最初方案是 想将所有功能全部放在一个“ccpuid.h”头文件中,这样用起来会比较方便。
1. 全部的CPUIDFIELD常数。根据Intel、AMD手册及网络上的一些资料,将目前所有的CPUIDFIELD常数均定义一遍,方便各种情况下的使用。
2. CPUID字段的描述信息。定义了CPUIDFIELDDESC结构体,然后还定义了CCPUID::CPUFDesc这个静态成员,它是CPUIDFIELDDESC结构体数组,记录了每条CPUIDFIELD常数的名称与描述文本。这样就可以通过查找表格得知CPUIDFIELD常数的描述信息。
3. 缓存的描述信息。这是为了方便使用CPUID指令的功能2是获取缓存信息。因为每一个字节代表不同的意义,所以可以使用一个256个项目的字符串指针数组来存储描述文本。(CCPUID::CacheDesc)
4. CCPUID类。拥有存储CPUID信息的能力,提供Vendor、mmx等方法,用于随时翻查CPUID信息。还设计一个cur静态方法,返回一个默认的CCPUID对象,简化代码编写。
CCPUID ccid;
CCPUID& ccid = CCPUID::cur();
printf("CCPUID.InfoCount:\t%d\n", ccid.InfoCount());
printf("CCPUID.LFuncStd:\t%.8Xh\n", ccid.LFuncStd());
printf("CCPUID.LFuncExt:\t%.8Xh\n", ccid.LFuncExt());
printf("CCPUID.Vendor:\t%s\n", ccid.Vendor());
//printf("CCPUID.Brand:\t%s\n", ccid.Brand());
printf("CCPUID.BrandTrim:\t%s\n", ccid.BrandTrim());
printf("CCPUID.MMX:\t%d\t// hw: %d\n", ccid.mmx(), ccid.hwmmx());
printf("CCPUID.SSE:\t%d\t// hw: %d\n", ccid.sse(), ccid.hwsse());
for(i=1; i=i) printf("\t%s\n", CCPUID::SseNames[i]);
printf("SSE4A:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_SSE4A));
printf("AES:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_AES));
printf("PCLMULQDQ:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_PCLMULQDQ));
printf("CCPUID.AVX:\t%d\t// hw: %d\n", ccid.avx(), ccid.hwavx());
for(i=1; i=i) printf("\t%s\n", CCPUID::AvxNames[i]);
printf("F16C:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_F16C));
printf("FMA:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_FMA));
printf("FMA4:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_FMA4));
printf("XOP:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_XOP));
上面与前面博文中的代码差不多,只不过将全局函数变为CCPUID对象的成员函数而已,例如 simd_sse_names变为CCPUID::SseNames、getcpuidfield变为了ccid.GetField。
// 打印CPUID字段_某项.
void prtCcpuid_Item(INT32 fid, INT32 fidsub, const INT32 CPUInfo[4])
static const char* RegName[4] = { "EAX", "EBX", "ECX", "EDX" };
INT32 cur = CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(fid, fidsub, 0, 0, 1) & mask;
int i;
for(i=0; i1)
printf("\t%s[%2d:%2d]", RegName[reg], pos+bits-1, pos);
printf("\t%s[ %2d]", RegName[reg], pos);
printf("=%s:\t0x%X\t(%u)", v.szName, n, n);
if (bShowDesc)
printf("\t// %s", v.szDesc);
// 打印CPUID字段.
void prtCcpuid(const CCPUID& ccid)
int i;
for(i=0; i0) // 最高位为0,且不是全0
for(int k=0; k<=3; ++k)
if (j>0 || k>0) // EAX的低8位不是缓存信息
int by = n & 0x00FF;
if (by>0)
printf("\t0x%.2X:\t%s\n", by, CCPUID::CacheDesc[by]);
n >>= 8;
1. 处理规范子功能号。检查子功能号,如果是规范的子功能号,便故意设为0,根据子功能号0的字段来解析各个子功能号的信息。
2. 处理特殊功能号。对于功能0和功能80000004h,可以利用Vendor、Brand这两个成员函数。对于功能2(缓存信息),可以利用CCPUID::CacheDesc数组来解析。
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#include // NULL等标准宏和类型.
#include // INT32、UINT32等规范类型名.
#if _MSC_VER >=1400 // VC2005才支持intrin.h
#include // 所有Intrinsics函数.
#include // MMX, SSE, SSE2
#if defined __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// __cpuid,__cpuidex
#if defined(_WIN64)
// 64位下不支持内联汇编. 应使用__cpuid、__cpuidex等Intrinsics函数.
#if _MSC_VER < 1600 // VS2010. 据说VC2008 SP1之后才支持__cpuidex
inline void __cpuidex(INT32 CPUInfo[4], INT32 InfoType, INT32 ECXValue)
if (0==CPUInfo) return;
// load. 读取参数到寄存器.
mov edi, CPUInfo; // 准备用edi寻址CPUInfo
mov eax, InfoType;
mov ecx, ECXValue;
// save. 将寄存器保存到CPUInfo
mov [edi], eax;
mov [edi+4], ebx;
mov [edi+8], ecx;
mov [edi+12], edx;
#endif // #if _MSC_VER < 1600 // VS2010. 据说VC2008 SP1之后才支持__cpuidex
#if _MSC_VER < 1400 // VC2005才支持__cpuid
inline void __cpuid(INT32 CPUInfo[4], INT32 InfoType)
__cpuidex(CPUInfo, InfoType, 0);
#endif // #if _MSC_VER < 1400 // VC2005才支持__cpuid
#endif // #if defined(_WIN64)
#define CPUIDFIELD_MASK_POS 0x0000001F // 位偏移. 0~31.
#define CPUIDFIELD_MASK_LEN 0x000003E0 // 位长. 1~32
#define CPUIDFIELD_MASK_REG 0x00000C00 // 寄存器. 0=EAX, 1=EBX, 2=ECX, 3=EDX.
#define CPUIDFIELD_MASK_FIDSUB 0x000FF000 // 子功能号(低8位).
#define CPUIDFIELD_MASK_FID 0xFFF00000 // 功能号(最高4位 和 低8位).
#define CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(fid,fidsub,reg,pos,len) (((fid)&0xF0000000) \
#define CPUIDFIELD_REG(cpuidfield) ( ((cpuidfield) & CPUIDFIELD_MASK_REG)>>CPUIDFIELD_SHIFT_REG )
#define CPUIDFIELD_POS(cpuidfield) ( ((cpuidfield) & CPUIDFIELD_MASK_POS)>>CPUIDFIELD_SHIFT_POS )
#define CPUIDFIELD_LEN(cpuidfield) ( (((cpuidfield) & CPUIDFIELD_MASK_LEN)>>CPUIDFIELD_SHIFT_LEN) + 1 )
typedef struct tagCPUIDFIELDDESC{
INT32 reserved;
const char* szName;
const char* szDesc;
#define CPUF_LFuncStd CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0,0,0,0,32)
#define CPUF_Stepping CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,0,0,4)
#define CPUF_BaseModel CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,0,4,4)
#define CPUF_BaseFamily CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,0,8,4)
#define CPUF_ProcessorType CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,0,12,2)
#define CPUF_ExtModel CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,0,16,4)
#define CPUF_ExtFamily CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,0,20,8)
#define CPUF_BrandId8 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,1,0,8)
#define CPUF_CLFlush CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,1,8,8)
#define CPUF_MaxApicId CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,1,16,8)
#define CPUF_ApicId CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,1,24,8)
#define CPUF_SSE3 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,0,1)
#define CPUF_DTES64 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,2,1)
#define CPUF_DS_CPL CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,4,1)
#define CPUF_VMX CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,5,1)
#define CPUF_SMX CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,6,1)
#define CPUF_EIST CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,7,1)
#define CPUF_TM2 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,8,1)
#define CPUF_SSSE3 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,9,1)
#define CPUF_CNXT_ID CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,10,1)
#define CPUF_FMA CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,12,1)
#define CPUF_xTPR CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,14,1)
#define CPUF_PDCM CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,15,1)
#define CPUF_PCID CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,17,1)
#define CPUF_DCA CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,18,1)
#define CPUF_SSE41 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,19,1)
#define CPUF_SSE42 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,20,1)
#define CPUF_x2APIC CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,21,1)
#define CPUF_MOVBE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,22,1)
#define CPUF_AES CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,25,1)
#define CPUF_XSAVE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,26,1)
#define CPUF_AVX CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,28,1)
#define CPUF_F16C CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,2,29,1)
#define CPUF_FPU CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,0,1)
#define CPUF_VME CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,1,1)
#define CPUF_DE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,2,1)
#define CPUF_PSE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,3,1)
#define CPUF_TSC CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,4,1)
#define CPUF_MSR CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,5,1)
#define CPUF_PAE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,6,1)
#define CPUF_MCE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,7,1)
#define CPUF_CX8 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,8,1)
#define CPUF_APIC CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,9,1)
#define CPUF_SEP CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,11,1)
#define CPUF_MTRR CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,12,1)
#define CPUF_PGE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,13,1)
#define CPUF_MCA CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,14,1)
#define CPUF_CMOV CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,15,1)
#define CPUF_PAT CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,16,1)
#define CPUF_PSE36 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,17,1)
#define CPUF_PSN CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,18,1)
#define CPUF_CLFSH CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,19,1)
#define CPUF_DS CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,21,1)
#define CPUF_ACPI CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,22,1)
#define CPUF_MMX CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,23,1)
#define CPUF_FXSR CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,24,1)
#define CPUF_SSE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,25,1)
#define CPUF_SSE2 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,26,1)
#define CPUF_SS CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,27,1)
#define CPUF_HTT CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,28,1)
#define CPUF_TM CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,29,1)
#define CPUF_PBE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(1,0,3,31,1)
#define CPUF_Cache_Type CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(4,0,0,0,5)
#define CPUF_Cache_Level CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(4,0,0,5,3)
#define CPUF_MaxApicIdShare CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(4,0,0,14,12)
#define CPUF_MaxApicIdCore CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(4,0,0,26,6)
#define CPUF_Cache_LineSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(4,0,1,0,12)
#define CPUF_Cache_Partitions CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(4,0,1,12,10)
#define CPUF_Cache_Ways CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(4,0,1,22,10)
#define CPUF_Cache_Sets CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(4,0,2,0,32)
#define CPUF_MonLineSizeMin CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(5,0,0,0,16)
#define CPUF_MonLineSizeMax CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(5,0,1,0,16)
#define CPUF_EMX CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(5,0,2,0,1)
#define CPUF_IBE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(5,0,2,1,1)
#define CPUF_MWAIT_Number_C0 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(5,0,3,0,4)
#define CPUF_MWAIT_Number_C1 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(5,0,3,4,4)
#define CPUF_MWAIT_Number_C2 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(5,0,3,8,4)
#define CPUF_MWAIT_Number_C3 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(5,0,3,12,4)
#define CPUF_MWAIT_Number_C4 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(5,0,3,16,4)
#define CPUF_DTS CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(6,0,0,0,1)
#define CPUF_ARAT CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(6,0,0,2,1)
#define CPUF_PLN CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(6,0,0,4,1)
#define CPUF_ECMD CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(6,0,0,5,1)
#define CPUF_PTM CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(6,0,0,6,1)
#define CPUF_DTS_ITs CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(6,0,1,0,4)
#define CPUF_PERF CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(6,0,2,0,1)
#define CPUF_ACNT2 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(6,0,2,1,1)
#define CPUF_Max07Subleaf CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(7,0,0,0,32)
#define CPUF_BMI1 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(7,0,1,3,1)
#define CPUF_HLE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(7,0,1,4,1)
#define CPUF_AVX2 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(7,0,1,5,1)
#define CPUF_SMEP CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(7,0,1,7,1)
#define CPUF_BMI2 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(7,0,1,8,1)
#define CPUF_ERMS CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(7,0,1,9,1)
#define CPUF_RTM CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(7,0,1,11,1)
#define CPUF_APM_Version CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xA,0,0,0,8)
#define CPUF_APM_Counters CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xA,0,0,8,8)
#define CPUF_APM_Bits CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xA,0,0,16,8)
#define CPUF_APM_Length CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xA,0,0,24,8)
#define CPUF_APM_CC CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xA,0,1,0,1)
#define CPUF_APM_IR CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xA,0,1,1,1)
#define CPUF_APM_RC CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xA,0,1,2,1)
#define CPUF_APM_FC_Number CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xA,0,3,0,5)
#define CPUF_APM_FC_Bits CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xA,0,3,5,8)
#define CPUF_Topology_Bits CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xB,0,0,0,5)
#define CPUF_Topology_Number CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xB,0,1,0,16)
#define CPUF_Topology_Level CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xB,0,2,0,8)
#define CPUF_Topology_Type CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xB,0,2,8,8)
#define CPUF_XFeatureSupportedMaskLo CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xD,0,0,0,32)
#define CPUF_XFeatureEnabledSizeMax CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xD,0,1,0,32)
#define CPUF_XFeatureSupportedSizeMax CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xD,0,2,0,32)
#define CPUF_XFeatureSupportedMaskHi CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xD,0,3,0,32)
#define CPUF_YmmSaveStateSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xD,2,0,0,32)
#define CPUF_YmmSaveStateOffset CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xD,2,1,0,32)
