Princeton版本的BTree实现,采用了哨兵,使得任意一个结点(包含key1, …, keyi, …, keym),keyi对应子结点内的所有key值都>=keyi,并且都小于key(i+1)。采用哨兵的数据结构有效地简化了代码。
public class PrincetonBTree<Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value> {
// max children per B-tree node = M-1
// (must be even and greater than 2)
private static final int M = 4;
private Node root; // root of the B-tree
private int height; // height of the B-tree
private int n; // number of key-value pairs in the B-tree
// helper B-tree node data type
private static final class Node {
private int m; // number of children
private Entry[] children = new Entry[M]; // the array of children
// create a node with k children
private Node(int k) {
m = k;
// internal nodes: only use key and next
// external nodes: only use key and value
// 因此,当索引key时,要获取value都只能在外部结点中获得
private static class Entry {
private Comparable key;
private final Object val;
private Node next; // helper field to iterate over array entries
public Entry(Comparable key, Object val, Node next) {
this.key = key;
this.val = val;
this.next = next;
* Initializes an empty B-tree.
public PrincetonBTree() {
root = new Node(0);
* Returns true if this symbol table is empty.
* @return {@code true} if this symbol table is empty; {@code false} otherwise
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size() == 0;
* Returns the number of key-value pairs in this symbol table.
* @return the number of key-value pairs in this symbol table
public int size() {
return n;
* Returns the height of this B-tree (for debugging).
* @return the height of this B-tree
public int height() {
return height;
* Returns the value associated with the given key.
* @param key the key
* @return the value associated with the given key if the key is in the symbol table
* and {@code null} if the key is not in the symbol table
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is {@code null}
public Value get(Key key) {
if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument to get() is null");
return search(root, key, height);
private Value search(Node x, Key key, int ht) {
Entry[] children = x.children;
// external node
if (ht == 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < x.m; j++) {
if (eq(key, children[j].key)) return (Value) children[j].val;
// internal node
else {
for (int j = 0; j < x.m; j++) {
if (j+1 == x.m || less(key, children[j+1].key))
return search(children[j].next, key, ht-1);
return null;
* Inserts the key-value pair into the symbol table, overwriting the old value
* with the new value if the key is already in the symbol table.
* If the value is {@code null}, this effectively deletes the key from the symbol table.
* @param key the key
* @param val the value
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is {@code null}
public void put(Key key, Value val) {
if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument key to put() is null");
Node node = insert(root, key, val, height);
if (node == null) return;
// need to split root
Node newRoot = new Node(2);
newRoot.children[0] = new Entry(root.children[0].key, null, root);
newRoot.children[1] = new Entry(node.children[0].key, null, node);
root = newRoot;
private Node insert(Node node, Key key, Value val, int height) {
int index;
Entry entry = new Entry(key, val, null);
// external node
if (height == 0) {
for (index = 0; index < node.m; index++) {
if (less(key, node.children[index].key)) break;
// internal node
else {
for (index = 0; index < node.m; index++) {
if ((index+1 == node.m) || less(key, node.children[index+1].key)) {
Node splitNode = insert(node.children[index++].next, key, val, height-1);
if (splitNode == null) return null;
entry.key = splitNode.children[0].key;
entry.next = splitNode;
for (int i = node.m; i > index; i--)
node.children[i] = node.children[i-1];
node.children[index] = entry;
if (node.m < M) return null;
else return split(node);
// split node in half
private Node split(Node h) {
Node t = new Node(M/2);
h.m = M/2;
for (int j = 0; j < M/2; j++)
t.children[j] = h.children[M/2+j];
return t;
* Returns a string representation of this B-tree (for debugging).
* @return a string representation of this B-tree.
public String toString() {
return toString(root, height, "") + "\n";
private String toString(Node h, int ht, String indent) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
Entry[] children = h.children;
if (ht == 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < h.m; j++) {
s.append(indent + children[j].key + " " + children[j].val + "\n");
else {
for (int j = 0; j < h.m; j++) {
if (j > 0) s.append(indent + "(" + children[j].key + ")\n");
s.append(toString(children[j].next, ht-1, indent + " "));
return s.toString();
// comparison functions - make Comparable instead of Key to avoid casts
private boolean less(Comparable k1, Comparable k2) {
return k1.compareTo(k2) < 0;
private boolean eq(Comparable k1, Comparable k2) {
return k1.compareTo(k2) == 0;
* Unit tests the {@code BTree} data type.
