mac 的错误码



This list of Macintosh error codes is erroneus as soon as it's put up. There are new codes introducted all the time, but most of these should at least remain constant.

If you know of a category of errors that are not included here, please let me know.

  • error -32768 svTempDisable: Temporarily disable card but run primary init.
  • error -32640 svDisabled: Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.
  • error -32615 fontNotOutlineErr: bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only
  • error -23048 outOfMemory: Not enough memory is available to issue the needed DNR query or to build the DNR cache.
  • error -23047 dnrErr: The domain name server has returned an error.
  • error -23046 noAnsErr: None of the known name servers are responding.
  • error -23045 authNameErr: The domain name does not exist.
  • error -23044 noNameServer: No name server can be found for the specified name string.
  • error -23043 noResultProc: No result procedure is passed to the address translation call when the resolver must be used to find the address.
  • error -23042 cacheFault: The name specified cannot be found in the cache. The domain name resolver will now query the domain name server and return the answer in the callback procedure.
  • error -23041 nameSyntaxErr: The <> field had a syntax error. The address was given in dot notation (that is, W.X.Y.Z) and did not conform to the syntax for an IP address.
  • error -23037 ipRouteErr: No gateway available to manage routing of packets to off-network destinations.
  • error -23036 ipNoFragMemErr: Insufficient internal driver buffers available to fragment this packet on send.
  • error -23035 icmpEchoTimeoutErr: The icmp echo packet was not responded to in the indicated timeout period.
  • error -23033 ipDestDeadErr: The destination host is not responding to address resolution requests.
  • error -23032 ipDontFragErr: The pack is too large to send without fragmenting and the Don't Fragment flag is set.
  • error -23017 duplicateSocket: A stream is already open using the local UDP port or a TCP connection already exists between the local IP address and TCP port, and the specified remote IP address and TCP port.
  • error -23016 commandTimeout: The specified command action was not completed in the specified time period.
  • error -23015 openFailed: The connection came halfway up and then failed.
  • error -23014 invalidWDS: The WDS pointer was 0 (nil).
  • error -23014 invalidRDS: The RDS refers to receive buffers not owned by the user.
  • error -23013 invalidBufPtr: The receive buffer area pointer is 0 (nil).
  • error -23012 connectionTerminated: The TCP connection was broken; the reason will be given a terminate ASR.
  • error -23011 streamAlreadyOpen: An open stream is already using the receive buffer area.
  • error -23010 invalidStreamPtr: The specified TCP or UDP stream is not open.
  • error -23009 insufficientResources: 64 TCP or UDP streams are already open.
  • error -23008 connectionDoesntExist: The TCP stream has no open connection.
  • error -23007 connectionExists: The TCP or UDP stream already has an open connection.
  • error -23006 invalidLength: The total amount of data described by the WDS was either 0 or greater than 65,535 bytes.
  • error -23005 connectionClosing: A TCPClose command was already issued so there is no more data to send on this connection.
  • error -23004 ipBadAddr: Error in getting an address from a server or the address is already in use by another machine.
  • error -23003 ipLoadErr: Not enough room in the application heap (Macintosh 512K enhanced only)
  • error -23002 ipNoCnfgErr: A configuration resource is missing.
  • error -23001 ipBadCnfgErr: The manually set address is configured improperly.
  • error -23000 ipBadLapErr: Unable to initialize the local network handler.
  • error -20002 invalidIndexErr: The recordIndex parameter is not valid.
  • error -20001 recordDataTooBigErr: The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes).
  • error -20000 unknownInsertModeErr: There is no such an insert mode.
  • error -13005 pmRecvEndErr: during receive pmgr did not finish hs configured for this connection
  • error -13004 pmRecvStartErr: during receive pmgr did not start hs
  • error -13003 pmSendEndErr: during send pmgr did not finish hs
  • error -13002 pmSendStartErr: during send pmgr did not start hs
  • error -13001 pmReplyTOErr: Timed out waiting for reply
  • error -13000 pmBusyErr: Power Mgr never ready to start handshake
  • error -11005 pictureDataErr: the picture data was invalid
  • error -11004 colorsRequestedErr: the number of colors requested was illegal
  • error -11003 cantLoadPickMethodErr: unable to load the custom pick proc
  • error -11002 pictInfoVerbErr: the passed verb was invalid
  • error -11001 pictInfoIDErr: the internal consistancy check for the PictInfoID is wrong
  • error -11000 pictInfoVersionErr: wrong version of the PictInfo structure
  • error -10115 telBadSampleRate: incompatible sample rate
  • error -10114 telBadSWErr: Software not installed properly
  • error -10113 telDetAlreadyOn: detection is already turned on
  • error -10112 telAutoAnsNotOn: autoAnswer in not turned on
  • error -10111 telValidateFailed: telValidate failed
  • error -10110 telBadProcID: invalid procID
  • error -10109 telDeviceNotFound: device not found
  • error -10108 telBadCodeResource: code resource not found
  • error -10107 telInitFailed: initialization failed
  • error -10106 telNoCommFolder: CommunicationsExtensions Ä not found
  • error -10103 telUnknownErr: unable to set config
  • error -10102 telNoSuchTool: unable to find tool with name specified
  • error -10101 telNoTools: unable to find any telephone tools
  • error -10091 telBadFunction: bad msgCode specified
  • error -10090 telPBErr: parameter block error bad format
  • error -10082 telCANotDeflectable: CA not "deflectable"
  • error -10081 telCANotRejectable: CA not "rejectable"
  • error -10080 telCANotAcceptable: CA not "acceptable"
  • error -10072 telTermNotOpen: terminal not opened via TELOpenTerm
  • error -10071 telStillNeeded: terminal driver still needed by someone else
  • error -10070 telAlreadyOpen: terminal already open
  • error -10064 telNoCallbackRef: no call back reference was specified but is required
  • error -10063 telDisplayModeNotSupp: display mode not supported by tool
  • error -10062 telBadDisplayMode: bad display mode specified
  • error -10061 telFwdTypeNotSupp: forward type not supported by tool
  • error -10060 telDNTypeNotSupp: DN type not supported by tool
  • error -10059 telBadRate: bad rate specified
  • error -10058 telBadBearerType: bad bearerType specified
  • error -10057 telBadSelect: unable to select or deselect DN
  • error -10056 telBadParkID: bad park id specified
  • error -10055 telBadPickupGroupID: bad pickup group ID specified
  • error -10054 telBadFwdType: bad fwdType specified
  • error -10053 telBadFeatureID: bad feature ID specified
  • error -10052 telBadIntercomID: bad intercom ID specified
  • error -10051 telBadPageID: bad page ID specified
  • error -10050 telBadDNType: DN type invalid
  • error -10047 telConfLimitExceeded: attempt to exceed switch conference limits
  • error -10046 telCBErr: call back feature not set previously
  • error -10045 telTransferRej: transfer request rejected
  • error -10044 telTransferErr: transfer not prepared
  • error -10043 telConfRej: conference request was rejected
  • error -10042 telConfErr: conference was not prepared
  • error -10041 telConfNoLimit: no limit was specified but required
  • error -10040 telConfLimitErr: limit specified is too high for this configuration
  • error -10033 telFeatNotSupp: feature program call not supported by this tool
  • error -10032 telFeatActive: feature already active
  • error -10031 telFeatNotAvail: feature subscribed but not available
  • error -10030 telFeatNotSub: feature not subscribed
  • error -10024 telDNDTypeNotSupp: DND type is not supported by this tool
  • error -10023 telBadDNDType: bad DND type specified
  • error -10022 telIntExtNotSupp: internal external type not supported by this tool
  • error -10021 telBadIntExt: bad internal external error
  • error -10020 telStateNotSupp: device state not supported by tool
  • error -10019 telBadStateErr: bad device state specified
  • error -10018 telIndexNotSupp: index not supported by this tool
  • error -10017 telBadIndex: bad index specified
  • error -10016 errAELocalOnly or telAPattNotSupp: alerting pattern not supported by tool
  • error -10015 errAECantUndo or telBadAPattErr: bad alerting pattern specified
  • error -10014 errAENotASingleObject or telVTypeNotSupp: volume type not supported by this tool
  • error -10013 errAENoUserSelection or telBadVTypeErr: bad volume type error
  • error -10012 errAENoSuchTransaction or telBadLevelErr: bad volume level setting
  • error -10011 errAEInTransaction or telHTypeNotSupp: hook type not supported by this tool
  • error -10010 errAECantHandleClass or telBadHTypeErr: bad hook type specified
  • error -10009 errAECantSupplyType
  • error -10008 errAENotAnElement or telNoOpenErr: unable to open terminal
  • error -10007 errAEIndexTooLarge or telNoMemErr: no memory to allocate handle
  • error -10006 errAEWriteDenied or telCAUnavail: a CA is not available
  • error -10005 errAEReadDenied or telBadProcErr: bad msgProc specified
  • error -10004 errAEPrivilegeError or telBadHandErr: bad handle specified
  • error -10003 errAENotModifiable or telBadCAErr: TELCAHandle not found or invalid
  • error -10002 errAEBadKeyForm or telBadDNErr: TELDNHandle not found or invalid
  • error -10001 errAETypeError or telBadTermErr: invalid TELHandle or handle not found
  • error -10000 errAEEventFailed
  • error -9999 cannotMoveAttachedController
  • error -9998 controllerHasFixedHeight
  • error -9997 cannotSetWidthOfAttachedController
  • error -9996 controllerBoundsNotExact
  • error -9995 editingNotAllowed
  • error -9994 badControllerHeight
  • error -9408 deviceCantMeetRequest
  • error -9407 seqGrabInfoNotAvailable
  • error -9406 badSGChannel
  • error -9405 couldntGetRequiredComponent
  • error -9404 notEnoughDiskSpaceToGrab
  • error -9403 notEnoughMemoryToGrab
  • error -9402 cantDoThatInCurrentMode
  • error -9401 grabTimeComplete
  • error -9400 noDeviceForChannel
  • error -8976 codecNothingToBlitErr
  • error -8975 codecCantQueueErr
  • error -8974 codecCantWhenErr
  • error -8973 codecOpenErr
  • error -8972 codecConditionErr
  • error -8971 codecExtensionNotFoundErr
  • error -8970 codecDataVersErr
  • error -8969 codecBadDataErr
  • error -8968 codecWouldOffscreenErr
  • error -8967 codecAbortErr
  • error -8966 codecSpoolErr
  • error -8965 codecImageBufErr
  • error -8964 codecScreenBufErr
  • error -8963 codecSizeErr
  • error -8962 codecUnimpErr
  • error -8961 noCodecErr
  • error -8960 codecErr
  • error -6231 kDMMainDisplayCannotMoveErr: Trying to move main display (or a display mirrored to it) or kDMNoDeviceTableclothErr: obsolete
  • error -6230 kDMDisplayAlreadyInstalledErr: Attempt to add an already installed display.
  • error -6229 kDMDisplayNotFoundErr: Could not find item (will someday remove). or kDMNotFoundErr: Could not find item.
  • error -6228 kDMDriverNotDisplayMgrAwareErr: Video Driver does not support display manager.
  • error -6227 kDMSWNotInitializedErr: Required software not initialized (eg windowmanager or display mgr).
  • error -6226 kSysSWTooOld: Missing critical pieces of System Software.
  • error -6225 kDMMirroringNotOn: Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be on to do their thing.
  • error -6224 kDMCantBlock: Mirroring is already on canÕt Block now (call DMUnMirror() first).
  • error -6223 kDMMirroringBlocked: DMBlockMirroring() has been called.
  • error -6222 kDMWrongNumberOfDisplays: Can only handle 2 displays for now.
  • error -6221 kDMMirroringOnAlready: Returned by all calls that need mirroring to be off to do their thing.
  • error -6220 kDMGenErr: Unexpected Error
  • error -5553 gestaltLocationErr: gestalt function ptr wasn't in sysheap
  • error -5552 gestaltDupSelectorErr: tried to add an entry that already existed
  • error -5551 gestaltUndefSelectorErr: undefined selector was passed to Gestalt
  • error -5550 gestaltUnknownErr: value returned if Gestalt doesn't know the answer
  • error -5502 envVersTooBig: Version bigger than call can handle
  • error -5501 envBadVers: Version non-positive
  • error -5500 envNotPresent: returned by glue.
  • error -5044 afpInsideTrashErr: the folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder OR the folder is being moved to the trash and it contains a shared folder
  • error -5043 afpInsideSharedErr: the folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder OR the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into the descendent of a shared folder.
  • error -5042 afpPwdExpiredErr: the password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue
  • error -5041 afpPwdTooShortErr: the password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded
  • error -5040 afpPwdSameErr: someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change
  • error -5039 afpBadIDErr
  • error -5038 afpSameObjectErr
  • error -5037 afpCatalogChanged
  • error -5036 afpDiffVolErr
  • error -5035 afpIDExists
  • error -5034 afpIDNotFound
  • error -5033 afpContainsSharedErr: the folder being shared contains a shared folder
  • error -5032 afpObjectLocked: Object is MRDW inhibited
  • error -5031 afpVolLocked: Volume is Read-Only
  • error -5030 afpIconTypeError
  • error -5029 afpDirNotFound
  • error -5028 afpCantRename
  • error -5027 afpServerGoingDown
  • error -5026 afpTooManyFilesOpen
  • error -5025 afpObjectTypeErr
  • error -5024 afpCallNotSupported
  • error -5023 afpUserNotAuth
  • error -5022 afpSessClosed
  • error -5021 afpRangeOverlap
  • error -5020 afpRangeNotLocked
  • error -5019 afpParmErr
  • error -5018 afpObjectNotFound
  • error -5017 afpObjectExists
  • error -5016 afpNoServer
  • error -5015 afpNoMoreLocks
  • error -5014 afpMiscErr
  • error -5013 afpLockErr
  • error -5012 afpItemNotFound
  • error -5011 afpFlatVol
  • error -5010 afpFileBusy
  • error -5009 afpEofError
  • error -5008 afpDiskFull
  • error -5007 afpDirNotEmpty
  • error -5006 afpDenyConflict
  • error -5005 afpCantMove
  • error -5004 afpBitmapErr
  • error -5003 afpBadVersNum
  • error -5002 afpBadUAM
  • error -5001 afpAuthContinue
  • error -5000 afpAccessDenied
  • error -4009 noHelpForItem
  • error -4008 badProfileError
  • error -4007 colorSyncNotInstalled
  • error -4006 pickerCantLive
  • error -4005 cantLoadPackage
  • error -4004 cantCreatePickerWindow
  • error -4003 cantLoadPicker
  • error -4002 pickerResourceError
  • error -4001 requiredFlagsDontMatch
  • error -4000 invalidPickerType
  • error -3180 kOTCanceledErr: An outstanding call was canceled.
  • error -3179 kOTBadSyncErr: A call to Sync was made at non-SystemTask time.
  • error -3178 kOTProtocolErr: An unspecified protocol error occurred.