#define CPUF_LwpSaveStateSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xD,62,0,0,32)
#define CPUF_LwpSaveStateOffset CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0xD,62,1,0,32)
#define CPUF_LFuncExt CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000000,0,0,0,32)
#define CPUF_BrandId16 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,1,0,16)
#define CPUF_PkgType CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,1,28,4)
#define CPUF_LahfSahf CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,0,1)
#define CPUF_CmpLegacy CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,1,1)
#define CPUF_SVM CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,2,1)
#define CPUF_ExtApicSpace CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,3,1)
#define CPUF_AltMovCr8 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,4,1)
#define CPUF_ABM CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,5,1)
#define CPUF_SSE4A CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,6,1)
#define CPUF_MisAlignSse CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,7,1)
#define CPUF_3DNowPrefetch CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,8,1)
#define CPUF_OSVW CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,9,1)
#define CPUF_IBS CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,10,1)
#define CPUF_XOP CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,11,1)
#define CPUF_SKINIT CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,12,1)
#define CPUF_WDT CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,13,1)
#define CPUF_LWP CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,15,1)
#define CPUF_FMA4 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,16,1)
#define CPUF_BIT_NODEID CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,19,1)
#define CPUF_TBM CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,21,1)
#define CPUF_TopologyExtensions CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,2,22,1)
#define CPUF_SYSCALL CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,3,11,1)
#define CPUF_XD CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,3,20,1)
#define CPUF_MmxExt CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,3,22,1)
#define CPUF_FFXSR CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,3,25,1)
#define CPUF_Page1GB CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,3,26,1)
#define CPUF_RDTSCP CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,3,27,1)
#define CPUF_LM CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,3,29,1)
#define CPUF_3DNowExt CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,3,30,1)
#define CPUF_3DNow CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000001,0,3,31,1)
#define CPUF_L1ITlb2and4MSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,0,0,8)
#define CPUF_L1ITlb2and4MAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,0,8,8)
#define CPUF_L1DTlb2and4MSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,0,16,8)
#define CPUF_L1DTlb2and4MAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,0,24,8)
#define CPUF_L1ITlb4KSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,1,0,8)
#define CPUF_L1ITlb4KAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,1,8,8)
#define CPUF_L1DTlb4KSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,1,16,8)
#define CPUF_L1DTlb4KAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,1,24,8)
#define CPUF_L1DcLineSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,2,0,8)
#define CPUF_L1DcLinesPerTag CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,2,8,8)
#define CPUF_L1DcAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,2,16,8)
#define CPUF_L1DcSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,2,24,8)
#define CPUF_L1IcLineSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,3,0,8)
#define CPUF_L1IcLinesPerTag CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,3,8,8)
#define CPUF_L1IcAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,3,16,8)
#define CPUF_L1IcSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000005,0,3,24,8)
#define CPUF_L2ITlb2and4MSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,0,0,12)
#define CPUF_L2ITlb2and4MAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,0,12,4)
#define CPUF_L2DTlb2and4MSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,0,16,12)
#define CPUF_L2DTlb2and4MAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,0,28,4)
#define CPUF_L2ITlb4KSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,1,0,12)
#define CPUF_L2ITlb4KAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,1,12,4)
#define CPUF_L2DTlb4KSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,1,16,12)
#define CPUF_L2DTlb4KAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,1,28,4)
#define CPUF_L2LineSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,2,0,8)
#define CPUF_L2LinesPerTag CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,2,8,4)
#define CPUF_L2Assoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,2,12,4)
#define CPUF_L2Size CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,2,16,16)
#define CPUF_L3LineSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,3,0,8)
#define CPUF_L3LinesPerTag CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,3,8,4)
#define CPUF_L3Assoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,3,12,4)
#define CPUF_L3Size CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000006,0,3,18,14)
#define CPUF_TS CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000007,0,3,0,1)
#define CPUF_FID CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000007,0,3,1,1)
#define CPUF_VID CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000007,0,3,2,1)
#define CPUF_TTP CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000007,0,3,3,1)
#define CPUF_HTC CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000007,0,3,4,1)
#define CPUF_100MHzSteps CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000007,0,3,6,1)
#define CPUF_HwPstate CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000007,0,3,7,1)
#define CPUF_TscInvariant CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000007,0,3,8,1)
#define CPUF_CPB CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000007,0,3,9,1)
#define CPUF_EffFreqRO CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000007,0,3,10,1)
#define CPUF_PhysAddrSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000008,0,0,0,8)
#define CPUF_LinAddrSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000008,0,0,8,8)
#define CPUF_GuestPhysAddrSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000008,0,0,16,8)
#define CPUF_NC CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000008,0,2,0,8)
#define CPUF_ApicIdCoreIdSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000008,0,2,12,4)
#define CPUF_SvmRev CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,0,0,8)
#define CPUF_NASID CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,1,0,32)
#define CPUF_NP CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,3,0,1)
#define CPUF_LbrVirt CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,3,1,1)
#define CPUF_SVML CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,3,2,1)
#define CPUF_NRIPS CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,3,3,1)
#define CPUF_TscRateMsr CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,3,4,1)
#define CPUF_VmcbClean CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,3,5,1)
#define CPUF_FlushByAsid CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,3,6,1)
#define CPUF_DecodeAssists CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,3,7,1)
#define CPUF_PauseFilter CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,3,10,1)
#define CPUF_PauseFilterThreshold CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000000A,0,3,12,1)
#define CPUF_L1ITlb1GSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000019,0,0,0,12)
#define CPUF_L1ITlb1GAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000019,0,0,12,4)
#define CPUF_L1DTlb1GSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000019,0,0,16,12)
#define CPUF_L1DTlb1GAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000019,0,0,28,4)
#define CPUF_L2ITlb1GSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000019,0,1,0,12)
#define CPUF_L2ITlb1GAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000019,0,1,12,4)
#define CPUF_L2DTlb1GSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000019,0,1,16,12)
#define CPUF_L2DTlb1GAssoc CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x80000019,0,1,28,4)
#define CPUF_FP128 CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001A,0,0,0,1)
#define CPUF_MOVU CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001A,0,0,1,1)
#define CPUF_IBSFFV CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001B,0,0,0,1)
#define CPUF_FetchSam CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001B,0,0,1,1)
#define CPUF_OpSam CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001B,0,0,2,1)
#define CPUF_RdWrOpCnt CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001B,0,0,3,1)
#define CPUF_OpCnt CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001B,0,0,4,1)
#define CPUF_BrnTrgt CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001B,0,0,5,1)
#define CPUF_OpCntExt CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001B,0,0,6,1)
#define CPUF_RipInvalidChk CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001B,0,0,7,1)
#define CPUF_LwpAvail CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,0,0,1)
#define CPUF_LwpVAL CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,0,1,1)
#define CPUF_LwpIRE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,0,2,1)
#define CPUF_LwpBRE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,0,3,1)
#define CPUF_LwpDME CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,0,4,1)
#define CPUF_LwpCNH CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,0,5,1)
#define CPUF_LwpRNH CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,0,6,1)
#define CPUF_LwpInt CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,0,31,1)
#define CPUF_LwpCbSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,1,0,8)
#define CPUF_LwpEventSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,1,8,8)
#define CPUF_LwpMaxEvents CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,1,16,8)
#define CPUF_LwpEventOffset CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,1,24,8)
#define CPUF_LwpLatencyMax CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,2,0,5)
#define CPUF_LwpDataAddress CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,2,5,1)
#define CPUF_LwpLatencyRnd CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,2,6,3)
#define CPUF_LwpVersion CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,2,9,7)
#define CPUF_LwpMinBufferSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,2,16,8)
#define CPUF_LwpBranchPrediction CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,2,28,1)
#define CPUF_LwpIpFiltering CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,2,29,1)
#define CPUF_LwpCacheLevels CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,2,30,1)
#define CPUF_LwpCacheLatency CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,2,31,1)
#define CPUF_D_LwpAvail CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,3,0,1)
#define CPUF_D_LwpVAL CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,3,1,1)
#define CPUF_D_LwpIRE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,3,2,1)
#define CPUF_D_LwpBRE CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,3,3,1)
#define CPUF_D_LwpDME CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,3,4,1)
#define CPUF_D_LwpCNH CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,3,5,1)
#define CPUF_D_LwpRNH CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,3,6,1)
#define CPUF_D_LwpInt CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001C,0,3,31,1)
#define CPUF_CacheType CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001D,0,0,0,5)
#define CPUF_CacheLevel CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001D,0,0,5,3)
#define CPUF_SelfInitialization CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001D,0,0,8,1)
#define CPUF_FullyAssociative CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001D,0,0,9,1)
#define CPUF_NumSharingCache CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001D,0,0,14,12)
#define CPUF_CacheLineSize CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001D,0,1,0,12)
#define CPUF_CachePhysPartitions CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001D,0,1,12,10)
#define CPUF_CacheNumWays CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001D,0,1,22,10)
#define CPUF_CacheNumSets CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001D,0,2,0,32)
#define CPUF_WBINVD CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001D,0,3,0,1)
#define CPUF_CacheInclusive CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001D,0,3,1,1)
#define CPUF_ExtendedApicId CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001E,0,0,0,32)
#define CPUF_ComputeUnitId CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001E,0,1,0,8)
#define CPUF_CoresPerComputeUnit CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001E,0,1,8,2)
#define CPUF_NodeId CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001E,0,2,0,8)
#define CPUF_NodesPerProcessor CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(0x8000001E,0,2,8,3)
// 取得位域
#ifndef __GETBITS32
#define __GETBITS32(src,pos,len) ( ((src)>>(pos)) & (((UINT32)-1)>>(32-len)) )
// 根据CPUIDFIELD从缓冲区中获取字段.
inline UINT32 getcpuidfield_buf(const INT32 dwBuf[4], CPUIDFIELD cpuf)
inline UINT32 getcpuidfield(CPUIDFIELD cpuf)
INT32 dwBuf[4];
__cpuidex(dwBuf, CPUIDFIELD_FID(cpuf), CPUIDFIELD_FIDSUB(cpuf));
return getcpuidfield_buf(dwBuf, cpuf);
// SSE系列指令集的支持级别. simd_sse_level 函数的返回值.