* @param args the command-line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
PrincetonBTree<Double, String> bTree = new PrincetonBTree<Double, String>();
bTree.put(1D, "test1");
bTree.put(4D, "test4");
bTree.put(7D, "test7");
bTree.put(0D, "test0");
bTree.put(2D, "test2");
bTree.put(5D, "test5");
bTree.put(8D, "test8");
bTree.put(6D, "test6");
bTree.put(9D, "test9");
bTree.put(3D, "test3");
bTree.put(10D, "test10");
public class BTreeWithSentinel<Key extends Comparable, Value> {
private static final int M = 4;
private static final int M_WITH_SENTINEL = M + 1;
private Node root;
private int height;
BTreeWithSentinel() {
this.root = new Node(1);
this.root.keys[0] = new Entry(null, null, null);
this.height = 0;
public static final class Node {
Entry[] keys = new Entry[M_WITH_SENTINEL];
int size = 0;
Node(int size) {
this.size = size;
public static final class Entry {
Comparable key;
Object value;
Node next;
Entry(Comparable key, Object value, Node next) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
this.next = next;
public void put(Key key, Value value) {
Node newNode = insert(this.root, key, value, this.height);
if (newNode == null) {
Node newRoot = new Node(2);
newRoot.keys[0] = new Entry(null, null, root);
newRoot.keys[1] = new Entry(newNode.keys[0].key, newNode.keys[0].value, newNode);
this.root = newRoot;
public Value get(Key key) {
return search(this.root, key);
public Value search(Node root, Key key) {
if (root == null) {
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < root.size; i++) {
if ((i+1) == root.size || less(key, (Key) root.keys[i+1].key)) {
return search(root.keys[i].next, key);
} else if (equal(key, (Key) root.keys[i+1].key)) {
return (Value) root.keys[i+1].value;
return null;
public Node insert(Node root, Key key, Value value, int height) {
Entry entry = new Entry(key, value, null);
int index = 1;
if (height == 0) {
for ( index = 1; index < root.size; index++) {
if (less(key, (Key) root.keys[index].key)) {
} else {
for ( index = 0; index < root.size; index++) {
if ( (index + 1) == root.size || less(key, (Key) root.keys[index + 1].key)) {
Node newNode = insert(root.keys[index].next, key, value, height - 1);
if (newNode == null) {
return null;
entry = new Entry(newNode.keys[0].key, newNode.keys[0].value, newNode);
for (int i = root.size; i > index; i--) {
root.keys[i] = root.keys[i - 1];
root.keys[index] = entry;
if (root.size < M_WITH_SENTINEL) return null;
else return splitNode(root);
public Node splitNode(Node node) {
Node newNode = new Node(ceilDiv(node.size, 2));
node.size = floorDiv(node.size, 2);
for (int i = 0; i < newNode.size; i++) {
newNode.keys[i] = node.keys[node.size + i];
return newNode;
private int ceilDiv(int foo, int bar) {
return Double.valueOf(Math.ceil((double) foo / bar)).intValue();
private int floorDiv(int foo, int bar) {
return Double.valueOf(Math.floor((double) foo / bar)).intValue();
private Boolean more(Key foo, Key bar) {
return foo.compareTo(bar) > 0;
private Boolean equal(Key foo, Key bar) {
return foo.compareTo(bar) == 0;
private Boolean less(Key foo, Key bar) {
return foo.compareTo(bar) < 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
BTreeWithSentinel<Double, String> bTree = new BTreeWithSentinel<Double, String>();
bTree.put(1D, "test1");
bTree.put(4D, "test4");
bTree.put(7D, "test7");
bTree.put(0D, "test0");
bTree.put(2D, "test2");
bTree.put(5D, "test5");
bTree.put(8D, "test8");
bTree.put(6D, "test6");
bTree.put(9D, "test9");
bTree.put(3D, "test3");
bTree.put(10D, "test10");