  • error -3177 kOTQFullErr: The maximum number of outstanding indications has been reached for the endpoint.
  • error -3176 kOTResAddressErr: The address to which this endpoint is bound differs from that of the endpoint that received the connection request; thus, this endpoint cannot accept this connection request.
  • error -3175 kOTResQLenErr: When this endpoint was bound (see Bind), the qlen parameter was greater than zero. But to accept a connection on an alternate end-point, such as this one, the endpoint must be bound with a qlen parameter equal to zero.
  • error -3174 kOTProviderMismatchErr: The endpoint that is to accept the connection is not the same kind of endpoint as this one.
  • error -3173 kOTIndOutErr: There are outstanding connection indications on the endpoint. All other connection indications must be handled either by rejecting them with SndDisconnect, or by accepting them with Accept.
  • error -3172 kOTAddressBusyErr: The requested address is in use, or this endpoint does not support multiple connections with the same local and remote addresses. This result code indicates that a connection already exists. As a return value for a Bind call, it may also indicate that no dynamic addresses are available for protocols or configuration methods that allow dynamic addressing.
  • error -3171 kOTBadQLenErr: The argument qlen when the endpoint was bound with Bind was zero.
  • error -3170 kOTBadNameErr: The endpoint name is invalid.
  • error -3169 kOTStructureTypeErr: An unsupported structure type was passed in the structType field. This error is also returned when the structType field is inconsistent with the endpoint type.
  • error -3168 kOTStateChangeErr: The endpoint is undergoing a transient state change. This error is returned when a function call is made while an endpoint is in the process of changing states.
  • error -3167 kOTNotSupportedErr: This action is not supported by this endpoint.
  • error -3166 kOTNoReleaseErr: No orderly release indication currently exists on this endpoint.
  • error -3165 kOTBadFlagErr: An invalid flag was specified.
  • error -3164 kOTNoUDErrErr: No unit data error indication currently exists on this endpoint.
  • error -3163 kOTNoDisconnectErr: No disconnect indication is available.
  • error -3162 kOTNoDataErr: This endpoint is in non-blocking mode, but no data is currently available. It is also returned by LookupName when no names are found.
  • error -3161 kOTFlowErr: The endpoint is in asynchronous mode, but the flow control mechanism prevents the endpoint from accepting any data at this time.
  • error -3160 kOTBufferOverflowErr: The number of bytes allocated to hold a result is greater than zero, but not sufficient to store the result.
  • error -3159 kOTBadDataErr: The amount of client data specified was not within the bounds allowed by the endpoint.
  • error -3158 kOTLookErr: An asynchronous event has occurred on this endpoint.
  • error -3156 kOTBadSequenceErr: An invalid sequence number was specified, or a NULL call pointer was specified when rejecting a connection request.
  • error -3155 kOTOutStateErr: The function was issued in the wrong sequence.
  • error -3154 kOTNoAddressErr: The endpoint could not allocate an address, or an address was required and not supplied by the client.
  • error -3153 kOTBadReferenceErr: The specified EndpointRef or TEndpoint* does not refer to a valid endpoint.
  • error -3152 kOTAccessErr: The user does not have permission to negotiate the specified address or options.
  • error -3151 kOTBadOptionErr: The specified protocol options were in an incorrect format or contained illegal information.
  • error -3150 kOTBadAddressErr: The specified protocol address was in an incorrect format or contained illegal information.
  • error -3109 sktClosedErr
  • error -3108 recNotFnd
  • error -3107 atpBadRsp
  • error -3106 atpLenErr
  • error -3105 readQErr
  • error -3104 extractErr
  • error -3103 ckSumErr
  • error -3102 noMPPErr
  • error -3101 buf2SmallErr
  • error -3032 noPrefAppErr
  • error -3031 badTranslationSpecErr
  • error -3030 noTranslationPathErr
  • error -3026 couldNotParseSourceFileErr: Source document does not contain source type
  • error -3025 invalidTranslationPathErr: Source type to destination type not a valid path
  • error -3003 componentDontRegister
  • error -3002 componentNotCaptured
  • error -3001 validInstancesExist
  • error -3000 invalidComponentID
  • error -2899 fragLastErrCode: ie: an application's main fragment had no entry point - or - an accerated resource had no entry point or it had a termination routine etc...
  • error -2824 fragInvalidFragmentUsage: fragment targeted for an unacceptable architecture
  • error -2823 fragArchError: no application found in cfrg (for Process Manager)
  • error -2822 fragAppNotFound: user intialization routine did not return noErr
  • error -2821 fragUserInitProcErr: fragment container corrupted (known format)
  • error -2820 fragCorruptErr: internal inconstistancy
  • error -2819 fragConstErr: error in initailization of this manager
  • error -2818 fragMgrInitErr: error connecting to library (error occured in sub prepare)
  • error -2817 fragLibConnErr: boot library has initialization routine
  • error -2816 fragInitRtnUsageErr: circularity detected in mandatory initialization order
  • error -2815 fragInitLoop: import library was too new and therefore incompatible
  • error -2814 fragImportTooNew: import library was too old and therefore incompatible
  • error -2813 fragImportTooOld: order error during user initialization function invocation
  • error -2812 fragObjectInitSeqErr: no more context idÕs
  • error -2811 fragNoContextIDs: out of memory in user's address space for loadable section
  • error -2810 fragNoAddrSpace: out of memory for interal bookkeeping
  • error -2809 fragNoMem: unused
  • error -2808 fragUnused1: loaded fragment had "hard" unresolved imports
  • error -2807 fragHadUnresolveds: fragment container format unknown
  • error -2806 fragFormatUnknown: registered name already in use
  • error -2805 fragDupRegLibName: library name not found in Frag registry
  • error -2804 fragLibNotFound: section was not found
  • error -2803 fragSectionNotFound: symbol was not found in connection
  • error -2802 fragSymbolNotFound: connecionID was not valid
  • error -2801 fragConnectionIDNotFound: contextID was not valid
  • error -2800 fragContextNotFound: CFM error codes
  • error -2780 errASInconsistentNames
  • error -2763 errASNoResultReturned
  • error -2762 errASParameterNotForEvent
  • error -2761 errASIllegalFormalParameter
  • error -2760 errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep
  • error -2721 errASCantCompareMoreThan32k
  • error -2720 errASCantConsiderAndIgnore
  • error -2526 mmInternalError: drag was not accepted by receiver
  • error -2519 tsmUnknownErr: unSupported interface type error
  • error -2518 tsmUnsupportedTypeErr: script has no imput method or is using old IM
  • error -2517 tsmScriptHasNoIMErr: returned by GetDefaultInputMethod
  • error -2516 tsmInputMethodIsOldErr: text service already opened for the document
  • error -2515 tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr: text service is not open
  • error -2514 tsmTSNotOpenErr: the text service has no menu
  • error -2513 tsmTSHasNoMenuErr: not TSM aware because we are using input window
  • error -2512 tsmUseInputWindowErr: there are open documents
  • error -2511 tsmDocumentOpenErr: no text service found
  • error -2510 tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr: canÕt open the component
  • error -2509 tsmCantOpenComponentErr: no open text service
  • error -2508 tsmNoOpenTSErr: document is NOT active
  • error -2507 tsmDocNotActiveErr: document is still active
  • error -2506 tsmTSMDocBusyErr: invalid TSM documentation id
  • error -2505 tsmInvalidDocIDErr: app never registered error (not TSM aware)
  • error -2504 tsmNeverRegisteredErr: want to register again error
  • error -2503 tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr: not an application error
  • error -2502 tsmNotAnAppErr: component result no error
  • error -2501 tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr
  • error -2500 tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr
  • error -2209 badCallOrderErr: Usually due to a status call being called prior to being setup first
  • error -2208 noDMAErr: CanÕt do DMA digitizing (i.e. can't go to requested dest
  • error -2207 badDepthErr: CanÕt digitize into this depth
  • error -2206 notExactSizeErr: CanÕt do exact size requested
  • error -2205 noMoreKeyColorsErr: all key indexes in use
  • error -2204 notExactMatrixErr: warning of bad matrix digitizer did its best
  • error -2203 matrixErr: bad matrix digitizer did nothing
  • error -2202 qtParamErr: bad input parameter (out of range etc)
  • error -2201 digiUnimpErr: feature unimplemented
  • error -2062 movieTextNotFoundErr
  • error -2059 samplesAlreadyInMediaErr
  • error -2058 auxiliaryExportDataUnavailable
  • error -2057 unsupportedAuxiliaryImportData
  • error -2056 soundSupportNotAvailableErr: QT for Windows error
  • error -2055 noSoundTrackInMovieErr: QT for Windows error
  • error -2054 noVideoTrackInMovieErr: QT for Windows error
  • error -2053 featureUnsupported
  • error -2052 couldNotUseAnExistingSample
  • error -2051 noDefaultDataRef
  • error -2050 badDataRefIndex
  • error -2049 invalidDataRefContainer
  • error -2048 noMovieFound
  • error -2047 dataNoDataRef
  • error -2046 endOfDataReached
  • error -2045 dataAlreadyClosed
  • error -2044 dataAlreadyOpenForWrite
  • error -2043 dataNotOpenForWrite
  • error -2042 dataNotOpenForRead
  • error -2041 invalidSampleDescription
  • error -2040 invalidChunkCache
  • error -2039 invalidSampleDescIndex
  • error -2038 invalidChunkNum
  • error -2037 invalidSampleNum
  • error -2036 invalidRect
  • error -2035 cantEnableTrack
  • error -2034 internalQuickTimeError
  • error -2033 badEditIndex
  • error -2032 timeNotInMedia
  • error -2031 timeNotInTrack
  • error -2030 trackNotInMovie
  • error -2029 trackIDNotFound
  • error -2028 badTrackIndex
  • error -2027 maxSizeToGrowTooSmall
  • error -2026 userDataItemNotFound
  • error -2025 staleEditState
  • error -2024 nonMatchingEditState
  • error -2023 invalidEditState
  • error -2022 cantCreateSingleForkFile: happens when file already exists
  • error -2021 wfFileNotFound
  • error -2020 movieToolboxUninitialized
  • error -2019 progressProcAborted
  • error -2018 mediaTypesDontMatch
  • error -2017 badEditList
  • error -2016 cantPutPublicMovieAtom
  • error -2015 invalidTime
  • error -2014 invalidDuration
  • error -2013 invalidHandler
  • error -2012 invalidDataRef
  • error -2011 invalidSampleTable
  • error -2010 invalidMovie
  • error -2009 invalidTrack
  • error -2008 invalidMedia
  • error -2007 noDataHandler
  • error -2006 noMediaHandler
  • error -2005 badComponentType
  • error -2004 cantOpenHandler
  • error -2003 cantFindHandler
  • error -2002 badPublicMovieAtom
  • error -2001 badImageDescription
  • error -2000 couldNotResolveDataRef
  • error -1857 dragNotAcceptedErr: handler not found
  • error -1856 handlerNotFoundErr: handler already exists
  • error -1855 duplicateHandlerErr: error while trying to get flavor data
  • error -1854 cantGetFlavorErr: flavor type already exists
  • error -1853 duplicateFlavorErr: unknown flavor type
  • error -1852 badDragFlavorErr: unknown drag item reference
  • error -1851 badDragItemErr: unknown drag reference
  • error -1850 badDragRefErr: Drag Manager error codes
  • error -1813 errEndOfBody
  • error -1812 errEndOfDocument
  • error -1811 errTopOfBody
  • error -1810 errTopOfDocument
  • error -1801 errOffsetIsOutsideOfView
  • error -1800 errOffsetInvalid
  • error -1762 errOSACantOpenComponent: Can't connect to scripting system with that ID
  • error -1761 errOSAComponentMismatch: Parameters are from 2 different components
  • error -1759 errOSADataFormatTooNew
  • error -1758 errOSADataFormatObsolete
  • error -1757 errOSANoSuchDialect
  • error -1756 errOSASourceNotAvailable
  • error -1754 errOSABadSelector
  • error -1753 errOSAScriptError
  • error -1752 errOSABadStorageType
  • error -1751 errOSAInvalidID
  • error -1750 errOSASystemError
  • error -1732 errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn: available only in version 1.0.1 or greater
  • error -1731 errAEUnknownObjectType: available only in version 1.0.1 or greater
  • error -1730 errAEEmptyListContainer: Attempt to pass empty list as container to accessor
  • error -1729 errAENegativeCount: CountProc returned negative value
  • error -1728 errAENoSuchObject: e.g.: specifier asked for the 3rd but there are only 2. Basically this indicates a run-time resolution error.
  • error -1727 errAENotAnObjSpec: Param to AEResolve not of type 'obj '
  • error -1726 errAEBadTestKey: Test is neither typeLogicalDescriptor nor typeCompDescriptor
  • error -1725 errAENoSuchLogical: Something other than AND OR or NOT
  • error -1723 errAEAccessorNotFound: Accessor proc matching wantClass and containerType or wildcards not found
  • error -1721 errAEWrongNumberArgs: Logical op kAENOT used with other than 1 term
  • error -1720 errAEImpossibleRange: A range like 3rd to 2nd or 1st to all.
  • error -1719 errAEIllegalIndex: index is out of range in a put operation
  • error -1718 errAEReplyNotArrived: the contents of the reply you are accessing have not arrived yet
  • error -1717 errAEHandlerNotFound: no handler in the dispatch tables fits the parameters to AEGetEventHandler or AEGetCoercionHandler
  • error -1716 errAEUnknownAddressType: the target address type is not known
  • error -1715 errAEParamMissed: a required parameter was not accessed
  • error -1714 errAENotASpecialFunction: there is no special function forwith this keyword
  • error -1713 errAENoUserInteraction: no user interaction is allowed
  • error -1712 errAETimeout: the AppleEvent timed out
  • error -1711 errAEWaitCanceled: in AESend the user cancelled out of wait loop for reply or receipt
  • error -1710 errAEUnknownSendMode: mode wasn't NoReply WaitReply or QueueReply or Interaction level is unknown
  • error -1709 errAEReplyNotValid: AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter
  • error -1708 errAEEventNotHandled: the AppleEvent was not handled by any handler
  • error -1707 errAENotAppleEvent: the event is not in AppleEvent format
  • error -1706 errAENewerVersion: need newer version of the AppleEvent manager
  • error -1705 errAEBadListItem: the specified list item does not exist
  • error -1704 errAENotAEDesc
  • error -1703 errAEWrongDataType
  • error -1702 errAECorruptData
  • error -1701 errAEDescNotFound
  • error -1700 errAECoercionFail: bad parameter data or unable to coerce the data supplied
  • error -1310 fsDataTooBigErr: file or volume is too big for system
  • error -1309 fileBoundsErr: file's EOF offset mark or size is too big
  • error -1308 notARemountErr: when _Mount allows only remounts and doesn't get one
  • error -1307 badFidErr: file id is dangling or doesn't match with the file number
  • error -1306 sameFileErr: can't exchange a file with itself
  • error -1305 desktopDamagedErr: desktop database files are corrupted
  • error -1304 catChangedErr: the catalog has been modified
  • error -1303 diffVolErr: files on different volumes
  • error -1302 notAFileErr: directory specified
  • error -1301 fidExists: file id already exists
  • error -1300 fidNotFound: no file thread exists.