#define SIMD_SSE_NONE 0 // 不支持.
#define SIMD_SSE_1 1 // SSE
#define SIMD_SSE_2 2 // SSE2
#define SIMD_SSE_3 3 // SSE3
#define SIMD_SSE_3S 4 // SSSE3
#define SIMD_SSE_41 5 // SSE4.1
#define SIMD_SSE_42 6 // SSE4.2
// AVX系列指令集的支持级别. simd_avx_level 函数的返回值。
#define SIMD_AVX_NONE 0 // 不支持
#define SIMD_AVX_1 1 // AVX
#define SIMD_AVX_2 2 // AVX2
// functions
int cpu_getvendor(char* pvendor);
int cpu_getbrand(char* pbrand);
int simd_mmx(int* phwmmx);
int simd_sse_level(int* phwsse);
int simd_avx_level(int* phwavx);
typedef struct tagCPUIDINFO{
INT32 fid;
INT32 fidsub;
INT32 dw[4];
INT32 _eax;
INT32 _ebx;
INT32 _ecx;
INT32 _edx;
#define MAX_CPUIDINFO 0x100 // CCPUID类中最多保存多少条CPUIDINFO信息。
#if defined __cplusplus
class CCPUID{
enum {
CPUFDescLen = 292 // CPUIDFIELD描述信息数组的长度.
static const CPUIDFIELDDESC CPUFDesc[CPUFDescLen]; // CPUIDFIELD描述信息数组.
static const char* CacheDesc[0x100]; // 缓存描述信息数组.
static const char* SseNames[7]; // SSE级别的名称.
static const char* AvxNames[3]; // AVX级别的名称.
static CCPUID& cur() { if(0==_cur._InfoCount){ _cur.RefreshAll(); } return _cur; } // 当前处理器的CCPUID.
int InfoCount() const { return _InfoCount; } // Info数组的有效项目数.
void RefreshInfo(); // 刷新信息.
void RefreshProperty(); // 刷新属性.
void RefreshAll(); // 刷新所有.
LPCCPUIDINFO GetInfo(INT32 InfoType, INT32 ECXValue=0) const; // 取得信息.
void GetData(INT32 CPUInfo[4], INT32 InfoType, INT32 ECXValue=0) const; // 取得数据.
UINT32 GetField(CPUIDFIELD cpuf) const; // 取得CPUID字段
// Property
int LFuncStd() const { return _LFuncStd; } // 最大的主功能号.
int LFuncExt() const { return _LFuncExt; } // 最大的扩展功能号.
const char* Vendor() const { return _Vendor; } // 厂商.
const char* Brand() const { return _Brand; } // 商标.
const char* BrandTrim() const { return _BrandTrim; } // 去掉首都空格后的商标.
int mmx() const { return _mmx; } // 系统支持MMX.
int hwmmx() const { return _hwmmx; } // 硬件支持MMX.
int sse() const { return _sse; } // 系统支持SSE.
int hwsse() const { return _hwsse; } // 硬件支持SSE.
int avx() const { return _avx; } // 系统支持AVX.
int hwavx() const { return _hwavx; } // 硬件支持AVX.
static CCPUID _cur; // 当前处理器的CCPUID. 为了方便日常使用.
int _InfoCount; // Info数组的有效项目数.
// Property
int _LFuncStd; // 最大的主功能号.
int _LFuncExt; // 最大的扩展功能号.
char _Vendor[13]; // 厂商.
char _Brand[49]; // 商标.
const char* _BrandTrim; // 去掉首都空格后的商标.
int _mmx; // 系统支持MMX.
int _hwmmx; // 硬件支持MMX.
int _sse; // 系统支持SSE.
int _hwsse; // 硬件支持SSE.
int _avx; // 系统支持AVX.
int _hwavx; // 硬件支持AVX.
void RefreshInfo_Put(INT32 fid, INT32 fidsub, INT32 CPUInfo[4]);
int simd_mmx(int* phwmmx) const;
int simd_sse_level(int* phwsse) const;
int simd_avx_level(int* phwavx) const;
#endif // #ifndef __CCPUID_H_INCLUDED
#include "ccpuid.h"
{CPUF_LFuncStd, 0, "LFuncStd", "largest standard function."}
,{CPUF_Stepping, 0, "Stepping", "processor stepping."}
,{CPUF_BaseModel, 0, "BaseModel", "base processor model."}
,{CPUF_BaseFamily, 0, "BaseFamily", "base processor family."}
,{CPUF_ProcessorType, 0, "ProcessorType", "processor type."}
,{CPUF_ExtModel, 0, "ExtModel", "processor extended model."}
,{CPUF_ExtFamily, 0, "ExtFamily", "processor extended family."}
,{CPUF_BrandId8, 0, "BrandId8", "8-bit brand ID."}
,{CPUF_CLFlush, 0, "CLFlush", "CLFLUSH line size. (*8)"}
,{CPUF_MaxApicId, 0, "MaxApicId", "Maximum number of addressable IDs for logical processors in this physical package."}
,{CPUF_ApicId, 0, "ApicId", "Initial local APIC physical ID(8-bit)."}
,{CPUF_SSE3, 0, "SSE3", "Streaming SIMD Extensions 3."}
,{CPUF_DTES64, 0, "DTES64", "64-bit DS Area."}
,{CPUF_MONITOR, 0, "MONITOR", "MONITOR/MWAIT instructions."}
,{CPUF_DS_CPL, 0, "DS_CPL", "CPL Qualified Debug Store."}
,{CPUF_VMX, 0, "VMX", "Virtual Machine Extensions."}
,{CPUF_SMX, 0, "SMX", "Safer Mode Extensions."}
,{CPUF_EIST, 0, "EIST", "Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology."}
,{CPUF_TM2, 0, "TM2", "Thermal Monitor 2."}
,{CPUF_SSSE3, 0, "SSSE3", "Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSSE3)."}
,{CPUF_CNXT_ID, 0, "CNXT_ID", "L1 Context ID."}
,{CPUF_FMA, 0, "FMA", "supports FMA extensions using YMM state."}
,{CPUF_CMPXCHG16B, 0, "CMPXCHG16B", "CMPXCHG16B instruction."}
,{CPUF_xTPR, 0, "xTPR", "xTPR Update Control. Can disable sending Task Priority messages."}
,{CPUF_PDCM, 0, "PDCM", "Perfmon and Debug Capability."}
,{CPUF_PCID, 0, "PCID", "Process Context Identifiers."}
,{CPUF_DCA, 0, "DCA", "Direct Cache Access."}
,{CPUF_SSE41, 0, "SSE41", "SSE4.1 instructions."}
,{CPUF_SSE42, 0, "SSE42", "SSE4.2 instructions."}
,{CPUF_x2APIC, 0, "x2APIC", "Extended xAPIC Support."}
,{CPUF_MOVBE, 0, "MOVBE", "MOVBE Instruction."}
,{CPUF_POPCNT, 0, "POPCNT", "POPCNT instruction."}
,{CPUF_TSC_DEADLINE, 0, "TSC_DEADLINE", "Local APIC timer supports one-shot operation using a TSC deadline value."}
,{CPUF_AES, 0, "AES", "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Instructions."}
,{CPUF_XSAVE, 0, "XSAVE", "XSAVE (and related) instructions are supported by hardware."}
,{CPUF_OSXSAVE, 0, "OSXSAVE", "XSAVE (and related) instructions are enabled."}
,{CPUF_AVX, 0, "AVX", "AVX instructions."}
,{CPUF_F16C, 0, "F16C", "half-precision convert instruction support."}
,{CPUF_RDRAND, 0, "RDRAND", "RDRAND instruction."}
,{CPUF_FPU, 0, "FPU", "Floating Point Unit On-Chip."}
,{CPUF_VME, 0, "VME", "Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements."}
,{CPUF_DE, 0, "DE", "Debugging Extensions."}
,{CPUF_PSE, 0, "PSE", "Page Size Extension."}
,{CPUF_TSC, 0, "TSC", "Time Stamp Counter."}
,{CPUF_MSR, 0, "MSR", "Model Specific Registers RDMSR and WRMSR Instructions."}
,{CPUF_PAE, 0, "PAE", "Physical Address Extension."}
,{CPUF_MCE, 0, "MCE", "Machine Check Exception."}
,{CPUF_CX8, 0, "CX8", "CMPXCHG8B instruction."}
,{CPUF_APIC, 0, "APIC", "APIC(Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller) On-Chip."}
,{CPUF_SEP, 0, "SEP", "Fast System Call instructions, SYSENTER and SYSEXIT."}
,{CPUF_MTRR, 0, "MTRR", "Memory Type Range Registers."}
,{CPUF_PGE, 0, "PGE", "Page Global Enable."}
,{CPUF_MCA, 0, "MCA", "Machine-Check Architecture."}
,{CPUF_CMOV, 0, "CMOV", "Conditional Move Instructions."}
,{CPUF_PAT, 0, "PAT", "Page Attribute Table."}
,{CPUF_PSE36, 0, "PSE36", "36-Bit Page Size Extension."}
,{CPUF_PSN, 0, "PSN", "Processor Serial Number."}
,{CPUF_CLFSH, 0, "CLFSH", "CLFLUSH Instruction."}
,{CPUF_DS, 0, "DS", "Debug Store."}
,{CPUF_ACPI, 0, "ACPI", "Thermal Monitor and Software Controlled Clock Facilities."}
,{CPUF_MMX, 0, "MMX", "MMX instructions."}
,{CPUF_FXSR, 0, "FXSR", "FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions."}
,{CPUF_SSE, 0, "SSE", "Streaming SIMD Extensions."}
,{CPUF_SSE2, 0, "SSE2", "Streaming SIMD Extensions 2."}
,{CPUF_SS, 0, "SS", "Self Snoop."}
,{CPUF_HTT, 0, "HTT", "Max APIC IDs reserved field is Valid."}
,{CPUF_TM, 0, "TM", "Thermal Monitor."}
,{CPUF_PBE, 0, "PBE", "Pending Break Enable."}
,{CPUF_Cache_Type, 0, "Cache_Type", "Cache Type (0=Null, 1=Data, 2=Instruction, 3=Unified)."}
,{CPUF_Cache_Level, 0, "Cache_Level", "Cache Level (Starts at 1)."}
,{CPUF_CACHE_SI, 0, "CACHE_SI", "Self Initializing cache level."}
,{CPUF_CACHE_FA, 0, "CACHE_FA", "Fully Associative cache."}
,{CPUF_MaxApicIdShare, 0, "MaxApicIdShare", "Maximum number of addressable IDs for logical processors sharing this cache (plus 1 encoding)."}
,{CPUF_MaxApicIdCore, 0, "MaxApicIdCore", "Maximum number of addressable IDs for processor cores in the physical package (plus 1 encoding)."}
,{CPUF_Cache_LineSize, 0, "Cache_LineSize", "System Coherency Line Size (plus 1 encoding)."}
,{CPUF_Cache_Partitions, 0, "Cache_Partitions", "Physical Line partitions (plus 1 encoding)."}
,{CPUF_Cache_Ways, 0, "Cache_Ways", "Ways of Associativity (plus 1 encoding)."}
,{CPUF_Cache_Sets, 0, "Cache_Sets", "Number of Sets (plus 1 encoding)."}
,{CPUF_CACHE_INVD, 0, "CACHE_INVD", "WBINVD/INVD behavior on lower level caches."}
,{CPUF_CACHE_INCLUSIVENESS, 0, "CACHE_INCLUSIVENESS", "Cache is inclusive of lower cache levels."}
,{CPUF_MonLineSizeMin, 0, "MonLineSizeMin", "Smallest monitor line size in bytes."}
,{CPUF_MonLineSizeMax, 0, "MonLineSizeMax", "Largest monitor-line size in bytes."}
,{CPUF_EMX, 0, "EMX", "Enumerate MONITOR/MWAIT extensions."}
,{CPUF_IBE, 0, "IBE", "Interrupt Break-Event."}
,{CPUF_MWAIT_Number_C0, 0, "MWAIT_Number_C0", "Number of C0 sub C-states supported using MWAIT."}
,{CPUF_MWAIT_Number_C1, 0, "MWAIT_Number_C1", "Number of C1 sub C-states supported using MWAIT."}
,{CPUF_MWAIT_Number_C2, 0, "MWAIT_Number_C2", "Number of C2 sub C-states supported using MWAIT."}
,{CPUF_MWAIT_Number_C3, 0, "MWAIT_Number_C3", "Number of C3 sub C-states supported using MWAIT."}
,{CPUF_MWAIT_Number_C4, 0, "MWAIT_Number_C4", "Number of C4 sub C-states supported using MWAIT."}
,{CPUF_DTS, 0, "DTS", "Digital Thermal Sensor."}
