 由于不能使用动态数组,所以我们每次递归都使用同一个数组arr,通过start和length来模拟“部分”数组。 public static bool VerifyArrayOfBST(int[] arr, int start, int length) { if (arr == null || arr.Length == 0 || arr.Length == 1) { return false; } int root = arr[length + start - 1]; int i = start; for (; i < length - 1; i++) { if (arr[i] >= root) break; } int j = i; for (; j < length - 1; j++) { if (arr[j] < root) return false; } bool left = true; if (i > start) { left = VerifyArrayOfBST(arr, start, i - start); } bool right = true; if (j > i) { right = VerifyArrayOfBST(arr, i, j - i + 1); } return left && right; } 算法1:利用上述遍历二叉树的方法(比如说前序遍历),把访问操作修改为交换左右节点的逻辑: static void PreOrder(ref BinNode root) { if (root == null) return; //visit current node BinNode temp = root.Left; root.Left = root.Right; root.Right = temp; PreOrder(ref root.Left); PreOrder(ref root.Right); } 算法2:使用循环也可以完成相同的功能。 static void PreOrder2(ref BinNode root) { if (root == null) return; Stack stack = new Stack(); stack.Push(root); while (stack.Count > 0) { //visit current node BinNode temp = root.Left; root.Left = root.Right; root.Right = temp; if (root.Left != null) stack.Push(root.Left); if (root.Right != null) stack.Push(root.Right); } } 算法思想:最小最大节点分别在最左下与最右下节点,O(N) static BinNode Find(BinNode root) { BinNode min = FindMinNode(root); BinNode max = FindMaxNode(root); double find = (double)(min.Element + max.Element) / 2; return FindNode(root, find); } static BinNode FindMinNode(BinNode root) { BinNode min = root; while (min.Left != null) { min = min.Left; } return min; } static BinNode FindMaxNode(BinNode root) { BinNode max = root; while (max.Right != null) { max = max.Right; } return max; } 递归寻找BST的节点,O(logN)。 static BinNode FindNode(BinNode root, double mid) { //如果小于相等,则从右边找一个最小值 if (root.Element <= mid) { if (root.Right == null) return root; BinNode find = FindNode(root.Right, mid); //不一定找得到 return find.Element < mid root : find; } //如果大于,则找到Left else //temp.Element > find { if (root.Left == null) return root; BinNode find = FindNode(root.Left, mid); //不一定找得到 return find.Element < mid root : find; } } //// 13 //// 10 15 //// 5 11 17 //// 16 22 转变为Link:5=10=11=13=15=16=17=22 算法思想:这个就是中序遍历啦,因为BST的中序遍历就是一个从小到大的访问顺序。局部修改中序遍历算法,于是有如下代码: static void ConvertNodeToLink(BinNode root, ref DoubleLink link) { if (root == null) return; BinNode temp = root; if (temp.Left != null) ConvertNodeToLink(temp.Left, ref link); //visit current node link.Next = new DoubleLink(link, null, root); link = link.Next; if (temp.Right != null) ConvertNodeToLink(temp.Right, ref link); } 但是我们发现,这样得到的Link是指向双链表最后一个元素22,而我们想要得到的是表头5,为此,我们不得不额外进行while循环,将指针向前移动到表头: static DoubleLink ReverseDoubleLink(BinNode root, ref DoubleLink link) { ConvertNodeToLink(root, ref link); DoubleLink temp = link; while (temp.Prev != null) { temp = temp.Prev; } return temp; } 这么写有点蠢,为什么不直接在递归中就把顺序反转呢?于是有算法2: 算法2:观察算法1的递归方法,访问顺序是Left -> Root –> Right,所以我们要把访问顺序修改为Right -> Root –> Left。 此外,算法的节点访问逻辑,是连接当前节点和新节点,同时指针link向前走,即5=10=11=13=15=16=17=22=link 代码如下所示: link.Next = new DoubleLink(link, null, root); link = link.Next; 那么,即使我们颠倒了访问顺序,新的Link也只是变为:22=17=16=15=13=11=10=5=link。 为此,我们修改上面的节点访问逻辑——将Next和Prev属性交换: link.Prev = new DoubleLink(null, link, root); link = link.Prev; 这样,新的Link就变成这样的顺序了:link=5=10=11=13=15=16=17=22 算法代码如下所示: static void ConvertNodeToLink2(BinNode root, ref DoubleLink link) { if (root == null) return; BinNode temp = root; if (temp.Right != null) ConvertNodeToLink2(temp.Right, ref link); //visit current node link.Prev = new DoubleLink(null, link, root); link = link.Prev; if (temp.Left != null) ConvertNodeToLink2(temp.Left, ref link); } 以下算法属于二叉树的基本概念,未列出: 1.Huffman Tree的生成、编码和反编码 2.BST的实现 3.Heap的实现,优先队列 4.非平衡二叉树如何变成平衡二叉树? http://www.cppblog.com/bellgrade/archive/2009/10/12/98402.html 玩二叉树,基本都要用到递归算法。 唉,对于递归函数,我一直纠结,到底要不要返回值?到底先干正事还是先递归?到底要不要破坏原来的数据结构?到底要不要额外做个stack/queue/link/array来转存,还是说完全在递归里面实现?到底终结条件要写成什么样子? ref在递归里面貌似用的很多哦。13.删除单链表中重复的元素
10.一棵排序二叉树(即二叉搜索树BST),令 f=(最大值+最小值)/2,设计一个算法,找出距离f值最近、大于f值的结点。复杂度如果是O(n2)则不得分。