  • error -1280 errRefNum: bad connection refNum
  • error -1279 errAborted: control call was aborted
  • error -1278 errState: bad connection state for this operation
  • error -1277 errOpening: open connection request failed
  • error -1276 errAttention: attention message too long
  • error -1275 errFwdReset: read terminated by forward reset
  • error -1274 errDSPQueueSize: DSP ReadWrite Queue Too small
  • error -1273 errOpenDenied: open connection request was denied
  • error -1105 reqAborted
  • error -1104 noDataArea
  • error -1103 noSendResp
  • error -1102 cbNotFound
  • error -1101 noRelErr
  • error -1100 badBuffNum
  • error -1099 badATPSkt
  • error -1098 tooManySkts
  • error -1097 tooManyReqs
  • error -1096 reqFailed
  • error -1075 aspNoAck: No ack on attention request (server err)
  • error -1074 aspTooMany: Too many clients (server error)
  • error -1073 aspSizeErr: Command block too big
  • error -1072 aspSessClosed: Session closed
  • error -1071 aspServerBusy: Server cannot open another session
  • error -1070 aspParamErr: Parameter error
  • error -1069 aspNoServers: No servers at that address
  • error -1068 aspNoMoreSess: No more sessions on server
  • error -1067 aspBufTooSmall: Buffer too small
  • error -1066 aspBadVersNum: Server cannot support this ASP version
  • error -1029 nbpNISErr: Error trying to open the NIS
  • error -1028 nbpNotFound: Name not found on remove
  • error -1027 nbpDuplicate: Duplicate name exists already
  • error -1026 nbpConfDiff: Name confirmed at different socket
  • error -1025 nbpNoConfirm
  • error -1024 nbpBuffOvr: Buffer overflow in LookupName
  • error -1000 noMaskFoundErr: Icon Utilties Error
  • error -932 guestNotAllowedErr: destination port requires authentication
  • error -931 badLocNameErr: location name malformed
  • error -930 badServiceMethodErr: illegal service type or not supported
  • error -928 noUserRecErr: Invalid user reference number
  • error -927 authFailErr: unable to authenticate user at destination
  • error -926 noInformErr: PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending
  • error -925 networkErr: An error has occured in the network not too likely
  • error -924 noUserRefErr: unable to create a new userRefNum
  • error -923 notLoggedInErr: The default userRefNum does not yet exist
  • error -922 noDefaultUserErr: user hasn't typed in owners name in Network Setup Control Pannel
  • error -919 badPortNameErr: PPCPortRec malformed
  • error -917 sessClosedErr: session was closed
  • error -916 portClosedErr: port was closed
  • error -915 noResponseErr: unable to contact destination
  • error -914 noToolboxNameErr: A system resource is missing not too likely
  • error -913 noMachineNameErr: user hasn't named his Macintosh in the Network Setup Control Panel
  • error -912 userRejectErr: Destination rejected the session request
  • error -911 noUserNameErr: user name unknown on destination machine
  • error -910 portNameExistsErr: port is already open (perhaps in another app)
  • error -909 badReqErr: bad parameter or invalid state for operation
  • error -908 noSessionErr: Invalid session reference number
  • error -907 sessTableErr: Out of session tables try again later
  • error -906 destPortErr: Port does not exist at destination
  • error -905 localOnlyErr: Network activity is currently disabled
  • error -904 noGlobalsErr: The system is hosed better re-boot
  • error -903 noPortErr: Unable to open port or bad portRefNum
  • error -902 nameTypeErr: Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName
  • error -900 notInitErr: PPCToolBox not initialized
  • error -863 hmCloseViewActive: Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if CloseView was active
  • error -862 hmNoBalloonUp: Returned from HMRemoveBalloon if no balloon was visible when call was made
  • error -861 hmOperationUnsupported: Returned from HMShowBalloon call if bad method passed to routine
  • error -859 hmUnknownHelpType: Returned if help msg record contained a bad type
  • error -858 hmWrongVersion: Returned if help mgr resource was the wrong version
  • error -857 hmSkippedBalloon: Returned from calls if helpmsg specified a skip balloon
  • error -855 hmHelpManagerNotInited: Returned from HMGetHelpMenuHandle if help menu not setup
  • error -854 hmSameAsLastBalloon: Returned from HMShowMenuBalloon if menu & item is same as last time
  • error -853 hmBalloonAborted: Returned if mouse was moving or mouse wasn't in window port rect
  • error -850 hmHelpDisabled: Show Balloons mode was off call to routine ignored
  • error -813 rcDBPackNotInited: incompatible versions
  • error -812 rcDBWrongVersion: no app handler for specified data type
  • error -811 rcDBNoHandler: tried to kill a bad pb
  • error -810 rcDBBadAsyncPB: ddev does not support async calls
  • error -809 rcDBAsyncNotSupp: bad ddev specified on DBInit
  • error -808 rcDBBadDDEV: bad session number for DBGetConnInfo
  • error -807 rcDBBadSessNum: Database access error codes
  • error -806 rcDBBadSessID
  • error -805 rcDBExec
  • error -804 rcDBBreak
  • error -803 rcDBBadType
  • error -802 rcDBError
  • error -801 rcDBValue
  • error -800 rcDBNull
  • error -626 noMMUErr: no MMU present
  • error -625 cannotDeferErr: unable to defer additional functions
  • error -624 interruptsMaskedErr: donÕt call with interrupts masked
  • error -623 notLockedErr: specified range of memory is not locked
  • error -622 cannotMakeContiguousErr: cannot make specified range contiguous
  • error -621 notHeldErr: specified range of memory is not held
  • error -620 notEnoughMemoryErr: insufficient physical memory
  • error -619 threadProtocolErr
  • error -618 threadNotFoundErr
  • error -617 threadTooManyReqsErr
  • error -610 noUserInteractionAllowed: no user interaction allowed
  • error -609 connectionInvalid
  • error -608 noOutstandingHLE
  • error -607 bufferIsSmall: error returns from Post and Accept
  • error -606 appIsDaemon: app is BG-only and launch flags disallow this
  • error -605 appMemFullErr: application SIZE not big enough for launch
  • error -604 hardwareConfigErr: hardware configuration not correct for call
  • error -603 protocolErr: app made module calls in improper order
  • error -602 appModeErr: memory mode is 32-bit but app not 32-bit clean
  • error -601 memFragErr: not enough room to launch app wspecial requirements
  • error -600 procNotFound: no eligible process with specified descriptor
  • error -502 hwParamErr: bad selector for _HWPriv
  • error -501 teScrapSizeErr: scrap item too big for text edit record
  • error -500 rgnTooBigErr
  • error -492 exUserBreak: user debugger break; execute debugger commands on stack
  • error -491 strUserBreak: user debugger break; display string on stack
  • error -490 userBreak: user debugger break
  • error -463 notThePublisherWrn: not the first registered publisher for that container
  • error -462 containerAlreadyOpenWrn: container already opened by this section
  • error -461 containerNotFoundWrn: could not find editionContainer at this time
  • error -460 multiplePublisherWrn: A Publisher is already registered for that container
  • error -454 badSubPartErr: can not use sub parts in this release
  • error -453 badEditionFileErr: edition file is corrupt
  • error -452 notRegisteredSectionErr: not a registered SectionRecord
  • error -451 badSectionErr: not a valid SectionRecord
  • error -450 editionMgrInitErr: edition manager not inited by this app
  • error -417 btKeyAttrErr: There is no such a key attribute.
  • error -416 btKeyLenErr: Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero.
  • error -415 btRecNotFnd: Record cannot be found.
  • error -414 btDupRecErr: Record already exists.
  • error -413 btNoSpace: Can't allocate disk space.
  • error -410 notBTree: The file is not a dictionary.
  • error -400 gcrOnMFMErr: gcr format on high density media error
  • error -360 slotNumErr: invalid slot # error
  • error -351 smRecNotFnd: Record not found in the SRT.
  • error -350 smSRTOvrFlErr: SRT over flow.
  • error -349 smNoGoodOpens: No opens were successfull in the loop.
  • error -348 smOffsetErr: Offset was too big (temporary error
  • error -347 smByteLanesErr: NumByteLanes was determined to be zero.
  • error -346 smBadsPtrErr: Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer
  • error -345 smsGetDrvrErr: Error occurred during _sGetDriver.
  • error -344 smNoMoresRsrcs: No more sResources
  • error -343 smDisDrvrNamErr: Error occured during _sDisDrvrName.
  • error -342 smGetDrvrNamErr: Error occured during _sGetDrvrName.
  • error -341 smCkStatusErr: Status of slot fail.
  • error -340 smBlkMoveErr: _BlockMove error
  • error -339 smNewPErr: _NewPtr error
  • error -338 smSelOOBErr: Selector out of bounds error
  • error -337 smSlotOOBErr: Slot out of bounds error
  • error -336 smNilsBlockErr: Nil sBlock error (Dont allocate and try to use a nil sBlock)
  • error -335 smsPointerNil: LPointer is nil From sOffsetData. If this error occurs; check sInfo rec for more information.
  • error -334 smCPUErr: Code revision is wrong
  • error -333 smCodeRevErr: Code revision is wrong
  • error -332 smReservedErr: Reserved field not zero
  • error -331 smBadsList: Bad sList: Id1 < Id2 < Id3 ...format is not followed.
  • error -330 smBadRefId: Reference Id not found in List
  • error -320 smBusErrTO: BusError time out.
  • error -319 smBadBoardId: BoardId was wrong; re-init the PRAM record.
  • error -318 smNoJmpTbl: SDM jump table could not be created. or smReservedSlot: slot is reserved VM should not use this address space.
  • error -317 smInitTblVErr: An error occured while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.
  • error -316 smInitStatVErr: The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init.
  • error -315 smNoBoardId: No Board Id.
  • error -314 smGetPRErr: Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).
  • error -313 smNoBoardSRsrc: No Board sResource.
  • error -312 smDisposePErr: _DisposePointer error
  • error -311 smFHBlkDispErr: Error occured during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block).
  • error -310 smFHBlockRdErr: Error occured during _sGetFHeader.
  • error -309 smBLFieldBad: ByteLanes field was bad.
  • error -308 smUnExBusErr: Unexpected BusError
  • error -307 smResrvErr: Fatal reserved error. Resreved field <> 0.
  • error -306 smNosInfoArray: No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error.
  • error -305 smDisabledSlot: This slot is disabled (-305 use to be smLWTstBad)
  • error -304 smNoDir: Directory offset is Nil
  • error -303 smRevisionErr: Wrong revison level
  • error -302 smFormatErr: FHeader Format is not Apple's
  • error -301 smCRCFail: CRC check failed for declaration data
  • error -300 smEmptySlot: No card in slot
  • error -299 nmTypErr: wrong queue type
  • error -293 smPriInitErr: Error; Cards could not be initialized.
  • error -292 smPRAMInitErr: Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.
  • error -291 smSRTInitErr: Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.
  • error -290 smSDMInitErr: Error; SDM could not be initialized.
  • error -261 midiInvalidCmdErr: command not supported for port type
  • error -260 midiDupIDErr: duplicate client ID
  • error -259 midiNameLenErr: name supplied is longer than 31 characters
  • error -258 midiWriteErr: MIDIWritePacket couldn't write to all connected ports
  • error -257 midiNoConErr: no connection exists between specified ports
  • error -256 midiVConnectRmvd: pending virtual connection removed
  • error -255 midiVConnectMade: pending virtual connection resolved
  • error -254 midiVConnectErr: pending virtual connection created
  • error -253 midiTooManyConsErr: too many connections made
  • error -252 midiTooManyPortsErr: too many ports already installed in the system
  • error -251 midiNoPortErr: no port with that ID found
  • error -250 midiNoClientErr: no client with that ID found
  • error -247 badInputText
  • error -246 badDictFormat
  • error -245 incompatibleVoice
  • error -244 voiceNotFound
  • error -243 bufTooSmall
  • error -242 synthNotReady
  • error -241 synthOpenFailed
  • error -240 noSynthFound
  • error -232 siUnknownQuality: invalid quality selector (returned by driver)
  • error -231 siUnknownInfoType: invalid info type selector (returned by driver)
  • error -230 siInputDeviceErr: input device hardware failure
  • error -229 siBadRefNum: invalid input device reference number
  • error -228 siBadDeviceName: input device could not be opened
  • error -227 siDeviceBusyErr: input device already in use
  • error -226 siInvalidSampleSize: invalid sample size
  • error -225 siInvalidSampleRate: invalid sample rate
  • error -224 siHardDriveTooSlow: hard drive too slow to record to disk
  • error -223 siInvalidCompression: invalid compression type
  • error -222 siNoBufferSpecified: returned by synchronous SPBRecord if nil buffer passed
  • error -221 siBadSoundInDevice: invalid index passed to SoundInGetIndexedDevice
  • error -220 siNoSoundInHardware: no Sound Input hardware
  • error -212 noMoreRealTime: not enough CPU cycles left to add another task
  • error -211 channelNotBusy
  • error -210 buffersTooSmall: can not operate in the memory allowed
  • error -209 channelBusy: the Channel is being used for a PFD already
  • error -208 badFileFormat: was not type AIFF or was of bad formatcorrupt
  • error -207 notEnoughBufferSpace: could not allocate enough memory
  • error -206 badFormat: Sound Manager Error Returns
  • error -205 badChannel: Sound Manager Error Returns
  • error -204 resProblem: Sound Manager Error Returns
  • error -203 queueFull: Sound Manager Error Returns
  • error -201 notEnoughHardwareErr: Sound Manager Error Returns
  • error -200 noHardwareErr: Sound Manager Error Returns
  • error -199 mapReadErr: map inconsistent with operation
  • error -198 resAttrErr: attribute inconsistent with operation
  • error -197 rmvRefFailed: RmveReference failed
  • error -196 rmvResFailed: RmveResource failed
  • error -195 addRefFailed: AddReference failed
  • error -194 addResFailed: AddResource failed
  • error -193 resFNotFound: Resource file not found
  • error -192 resNotFound: Resource not found
  • error -190 inputOutOfBounds: Offset of Count out of bounds
  • error -189 writingPastEnd: Writing past end of file
  • error -188 resourceInMemory: Resource already in memory
  • error -186 CantDecompress: resource bent ("the bends") - can't decompress a compressed resource
  • error -185 badExtResource: extended resource has a bad format.