,{CPUF_TURBO_BOOST, 0, "TURBO_BOOST", "Intel Turbo Boost Technology."}
,{CPUF_ARAT, 0, "ARAT", "Always Running APIC Timer."}
,{CPUF_PLN, 0, "PLN", "Power Limit Notification."}
,{CPUF_ECMD, 0, "ECMD", "Extended Clock Modulation Duty."}
,{CPUF_PTM, 0, "PTM", "Package Thermal Management."}
,{CPUF_DTS_ITs, 0, "DTS_ITs", "Number of Interrupt Thresholds in Digital Thermal Sensor."}
,{CPUF_PERF, 0, "PERF", "Hardware Coordination Feedback Capability."}
,{CPUF_ACNT2, 0, "ACNT2", "ACNT2 Capability."}
,{CPUF_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS, 0, "ENERGY_PERF_BIAS", "Performance-Energy Bias capability."}
,{CPUF_Max07Subleaf, 0, "Max07Subleaf", "Reports the maximum supported leaf 7 sub-leaf."}
,{CPUF_BMI1, 0, "BMI1", "The first group of advanced bit manipulation extensions (ANDN, BEXTR, BLSI, BLSMK, BLSR, TZCNT)."}
,{CPUF_HLE, 0, "HLE", "Hardware Lock Elision."}
,{CPUF_AVX2, 0, "AVX2", "AVX2 instructions."}
,{CPUF_SMEP, 0, "SMEP", "Supervisor Mode Execution Protection."}
,{CPUF_BMI2, 0, "BMI2", "The second group of advanced bit manipulation extensions (BZHI, MULX, PDEP, PEXT, RORX, SARX, SHLX, SHRX)."}
,{CPUF_ERMS, 0, "ERMS", "Supports Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB."}
,{CPUF_INVPCID, 0, "INVPCID", "INVPCID instruction."}
,{CPUF_RTM, 0, "RTM", ""}
,{CPUF_PLATFORM_DCA_CAP, 0, "PLATFORM_DCA_CAP", "Value of PLATFORM_DCA_CAP MSR Bits [31:0] (Offset 1F8h)."}
,{CPUF_APM_Version, 0, "APM_Version", "Version ID of architectural performance monitoring."}
,{CPUF_APM_Counters, 0, "APM_Counters", "Number of general-purpose performance monitoring counters per logical processor."}
,{CPUF_APM_Bits, 0, "APM_Bits", "Bit width of general-purpose, performance monitoring counters."}
,{CPUF_APM_Length, 0, "APM_Length", "Length of EBX bit vector to enumerate architectural performance monitoring events."}
,{CPUF_APM_CC, 0, "APM_CC", "Core cycle event not available if 1."}
,{CPUF_APM_IR, 0, "APM_IR", "Instruction retired event not available if 1."}
,{CPUF_APM_RC, 0, "APM_RC", "Reference cycles event not available if 1."}
,{CPUF_APM_LLCR, 0, "APM_LLCR", "Last-level cache reference event not available if 1."}
,{CPUF_APM_LLCM, 0, "APM_LLCM", "Last-level cache misses event not available if 1."}
,{CPUF_APM_BIR, 0, "APM_BIR", "Branch instruction retired event not available if 1."}
,{CPUF_APM_BMR, 0, "APM_BMR", "Branch mispredict retired event not available if 1."}
,{CPUF_APM_FC_Number, 0, "APM_FC_Number", "Number of fixed-function performance counters."}
,{CPUF_APM_FC_Bits, 0, "APM_FC_Bits", "Bit width of fixed-function performance counters."}
,{CPUF_Topology_Bits, 0, "Topology_Bits", "Number of bits to shift right on x2APIC ID to get a unique topology ID of the next level type."}
,{CPUF_Topology_Number, 0, "Topology_Number", "Number of factory-configured logical processors at this level."}
,{CPUF_Topology_Level, 0, "Topology_Level", "Level number. Same value in ECX input."}
,{CPUF_Topology_Type, 0, "Topology_Type", "Level Type (0=Invalid, 1=Thread, 2=Core)."}
,{CPUF_XFeatureSupportedMaskLo, 0, "XFeatureSupportedMaskLo", "The lower 32 bits of XCR0(XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK register)."}
,{CPUF_XFeatureEnabledSizeMax, 0, "XFeatureEnabledSizeMax", "Size in bytes of XSAVE/XRSTOR area for the currently enabled features in XCR0."}
,{CPUF_XFeatureSupportedSizeMax, 0, "XFeatureSupportedSizeMax", "Size in bytes of XSAVE/XRSTOR area for all features that the core supports."}
,{CPUF_XFeatureSupportedMaskHi, 0, "XFeatureSupportedMaskHi", "The upper 32 bits of XCR0(XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK register)."}
,{CPUF_XSAVEOPT, 0, "XSAVEOPT", "XSAVEOPT is available."}
,{CPUF_YmmSaveStateSize, 0, "YmmSaveStateSize", "YMM save state byte size."}
,{CPUF_YmmSaveStateOffset, 0, "YmmSaveStateOffset", "YMM save state byte offset."}
,{CPUF_LwpSaveStateSize, 0, "LwpSaveStateSize", "LWP save state byte size."}
,{CPUF_LwpSaveStateOffset, 0, "LwpSaveStateOffset", "LWP save state byte offset."}
,{CPUF_LFuncExt, 0, "LFuncExt", "Largest extended function."}
,{CPUF_BrandId16, 0, "BrandId16", "16-bit Brand ID."}
,{CPUF_PkgType, 0, "PkgType", "Package type (Family[7:0] >= 10h)."}
,{CPUF_LahfSahf, 0, "LahfSahf", "LAHF and SAHF instruction support in 64-bit mode."}
,{CPUF_CmpLegacy, 0, "CmpLegacy", "core multi-processing legacy mode."}
,{CPUF_SVM, 0, "SVM", "secure virtual machine."}
,{CPUF_ExtApicSpace, 0, "ExtApicSpace", "extended APIC space."}
,{CPUF_AltMovCr8, 0, "AltMovCr8", "LOCK MOV CR0 means MOV CR8."}
,{CPUF_ABM, 0, "ABM", "advanced bit manipulation (LZCNT)."}
,{CPUF_SSE4A, 0, "SSE4A", "SSE4A instructions."}
,{CPUF_MisAlignSse, 0, "MisAlignSse", "misaligned SSE mode."}
,{CPUF_3DNowPrefetch, 0, "3DNowPrefetch", "PREFETCH and PREFETCHW instruction support."}
,{CPUF_OSVW, 0, "OSVW", "OS visible workaround."}
,{CPUF_IBS, 0, "IBS", "instruction based sampling."}
,{CPUF_XOP, 0, "XOP", "extended operation support."}
,{CPUF_SKINIT, 0, "SKINIT", "SKINIT and STGI are supported, independent of the value of MSRC000_0080[SVME]."}
,{CPUF_WDT, 0, "WDT", "watchdog timer support."}
,{CPUF_LWP, 0, "LWP", "lightweight profiling support."}
,{CPUF_FMA4, 0, "FMA4", "4-operand FMA instruction support."}
,{CPUF_BIT_NODEID, 0, "BIT_NODEID", "Indicates support for MSRC001_100C[NodeId, NodesPerProcessor]."}
,{CPUF_TBM, 0, "TBM", "Trailing bit manipulation instruction support."}
,{CPUF_TopologyExtensions, 0, "TopologyExtensions", "Topology extensions support."}
,{CPUF_SYSCALL, 0, "SYSCALL", "SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions."}
,{CPUF_XD, 0, "XD", "Execution Disable Bit."}
,{CPUF_MmxExt, 0, "MmxExt", "AMD extensions to MMX instructions."}
,{CPUF_FFXSR, 0, "FFXSR", "FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instruction optimizations."}
,{CPUF_Page1GB, 0, "Page1GB", "1-GB large page support."}
,{CPUF_LM, 0, "LM", "64-bit long mode.(x86-64)"}
,{CPUF_3DNowExt, 0, "3DNowExt", "AMD extensions to 3DNow! instructions."}
,{CPUF_3DNow, 0, "3DNow", "3DNow! instructions."}
,{CPUF_L1ITlb2and4MSize, 0, "L1ITlb2and4MSize", "Instruction TLB number of entries for 2-MB and 4-MB pages."}
,{CPUF_L1ITlb2and4MAssoc, 0, "L1ITlb2and4MAssoc", "Instruction TLB associativity for 2-MB and 4-MB pages."}
,{CPUF_L1DTlb2and4MSize, 0, "L1DTlb2and4MSize", "Data TLB number of entries for 2-MB and 4-MB pages."}
,{CPUF_L1DTlb2and4MAssoc, 0, "L1DTlb2and4MAssoc", "Data TLB associativity for 2-MB and 4-MB pages."}
,{CPUF_L1ITlb4KSize, 0, "L1ITlb4KSize", "Instruction TLB number of entries for 4 KB pages."}
,{CPUF_L1ITlb4KAssoc, 0, "L1ITlb4KAssoc", "Instruction TLB associativity for 4KB pages."}
,{CPUF_L1DTlb4KSize, 0, "L1DTlb4KSize", "Data TLB number of entries for 4 KB pages."}
,{CPUF_L1DTlb4KAssoc, 0, "L1DTlb4KAssoc", "Data TLB associativity for 4 KB pages."}
,{CPUF_L1DcLineSize, 0, "L1DcLineSize", "L1 data cache line size in bytes."}
,{CPUF_L1DcLinesPerTag, 0, "L1DcLinesPerTag", "L1 data cache lines per tag."}
,{CPUF_L1DcAssoc, 0, "L1DcAssoc", "L1 data cache associativity."}
,{CPUF_L1DcSize, 0, "L1DcSize", "L1 data cache size in KB."}
,{CPUF_L1IcLineSize, 0, "L1IcLineSize", "L1 instruction cache line size in bytes"}
,{CPUF_L1IcLinesPerTag, 0, "L1IcLinesPerTag", "L1 instruction cache lines per tag."}
,{CPUF_L1IcAssoc, 0, "L1IcAssoc", "L1 instruction cache associativity."}
,{CPUF_L1IcSize, 0, "L1IcSize", "L1 instruction cache size KB."}
,{CPUF_L2ITlb2and4MSize, 0, "L2ITlb2and4MSize", "L2 instruction TLB number of entries for 2 MB and 4 MB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2ITlb2and4MAssoc, 0, "L2ITlb2and4MAssoc", "L2 instruction TLB associativity for 2 MB and 4 MB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2DTlb2and4MSize, 0, "L2DTlb2and4MSize", "L2 data TLB number of entries for 2 MB and 4 MB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2DTlb2and4MAssoc, 0, "L2DTlb2and4MAssoc", "L2 data TLB associativity for 2 MB and 4 MB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2ITlb4KSize, 0, "L2ITlb4KSize", "L2 instruction TLB number of entries for 4 KB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2ITlb4KAssoc, 0, "L2ITlb4KAssoc", "L2 instruction TLB associativity for 4 KB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2DTlb4KSize, 0, "L2DTlb4KSize", "L2 data TLB number of entries for 4 KB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2DTlb4KAssoc, 0, "L2DTlb4KAssoc", "L2 data TLB associativity for 4 KB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2LineSize, 0, "L2LineSize", "L2 cache line size in bytes."}
,{CPUF_L2LinesPerTag, 0, "L2LinesPerTag", "L2 cache lines per tag."}
,{CPUF_L2Assoc, 0, "L2Assoc", "L2 cache associativity."}
