1. 协同过滤的简介
2. 协同过滤的核心
1 找到目标用户看过的每一部电影
2 目标用户看过的每一部电影, 找到和目标用户看过相同电影的初始邻居
3 遍历初始邻居,找到初始邻居看过的所有电影
4 计算目标用户 和 所有初始邻居的余弦距离,按相似度由高到低建立邻居用户倒排表
5 遍历邻居用户倒排表,对邻居用户看过的电影,计算累积余弦距离,建立电影倒排表
6 按电影倒排表,输出前20个电影名字
采样数据来源: https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/
代码中u.data和u.item来源于 ml-100k.zip数据集
GitHub地址: https://github.com/xieshangjian/movie_recommand
u.data -- The full u data set, 100000 ratings by 943 users on 1682 items. Each user has rated at least 20 movies. Users and items are numbered consecutively from 1. The data is randomly ordered. This is a tab separated list of user id | item id | rating | timestamp. The time stamps are unix seconds since 1/1/1970 UTC u.item -- Information about the items (movies); this is a tab separated list of movie id | movie title | release date | video release date | IMDb URL | unknown | Action | Adventure | Animation | Children's | Comedy | Crime | Documentary | Drama | Fantasy | Film-Noir | Horror | Musical | Mystery | Romance | Sci-Fi | Thriller | War | Western | The last 19 fields are the genres, a 1 indicates the movie is of that genre, a 0 indicates it is not; movies can be in several genres at once. The movie ids are the ones used in the u.data data set.
import sys
import math
from texttable import Texttable
import importlib
def getCosDist(user1, user2):
sum_x = 0.0
sum_y = 0.0
sum_xy = 0.0
for key1 in user1:
for key2 in user2:
if key1[0] == key2[0]: #key1[0]表示电影id,key1[1]表示用户1对它的评分, 如果是两个用户评价的同一id的电影
sum_x += key1[1] * key1[1]
sum_y += key2[1] * key2[1]
sum_xy += key1[1] * key2[1]
if sum_xy == 0.0:
return 0
demo = math.sqrt(sum_x * sum_y)
return sum_xy / demo
def readFile(filename):
contents = []
f = open(filename, "rb")
contents = f.readlines()
return contents
def getRatingInfo(ratings):
rates = []
for line in ratings:
rate = line.split("\t".encode(encoding="utf-8"))
rates.append([int(rate[0]), int(rate[1]), int(rate[2])])
return rates
def getUserScoreDataStructure(rates):
#userDict[2]=[(1,5),(4,2)]…. 表示用户2对电影1的评分是5,对电影4的评分是2
#itemUser[12]=[5,10] 表示给item=12的电影评分的有用户id=5,10
userDict = {}
itemUser = {}
for k in rates:
user_rank = (k[1], k[2]) #user_rank是元组:item 和 评分
if k[0] in userDict:
userDict[k[0]] = [user_rank]
if k[1] in itemUser:
itemUser[k[1]] = [k[0]]
return userDict, itemUser
#计算与指定用户最相近的邻居 ,返回所有邻居的相似度
用户userId评分的电影: [(23, 5), (100,4), (230,5), (299,2)]
邻居k 评分的电影: [(23, 4), (234, 5), (230, 2)]
getCosDist(user1, user2)为计算两个用户的的余弦距离
def getNearestNeighbor(userId, userDict, itemUser):
neighbors = []
for item in userDict[userId]: #item为用户user_id评分过的电影 (item_id, 评分)
for neighbor in itemUser[item[0]]: #item[0]为item_id, itemUser[item[0]]为所有评分过item[0]的用户集合
if neighbor != userId and neighbor not in neighbors:
neighbors_dist = []
for neighbor in neighbors: #neighbors为所有和用户userId评分过相同电影的用户集合
dist = getCosDist(userDict[userId], userDict[neighbor]) #比较userId和邻居neighbor的相似度
neighbors_dist.append([dist, neighbor])
neighbors_dist.sort(reverse = True)
return neighbors_dist
def recommendByUserFC(filename, userId, k = 5):
contents = readFile(filename)