  • error -157 cDepthErr: invalid pixel depth
  • error -156 cResErr: invalid resolution for MakeITable
  • error -155 cDevErr: invalid type of graphics device
  • error -154 cProtectErr: colorTable entry protection violation
  • error -153 cRangeErr: range error on colorTable request
  • error -152 cNoMemErr: failed to allocate memory for structure
  • error -151 cTempMemErr: failed to allocate memory for temporary structures
  • error -150 cMatchErr: Color2Index failed to find an index
  • error -149 insufficientStackErr or nsStackErr
  • error -148 pixMapTooDeepErr
  • error -147 rgnOverflowErr or rgnTooBigError
  • error -145 noMemForPictPlaybackErr
  • error -128 userCanceledErr
  • error -127 hMenuFindErr: could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey
  • error -126 mBarNFnd: system error code for MBDF not found
  • error -125 updPixMemErr: insufficient memory to update a pixmap
  • error -124 volGoneErr: Server volume has been disconnected.
  • error -123 wrgVolTypErr: Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS]
  • error -122 badMovErr: Move into offspring error
  • error -121 tmwdoErr: No free WDCB available
  • error -120 dirNFErr: Directory not found
  • error -117 memLockedErr: trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi)
  • error -116 memSCErr: Size Check failed
  • error -115 memBCErr: Block Check failed
  • error -114 memPCErr: Pointer Check failed
  • error -113 memAZErr: Address in zone check failed
  • error -112 memPurErr: trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block
  • error -111 memWZErr: WhichZone failed (applied to free block)
  • error -110 memAdrErr: address was odd; or out of range
  • error -109 nilHandleErr: Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other
  • error -108 iMemFullErr or memFullErr: Not enough room in heap zone
  • error -102 noTypeErr: No object of that type in scrap
  • error -100 noScrapErr: No scrap exists error
  • error -99 memROZWarn: soft error in ROZ or memROZError: hard error in ROZ or memROZErr: hard error in ROZ
  • error -98 portNotCf: driver Open error code (parameter RAM not configured for this connection)
  • error -97 portInUse: driver Open error code (port is in use)
  • error -96 portNotPwr: serial port not currently powered
  • error -95 excessCollsns: excessive collisions on write
  • error -94 lapProtErr: error in attachingdetaching protocol
  • error -93 noBridgeErr: no network bridge for non-local send
  • error -92 ddpLenErr: data length too big or eLenErr: ENET error codes
  • error -91 ddpSktErr: error in soket number or eMultiErr: Length error ddpLenErr
  • error -90 breakRecd: Break received (SCC)
  • error -89 rcvrErr: SCC receiver error (framing; parity; OR)
  • error -88 prInitErr: InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized
  • error -87 prWrErr: parameter ram written didn't read-verify
  • error -86 clkWrErr: time written did not verify
  • error -85 clkRdErr: unable to read same clock value twice
  • error -84 firstDskErr: IO System Errors or verErr: track failed to verify
  • error -83 fmt2Err: can't get enough sync
  • error -82 fmt1Err: can't find sector 0 after track format
  • error -81 sectNFErr: sector number never found on a track
  • error -80 seekErr: track number wrong on address mark
  • error -79 spdAdjErr: unable to correctly adjust disk speed
  • error -78 twoSideErr: tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive
  • error -77 initIWMErr: unable to initialize IWM
  • error -76 tk0BadErr: track 0 detect doesn't change
  • error -75 cantStepErr: step handshake failed
  • error -74 wrUnderrun: write underrun occurred
  • error -73 badDBtSlp: bad data mark bit slip nibbles
  • error -72 badDCksum: bad data mark checksum
  • error -71 noDtaMkErr: couldn't find a data mark header
  • error -70 badBtSlpErr: bad addr mark bit slip nibbles
  • error -69 badCksmErr: addr mark checksum didn't check
  • error -68 dataVerErr: read verify compare failed
  • error -67 noAdrMkErr: couldn't find valid addr mark
  • error -66 fontSubErr: font substitution occured or noNybErr: couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries
  • error -65 fontNotDeclared: font not declared or offLinErr: rw requested for an off-line drive
  • error -64 fontDecError: error during font declaration or lastDskErr: IO System Errors or noDriveErr: drive not installed
  • error -61 wrPermErr: write permissions error
  • error -60 badMDBErr: bad master directory block
  • error -59 fsRnErr: file system internal error:during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored.
  • error -58 extFSErr: volume in question belongs to an external fs
  • error -57 noMacDskErr: not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)
  • error -56 nsDrvErr: no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)
  • error -55 volOnLinErr: drive volume already on-line at MountVol
  • error -54 permErr: permissions error (on file open)
  • error -53 volOffLinErr: volume not on line error (was Ejected)
  • error -52 gfpErr: get file position error
  • error -51 rfNumErr: refnum error
  • error -50 paramErr: error in user parameter list
  • error -49 opWrErr: file already open with with write permission
  • error -48 dupFNErr: duplicate filename (rename)
  • error -47 fBsyErr: File is busy (delete)
  • error -46 vLckdErr: volume is locked
  • error -45 fLckdErr: file is locked
  • error -44 wPrErr: diskette is write protected.
  • error -43 fnfErr: File not found
  • error -42 tmfoErr: too many files open
  • error -41 mFulErr: memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)
  • error -40 posErr: tried to position to before start of file (rw)
  • error -39 eofErr: End of file
  • error -38 fnOpnErr: File not open
  • error -37 bdNamErr: there may be no bad names in the final system!
  • error -36 ioErr: IO error (bummers)
  • error -35 nsvErr: no such volume
  • error -34 dskFulErr: disk full
  • error -33 dirFulErr: Directory full
  • error -30 dceExtErr: dce extension error
  • error -29 unitTblFullErr: unit table has no more entries
  • error -28 notOpenErr: Couldn't rdwrctlsts cause driver not opened
  • error -27 abortErr: IO call aborted by KillIO or iIOAbortErr: IO abort error (Printing Manager) or iIOAbort
  • error -26 dInstErr: DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources
  • error -25 dRemovErr: tried to remove an open driver
  • error -24 closErr: IO System Errors
  • error -23 openErr: IO System Errors
  • error -22 unitEmptyErr: IO System Errors
  • error -21 badUnitErr: IO System Errors
  • error -20 writErr: IO System Errors
  • error -19 readErr: IO System Errors
  • error -18 statusErr: IO System Errors
  • error -17 controlErr: IO System Errors
  • error -13 dsExtensionsDisabled: say ÒExtensions DisabledÓ
  • error -12 dsHD20Installed: say ÒHD20 StartupÓ
  • error -11 dsDisassemblerInstalled: say ÒDisassembler InstalledÓ
  • error -10 dsMacsBugInstalled: say ÒMacsBug InstalledÓ
  • error -8 seNoDB: no debugger installed to handle debugger command
  • error -5 SlpTypeErr: invalid queue element
  • error -4 unimpErr: unimplemented core routine
  • error -3 corErr: core routine number out of range
  • error -2 vTypErr: invalid queue element
  • error -1 qErr: queue element not found during deletion or telGenericError
  • error errAECorruptData errOSACorruptData
  • error dsCDEFNotFound CDEFNFnd
  • error dsWDEFNotFound WDEFNFnd
  • error noHardwareErr noHardware: obsolete spelling
  • error errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn errOSARecordingIsAlreadyOn
  • error notEnoughHardwareErr notEnoughHardware: obsolete spelling
  • error movieToolboxUninitialized noRecordOfApp: replica
  • error 1 evtNotEnb: event not enabled at PostEvent or siInitSDTblErr: slot int dispatch table could not be initialized. or dsBusError: bus error
  • error 2 siInitVBLQsErr: VBLqueues for all slots could not be initialized. or dsAddressErr: address error
  • error 3 siInitSPTblErr: slot priority table could not be initialized. or dsIllInstErr: illegal instruction error
  • error 4 dsZeroDivErr: zero divide error
  • error 5 dsChkErr: check trap error
  • error 6 dsOvflowErr: overflow trap error
  • error 7 dsPrivErr: privilege violation error
  • error 8 telNoTools: no telephone tools found in extension folder or dsTraceErr: trace mode error
  • error 9 dsLineAErr: line 1010 trap error
  • error 10 sdmJTInitErr: SDM Jump Table could not be initialized. or dsLineFErr: line 1111 trap error
  • error 11 sdmInitErr: SDM could not be initialized. or dsMiscErr: miscellaneous hardware exception error
  • error 12 sdmSRTInitErr: Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. or dsCoreErr: unimplemented core routine error
  • error 13 sdmPRAMInitErr: Slot PRAM could not be initialized. or dsIrqErr: uninstalled interrupt error
  • error 14 sdmPriInitErr: Cards could not be initialized. or dsIOCoreErr: IO Core Error
  • error 15 dsLoadErr: Segment Loader Error
  • error 16 dsFPErr: Floating point error
  • error 17 dsNoPackErr: package 0 not present
  • error 18 dsNoPk1: package 1 not present
  • error 19 dsNoPk2: package 2 not present
  • error 20 dsNoPk3: package 3 not present
  • error 21 dsNoPk4: package 4 not present
  • error 22 dsNoPk5: package 5 not present
  • error 23 dsNoPk6: package 6 not present
  • error 24 dsNoPk7: package 7 not present
  • error 25 dsMemFullErr: out of memory!
  • error 26 dsBadLaunch: can't launch file
  • error 27 dsFSErr: file system map has been trashed
  • error 28 dsStknHeap: stack has moved into application heap
  • error 30 dsReinsert: request user to reinsert off-line volume
  • error 31 dsNotThe1: not the disk I wanted
  • error 33 negZcbFreeErr: ZcbFree has gone negative
  • error 40 dsGreeting: welcome to Macintosh greeting
  • error 41 dsFinderErr: can't load the Finder error
  • error 42 shutDownAlert: handled like a shutdown error or dsBadStartupDisk: unable to mount boot volume (sad Mac only)
  • error 43 dsSystemFileErr: canÕt find System file to open (sad Mac only)
  • error 51 dsBadSlotInt: unserviceable slot interrupt
  • error 81 dsBadSANEOpcode: bad opcode given to SANE Pack4
  • error 83 dsBadPatchHeader: SetTrapAddress saw the Òcome-fromÓ header
  • error 84 menuPrgErr: happens when a menu is purged
  • error 85 dsMBarNFnd: Menu Manager Errors
  • error 86 dsHMenuFindErr: Menu Manager Errors
  • error 87 dsWDEFNotFound: could not load WDEF
  • error 88 dsCDEFNotFound: could not load CDEF
  • error 89 dsMDEFNotFound: could not load MDEF
  • error 90 dsNoFPU: an FPU instruction was executed and the machine doesnÕt have one
  • error 98 dsNoPatch: Can't patch for particular Model Mac
  • error 99 dsBadPatch: Can't load patch resource
  • error 101 dsParityErr: memory parity error
  • error 102 dsOldSystem: System is too old for this ROM
  • error 103 ds32BitMode: booting in 32-bit on a 24-bit sys
  • error 104 dsNeedToWriteBootBlocks: need to write new boot blocks
  • error 105 dsNotEnoughRAMToBoot: must have at least 1.5MB of RAM to boot 7.0
  • error 106 dsBufPtrTooLow: bufPtr moved too far during boot
  • error 1010 dsBadLibrary: DS Errors which are specific to the new runtime model introduced with PowerPC
  • error 1011 dsMixedModeFailure: Bad shared library
  • error 20000 dsShutDownOrRestart: user choice between ShutDown and Restart
  • error 20001 dsSwitchOffOrRestart: user choice between switching off and Restart
  • error 20002 dsForcedQuit: allow the user to ExitToShell return if Cancel
  • error 20003 dsRemoveDisk: request user to remove disk from manual eject drive
  • error 20004 dsDirtyDisk: request user to return a manually-ejected dirty disk
  • error 20010 dsSCSIWarn: Portable SCSI adapter warning.