,{CPUF_L2Size, 0, "L2Size", "L2 cache size in KB."}
,{CPUF_L3LineSize, 0, "L3LineSize", "L3 cache line size in bytes."}
,{CPUF_L3LinesPerTag, 0, "L3LinesPerTag", "L3 cache lines per tag."}
,{CPUF_L3Assoc, 0, "L3Assoc", "L3 cache associativity."}
,{CPUF_L3Size, 0, "L3Size", "L3 cache size."}
,{CPUF_TS, 0, "TS", "Temperature sensor."}
,{CPUF_FID, 0, "FID", "Frequency ID control."}
,{CPUF_VID, 0, "VID", "Voltage ID control."}
,{CPUF_HTC, 0, "HTC", "TM: Hardware thermal control (HTC)."}
,{CPUF_100MHzSteps, 0, "100MHzSteps", "100 MHz multiplier Control."}
,{CPUF_HwPstate, 0, "HwPstate", "Hardware P-state control."}
,{CPUF_TscInvariant, 0, "TscInvariant", "TSC invariant."}
,{CPUF_CPB, 0, "CPB", "Core performance boost."}
,{CPUF_EffFreqRO, 0, "EffFreqRO", "Read-only effective frequency interface."}
,{CPUF_PhysAddrSize, 0, "PhysAddrSize", "Maximum physical byte address size in bits."}
,{CPUF_LinAddrSize, 0, "LinAddrSize", "Maximum linear byte address size in bits."}
,{CPUF_GuestPhysAddrSize, 0, "GuestPhysAddrSize", "Maximum guest physical byte address size in bits."}
,{CPUF_NC, 0, "NC", "number of physical cores - 1."}
,{CPUF_ApicIdCoreIdSize, 0, "ApicIdCoreIdSize", "APIC ID size. The number of bits in the initial APIC20[ApicId] value that indicate core ID within a processor."}
,{CPUF_SvmRev, 0, "SvmRev", "SVM revision."}
,{CPUF_NASID, 0, "NASID", "number of address space identifiers (ASID)."}
,{CPUF_NP, 0, "NP", "Nested paging."}
,{CPUF_LbrVirt, 0, "LbrVirt", "LBR virtualization."}
,{CPUF_SVML, 0, "SVML", "SVM lock. Indicates support for SVM-Lock."}
,{CPUF_NRIPS, 0, "NRIPS", "NRIP save. Indicates support for NRIP save on #VMEXIT."}
,{CPUF_TscRateMsr, 0, "TscRateMsr", "MSR based TSC rate control."}
,{CPUF_VmcbClean, 0, "VmcbClean", "VMCB clean bits. Indicates support for VMCB clean bits."}
,{CPUF_FlushByAsid, 0, "FlushByAsid", "Flush by ASID."}
,{CPUF_DecodeAssists, 0, "DecodeAssists", "Decode assists."}
,{CPUF_PauseFilter, 0, "PauseFilter", "Pause intercept filter."}
,{CPUF_PauseFilterThreshold, 0, "PauseFilterThreshold", "PAUSE filter threshold."}
,{CPUF_L1ITlb1GSize, 0, "L1ITlb1GSize", "L1 instruction TLB number of entries for 1 GB pages."}
,{CPUF_L1ITlb1GAssoc, 0, "L1ITlb1GAssoc", "L1 instruction TLB associativity for 1 GB pages."}
,{CPUF_L1DTlb1GSize, 0, "L1DTlb1GSize", "L1 data TLB number of entries for 1 GB pages."}
,{CPUF_L1DTlb1GAssoc, 0, "L1DTlb1GAssoc", "L1 data TLB associativity for 1 GB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2ITlb1GSize, 0, "L2ITlb1GSize", "L2 instruction TLB number of entries for 1 GB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2ITlb1GAssoc, 0, "L2ITlb1GAssoc", "L2 instruction TLB associativity for 1 GB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2DTlb1GSize, 0, "L2DTlb1GSize", "L2 data TLB number of entries for 1 GB pages."}
,{CPUF_L2DTlb1GAssoc, 0, "L2DTlb1GAssoc", "L2 data TLB associativity for 1 GB pages."}
,{CPUF_FP128, 0, "FP128", "128-bit SSE (multimedia) instructions are executed with full-width internal operations and pipelines rather than decomposing them into internal 64-bit suboperations."}
,{CPUF_MOVU, 0, "MOVU", "MOVU SSE (multimedia) instructions are more efficient and should be preferred to SSE(multimedia) MOVL/MOVH. MOVUPS is more efficient than MOVLPS/MOVHPS."}
,{CPUF_IBSFFV, 0, "IBSFFV", "IBS feature flags valid."}
,{CPUF_FetchSam, 0, "FetchSam", "IBS fetch sampling supported."}
,{CPUF_OpSam, 0, "OpSam", "IBS execution sampling supported."}
,{CPUF_RdWrOpCnt, 0, "RdWrOpCnt", "Read write of op counter supported."}
,{CPUF_OpCnt, 0, "OpCnt", "Op counting mode supported."}
,{CPUF_BrnTrgt, 0, "BrnTrgt", "Branch target address reporting supported."}
,{CPUF_OpCntExt, 0, "OpCntExt", "IbsOpCurCnt and IbsOpMaxCnt extend by 7 bits."}
,{CPUF_RipInvalidChk, 0, "RipInvalidChk", "Invalid RIP indication supported."}
,{CPUF_LwpAvail, 0, "LwpAvail", "LWP available."}
,{CPUF_LwpVAL, 0, "LwpVAL", "LWPVAL instruction available."}
,{CPUF_LwpIRE, 0, "LwpIRE", "instructions retired event available."}
,{CPUF_LwpBRE, 0, "LwpBRE", "branch retired event available."}
,{CPUF_LwpDME, 0, "LwpDME", "DC miss event available."}
,{CPUF_LwpCNH, 0, "LwpCNH", "core clocks not halted event available."}
,{CPUF_LwpRNH, 0, "LwpRNH", "core reference clocks not halted event available."}
,{CPUF_LwpInt, 0, "LwpInt", "interrupt on threshold overflow available."}
,{CPUF_LwpCbSize, 0, "LwpCbSize", "control block size. Size in bytes of the LWPCB."}
,{CPUF_LwpEventSize, 0, "LwpEventSize", "event record size. Size in bytes of an event record in the LWP event ring buffer."}
,{CPUF_LwpMaxEvents, 0, "LwpMaxEvents", "maximum EventId. Maximum EventId value that is supported."}
,{CPUF_LwpEventOffset, 0, "LwpEventOffset", "offset to the EventInterval1 field. Offset from the start of the LWPCB to the EventInterval1 field."}
,{CPUF_LwpLatencyMax, 0, "LwpLatencyMax", "latency counter bit size. Size in bits of the cache latency counters."}
,{CPUF_LwpDataAddress, 0, "LwpDataAddress", "data cache miss address valid."}
,{CPUF_LwpLatencyRnd, 0, "LwpLatencyRnd", "amount cache latency is rounded."}
,{CPUF_LwpVersion, 0, "LwpVersion", "version. Version of LWP implementation."}
,{CPUF_LwpMinBufferSize, 0, "LwpMinBufferSize", "event ring buffer size. Minimum size of the LWP event ring buffer, in units of 32 event records."}
,{CPUF_LwpBranchPrediction, 0, "LwpBranchPrediction", "branch prediction filtering supported."}
,{CPUF_LwpIpFiltering, 0, "LwpIpFiltering", "IP filtering supported."}
,{CPUF_LwpCacheLevels, 0, "LwpCacheLevels", "cache level filtering supported."}
,{CPUF_LwpCacheLatency, 0, "LwpCacheLatency", "cache latency filtering supported."}
,{CPUF_D_LwpAvail, 0, "D_LwpAvail", "lightweight profiling supported."}
,{CPUF_D_LwpVAL, 0, "D_LwpVAL", "LWPVAL instruction supported."}
,{CPUF_D_LwpIRE, 0, "D_LwpIRE", "instructions retired event supported."}
,{CPUF_D_LwpBRE, 0, "D_LwpBRE", "branch retired event supported."}
,{CPUF_D_LwpDME, 0, "D_LwpDME", "DC miss event supported."}
,{CPUF_D_LwpCNH, 0, "D_LwpCNH", "core clocks not halted event supported."}
,{CPUF_D_LwpRNH, 0, "D_LwpRNH", "core reference clocks not halted event supported."}
,{CPUF_D_LwpInt, 0, "D_LwpInt", "interrupt on threshold overflow supported."}
,{CPUF_CacheType, 0, "CacheType", "Cache Type (0=Null, 1=Data, 2=Instruction, 3=Unified)."}
,{CPUF_CacheLevel, 0, "CacheLevel", "Cache Level (Starts at 1)."}
,{CPUF_SelfInitialization, 0, "SelfInitialization", "Self Initializing cache level."}
,{CPUF_FullyAssociative, 0, "FullyAssociative", "Fully Associative cache."}
,{CPUF_NumSharingCache, 0, "NumSharingCache", "Number of cores sharing cache. The number of cores sharing this cache is NumSharingCache+1."}
,{CPUF_CacheLineSize, 0, "CacheLineSize", "Cache line size in bytes (plus 1 encoding)."}
,{CPUF_CachePhysPartitions, 0, "CachePhysPartitions", "Cache physical line partitions (plus 1 encoding)."}
,{CPUF_CacheNumWays, 0, "CacheNumWays", "Cache number of ways (plus 1 encoding)."}
,{CPUF_CacheNumSets, 0, "CacheNumSets", "Cache number of sets (plus 1 encoding)."}
,{CPUF_WBINVD, 0, "WBINVD", "Write-Back Invalidate/Invalidate (WBINVD/INVD)."}
,{CPUF_CacheInclusive, 0, "CacheInclusive", "Cache inclusive."}
,{CPUF_ExtendedApicId, 0, "ExtendedApicId", "extended APIC ID."}
,{CPUF_ComputeUnitId, 0, "ComputeUnitId", "compute unit ID. Identifies the processor compute unit ID."}
,{CPUF_CoresPerComputeUnit, 0, "CoresPerComputeUnit", "cores per compute unit. The number of cores per compute unit is CoresPerComputeUnit+1."}
,{CPUF_NodeId, 0, "NodeId", "Specifies the node ID."}
,{CPUF_NodesPerProcessor, 0, "NodesPerProcessor", "Specifies the number of nodes per processor."}
const char* CCPUID::CacheDesc[] = {
"Null descriptor, this byte contains no information"
,"Instruction TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries"
,"Instruction TLB: 4 MByte pages, fully associative, 2 entries"
,"Data TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries"
,"Data TLB: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 8 entries"
,"Data TLB1: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries"
,"1st-level instruction cache: 8 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"1st-level instruction cache: 16 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"1st-level instruction cache: 32KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"1st-level data cache: 8 KBytes, 2-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"Instruction TLB: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 4 entries"