rates = getRatingInfo(contents) #rates是list, rates[0] 是用户id, rates[1]是item, rates[2]是评分
userDict, itemUser = getUserScoreDataStructure(rates)
userDict= { 50:[(1,5),(1084,4),(23,2)], 60:[(1,4)] }
itemUser= { 1:[50,60,1,2], 1084:[50, 70] }
userDict为用户对评分过的电影的dict,dict由元组组成; key为user_id
itemUser为给电影item评分过的用户dict; key为item_id
neighbors = getNearestNeighbor(userId, userDict, itemUser)[:10] #只需要相似度前5名的邻居
print('neighbors:', neighbors) #(相似度, user_id)
recommand_dict = {}
for neighbor in neighbors:
neighbor_user_id = neighbor[1] #neighbor[1]是user_id
movies = userDict[neighbor_user_id]
for movie in movies:
if movie[0] not in recommand_dict:
recommand_dict[movie[0]] = neighbor[0] #neighbor[0]是余弦距离,相似度; movie[0]是item_id
recommand_dict[movie[0]] += neighbor[0] #保存该item_id的所有相似度之和
recommand_list = []
for key in recommand_dict:
recommand_list.append([recommand_dict[key], key]) #(相似度, item_id)
recommand_list.sort(reverse = True)
user_movies = [k[0] for k in userDict[userId]]
return [k[1] for k in recommand_list], user_movies, itemUser, neighbors #k[1]为item_id
def getMovieList(filename):
contents = readFile(filename)
movies_info = {} #dict
for movie in contents:
single_info = movie.split("|".encode(encoding="utf-8")) #把当前行按|分隔,保存成list
movies_info[int(single_info[0])] = single_info[1:] #将第0个元素作为key,第二个到最后作为value保存成字典dict返回
return movies_info
if __name__ == '__main__':
movies = getMovieList("u.item") #movies为dict
recommend_list, user_movie, items_movie, neighbors = recommendByUserFC("u.data", 50, 80) #用户id=50, 80个邻居
print('recommend_list:', recommend_list[:20]) #推荐列表
print('user_movie:', user_movie)
#print('items_movie:', items_movie)
#print('neighbors:', neighbors)
neighbors_id=[ i[1] for i in neighbors]
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_dtype(['t', 't', 't'])
table.set_cols_align(["l", "l", "l"])
rows.append([u"movie name",u"release", u"from userid"])
for movie_id in recommend_list[:20]:
for user_id in items_movie[movie_id]:
if user_id in neighbors_id:
rows.append([movies[movie_id][0],movies[movie_id][1]," "])
print (table.draw())
movie name release from userid ======================================================================== Air Force One (1997) 01-Jan-1997 When Harry Met Sally... (1989) 01-Jan-1989 Return of the Jedi (1983) 14-Mar-1997 Rock, The (1996) 07-Jun-1996 Star Wars (1977) 01-Jan-1977 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) 01-Jan-1982 Sense and Sensibility (1995) 01-Jan-1995 Jerry Maguire (1996) 13-Dec-1996 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 01-Jan-1981 Empire Strikes Back, The (1980) 01-Jan-1980 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) 01-Jan-1971 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 01-Jan-1968 Toy Story (1995) 01-Jan-1995 Dave (1993) 01-Jan-1993 African Queen, The (1951) 01-Jan-1951 Grease (1978) 01-Jan-1978 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) 01-Jan-1969 Conspiracy Theory (1997) 08-Aug-1997 Titanic (1997) 01-Jan-1997 Liar Liar (1997) 21-Mar-1997
代码中 neighbors = getNearestNeighbor(userId, userDict, itemUser)[:10],取相似度前10的10个邻居作推荐采样,修改该值将影响最终的推荐结果