  • error 20109 dsShutDownOrResume: allow user to return to Finder or ShutDown
  • error 32767 dsSysErr: general system error


  • 错误-32768 svTempDisable:暂时禁用卡,但运行主初始化。
  • 错误-32640 svDisabled:保留范围-32640到-32768用于Apple临时禁用。
  • 错误-32615 fontNotOutlineErr:位图字体传递给仅概述轮廓的例程
  • 错误-23048 outOfMemory:没有足够的内存可用于发出所需的DNR查询或建立DNR缓存。
  • 错误-23047 dnrErr:域名服务器返回了一个错误。
  • 错误-23046 noAnsErr:已知的名称服务器均未响应。
  • 错误-23045 authNameErr:域名不存在。
  • 错误-23044 noNameServer:找不到用于指定名称字符串的名称服务器。
  • 错误-23043 noResultProc:必须使用解析器查找地址时,没有结果过程传递给地址转换调用。
  • 错误-23042 cacheFault:在高速缓存中找不到指定的名称。域名解析器现在将查询域名服务器,并在回调过程中返回答案。
  • 错误-23041 nameSyntaxErr:<>字段语法错误。地址以点表示法(即WXYZ)给出,并且不符合IP地址的语法。
  • 错误-23037 ipRouteErr:没有网关可用于管理数据包到网络外目标的路由。
  • 错误-23036 ipNoFragMemErr:内部驱动器缓冲区不足,无法在发送时对该数据包进行分段。
  • 错误-23035 icmpEchoTimeoutErr:icmp回显数据包在指定的超时时间内未响应。
  • 错误-23033 ipDestDeadErr:目标主机未响应地址解析请求。
  • 错误-23032 ipDontFragErr:数据包太大,无法发送而没有分段,并且设置了“不分段”标志。
  • 错误-23017plicateSocket:使用本地UDP端口已打开流,或者本地IP地址和TCP端口与指定的远程IP地址和TCP端口之间已经存在TCP连接。
  • 错误-23016 commandTimeout:指定的命令操作在指定的时间段内未完成。
  • 错误-23015 openFailed:连接到一半,然后失败。
  • 错误-23014无效WDS:WDS指针为0(无)。
  • 错误-23014 invalidRDS:RDS引用用户不拥有的接收缓冲区。
  • 错误-23013 invalidBufPtr:接收缓冲区指针为0(无)。
  • 错误-23012 connectionTerminated:TCP连接断开;原因将被给予终止ASR。
  • 错误-23011 streamAlreadyOpen:一个打开的流已经在使用接收缓冲区。
  • 错误-23010 invalidStreamPtr:指定的TCP或UDP流未打开。
  • 错误-23009不足资源:64个TCP或UDP流已打开。
  • 错误-23008 connectionDoesntExist:TCP流没有打开的连接。
  • 错误-23007 connectionExists:TCP或UDP流已经具有打开的连接。
  • 错误-23006 invalidLength:WDS描述的数据总量为0或大于65,535字节。
  • 错误-23005 connectionClosing:已发出TCPClose命令,因此在该连接上没有其他数据可发送。
  • 错误-23004 ipBadAddr:从服务器获取地址时出错,或者该地址已被另一台计算机使用。
  • 错误-23003 ipLoadErr:应用程序堆中没有足够的空间(仅Macintosh 512K增强)
  • 错误-23002 ipNoCnfgErr:缺少配置资源。
  • 错误-23001 ipBadCnfgErr:手动设置的地址配置不正确。
  • 错误-23000 ipBadLapErr:无法初始化本地网络处理程序。
  • 错误-20002 invalidIndexErr:recordIndex参数无效。
  • 错误-20001 recordDataTooBigErr:记录数据大于缓冲区大小(1024字节)。
  • 错误-20000 unknownInsertModeErr:没有这样的插入模式。
  • 错误-13005 pmRecvEndErr:在接收pmgr期间未完成为此连接配置的hs
  • 错误-13004 pmRecvStartErr:在接收pmgr期间未启动hs
  • 错误-13003 pmSendEndErr:在发送pmgr期间未完成hs
  • 错误-13002 pmSendStartErr:在发送pmgr期间未启动hs
  • 错误-13001 pmReplyTOErr:等待回复超时
  • 错误-13000 pmBusyErr:Power Mgr从未准备好开始握手
  • 错误-11005 pictureDataErr:图片数据无效
  • 错误-11004 colorsRequestedErr:请求的颜色数量非​​法
  • 错误-11003 cantLoadPickMethodErr:无法加载自定义选择过程
  • 错误-11002 pictInfoVerbErr:传递的动词无效
  • 错误-11001 pictInfoIDErr:PictInfoID的内部一致性检查错误
  • 错误-11000 pictInfoVersionErr:PictInfo结构的版本错误
  • 错误-10115 telBadSampleRate:不兼容的采样率
  • 错误-10114 telBadSWErr:软件未正确安装
  • 错误-10113 telDetAlreadyOn:检测已打开
  • 错误-10112 telAutoAnsNotOn:未打开autoAnswer
  • 错误-10111 telValidateFailed:telValidate失败
  • 错误-10110 telBadProcID:无效的procID
  • 错误-10109 telDeviceNotFound:找不到设备
  • 错误-10108 telBadCodeResource:找不到代码资源
  • 错误-10107 telInitFailed:初始化失败
  • 错误-10106 telNoCommFolder:找不到CommunicationsExtensionsÄ
  • 错误-10103 telUnknownErr:无法设置配置
  • 错误-10102 telNoSuchTool:找不到具有指定名称的工具
  • 错误-10101 telNoTools:无法找到任何电话工具
  • 错误-10091 telBadFunction:指定了错误的msgCode
  • 错误-10090 telPBErr:参数块错误格式错误
  • 错误-10082 telCANotDeflectable:CA不“可偏转”
  • 错误-10081 telCANotRejectable:CA不“可拒绝”
  • 错误-10080 telCANotAcceptable:CA不“可接受”
  • 错误-10072 telTermNotOpen:终端未通过TELOpenTerm打开
  • 错误-10071 telStillNeeded:仍然需要其他人使用的终端驱动程序
  • 错误-10070 telAlreadyOpen:终端已打开
  • 错误-10064 telNoCallbackRef:未指定回叫参考,但是必需的
  • 错误-10063 telDisplayModeNotSupp:工具不支持显示模式
  • 错误-10062 telBadDisplayMode:指定的显示模式错误
  • 错误-10061 telFwdTypeNotSupp:工具不支持转发类型
  • 错误-10060 telDNTypeNotSupp:工具不支持DN类型
  • 错误-10059 telBadRate:指定错误率
  • 错误-10058 telBadBearerType:指定了错误的bearerType
  • 错误-10057 telBadSelect:无法选择或取消选择DN
  • 错误-10056 telBadParkID:指定了错误的公园ID
  • 错误-10055 telBadPickupGroupID:指定了错误的代答组ID
  • 错误-10054 telBadFwdType:指定了错误的fwdType
  • 错误-10053 telBadFeatureID:指定了错误的功能ID
  • 错误-10052 telBadIntercomID:指定的对讲机ID错误
  • 错误-10051 telBadPageID:指定了错误的页面ID
  • 错误-10050 telBadDNType:DN类型无效
  • 错误-10047 telConfLimitExceeded:尝试超过切换会议限制
  • 错误-10046 telCBErr:先前未设置回叫功能
  • 错误-10045 telTransferRej:传输请求被拒绝
  • 错误-10044 telTransferErr:传输未准备好
  • 错误-10043 telConfRej:会议请求被拒绝
  • 错误-10042 telConfErr:会议未准备
  • 错误-10041 telConfNoLimit:未指定限制,但必填
  • 错误-10040 telConfLimitErr:为此配置指定的限制太高
  • 错误-10033 telFeatNotSupp:此工具不支持功能程序调用
  • 错误-10032 telFeatActive:功能已激活
  • 错误-10031 telFeatNotAvail:已订阅功能,但不可用
  • 错误-10030 telFeatNotSub:功能未订阅
  • 错误-10024 telDNDTypeNotSupp:此工具不支持DND类型
  • 错误-10023 telBadDNDType:指定了错误的DND类型
  • 错误-10022 telIntExtNotSupp:该工具不支持内部外部类型
  • 错误-10021 telBadIntExt:内部错误严重
  • 错误-10020 telStateNotSupp:工具不支持设备状态
  • 错误-10019 telBadStateErr:指定了错误的设备状态
  • 错误-10018 telIndexNotSupp:此工具不支持索引
  • 错误-10017 telBadIndex:指定了错误的索引
  • 错误-10016 errAELocalOnly或telAPattNotSupp:工具不支持警报模式
  • 错误-10015 errAECantUndo或telBadAPattErr:指定了错误的警报模式
  • 错误-10014 errAENotASingleObject或telVTypeNotSupp:此工具不支持卷类型
  • 错误-10013 errAENoUserSelection或telBadVTypeErr:错误的卷类型错误
  • 错误-10012 errAENoSuchTransaction或telBadLevelErr:音量级别设置错误
  • 错误-10011 errAEInTransaction或telHTypeNotSupp:此工具不支持挂钩类型
  • 错误-10010 errAECantHandleClass或telBadHTypeErr:指定了错误的挂钩类型
  • 错误-10009 errAECantSupplyType
  • 错误-10008 errAENotAnElement或telNoOpenErr:无法打开终端
  • 错误-10007 errAEIndexTooLarge或telNoMemErr:没有内存来分配句柄
  • 错误-10006 errAEWriteDenied或telCAUnavail:CA不可用
  • 错误-10005 errAEReadDenied或telBadProcErr:指定了错误的msgProc
  • 错误-10004 errAEPrivilegeError或telBadHandErr:指定了错误的句柄
  • 错误-10003 errAENotModifiable或telBadCAErr:TELCAHandle找不到或无效
  • 错误-10002 errAEBadKeyForm或telBadDNErr:TELDNHandle找不到或无效
  • 错误-10001 errAETypeError或telBadTermErr:无效的TELHandle或找不到句柄
  • 错误-10000 errAEEventFailed
  • 错误-9999 notMoveAttachedController
  • 错误-9998 controllerHasFixedHeight
  • 错误-9997无法SetWidthOfAttachedController
  • 错误-9996 controllerBoundsNotExact
  • 错误-9995 editingNotAllowed
  • 错误-9994 badControllerHeight
  • 错误-9408 deviceCantMeetRequest
  • 错误-9407 seqGrabInfoNotAvailable
  • 错误-9406 badSGChannel
  • 错误-9405 canntGetRequiredComponent
  • 错误-9404 notEnoughDiskSpaceToGrab
  • 错误-9403 notEnoughMemoryToGrab
  • 错误-9402 cantDoThatInCurrentMode
  • 错误-9401grabTimeComplete
  • 错误-9400 noDeviceForChannel
  • 错误-8976 codecNothingToBlitErr
  • 错误-8975 codecCantQueueErr
  • 错误-8974 codecCantWhenErr
  • 错误-8973 codecOpenErr
  • 错误-8972 codecConditionErr
  • 错误-8971 codecExtensionNotFoundErr
  • 错误-8970 codecDataVersErr
  • 错误-8969 codecBadDataErr
  • 错误-8968编解码器错误
  • 错误-8967 codecAbortErr
  • 错误-8966 codecSpoolErr
  • 错误-8965 codecImageBufErr
  • 错误-8964 codecScreenBufErr
  • 错误-8963 codecSizeErr
  • 错误-8962 codecUnimpErr
  • 错误-8961 noCodecErr
  • 错误-8960编解码器
  • 错误-6231 kDMMainDisplayCannotMoveErr:尝试移动主显示器(或镜像到其的显示器)或kDMNoDeviceTableclothErr:已过时
  • 错误-6230 kDMDisplayAlreadyInstalledErr:尝试添加已安装的显示器。
  • 错误-6229 kDMDisplayNotFoundErr:找不到项目(有一天将删除)。或kDMNotFoundErr:找不到项目。
  • 错误-6228 kDMDriverNotDisplayMgrAwareErr:视频驱动程序不支持显示管理器。
  • 错误-6227 kDMSWNotInitializedErr:必需的软件未初始化(例如,windowmanager或display mgr)。
  • 错误-6226 kSysSWTooOld:缺少重要的系统软件。
  • 错误-6225 kDMMirroringNotOn:由需要进行镜像才能执行其操作的所有调用返回。
  • 错误-6224 kDMCantBlock:镜像现在无法阻止(首先调用DMUnMirror())。
  • 错误-6223 kDMMirroringBlocked:已调用DMBlockMirroring()。
  • 错误-6222 kDMWrongNumberOfDisplays:目前只能处理2个显示。
  • 错误-6221 kDMMirroringOnAlready:由需要关闭以执行其操作的所有镜像返回。
  • 错误-6220 kDMGenErr:意外错误
  • 错误-5553 gestaltLocationErr:gestalt函数ptr不在sysheap中
  • 错误-5552 gestaltDupSelectorErr:尝试添加已存在的条目
  • 错误-5551 gestaltUndefSelectorErr:未定义的选择器已传递给格式塔
  • 错误-5550 gestaltUnknownErr:如果格式塔不知道答案,则返回值
  • 错误-5502 envVersTooBig:版本大于调用可以处理的版本
  • 错误-5501 envBadVers:版本非肯定
  • 错误-5500 envNotPresent:由胶水返回。
  • 错误-5044 afpInsideTrashErr:正在共享的文件夹在垃圾桶文件夹中,或者共享文件夹被移至垃圾桶文件夹,或者该文件夹被移至垃圾桶,并且包含共享文件夹
  • 错误-5043 afpInsideSharedErr:正在共享的文件夹在共享文件夹内部,或者该文件夹包含一个共享文件夹,并且正在移动到共享文件夹中,或者该文件夹包含一个共享文件夹,并且正在移动到共享文件夹的后代中。
  • 错误-5042 afpPwdExpiredErr:使用的密码过旧:这要求用户在继续登录之前更改密码
  • 错误-5041 afpPwdTooShortErr:设置的密码太短:必须满足或超过最小长度
  • 错误-5040 afpPwdSameErr:有人尝试在强制性密码更改中将其密码更改为相同的密码
  • 错误-5039 afpBadIDErr
  • 错误--5038 afpSameObjectErr
  • 错误-5037 afpCatalogChanged
  • 错误--5036 afpDiffVolErr
  • 错误--5035 afpIDExists
  • 错误-5034 afpIDNotFound
  • 错误--5033 afpContainsSharedErr:正在共享的文件夹包含一个共享文件夹
  • 错误-5032 afpObjectLocked:对象被禁止MRDW
  • 错误--5031 afpVolLocked:卷为只读
  • 错误-5030 afpIconTypeError
  • 错误-5029 afpDirNotFound
  • 错误-5028 afpCantRename
  • 错误-5027 afpServerGoingDown
  • 错误-5026 afpTooManyFilesOpen
  • 错误-5025 afpObjectTypeErr
  • 错误-5024 afpCallNotSupported
  • 错误-5023 afpUserNotAuth
  • 错误-5022 afpSessClosed
  • 错误-5021 afpRangeOverlap
  • 错误-5020 afpRangeNotLocked
  • 错误-5019 afpParmErr
  • 错误-5018 afpObjectNotFound
  • 错误-5017 afpObjectExists
  • 错误-5016 afpNoServer
  • 错误-5015 afpNoMoreLocks
  • 错误-5014 afpMiscErr
  • 错误-5013 afpLockErr
  • 错误-5012 afpItemNotFound