,"1st-level data cache: 16 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"1st-level data cache: 16 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"1st-level data cache: 24 KBytes, 6-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 256 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector"
,"3rd-level cache: 1 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector"
,"3rd-level cache: 2 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector"
,"3rd-level cache: 4 MBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector"
,"1st-level data cache: 32 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"1st-level instruction cache: 32 KBytes, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"No 2nd-level cache or, if processor contains a valid 2nd-level cache, no 3rd-level cache"
,"2nd-level cache: 128 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 256 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 512 KBytes, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 1 MByte, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 2 MByte, 4-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 4 MByte, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 8 MByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 3MByte, 12-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 4MB, 16-way set associative, 64-byte line size (Intel Xeon processor MP, Family 0FH, Model 06H); 2nd-level cache: 4 MByte, 16-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 6MByte, 12-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 8MByte, 16-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 12MByte, 12-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 16MByte, 16-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 6MByte, 24-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"Instruction TLB: 4 KByte pages, 32 entries"
,"Instruction TLB: 4 KByte and 2-MByte or 4-MByte pages, 64 entries"
,"Instruction TLB: 4 KByte and 2-MByte or 4-MByte pages, 128 entries"
,"Instruction TLB: 4 KByte and 2-MByte or 4-MByte pages, 256 entries"
,"Instruction TLB: 2-MByte or 4-MByte pages, fully associative, 7 entries"
,"Data TLB0: 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 16 entries"
,"Data TLB0: 4 KByte pages, 4-way associative, 16 entries"
,"Data TLB0: 4 KByte pages, fully associative, 16 entries"
,"Data TLB0: 2-MByte or 4 MByte pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries"
,"Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages, 64 entries"
,"Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages,128 entries"
,"Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages,256 entries"
,"1st-level data cache: 16 KByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"1st-level data cache: 8 KByte, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"1st-level data cache: 16 KByte, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"1st-level data cache: 32 KByte, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"Trace cache: 12 K-μop, 8-way set associative"
,"Trace cache: 16 K-μop, 8-way set associative"
,"Trace cache: 32 K-μop, 8-way set associative"
,"Instruction TLB: 2M/4M pages, fully associative, 8 entries"
,"2nd-level cache: 1 MByte, 4-way set associative, 64byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 128 KByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector"
,"2nd-level cache: 256 KByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector"
,"2nd-level cache: 512 KByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector"
,"2nd-level cache: 1 MByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size, 2 lines per sector"
,"2nd-level cache: 2 MByte, 8-way set associative, 64byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 512 KByte, 2-way set associative, 64-byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 512 KByte, 8-way set associative, 64-byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 256 KByte, 8-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 512 KByte, 8-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 1 MByte, 8-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 2 MByte, 8-way set associative, 32 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 512 KByte, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"2nd-level cache: 1 MByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"Instruction TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 128 entries"
,"Instruction TLB: 2M pages, 4-way, 8 entries or 4M pages, 4-way, 4 entries"
,"Instruction TLB: 4KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries"
,"Data TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 128 entries"
,"Data TLB1: 4 KByte pages, 4-way associative, 256 entries"
,"Data TLB1: 4 KByte pages, 4-way associative, 64 entries"
,"Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages, 4-way associative, 8 entries"
,"Shared 2nd-Level TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way associative, 512 entries"
,"3rd-level cache: 512 KByte, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 1 MByte, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 2 MByte, 4-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 1 MByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 2 MByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 4 MByte, 8-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 1.5 MByte, 12-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 3 MByte, 12-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 6 MByte, 12-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 2 MByte, 16-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 4 MByte, 16-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 8 MByte, 16-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 12MByte, 24-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 18MByte, 24-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"3rd-level cache: 24MByte, 24-way set associative, 64 byte line size"
,"64-Byte prefetching"
,"128-Byte prefetching"
,"CPUID leaf 2 does not report cache descriptor information, use CPUID leaf 4 to query cache parameters"
const char* CCPUID::SseNames[] = {
const char* CCPUID::AvxNames[] = {
// functions
// 取得CPU厂商(Vendor).
// result: 成功时返回字符串的长度(一般为12)。失败时返回0.
// pvendor: 接收厂商信息的字符串缓冲区。至少为13字节.
int cpu_getvendor(char* pvendor)
INT32 dwBuf[4];
if (NULL==pvendor) return 0;
// Function 0: Vendor-ID and Largest Standard Function
__cpuid(dwBuf, 0);
// save. 保存到pvendor
*(INT32*)&pvendor[0] = dwBuf[1]; // ebx: 前四个字符.
*(INT32*)&pvendor[4] = dwBuf[3]; // edx: 中间四个字符.
*(INT32*)&pvendor[8] = dwBuf[2]; // ecx: 最后四个字符.
pvendor[12] = '\0';
return 12;
// 取得CPU商标(Brand).
// result: 成功时返回字符串的长度(一般为48)。失败时返回0.
// pbrand: 接收商标信息的字符串缓冲区。至少为49字节.
int cpu_getbrand(char* pbrand)
INT32 dwBuf[4];
if (NULL==pbrand) return 0;
// Function 0x80000000: Largest Extended Function Number
__cpuid(dwBuf, 0x80000000);
if (dwBuf[0] < 0x80000004) return 0;
// Function 80000002h,80000003h,80000004h: Processor Brand String
__cpuid((INT32*)&pbrand[0], 0x80000002); // 前16个字符
__cpuid((INT32*)&pbrand[16], 0x80000003); // 中间16个字符
__cpuid((INT32*)&pbrand[32], 0x80000004); // 最后16个字符
pbrand[48] = '\0';
return 48;
// 是否支持MMX指令集.
// result: 返回操作系统是否支持MMX指令集. 非0表示支持, 0表示不支持.
// phwmmx: 返回硬件是否支持MMX指令集. 非0表示支持, 0表示不支持.
int simd_mmx(int* phwmmx)
const INT32 BIT_D_MMX = 0x00800000; // bit 23
int rt = 0; // result
INT32 dwBuf[4];
// check processor support
__cpuid(dwBuf, 1); // Function 1: Feature Information
if ( dwBuf[3] & BIT_D_MMX ) rt=1;
if (NULL!=phwmmx) *phwmmx=rt;
// check OS support
if ( rt )
#if defined(_WIN64)
// VC编译器不支持64位下的MMX.
_mm_empty(); // MMX instruction: emms
#endif // #if defined(_WIN64)
return rt;
// 检测SSE系列指令集的支持级别.
// result: 返回操作系统的SSE系列指令集支持级别. 详见SIMD_SSE_常数.
// phwmmx: 返回硬件的SSE系列指令集支持级别. 详见SIMD_SSE_常数.
int simd_sse_level(int* phwsse)
const INT32 BIT_D_SSE = 0x02000000; // bit 25
const INT32 BIT_D_SSE2 = 0x04000000; // bit 26
const INT32 BIT_C_SSE3 = 0x00000001; // bit 0
const INT32 BIT_C_SSSE3 = 0x00000100; // bit 9
const INT32 BIT_C_SSE41 = 0x00080000; // bit 19
const INT32 BIT_C_SSE42 = 0x00100000; // bit 20
int rt = SIMD_SSE_NONE; // result
INT32 dwBuf[4];
// check processor support
__cpuid(dwBuf, 1); // Function 1: Feature Information
if ( dwBuf[3] & BIT_D_SSE )
rt = SIMD_SSE_1;
if ( dwBuf[3] & BIT_D_SSE2 )
rt = SIMD_SSE_2;
if ( dwBuf[2] & BIT_C_SSE3 )
rt = SIMD_SSE_3;
if ( dwBuf[2] & BIT_C_SSSE3 )
rt = SIMD_SSE_3S;
if ( dwBuf[2] & BIT_C_SSE41 )
rt = SIMD_SSE_41;
if ( dwBuf[2] & BIT_C_SSE42 )
rt = SIMD_SSE_42;
if (NULL!=phwsse) *phwsse=rt;
// check OS support
__m128 xmm1 = _mm_setzero_ps(); // SSE instruction: xorps
if (0!=*(int*)&xmm1) rt = SIMD_SSE_NONE; // 避免Release模式编译优化时剔除上一条语句.
return rt;
// 检测AVX系列指令集的支持级别.
