LiveData 是一种可观察的数据存储器类。与常规的可观察类不同,LiveData 具有生命周期感知能力,意指它遵循其他应用组件(如 Activity、Fragment 或 Service)的生命周期。这种感知能力可确保 LiveData 仅更新处于活跃生命周期状态的应用组件观察者。
LiveData 具有生命周期感知能力,确保界面符合数据状态,不会发生内存泄露,不会因 Activity停止而导致崩溃,不再需要手动处理生命周期,数据始终保持最新状态
LiveData 我就不多做介绍了,LiveData已经有很多,很详细的文章,接下来谈谈如何使用LiveData实现事件总线
使用LiveData实现事件总线的难点在于LiveData 为了在视图控制器发生重建后,能够 自动倒灌 所观察的 LiveData 的最后一次数据,LiveData 被设计为粘性事件,在此之前我看了很多关于LiveDataBus的文章,关于非粘性 LiveData 的实现,网上存在通过 “事件包装类”和 “反射干预 LastVersion” 两种方式来解决.
private val liveDataMap = HashMap<String, MutableLiveData<Any?>>()
LiveData 为了在视图控制器发生重建后,能够 自动倒灌 所观察的 LiveData 的最后一次数据,LiveData 被设计为粘性事件的解决方案
fun with(tag: String): LiveData<Any?>? {
return liveDataMap[tag]
LiveDataBus.with(tag).observe(this, Observer {
/** * Adds the given observer to the observers list. This call is similar to * {@link LiveData#observe(LifecycleOwner, Observer)} with a LifecycleOwner, which * is always active. This means that the given observer will receive all events and will never * be automatically removed. You should manually call {@link #removeObserver(Observer)} to stop * observing this LiveData. * While LiveData has one of such observers, it will be considered * as active. *
* If the observer was already added with an owner to this LiveData, LiveData throws an * {@link IllegalArgumentException}. * * @param observer The observer that will receive the events */ @MainThread public void observeForever(@NonNull Observer<? super T> observer) { assertMainThread("observeForever"); AlwaysActiveObserver wrapper = new AlwaysActiveObserver(observer); ObserverWrapper existing = mObservers.putIfAbsent(observer, wrapper); if (existing != null && existing instanceof LiveData.LifecycleBoundObserver) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add the same observer" + " with different lifecycles"); } if (existing != null) { return; } wrapper.activeStateChanged(true); }
LiveDataBus.with(tag).observeForever(this, Observer {
fun send(tag: String, t: Any? = null) {
if (!liveDataMap.containsKey(tag) ) return
// 发送