  • 错误--5011 afpFlatVol
  • 错误-5010 afpFileBusy
  • 错误-5009 afpEofError
  • 错误-5008 afpDiskFull
  • 错误-5007 afpDirNotEmpty
  • 错误-5006 afpDenyConflict
  • 错误-5005 afpCantMove
  • 错误-5004 afpBitmapErr
  • 错误-5003 afpBadVersNum
  • 错误-5002 afpBadUAM
  • 错误-5001 afpAuthContinue
  • 错误-5000 afpAccessDenied
  • 错误-4009 noHelpForItem
  • 错误-4008 badProfileError
  • 错误-4007 colorSyncNotInstalled
  • 错误-4006 pickerCantLive
  • 错误-4005 cantLoadPackage
  • 错误-4004 cantCreatePickerWindow
  • 错误-4003 cantLoadPicker
  • 错误-4002 pickerResourceError
  • 错误-4001 requiredFlagsDontMatch
  • 错误-4000 invalidPickerType
  • 错误-3180 kOTCanceledErr:未决呼叫已取消。
  • 错误-3179 kOTBadSyncErr:在非SystemTask时调用了Sync。
  • 错误-3178 kOTProtocolErr:发生未指定的协议错误。
  • 错误-3177 kOTQFullErr:端点已达到最大指示数。
  • 错误-3176 kOTResAddressErr:此端点绑定到的地址与接收连接请求的端点的地址不同;因此,此端点无法接受此连接请求。
  • 错误-3175 kOTResQLenErr:绑定此端点时(请参见Bind),qlen参数大于零。但是要在另一个端点(例如此端点)上接受连接,端点必须绑定一个等于零的qlen参数。
  • 错误-3174 kOTProviderMismatchErr:接受连接的端点与此端点类型不同。
  • 错误-3173 kOTIndOutErr:端点上有未完成的连接指示。必须通过使用SndDisconnect拒绝它们或通过使用Accept接受它们来处理所有其他连接指示。
  • 错误-3172 kOTAddressBusyErr:请求的地址正在使用中,或者此终结点不支持具有相同本地和远程地址的多个连接。此结果代码表明连接已经存在。作为绑定呼叫的返回值,它还可能指示没有动态地址可用于允许动态寻址的协议或配置方法。
  • 错误-3171 kOTBadQLenErr:终结点与绑定绑定时的参数qlen为零。
  • 错误-3170 kOTBadNameErr:端点名称无效。
  • 错误-3169 kOTStructureTypeErr:在structType字段中传递了不受支持的结构类型。当structType字段与端点类型不一致时,也会返回此错误。
  • 错误-3168 kOTStateChangeErr:端点正在进行瞬态更改。当端点正在更改状态时进行函数调用时,将返回此错误。
  • 错误-3167 kOTNotSupportedErr:该终结点不支持此操作。
  • 错误-3166 kOTNoReleaseErr:该端点当前不存在有序释放指示。
  • 错误-3165 kOTBadFlagErr:指定了无效的标志。
  • 错误-3164 kOTNoUDErrErr:此端点上当前不存在任何单位数据错误指示。
  • 错误-3163 kOTNoDisconnectErr:无断开连接指示可用。
  • 错误-3162 kOTNoDataErr:该端点处于非阻塞模式,但是当前没有可用数据。如果找不到名称,LookupName也将返回它。
  • 错误-3161 kOTFlowErr:端点处于异步模式,但是流控制机制此时阻止端点接受任何数据。
  • 错误-3160 kOTBufferOverflowErr:分配用于保存结果的字节数大于零,但不足以存储结果。
  • 错误-3159 kOTBadDataErr:指定的客户端数据量不在端点允许的范围内。
  • 错误-3158 kOTLookErr:在此端点上发生了异步事件。
  • 错误-3156 kOTBadSequenceErr:指定了无效的序列号,或者在拒绝连接请求时指定了NULL调用指针。
  • 错误-3155 kOTOutStateErr:函数的发布顺序错误。
  • 错误-3154 kOTNoAddressErr:端点无法分配地址,或者客户端需要并且未提供地址。
  • 错误-3153 kOTBadReferenceErr:指定的EndpointRef或TEndpoint *没有引用有效的端点。
  • 错误-3152 kOTAccessErr:用户无权协商指定的地址或选项。
  • 错误-3151 kOTBadOptionErr:指定的协议选项格式不正确或包含非法信息。
  • 错误-3150 kOTBadAddressErr:指定的协议地址格式不正确或包含非法信息。
  • 错误-3109 sktClosedErr
  • 错误-3108 recNotFnd
  • 错误-3107 atpBadRsp
  • 错误-3106 atpLenErr
  • 错误-3105 readQErr
  • 错误-3104 extractErr
  • 错误-3103 ckSumErr
  • 错误-3102 noMPPErr
  • 错误-3101 buf2SmallErr
  • 错误-3032 noPrefAppErr
  • 错误-3031 badTranslationSpecErr
  • 错误-3030 noTranslationPathErr
  • 错误-3026 CannotNotParseSourceFileErr:源文档不包含源类型
  • 错误-3025 invalidTranslationPathErr:源类型到目标类型不是有效路径
  • 错误-3003 componentDontRegister
  • 错误-3002 componentNotCaptured
  • 错误-3001 validInstancesExist
  • 错误-3000 invalidComponentID
  • 错误-2899 fragLastErrCode:即:应用程序的主片段没有入口点-或者-加速的资源没有入口点或者它具有终止例程等。
  • 错误-2824 fragInvalidFragmentUsage:针对不可接受的体系结构的片段
  • 错误-2823 fragArchError:在cfrg中找不到应用程序(对于Process Manager)
  • 错误-2822 fragAppNotFound:用户初始化例程未返回noErr
  • 错误-2821 fragUserInitProcErr:片段容器已损坏(已知格式)
  • 错误-2820 fragCorruptErr:内部不一致
  • 错误-2819 fragConstErr:此管理器初始化的错误
  • 错误-2818 fragMgrInitErr:连接到库时出错(子准备中发生错误)
  • 错误-2817 fragLibConnErr:引导库具有初始化例程
  • 错误-2816 fragInitRtnUsageErr:以强制性初始化顺序检测到圆度
  • 错误-2815 fragInitLoop:导入库太新,因此不兼容
  • 错误-2814 fragImportTooNew:导入库太旧,因此不兼容
  • 错误-2813 fragImportTooOld:用户初始化函数调用期间的顺序错误
  • 错误-2812 fragObjectInitSeqErr:没有更多的上下文ID
  • 错误-2811 fragNoContextIDs:用户地址空间中可装入部分的内存不足
  • 错误-2810 fragNoAddrSpace:内存不足以进行内部簿记
  • 错误-2809 fragNoMem:未使用
  • 错误-2808 fragUnused1:装入的片段具有“硬”未解析的导入
  • 错误-2807 fragHadUnresolveds:片段容器格式未知
  • 错误-2806 fragFormatUnknown:注册名称已在使用中
  • 错误-2805 fragDupRegLibName:在Frag注册表中找不到库名
  • 错误-2804 fragLibNotFound:找不到节
  • 错误-2803 fragSectionNotFound:在连接中找不到符号
  • 错误-2802 fragSymbolNotFound:connecionID无效
  • 错误-2801 fragConnectionIDNotFound:contextID无效
  • 错误-2800 fragContextNotFound:CFM错误代码
  • 错误-2780 errASInconsistentNames
  • 错误-2763 errASNoResultReturned
  • 错误-2762 errASParameterNotForEvent
  • 错误-2761 errASIllegalFormalParameter
  • 错误-2760错误ErnASTerminologyNestingTooDeep
  • 错误-2721 errASCantCompareMoreThan32k
  • 错误-2720 errASCantConsiderAndIgnore
  • 错误-2526 mmInternalError:接收器不接受拖动
  • 错误-2519 tsmUnknownErr:不支持的接口类型错误
  • 错误-2518 tsmUnsupportedTypeErr:脚本没有输入方法或正在使用旧的IM
  • 错误-2517 tsmScriptHasNoIMErr:由GetDefaultInputMethod返回
  • 错误-2516 tsmInputMethodIsOldErr:已为文档打开文本服务
  • 错误-2515 tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr:文本服务未打开
  • 错误-2514 tsmTSNotOpenErr:文本服务没有菜单
  • 错误-2513 tsmTSHasNoMenuErr:不支持TSM,因为我们正在使用输入窗口
  • 错误-2512 tsmUseInputWindowErr:有打开的文档
  • 错误-2511 tsmDocumentOpenErr:找不到文本服务
  • 错误-2510 tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr:无法打开组件
  • 错误-2509 tsmCantOpenComponentErr:无开放文本服务
  • 错误-2508 tsmNoOpenTSErr:文档无效
  • 错误-2507 tsmDocNotActiveErr:文档仍处于活动状态
  • 错误-2506 tsmTSMDocBusyErr:无效的TSM文档ID
  • 错误-2505 tsmInvalidDocIDErr:应用程序未注册错误(不支持TSM)
  • 错误-2504 tsmNeverRegisteredErr:要再次注册错误
  • 错误-2503 tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr:不是应用程序错误
  • 错误-2502 tsmNotAnAppErr:组件结果没有错误
  • 错误-2501 tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr
  • 错误-2500 tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr
  • 错误-2209 badCallOrderErr:通常是由于在首先设置之前调用了状态调用
  • 错误-2208 noDMAErr:无法进行DMA数字化(即无法转到请求的目标
  • 错误-2207 badDepthErr:无法数字化到该深度
  • 错误-2206 notExactSizeErr:无法执行所需的确切大小
  • 错误-2205 noMoreKeyColorsErr:正在使用的所有关键索引
  • 错误-2204 notExactMatrixErr:不良矩阵数字化仪的警告已尽力而为
  • 错误-2203 matrixErr:不好的矩阵数字转换器没有执行任何操作
  • 错误-2202 qtParamErr:输入参数错误(超出范围等)
  • 错误-2201 digiUnimpErr:功能未实现
  • 错误-2062 movieTextNotFoundErr
  • 错误-2059个样本中的AlreadyInMediaErr
  • 错误-2058 assistantExportDataUnavailable
  • 错误-2057不支持的AuxiliaryImportData
  • 错误-2056 soundSupportNotAvailableErr:Windows错误的QT
  • 错误-2055 noSoundTrackInMovieErr:Windows的QT错误
  • 错误-2054 noVideoTrackInMovieErr:Windows的QT错误
  • 错误-2053功能不受支持
  • 错误-2052无法使用现有样本
  • 错误-2051 noDefaultDataRef
  • 错误-2050 badDataRefIndex
  • 错误-2049 invalidDataRefContainer
  • 错误-2048 noMovieFound
  • 错误-2047 dataNoDataRef
  • 错误-2046 endOfDataReached
  • 错误-2045数据已关闭
  • 错误-2044 dataAlreadyOpenForWrite
  • 错误-2043 dataNotOpenForWrite
  • 错误-2042 dataNotOpenForRead
  • 错误-2041 invalidSampleDescription
  • 错误-2040 invalidChunkCache
  • 错误-2039 invalidSampleDescIndex
  • 错误-2038 invalidChunkNum
  • 错误-2037 invalidSampleNum
  • 错误-2036 invalidRect
  • 错误-2035 cantEnableTrack
  • 错误-2034 internalQuickTimeError
  • 错误-2033 badEditIndex
  • 错误-2032 timeNotInMedia
  • 错误-2031 timeNotInTrack
  • 错误-2030 trackNotInMovie
  • 错误-2029 trackIDNotFound
  • 错误-2028 badTrackIndex
  • 错误-2027 maxSizeToGrowTooSmall
  • 错误-2026 userDataItemNotFound
  • 错误-2025 staleEditState
  • 错误-2024 nonMatchingEditState
  • 错误-2023 invalidEditState
  • 错误-2022 cantCreateSingleForkFile:文件已存在时发生
  • 错误-2021 wfFileNotFound
  • 错误-2020 movieToolbox未初始化
  • 错误-2019 progressProcAborted
  • 错误-2018 mediaTypesDontMatch
  • 错误-2017 badEditList
  • 错误-2016 cantPutPublicMovieAtom
  • 错误-2015 invalidTime
  • 错误-2014 invalidDuration
  • 错误-2013 invalidHandler
  • 错误-2012 invalidDataRef
  • 错误-2011 invalidSampleTable
  • 错误-2010 invalidMovie
  • 错误-2009 invalidTrack
  • 错误-2008 invalidMedia
  • 错误-2007 noDataHandler
  • 错误-2006 noMediaHandler
  • 错误-2005 badComponentType
  • 错误-2004 cantOpenHandler
  • 错误-2003 cantFindHandler
  • 错误-2002 badPublicMovieAtom
  • 错误-2001 badImageDescription
  • 错误-2000 CannotNotResolveDataRef
  • 错误-1857 dragNotAcceptedErr:未找到处理程序
  • 错误-1856 handlerNotFoundErr:处理程序已存在
  • 错误-1855plicatorHandlerErr:尝试获取风味数据时出错
  • 错误-1854 cantGetFlavorErr:风味类型已存在
  • 错误-1853plicateFlavorErr:未知的风味类型
  • 错误-1852 badDragFlavorErr:未知的拖动项参考
  • 错误-1851 badDragItemErr:未知拖动参考
  • 错误-1850 badDragRefErr:拖动管理器错误代码
  • 错误-1813 errEndOfBody
  • 错误-1812 errEndOfDocument
  • 错误-1811 errTopOfBody
  • 错误-1810 errTopOfDocument
  • 错误-1801 errOffsetIsOutsideOfView
  • 错误-1800 errOffsetInvalid
  • 错误-1762 errOSACantOpenComponent:无法连接到具有该ID的脚本系统
  • 错误-1761 errOSAComponentMismatch:参数来自2个不同的组件
  • 错误-1759 errOSADataFormatTooNew
  • 错误-1758 errOSADataFormat已过时
  • 错误-1757 errOSANoSuchDialect
  • 错误-1756 errOSASourceNotAvailable
  • 错误-1754 errOSABadSelector
  • 错误-1753 errOSAScriptError
  • 错误-1752 errOSABadStorageType
  • 错误-1751 errOSAInvalidID
  • 错误-1750 errOSASystemError
  • 错误-1732 errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn:仅在版本1.0.1或更高版本中可用
  • 错误-1731 errAEUnknownObjectType:仅在版本1.0.1或更高版本中可用
  • 错误-1730 errAEEmptyListContainer:尝试将空列表作为容器传递给访问器
  • 错误-1729 errAENegativeCount:CountProc返回负值
  • 错误-1728 errAENoSuchObject:例如:说明符要求输入3,但只有2。基本上,这表明运行时解析错误。
  • 错误-1727 errAENotAnObjSpec:AEResolve的参数不是'obj'类型