// result: 返回操作系统的AVX系列指令集支持级别. 详见SIMD_AVX_常数.
// phwavx: 返回硬件的AVX系列指令集支持级别. 详见SIMD_AVX_常数.
int simd_avx_level(int* phwavx)
int rt = SIMD_AVX_NONE; // result
// check processor support
if (0!=getcpuidfield(CPUF_AVX))
rt = SIMD_AVX_1;
if (0!=getcpuidfield(CPUF_AVX2))
rt = SIMD_AVX_2;
if (NULL!=phwavx) *phwavx=rt;
// check OS support
if (0!=getcpuidfield(CPUF_OSXSAVE)) // XGETBV enabled for application use.
UINT32 n = getcpuidfield(CPUF_XFeatureSupportedMaskLo); // XCR0: XFeatureSupportedMask register.
if (6==(n&6)) // XCR0[2:1] = ‘11b’ (XMM state and YMM state are enabled by OS).
return rt;
// 构造函数.
:_InfoCount(0), _LFuncStd(0), _LFuncExt(0), _BrandTrim(0)
_Vendor[0] = '\0';
_Brand[0] = '\0';
// 刷新信息.在Info数组中追加一项.
void CCPUID::RefreshInfo_Put(INT32 fid, INT32 fidsub, INT32 CPUInfo[4])
if (_InfoCount>=MAX_CPUIDINFO) return;
Info[_InfoCount].fid = fid;
Info[_InfoCount].fidsub = fidsub;
Info[_InfoCount].dw[0] = CPUInfo[0];
Info[_InfoCount].dw[1] = CPUInfo[1];
Info[_InfoCount].dw[2] = CPUInfo[2];
Info[_InfoCount].dw[3] = CPUInfo[3];
// 刷新信息.
void CCPUID::RefreshInfo()
INT32 CPUInfo[4];
int nmax;
int i,j;
// == 将CPUID信息保存到Info数组 ==
_InfoCount = 0;
// 标准功能.
__cpuid(CPUInfo, 0);
RefreshInfo_Put(0, 0, CPUInfo);
nmax = CPUInfo[0]; // CPUID(0).EAX[31:0]=LFuncStd
_LFuncStd = nmax;
for(i=1; i<=nmax; ++i)
__cpuidex(CPUInfo, i, 0);
RefreshInfo_Put(i, 0, CPUInfo);
// fidsub
if (0x4==i) // Deterministic Cache Parameters (Function 04h)
__cpuidex(CPUInfo, i, j);
if (0==(CPUInfo[0]&0x1F)) break; // EAX[4:0]=Cache_Type
RefreshInfo_Put(i, j, CPUInfo);
// next
else if (0xB==i) // x2APIC Features / Processor Topology (Function 0Bh)
__cpuidex(CPUInfo, i, j);
if (0==CPUInfo[0] && 0==CPUInfo[1]) break; // until EAX=0 and EBX=0
RefreshInfo_Put(i, j, CPUInfo);
// next
else if (0xD==i) // XSAVE Features (Function 0Dh)
// fidsub = 1
__cpuidex(CPUInfo, i, j);
RefreshInfo_Put(i, j, CPUInfo);
// fidsub >= 2
for(j=2; j<=63; ++j)
__cpuidex(CPUInfo, i, j);
if (0!=CPUInfo[0]
|| 0!=CPUInfo[1]
|| 0!=CPUInfo[2]
|| 0!=CPUInfo[3])
RefreshInfo_Put(i, j, CPUInfo);
// 扩展功能.
__cpuid(CPUInfo, 0x80000000);
RefreshInfo_Put(0, 0, CPUInfo);
nmax = CPUInfo[0]; // CPUID(0x80000000).EAX[31:0]=LFuncExt
_LFuncExt = nmax;
if (nmax!=0)
for(i=0x80000001; i<=nmax; ++i)
__cpuidex(CPUInfo, i, 0);
RefreshInfo_Put(i, 0, CPUInfo);
// fidsub
if (0x8000001D==i) // Cache Properties (Function 8000001Dh)
__cpuidex(CPUInfo, i, j);
if (0==(CPUInfo[0]&0x1F)) break; // EAX[4:0]=Cache_Type
RefreshInfo_Put(i, j, CPUInfo);
// next
// 刷新属性.
void CCPUID::RefreshProperty()
INT32 dwBuf[4];
// Vendor
GetData(dwBuf, 0); // Function 0: Vendor-ID and Largest Standard Function
*(INT32*)&_Vendor[0] = dwBuf[1]; // ebx: 前四个字符.
*(INT32*)&_Vendor[4] = dwBuf[3]; // edx: 中间四个字符.
*(INT32*)&_Vendor[8] = dwBuf[2]; // ecx: 最后四个字符.
_Vendor[12] = '\0';
// Brand
_Brand[0] = '\0';
if (_LFuncExt >= 0x80000004)
// Function 80000002h,80000003h,80000004h: Processor Brand String
GetData((INT32*)&_Brand[0], 0x80000002); // 前16个字符.
GetData((INT32*)&_Brand[16], 0x80000003); // 中间16个字符.
GetData((INT32*)&_Brand[32], 0x80000004); // 最后16个字符.
_Brand[48] = '\0';
_BrandTrim = &_Brand[0];
while('\0'!=*_BrandTrim && ' '==*_BrandTrim) ++_BrandTrim; // 去除首都空格.
_mmx = simd_mmx(&_hwmmx);
_sse = simd_sse_level(&_hwsse);
_avx = simd_avx_level(&_hwavx);
// 刷新所有.
void CCPUID::RefreshAll()
// 取得信息.
// return: 成功时返回LPCPUIDINFO. 如果失败, 便返回NULL.
// InfoType: 功能号. 即CPUID指令的eax参数.
// ECXValue: 子功能号. 即CPUID指令的ecx参数.
LPCCPUIDINFO CCPUID::GetInfo(INT32 InfoType, INT32 ECXValue) const
// 顺序搜索.
for(int i=0; idw[0];
CPUInfo[1] = p->dw[1];
CPUInfo[2] = p->dw[2];
CPUInfo[3] = p->dw[3];
// 取得CPUID字段
UINT32 CCPUID::GetField(CPUIDFIELD cpuf) const
if (NULL==p) return 0;
return getcpuidfield_buf(p->dw, cpuf);
int CCPUID::simd_mmx(int* phwmmx) const
const INT32 BIT_D_MMX = 0x00800000; // bit 23
int rt = 0; // result
INT32 dwBuf[4];
// check processor support
GetData(dwBuf, 1); // Function 1: Feature Information
if ( dwBuf[3] & BIT_D_MMX ) rt=1;
if (NULL!=phwmmx) *phwmmx=rt;
// check OS support
if ( rt )
#if defined(_WIN64)
// VC编译器不支持64位下的MMX.
_mm_empty(); // MMX instruction: emms
#endif // #if defined(_WIN64)
return rt;
int CCPUID::simd_sse_level(int* phwsse) const
const INT32 BIT_D_SSE = 0x02000000; // bit 25
const INT32 BIT_D_SSE2 = 0x04000000; // bit 26
const INT32 BIT_C_SSE3 = 0x00000001; // bit 0
const INT32 BIT_C_SSSE3 = 0x00000100; // bit 9
const INT32 BIT_C_SSE41 = 0x00080000; // bit 19
const INT32 BIT_C_SSE42 = 0x00100000; // bit 20
int rt = SIMD_SSE_NONE; // result
INT32 dwBuf[4];
// check processor support
GetData(dwBuf, 1); // Function 1: Feature Information
if ( dwBuf[3] & BIT_D_SSE )
rt = SIMD_SSE_1;
if ( dwBuf[3] & BIT_D_SSE2 )
rt = SIMD_SSE_2;
if ( dwBuf[2] & BIT_C_SSE3 )
rt = SIMD_SSE_3;
if ( dwBuf[2] & BIT_C_SSSE3 )
rt = SIMD_SSE_3S;
if ( dwBuf[2] & BIT_C_SSE41 )
rt = SIMD_SSE_41;
if ( dwBuf[2] & BIT_C_SSE42 )
rt = SIMD_SSE_42;
if (NULL!=phwsse) *phwsse=rt;
// check OS support
__m128 xmm1 = _mm_setzero_ps(); // SSE instruction: xorps
if (0!=*(int*)&xmm1) rt = SIMD_SSE_NONE; // 避免Release模式编译优化时剔除上一条语句.
return rt;
int CCPUID::simd_avx_level(int* phwavx) const
int rt = SIMD_AVX_NONE; // result
// check processor support
if (0!=GetField(CPUF_AVX))
rt = SIMD_AVX_1;
if (0!=GetField(CPUF_AVX2))
rt = SIMD_AVX_2;
if (NULL!=phwavx) *phwavx=rt;
// check OS support
if (0!=GetField(CPUF_OSXSAVE)) // XGETBV enabled for application use.