  • 错误-1726 errAEBadTestKey:测试既不是typeLogicalDescriptor也不是typeCompDescriptor
  • 错误-1725 errAENoSuchLogical:与或或非
  • 错误-1723 errAEAccessorNotFound:找不到与wantClass和containerType匹配的访问器proc或通配符
  • 错误-1721 errAEWrongNumberArgs:逻辑运算符kAENOT与非1术语一起使用
  • 错误-1720 errAEImpossibleRange:范围从第3到第2或从第1到全部。
  • 错误-1719 errAEIllegalIndex:放置操作中的索引超出范围
  • 错误-1718 errAEReplyNotArrived:您正在访问的答复的内容尚未到达
  • 错误-1717 errAEHandlerNotFound:调度表中没有处理程序使参数适合AEGetEventHandler或AEGetCoercionHandler
  • 错误-1716 errAEUnknownAddressType:目标地址类型未知
  • 错误-1715 errAEParamMissed:未访问必需的参数
  • 错误-1714 errAENotASpecialFunction:此关键字没有特殊功能
  • 错误-1713 errAENoUserInteraction:不允许用户交互
  • 错误-1712 errAETimeout:AppleEvent超时
  • 错误-1711 errAEWaitCanceled:在AESend中,用户已取消等待回复或接收的等待循环
  • 错误-1710 errAEUnknownSendMode:模式不是NoReply WaitReply或QueueReply或交互级别未知
  • 错误-1709 errAEReplyNotValid:AEResetTimer传递了无效的回复参数
  • 错误-1708 errAEEventNotHandled:AppleEvent未由任何处理程序处理
  • 错误-1707 errAENotAppleEvent:该事件不是AppleEvent格式
  • 错误-1706 errAENewerVersion:需要更高版本的AppleEvent Manager
  • 错误-1705 errAEBadListItem:指定的列表项不存在
  • 错误-1704 errAENotAEDesc
  • 错误-1703 errAEWrongDataType
  • 错误-1702 errAECorruptData
  • 错误-1701 errAEDescNotFound
  • 错误-1700 errAECoercionFail:参数数据错误或无法强制提供的数据
  • 错误-1310 fsDataTooBigErr:文件或卷对于系统而言太大
  • 错误-1309 fileBoundsErr:文件的EOF偏移标记或大小太大
  • 错误-1308 notARemountErr:_Mount仅允许重新安装而无法获得一个时
  • 错误-1307 badFidErr:文件ID悬空或与文件号不匹配
  • 错误-1306 sameFileErr:无法与其自身交换文件
  • 错误-1305 desktopDamagedErr:桌面数据库文件已损坏
  • 错误-1304 catChangedErr:目录已被修改
  • 错误-1303 diffVolErr:不同卷上的文件
  • 错误-1302 notAFileErr:指定的目录
  • 错误-1301 fidExists:文件ID已存在
  • 错误-1300 fidNotFound:不存在文件线程。
  • 错误-1280 errRefNum:错误的连接refNum
  • 错误-1279 errAborted:控制调用被中止
  • 错误-1278 errState:此操作的连接状态错误
  • 错误-1277 errOpening:打开连接请求失败
  • 错误-1276 errAttention:注意消息过长
  • 错误-1275 errFwdReset:正向重置终止读取
  • 错误-1274 errDSPQueueSize:DSP ReadWrite队列太小
  • 错误-1273 er​​rOpenDenied:打开连接请求被拒绝
  • 错误-1105 reqAborted
  • 错误-1104 noDataArea
  • 错误-1103 noSendResp
  • 错误-1102 cbNotFound
  • 错误-1101 noRelErr
  • 错误-1100 badBuffNum
  • 错误-1099 badATPSkt
  • 错误-1098 tooManySkts
  • 错误-1097 tooManyReqs
  • 错误-1096 reqFailed
  • 错误-1075 aspNoAck:注意请求无应答(服务器错误)
  • 错误-1074 aspTooMany:客户端过多(服务器错误)
  • 错误-1073 aspSizeErr:命令块太大
  • 错误-1072 aspSessClosed:会话已关闭
  • 错误-1071 aspServerBusy:服务器无法打开另一个会话
  • 错误-1070 aspParamErr:参数错误
  • 错误-1069 aspNoServers:该地址没有服务器
  • 错误-1068 aspNoMoreSess:服务器上没有更多会话
  • 错误-1067 aspBufTooSmall:缓冲区太小
  • 错误-1066 aspBadVersNum:服务器无法支持此ASP版本
  • 错误-1029 nbpNISErr:尝试打开NIS时出错
  • 错误-1028 nbpNotFound:删除时找不到名称
  • 错误-1027 nbpDuplicate:重复的名称已经存在
  • 错误-1026 nbpConfDiff:在不同的套接字处确认名称
  • 错误-1025 nbpNoConfirm
  • 错误-1024 nbpBuffOvr:LookupName中的缓冲区溢出
  • 错误-1000 noMaskFoundErr:图标实用程序错误
  • 错误-932 guestNotAllowedErr:目标端口需要身份验证
  • 错误-931 badLocNameErr:位置名称格式错误
  • 错误-930 badServiceMethodErr:服务类型非法或不支持
  • 错误-928 noUserRecErr:无效的用户参考号
  • 错误-927 authFailErr:无法在目标位置对用户进行身份验证
  • 错误-926 noInformErr:PPCStart失败,因为目标没有待处理的通知
  • 错误-925 networkErr:不太可能在网络中发生错误
  • 错误-924 noUserRefErr:无法创建新的userRefNum
  • 错误-923 notLoggedInErr:默认userRefNum尚不存在
  • 错误-922 noDefaultUserErr:用户未在Network Setup Control Pannel中键入所有者名称
  • 错误-919 badPortNameErr:PPCPortRec格式错误
  • 错误-917 sessClosedErr:会话已关闭
  • 错误-916 portClosedErr:端口已关闭
  • 错误-915 noResponseErr:无法联系目的地
  • 错误-914 noToolboxNameErr:不太可能丢失系统资源
  • 错误-913 noMachineNameErr:用户未在“网络设置”控制面板中命名其Macintosh
  • 错误-912 userRejectErr:目标拒绝了会话请求
  • 错误-911 noUserNameErr:目标计算机上的用户名未知
  • 错误-910 portNameExistsErr:端口已打开(也许在另一个应用程序中)
  • 错误-909 badReqErr:参数错误或操作状态无效
  • 错误-908 noSessionErr:无效的会话参考号
  • 错误-907 sessTableErr:会话表不足,请稍后再试
  • 错误-906 destPortErr:目标位置不存在端口
  • 错误-905 localOnlyErr:当前网络活动处于禁用状态
  • 错误-904 noGlobalsErr:使用软管更好地重新引导系统
  • 错误-903 noPortErr:无法打开端口或错误的端口RefNum
  • 错误-902 nameTypeErr:locationName中的locationKindSelector无效或不合适
  • 错误-900 notInitErr:PPCToolBox未初始化
  • 错误-863 hmCloseViewActive:如果CloseView处于活动状态,则从HMRemoveBalloon返回
  • 错误-862 hmNoBalloonUp:如果在拨打电话时看不到气球,则从HMRemoveBalloon返回
  • 错误-861 hmOperationUnsupported:如果错误的方法传递给例程,则从HMShowBalloon调用返回
  • 错误-859 hmUnknownHelpType:如果帮助msg记录包含错误类型,则返回
  • 错误-858 hmWrongVersion:如果帮助mgr资源的版本错误,则返回
  • 错误-857 hmSkippedBalloon:如果helpmsg指定了跳过气球,则从调用返回
  • 错误-855 hmHelpManagerNotInited:如果未设置帮助菜单,则从HMGetHelpMenuHandle返回
  • 错误-854 hmSameAsLastBalloon:如果菜单和项与上次相同,则从HMShowMenuBalloon返回
  • 错误-853 hmBalloonAborted:如果鼠标正在移动或鼠标不在窗口端口rect中,则返回
  • 错误-850 hmHelpDisabled:“显示气球”模式已关闭,对例程的调用已忽略
  • 错误-813 rcDBPackNotInited:不兼容的版本
  • 错误-812 rcDBWrongVersion:没有用于指定数据类型的应用处理程序
  • 错误-811 rcDBNoHandler:尝试杀死不良的pb
  • 错误-810 rcDBBadAsyncPB:ddev不支持异步调用
  • 错误-809 rcDBAsyncNotSupp:在DBInit上指定了错误的ddev
  • 错误-808 rcDBBadDDEV:DBGetConnInfo的会话编号错误
  • 错误-807 rcDBBadSessNum:数据库访问错误代码
  • 错误-806 rcDBBadSessID
  • 错误-805 rcDBExec
  • 错误-804 rcDBBreak
  • 错误-803 rcDBBadType
  • 错误-802 rcDBError
  • 错误-801 rcDBValue
  • 错误-800 rcDBNull
  • 错误-626 noMMUErr:不存在MMU
  • 错误-625 CannotDeferErr:无法推迟其他功能
  • 错误-624 interruptsMaskedErr:不要在屏蔽中断的情况下调用
  • 错误-623 notLockedErr:指定的内存范围未锁定
  • 错误-622 notMakeContiguousErr:无法使指定范围连续
  • 错误-621 notHeldErr:未保存指定的内存范围
  • 错误-620 notEnoughMemoryErr:物理内存不足
  • 错误-619 threadProtocolErr
  • 错误-618 threadNotFoundErr
  • 错误-617 threadTooManyReqsErr
  • 错误-610 noUserInteractionAllowed:不允许用户交互
  • 错误-609连接无效
  • 错误-608 noOutstandingHLE
  • 错误-607 bufferIsSmall:错误从发布和接受返回
  • 错误-606 appIsDaemon:应用仅适用于BG,启动标志不允许这样做
  • 错误-605 appMemFullErr:应用程序大小不够大,无法启动
  • 错误-604 hardwareConfigErr:呼叫的硬件配置不正确
  • 错误-603 protocolErr:应用程序以不正确的顺序进行了模块调用
  • 错误-602 appModeErr:内存模式为32位,但应用程序不是32位干净的
  • 错误-601 memFragErr:没有足够的空间来启动具有特殊要求的应用程序
  • 错误-600 procNotFound:没有具有指定描述符的合格进程
  • 错误-502 hwParamErr:_HWPriv的错误选择器
  • 错误-501 teScrapSizeErr:剪贴簿项目太大,无法进行文本编辑记录
  • 错误-500 rgnTooBigErr
  • 错误-492 exUserBreak:用户调试器中断;在堆栈上执行调试器命令
  • 错误-491 strUserBreak:用户调试器中断;在堆栈上显示字符串
  • 错误-490 userBreak:用户调试器中断
  • 错误-463 notThePublisherWrn:不是该容器的第一个注册发布者
  • 错误-462 containerAlreadyOpenWrn:此部分已打开容器
  • 错误-461 containerNotFoundWrn:目前无法找到editionContainer
  • 错误-460 multiplePublisherWrn:一个发布者已经为该容器注册
  • 错误-454 badSubPartErr:在此版本中不能使用子部件
  • 错误-453 badEditionFileErr:版本文件已损坏
  • 错误-452 notRegisteredSectionErr:未注册的SectionRecord
  • 错误-451 badSectionErr:无效的SectionRecord
  • 错误-450 editionMgrInitErr:版本管理器未由此应用启动
  • 错误-417 btKeyAttrErr:没有这样的键属性。
  • 错误-416 btKeyLenErr:最大密钥长度太长或等于零。
  • 错误-415 btRecNotFnd:找不到记录。
  • 错误-414 btDupRecErr:记录已存在。
  • 错误-413 btNoSpace:无法分配磁盘空间。
  • 错误-410 notBTree:文件不是字典。
  • 错误-400 gcrOnMFMErr:高密度介质上的gcr格式错误
  • 错误-360 slotNumErr:无效的插槽#错误
  • 错误-351 smRecNotFnd:在SRT中找不到记录。
  • 错误-350 smSRTOvrFlErr:SRT溢出。
  • 错误-349 smNoGoodOpens:循环中没有成功打开。
  • 错误-348 smOffsetErr:偏移量太大(临时错误
  • 错误-347 smByteLanesErr:NumByteLanes被确定为零。
  • 错误-346 smBadsPtrErr:错误的指针已传递给sCalcsPointer
  • 错误-345 smsGetDrvrErr:_sGetDriver发生错误。
  • 错误-344 smNoMoresRsrcs:没有更多的sResources
  • 错误-343 smDisDrvrNamErr:_sDisDrvrName发生错误。
  • 错误-342 smGetDrvrNamErr:_sGetDrvrName发生错误。
  • 错误-341 smCkStatusErr:插槽状态失败。
  • 错误-340 smBlkMoveErr:_BlockMove错误
  • 错误-339 smNewPErr:_NewPtr错误
  • 错误-338 smSelOOBErr:选择器超出范围错误
  • 错误-337 smSlotOOBErr:插槽超出范围错误
  • 错误-336 smNilsBlockErr:无效sBlock错误(不分配并尝试使用无效sBlock)
  • 错误-335 smsPointerNil:LPointer从sOffsetData为nil。如果发生此错误;检查sInfo rec获取更多信息。
  • 错误-334 smCPUErr:代码修订错误
  • 错误-333 smCodeRevErr:代码修订错误
  • 错误-332 smReservedErr:保留字段不为零
  • 错误-331 smBadsList:错误的sList:Id1
  • 错误-330 smBadRefId:在列表中找不到引用ID
  • 错误-320 smBusErrTO:BusError超时。
  • 错误-319 smBadBoardId:BoardId错误;重新初始化PRAM记录。
  • 错误-318 smNoJmpTbl:无法创建SDM跳转表。或smReservedSlot:保留的插槽VM不应使用此地址空间。
  • 错误-317 smInitTblVErr:尝试初始化插槽资源表时发生错误。
  • 错误-316 smInitStatVErr:主要或次要初始化之后,InitStatusV字段为负。
  • 错误-315 smNoBoardId:无委员会ID。
  • 错误-314 smGetPRErr:_sGetPRAMRec期间发生错误(请参阅SIMStatus)。
  • 错误-313 smNoBoardSRsrc:无委员会资源。
  • 错误-312 smDisposePErr:_DisposePointer错误
  • 错误-311 smFHBlkDispErr:在_sDisposePtr(处置FHeader块)期间发生错误。
  • 错误-310 smFHBlockRdErr:_sGetFHeader发生错误。
  • 错误-309 smBLFieldBad:ByteLanes字段错误。
  • 错误-308 smUnExBusErr:意外的BusError
  • 错误-307 smResrvErr:致命的保留错误。重新刷新的字段<> 0。
  • 错误-306 smNosInfoArray:没有sInfoArray。内存管理错误。
  • 错误-305 smDisabledSlot:此插槽已禁用(-305以前是smLWTstBad)
  • 错误-304 smNoDir:目录偏移为Nil
  • 错误-303 smRevisionErr:错误的修订级别
  • 错误-302 smFormatErr:FHeader格式不是Apple的
  • 错误-301 smCRCFail:声明数据的CRC检查失败
  • 错误-300 smEmptySlot:插槽中没有卡
  • 错误-299 nmTypErr:错误的队列类型
  • 错误-293 smPriInitErr:错误;卡无法初始化。
  • 错误-292 smPRAMInitErr:错误;插槽资源表无法初始化。
  • 错误-291 smSRTInitErr:错误;插槽资源表无法初始化。
  • 错误-290 smSDMInitErr:错误;SDM无法初始化。
  • 错误-261 midiInvalidCmdErr:端口类型不支持命令
  • 错误-260 midiDupIDErr:重复的客户端ID
  • 错误-259 midiNameLenErr:提供的名称超过31个字符
  • 错误-258 midiWriteErr:MIDIWritePacket无法写入所有连接的端口
  • 错误-257 midiNoConErr:指定端口之间不存在连接
  • 错误-256 midiVConnectRmvd:已删除挂起的虚拟连接
  • 错误-255 midiVConnectMade:待处理的虚拟连接已解决
  • 错误-254 midiVConnectErr:已创建挂起的虚拟连接
  • 错误-253 midiTooManyConsErr:建立了太多连接
  • 错误-252 midiTooManyPortsErr:系统中已经安装了太多端口
  • 错误-251 midiNoPortErr:找不到具有该ID的端口
  • 错误-250 midiNoClientErr:找不到具有该ID的客户端
  • 错误-247 badInputText
  • 错误-246 badDictFormat
  • 错误-245不兼容
  • 错误-244 voiceNotFound
  • 错误-243 bufTooSmall
  • 错误-242 synthNotReady
  • 错误-241 synthOpenFailed
  • 错误-240 noSynthFound
  • 错误-232 siUnknownQuality:无效的质量选择器(由驱动程序返回)
  • 错误-231 siUnknownInfoType:无效的信息类型选择器(由驱动程序返回)
  • 错误-230 siInputDeviceErr:输入设备硬件故障
  • 错误-229 siBadRefNum:输入设备参考号无效
  • 错误-228 siBadDeviceName:输入设备无法打开
  • 错误-227 siDeviceBusyErr:输入设备已在使用中
  • 错误-226 siInvalidSampleSize:无效的样本大小
  • 错误-225 siInvalidSampleRate:无效的采样率
  • 错误-224 siHardDriveTooSlow:硬盘驱动器太慢而无法记录到磁盘
  • 错误-223 siInvalidCompression:无效的压缩类型
  • 错误-222 siNoBufferSpecified:如果传递了nil缓冲区,则由同步SPBRecord返回
  • 错误-221 siBadSoundInDevice:无效的索引传递给SoundInGetIndexedDevice
  • 错误-220 siNoSoundInHardware:没有声音输入硬件
  • 错误-212 noMoreRealTime:没有足够的CPU周期来添加其他任务
  • 错误-211 channelNotBusy
  • 错误-210 buffersTooSmall:无法在允许的内存中运行
  • 错误-209 channelBusy:该通道已用于PFD
  • 错误-208 badFileFormat:不是AIFF类型或格式错误
  • 错误-207 notEnoughBufferSpace:无法分配足够的内存
  • 错误-206 badFormat:声音管理器错误返回
  • 错误-205 badChannel:声音管理器错误返回
  • 错误-204 res问题:声音管理器错误返回
  • 错误-203 queueFull:声音管理器错误返回
  • 错误-201 notEnoughHardwareErr:声音管理器错误返回
  • 错误-200 noHardwareErr:声音管理器错误返回
  • 错误-199 mapReadErr:映射与操作不一致
  • 错误-198 resAttrErr:属性与操作不一致
  • 错误-197 rmvRefFailed:RmveReference失败
  • 错误-196 rmvResFailed:RmveResource失败
  • 错误-195 addRefFailed:AddReference失败
  • 错误-194 addResFailed:AddResource失败
  • 错误-193 resFNotFound:找不到资源文件
  • 错误-192 resNotFound:找不到资源
  • 错误-190 inputOutOfBounds:计数偏移超出范围
  • 错误-189 WritingPastEnd:写入文件末尾
  • 错误-188 resourceInMemory:资源已在内存中
  • 错误-186 CantDecompress:资源弯曲(“弯曲”)-无法解压缩压缩的资源
  • 错误-185 badExtResource:扩展资源的格式错误。
  • 错误-157 cDepthErr:无效的像素深度
  • 错误-156 cResErr:MakeITable的无效分辨率
  • 错误-155 cDevErr:图形设备类型无效
  • 错误-154 cProtectErr:colorTable条目保护违规
  • 错误-153 cRangeErr:colorTable请求上的范围错误
  • 错误-152 cNoMemErr:无法为结构分配内存
  • 错误-151 cTempMemErr:未能为临时结构分配内存
  • 错误-150 cMatchErr:Color2Index找不到索引
  • 错误-149不足StackStackErr或nsStackErr
  • 错误-148 pixMapTooDeepErr
  • 错误-147 rgnOverflowErr或rgnTooBigError
  • 错误-145 noMemForPictPlaybackErr
  • 错误-128 userCanceledErr
  • 错误-127 hMenuFindErr:在MenuKey中找不到HMenu的父级
  • 错误-126 mBarNFnd:找不到MBDF的系统错误代码
  • 错误-125 updPixMemErr:内存不足,无法更新像素图
  • 错误-124 volGoneErr:服务器卷已断开连接。
  • 错误-123 wrgVolTypErr:错误的卷类型错误[MFS不支持该操作]
  • 错误-122 badMovErr:移入后代错误
  • 错误-121 tmwdoErr:无可用的WDCB
  • 错误-120 dirNFErr:找不到目录
  • 错误-117 memLockedErr:尝试移动锁定的块(MoveHHi)
  • 错误-116 memSCErr:大小检查失败
  • 错误-115 memBCErr:阻止检查
  • 错误-114 memPCErr:指针检查失败
  • 错误-113 memAZErr:区域检查中的地址失败
  • 错误-112 memPurErr:尝试清除锁定或不可清除的块
  • 错误-111 memWZErr:WhereZone失败(应用于空闲块)
  • 错误-110 memAdrErr:地址为奇数;或超出范围
  • 错误-109 nilHandleErr:主指针在HandleZone或其他中为NIL
  • 错误-108 iMemFullErr或memFullErr:堆区域中的空间不足
  • 错误-102 noTypeErr:剪贴簿中没有该类型的对象
  • 错误-100 noScrapErr:不存在废品错误
  • 错误-99 memROZWarn:ROZ或memROZ中的软错误错误:ROZ或memROZErr中的硬错误:ROZ中的硬错误
  • 错误-98 portNotCf:驱动程序打开错误代码(未为此连接配置参数RAM)
  • 错误-97 portInUse:驱动程序打开错误代码(端口正在使用中)
  • 错误-96 portNotPwr:串行端口当前未通电
  • 错误-95 extraCollsns:写入时发生过多冲突
  • 错误-94 lapProtErr:附加分离协议时出错
  • 错误-93 noBridgeErr:非本地发送没有网桥
  • 错误-92 ddpLenErr:数据长度太大或eLenErr:ENET错误代码
  • 错误-91 ddpSktErr:套接字编号错误或eMultiErr:长度错误ddpLenErr
  • 错误-90 breakRecd:收到中断(SCC)
  • 错误-89 rcvrErr:SCC接收器错误(成帧;奇偶校验;或)
  • 错误-88 prInitErr:InitUtil发现参数ram未初始化
  • 错误-87 prWrErr:写入的参数ram未读取验证
  • 错误-86 clkWrErr:写入时间未验证
  • 错误-85 clkRdErr:无法两次读取相同的时钟值
  • 错误-84 firstDskErr:IO系统错误或verErr:跟踪无法验证
  • 错误-83 fmt2Err:无法获得足够的同步
  • 错误-82 fmt1Err:跟踪格式后找不到扇区0
  • 错误-81 sectNFErr:在磁道上找不到扇区号
  • 错误-80 seekErr:地址标记上的轨道号错误
  • 错误-79 spdAdjErr:无法正确调整磁盘速度
  • 错误-78 twoSideErr:尝试读取1面驱动器上的2面
  • 错误-77 initIWMErr:无法初始化IWM
  • 错误-76 tk0BadErr:音轨0检测不变
  • 错误-75 cantStepErr:步骤握手失败
  • 错误-74 wrUnderrun:发生写欠载
  • 错误-73 badDBtSlp:错误的数据标记位滑动半字节
  • 错误-72 badDCksum:错误的数据标记校验和
  • 错误-71 noDtaMkErr:找不到数据标记头
  • 错误-70 badBtSlpErr:错误的地址标记位滑动位
  • 错误-69 badCksmErr:地址标记校验和未检查
  • 错误-68 dataVerErr:读取验证比较失败
  • 错误-67 noAdrMkErr:找不到有效的地址标记
  • 错误-66 fontSubErr:发生字体替换或noNybErr:在200次尝试中找不到5个点
  • 错误-65 fontNotDeclared:未声明字体或offLinErr:要求离线驱动器写入rw
  • 错误-64 fontDecError:字体声明期间发生错误或lastDskErr:IO系统错误或noDriveErr:未安装驱动器
  • 错误-61 wrPermErr:写入权限错误
  • 错误-60 badMDBErr:错误的主目录块
  • 错误-59 fsRnErr:文件系统内部错误:重命名期间,旧条目已删除,但无法还原。
  • 错误-58 extFSErr:有问题的卷属于外部fs
  • 错误-57 noMacDskErr:不是Mac软盘(信号字节错误)
  • 错误-56 nsDrvErr:没有这样的驱动器(试图装入错误的驱动器编号)
  • 错误-55 volOnLinErr:驱动器卷已在MountVol在线
  • 错误-54 permErr:权限错误(打开文件时)
  • 错误-53 volOffLinErr:卷未在线错误(已弹出)
  • 错误-52 gfpErr:获取文件位置错误
  • 错误-51 rfNumErr:引用句柄错误
  • 错误-50 paramErr:用户参数列表中的错误
  • 错误-49 opWrErr:文件已经打开并具有写许可权
  • 错误-48 dupFNErr:重复的文件名(重命名)
  • 错误-47 fBsyErr:文件正忙(删除)
  • 错误-46 vLckdErr:卷已锁定
  • 错误-45 fLckdErr:文件已锁定
  • 错误-44 wPrErr:软盘已写保护。
  • 错误-43 fnfErr:找不到文件
  • 错误-42 tmfoErr:打开了太多文件
  • 错误-41 mFulErr:内存已满(打开)或文件无法容纳(加载)
  • 错误-40 posErr:尝试定位到文件开始之前的位置(rw)
  • 错误-39 eofErr:文件结尾
  • 错误-38 fnOpnErr:文件未打开
  • 错误-37 bdNamErr:最终系统中可能没有坏名!
  • 错误-36 ioErr:IO错误(缓冲器)
  • 错误-35 nsvErr:没有这样的音量
  • 错误-34 dskFulErr:磁盘已满
  • 错误-33 dirFulErr:目录已满
  • 错误-30 dceExtErr:dce扩展错误
  • 错误-29 unitTblFullErr:单元表没有更多条目
  • 错误-28 notOpenErr:无法rdwrctlsts导致驱动程序未打开
  • 错误-27 abortErr:IO调用被KillIO或iIOAbort终止。Err:IO中止错误(打印管理器)或iIOAbort
  • 错误-26 dInstErr:DrvrInstall在资源中找不到驱动程序
  • 错误-25 dRemovErr:尝试删除打开的驱动程序
  • 错误-24 closErr:IO系统错误
  • 错误-23 openErr:IO系统错误
  • 错误-22 unitEmptyErr:IO系统错误
  • 错误-21 badUnitErr:IO系统错误
  • 错误-20 writErr:IO系统错误
  • 错误-19 readErr:IO系统错误
  • 错误-18 statusErr:IO系统错误
  • 错误-17 controlErr:IO系统错误
  • 错误-13 dsExtensionsDisabled:说“扩展名已禁用”
  • 错误-12 dsHD20已安装:说“ HD20启动”
  • 错误-11 dsDisassemblerInstalled:说“已安装Disassembler”
  • 错误-10 dsMacsBug已安装:说ÒMacsBug已安装Ó
  • 错误-8 seNoDB:未安装调试器来处理调试器命令
  • 错误-5 SlpTypeErr:无效的队列元素
  • 错误-4 unimpErr:未实现的核心例程
  • 错误-3 corErr:核心例程编号超出范围
  • 错误-2 vTypErr:无效的队列元素
  • 错误-1 qErr:在删除或telGenericError期间找不到队列元素
  • 错误errAECorruptData errOSACorruptData
  • 错误dsCDEFNotFound CDEFNFnd
  • 错误dsWDEFNotFound WDEFNFnd
  • 错误noHardwareErr noHardware:过时的拼写
  • 错误errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn errOSARecordingIsAlreadyOn
  • 错误notEnoughHardwareErr notEnoughHardware:拼写过时
  • 错误movieToolboxUninitialized noRecordOfApp:副本
  • 错误1 evtNotEnb:在PostEvent或siInitSDTblErr上未启用事件:无法初始化slot int调度表。或dsBusError:总线错误
  • 错误2 siInitVBLQsErr:无法初始化所有插槽的VBL队列。或dsAddressErr:地址错误
  • 错误3 siInitSPTblErr:插槽优先级表无法初始化。或dsIllInstErr:非法指令错误
  • 错误4 dsZeroDivErr:零除错误
  • 错误5 dsChkErr:检查陷阱错误
  • 错误6 dsOvflowErr:溢出陷阱错误
  • 错误7 dsPrivErr:特权冲突错误
  • 错误8 telNoTools:在扩展文件夹或dsTraceErr中找不到电话工具:跟踪模式错误
  • 错误9 dsLineAErr:1010行陷阱错误
  • 错误10 sdmJTInitErr:无法初始化SDM跳转表。或dsLineFErr:1111行陷阱错误
  • 错误11 sdmInitErr:无法初始化SDM。或dsMiscErr:其他硬件异常错误
  • 错误12 sdmSRTInitErr:插槽资源表无法初始化。或dsCoreErr:未实现的核心例程错误
  • 错误13 sdmPRAMInitErr:插槽PRAM无法初始化。或dsIrqErr:卸载中断错误
  • 错误14 sdmPriInitErr:卡无法初始化。或dsIOCoreErr:IO核心错误
  • 错误15 dsLoadErr:段加载器错误
  • 错误16 dsFPErr:浮点错误
  • 错误17 dsNoPackErr:包0不存在
  • 错误18 dsNoPk1:软件包1不存在
  • 错误19 dsNoPk2:软件包2不存在
  • 错误20 dsNoPk3:软件包3不存在
  • 错误21 dsNoPk4:软件包4不存在
  • 错误22 dsNoPk5:软件包5不存在
  • 错误23 dsNoPk6:软件包6不存在
  • 错误24 dsNoPk7:软件包7不存在
  • 错误25 dsMemFullErr:内存不足!
  • 错误26 dsBadLaunch:无法启动文件
  • 错误27 dsFSErr:文件系统映射已被破坏
  • 错误28 dsStknHeap:堆栈已移入应用程序堆
  • 错误30 dsReinsert:请求用户重新插入离线卷
  • 错误31 dsNotThe1:不是我想要的磁盘
  • 错误33 negZcbFreeErr:ZcbFree变为负数
  • 错误40 dsGreeting:欢迎使用Macintosh问候语
  • 错误41 dsFinderErr:无法加载Finder错误
  • 错误42 shutDownAlert:像关闭错误一样处理或dsBadStartupDisk:无法挂载启动卷(仅适用于Mac)
  • 错误43 dsSystemFileErr:找不到要打开的系统文件(仅适用于悲伤的Mac)
  • 错误51 dsBadSlotInt:无法使用的插槽中断
  • 错误81 dsBadSANEOpcode:为SANE Pack4提供了错误的操作码
  • 错误83 dsBadPatchHeader:SetTrapAddress看到Òcome-fromÓ标头
  • 错误84 menuPrgErr:清除菜单时发生
  • 错误85 dsMBarNFnd:菜单管理器错误
  • 错误86 dsHMenuFindErr:菜单管理器错误
  • 错误87 dsWDEFNotFound:无法加载WDEF
  • 错误88 dsCDEFNotFound:无法加载CDEF
  • 错误89 dsMDEFNotFound:无法加载MDEF
  • 错误90 dsNoFPU:执行了FPU指令,并且机器没有一个
  • 错误98 dsNoPatch:无法为特定的Mac型号打补丁
  • 错误99 dsBadPatch:无法加载修补程序资源
  • 错误101 dsParityErr:内存奇偶校验错误
  • 错误102 dsOldSystem:对于此ROM,系统太旧
  • 错误103 ds32BitMode:在24位系统上以32位引导
  • 错误104 dsNeedToWriteBootBlocks:需要编写新的启动块
  • 错误105 dsNotEnoughRAMToBoot:必须至少有1.5MB RAM才能启动7.0
  • 错误106 dsBufPtrTooLow:启动期间bufPtr移得太远
  • 错误1010 dsBadLibrary:DS错误,特定于PowerPC引入的新运行时模型
  • 错误1011 dsMixedModeFailure:共享库错误
  • 错误20000 dsShutDownOrRestart:用户在ShutDown和Restart之间选择
  • 错误20001 dsSwitchOffOrRestart:用户选择关闭还是重新启动
  • 错误20002 dsForcedQuit:如果取消,则允许用户ExitToShell返回
  • 错误20003 dsRemoveDisk:请求用户从手动弹出驱动器中删除磁盘
  • 错误20004 dsDirtyDisk:请求用户返回手动弹出的脏磁盘
  • 错误20010 dsSCSIWarn:便携式SCSI适配器警告。
  • 错误20109 dsShutDownOrResume:允许用户返回到Finder或ShutDown
  • 错误32767 dsSysErr:一般系统错误