UINT32 n = GetField(CPUF_XFeatureSupportedMaskLo); // XCR0: XFeatureSupportedMask register.
if (6==(n&6)) // XCR0[2:1] = ‘11b’ (XMM state and YMM state are enabled by OS).
return rt;
#include "ccpuid.h"
bool bShowDesc = true; // 显示描述信息
// 打印CPUID字段_某项.
void prtCcpuid_Item(INT32 fid, INT32 fidsub, const INT32 CPUInfo[4])
static const char* RegName[4] = { "EAX", "EBX", "ECX", "EDX" };
INT32 cur = CPUIDFIELD_MAKE(fid, fidsub, 0, 0, 1) & mask;
int i;
for(i=0; i1)
printf("\t%s[%2d:%2d]", RegName[reg], pos+bits-1, pos);
printf("\t%s[ %2d]", RegName[reg], pos);
printf("=%s:\t0x%X\t(%u)", v.szName, n, n);
if (bShowDesc)
printf("\t// %s", v.szDesc);
// 打印CPUID字段.
void prtCcpuid(const CCPUID& ccid)
int i;
for(i=0; i0) // 最高位为0,且不是全0
for(int k=0; k<=3; ++k)
if (j>0 || k>0) // EAX的低8位不是缓存信息
int by = n & 0x00FF;
if (by>0)
printf("\t0x%.2X:\t%s\n", by, CCPUID::CacheDesc[by]);
n >>= 8;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int i;
//CCPUID ccid;
CCPUID& ccid = CCPUID::cur();
// base info
printf("CCPUID.InfoCount:\t%d\n", ccid.InfoCount());
printf("CCPUID.LFuncStd:\t%.8Xh\n", ccid.LFuncStd());
printf("CCPUID.LFuncExt:\t%.8Xh\n", ccid.LFuncExt());
printf("CCPUID.Vendor:\t%s\n", ccid.Vendor());
//printf("CCPUID.Brand:\t%s\n", ccid.Brand());
printf("CCPUID.BrandTrim:\t%s\n", ccid.BrandTrim());
// simd info
printf("CCPUID.MMX:\t%d\t// hw: %d\n", ccid.mmx(), ccid.hwmmx());
printf("CCPUID.SSE:\t%d\t// hw: %d\n", ccid.sse(), ccid.hwsse());
for(i=1; i=i) printf("\t%s\n", CCPUID::SseNames[i]);
printf("SSE4A:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_SSE4A));
printf("AES:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_AES));
printf("PCLMULQDQ:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_PCLMULQDQ));
printf("CCPUID.AVX:\t%d\t// hw: %d\n", ccid.avx(), ccid.hwavx());
for(i=1; i=i) printf("\t%s\n", CCPUID::AvxNames[i]);
printf("F16C:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_F16C));
printf("FMA:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_FMA));
printf("FMA4:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_FMA4));
printf("XOP:\t%d\n", ccid.GetField(CPUF_XOP));
// field info
printf("== fields ==\n");
return 0;
CCPUID.InfoCount: 29
CCPUID.LFuncStd: 0000000Dh
CCPUID.LFuncExt: 80000008h
CCPUID.Vendor: GenuineIntel
CCPUID.BrandTrim: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2310M CPU @ 2.10GHz
CCPUID.MMX: 0 // hw: 1
CCPUID.SSE: 6 // hw: 6
SSE4A: 0
AES: 0
CCPUID.AVX: 1 // hw: 1
F16C: 0
FMA: 0
FMA4: 0
XOP: 0
== fields ==
0x00000000[0]: 0000000D 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69
EAX[31: 0]=LFuncStd: 0xD (13) // largest standard function.
Vendor: GenuineIntel
0x00000001[0]: 000206A7 02100800 1DBAE3BF BFEBFBFF
EAX[ 3: 0]=Stepping: 0x7 (7) // processor stepping.
EAX[ 7: 4]=BaseModel: 0xA (10) // base processor model.
EAX[11: 8]=BaseFamily: 0x6 (6) // base processor family.
EAX[13:12]=ProcessorType: 0x0 (0) // processor type.
EAX[19:16]=ExtModel: 0x2 (2) // processor extended model.
EAX[27:20]=ExtFamily: 0x0 (0) // processor extended family.
EBX[ 7: 0]=BrandId8: 0x0 (0) // 8-bit brand ID.
EBX[15: 8]=CLFlush: 0x8 (8) // CLFLUSH line size. (*8)
EBX[23:16]=MaxApicId: 0x10 (16) // Maximum number of addressable IDs for logical processors in this physical package.
EBX[31:24]=ApicId: 0x2 (2) // Initial local APIC physical ID(8-bit).
ECX[ 0]=SSE3: 0x1 (1) // Streaming SIMD Extensions 3.
ECX[ 1]=PCLMULQDQ: 0x1 (1) // PCLMULQDQ instruction.
ECX[ 2]=DTES64: 0x1 (1) // 64-bit DS Area.
ECX[ 3]=MONITOR: 0x1 (1) // MONITOR/MWAIT instructions.
ECX[ 4]=DS_CPL: 0x1 (1) // CPL Qualified Debug Store.
ECX[ 5]=VMX: 0x1 (1) // Virtual Machine Extensions.
ECX[ 6]=SMX: 0x0 (0) // Safer Mode Extensions.
ECX[ 7]=EIST: 0x1 (1) // Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology.
ECX[ 8]=TM2: 0x1 (1) // Thermal Monitor 2.
ECX[ 9]=SSSE3: 0x1 (1) // Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSSE3).
ECX[ 10]=CNXT_ID: 0x0 (0) // L1 Context ID.
ECX[ 12]=FMA: 0x0 (0) // supports FMA extensions using YMM state.
ECX[ 13]=CMPXCHG16B: 0x1 (1) // CMPXCHG16B instruction.
ECX[ 14]=xTPR: 0x1 (1) // xTPR Update Control. Can disable sending Task Priority messages.
ECX[ 15]=PDCM: 0x1 (1) // Perfmon and Debug Capability.
ECX[ 17]=PCID: 0x1 (1) // Process Context Identifiers.
ECX[ 18]=DCA: 0x0 (0) // Direct Cache Access.
ECX[ 19]=SSE41: 0x1 (1) // SSE4.1 instructions.
ECX[ 20]=SSE42: 0x1 (1) // SSE4.2 instructions.
ECX[ 21]=x2APIC: 0x1 (1) // Extended xAPIC Support.
ECX[ 22]=MOVBE: 0x0 (0) // MOVBE Instruction.
ECX[ 23]=POPCNT: 0x1 (1) // POPCNT instruction.
ECX[ 24]=TSC_DEADLINE: 0x1 (1) // Local APIC timer supports one-shot operation using a TSC deadline value.
ECX[ 25]=AES: 0x0 (0) // Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Instructions.
ECX[ 26]=XSAVE: 0x1 (1) // XSAVE (and related) instructions are supported by hardware.
ECX[ 27]=OSXSAVE: 0x1 (1) // XSAVE (and related) instructions are enabled.
ECX[ 28]=AVX: 0x1 (1) // AVX instructions.
ECX[ 29]=F16C: 0x0 (0) // half-precision convert instruction support.
ECX[ 30]=RDRAND: 0x0 (0) // RDRAND instruction.
EDX[ 0]=FPU: 0x1 (1) // Floating Point Unit On-Chip.
EDX[ 1]=VME: 0x1 (1) // Virtual 8086 Mode Enhancements.
EDX[ 2]=DE: 0x1 (1) // Debugging Extensions.
EDX[ 3]=PSE: 0x1 (1) // Page Size Extension.
EDX[ 4]=TSC: 0x1 (1) // Time Stamp Counter.
EDX[ 5]=MSR: 0x1 (1) // Model Specific Registers RDMSR and WRMSR Instructions.
EDX[ 6]=PAE: 0x1 (1) // Physical Address Extension.
EDX[ 7]=MCE: 0x1 (1) // Machine Check Exception.
EDX[ 8]=CX8: 0x1 (1) // CMPXCHG8B instruction.
EDX[ 9]=APIC: 0x1 (1) // APIC(Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller) On-Chip.
EDX[ 11]=SEP: 0x1 (1) // Fast System Call instructions, SYSENTER and SYSEXIT.
EDX[ 12]=MTRR: 0x1 (1) // Memory Type Range Registers.
EDX[ 13]=PGE: 0x1 (1) // Page Global Enable.
EDX[ 14]=MCA: 0x1 (1) // Machine-Check Architecture.
EDX[ 15]=CMOV: 0x1 (1) // Conditional Move Instructions.
EDX[ 16]=PAT: 0x1 (1) // Page Attribute Table.
EDX[ 17]=PSE36: 0x1 (1) // 36-Bit Page Size Extension.
EDX[ 18]=PSN: 0x0 (0) // Processor Serial Number.
EDX[ 19]=CLFSH: 0x1 (1) // CLFLUSH Instruction.
EDX[ 21]=DS: 0x1 (1) // Debug Store.
EDX[ 22]=ACPI: 0x1 (1) // Thermal Monitor and Software Controlled Clock Facilities.
EDX[ 23]=MMX: 0x1 (1) // MMX instructions.
EDX[ 24]=FXSR: 0x1 (1) // FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions.
EDX[ 25]=SSE: 0x1 (1) // Streaming SIMD Extensions.
EDX[ 26]=SSE2: 0x1 (1) // Streaming SIMD Extensions 2.
EDX[ 27]=SS: 0x1 (1) // Self Snoop.
EDX[ 28]=HTT: 0x1 (1) // Max APIC IDs reserved field is Valid.
EDX[ 29]=TM: 0x1 (1) // Thermal Monitor.
EDX[ 31]=PBE: 0x1 (1) // Pending Break Enable.
0x00000002[0]: 76035A01 00F0B2FF 00000000 00CA0000
0x5A: Data TLB: 4 KByte and 4 MByte pages, 64 entries
0x03: Data TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries
0x76: Instruction TLB: 2M/4M pages, fully associative, 8 entries
0xFF: CPUID leaf 2 does not report cache descriptor information, use CPUID leaf 4 to query cache parameters
0xB2: Instruction TLB: 4KByte pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries
0xF0: 64-Byte prefetching
0xCA: Shared 2nd-Level TLB: 4 KByte pages, 4-way associative, 512 entries
0x00000003[0]: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x00000004[0]: 1C004121 01C0003F 0000003F 00000000
EAX[ 4: 0]=Cache_Type: 0x1 (1) // Cache Type (0=Null, 1=Data, 2=Instruction, 3=Unified).
EAX[ 7: 5]=Cache_Level: 0x1 (1) // Cache Level (Starts at 1).
EAX[ 8]=CACHE_SI: 0x1 (1) // Self Initializing cache level.
EAX[ 9]=CACHE_FA: 0x0 (0) // Fully Associative cache.
EAX[25:14]=MaxApicIdShare: 0x1 (1) // Maximum number of addressable IDs for logical processors sharing this cache (plus 1 encoding).
EAX[31:26]=MaxApicIdCore: 0x7 (7) // Maximum number of addressable IDs for processor cores in the physical package (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[11: 0]=Cache_LineSize: 0x3F (63) // System Coherency Line Size (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[21:12]=Cache_Partitions: 0x0 (0) // Physical Line partitions (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[31:22]=Cache_Ways: 0x7 (7) // Ways of Associativity (plus 1 encoding).
ECX[31: 0]=Cache_Sets: 0x3F (63) // Number of Sets (plus 1 encoding).
EDX[ 0]=CACHE_INVD: 0x0 (0) // WBINVD/INVD behavior on lower level caches.
EDX[ 1]=CACHE_INCLUSIVENESS: 0x0 (0) // Cache is inclusive of lower cache levels.
EDX[ 2]=CACHE_COMPLEXINDEX: 0x0 (0) // Complex Cache Indexing.
0x00000004[1]: 1C004122 01C0003F 0000003F 00000000
EAX[ 4: 0]=Cache_Type: 0x2 (2) // Cache Type (0=Null, 1=Data, 2=Instruction, 3=Unified).
EAX[ 7: 5]=Cache_Level: 0x1 (1) // Cache Level (Starts at 1).
EAX[ 8]=CACHE_SI: 0x1 (1) // Self Initializing cache level.
EAX[ 9]=CACHE_FA: 0x0 (0) // Fully Associative cache.
EAX[25:14]=MaxApicIdShare: 0x1 (1) // Maximum number of addressable IDs for logical processors sharing this cache (plus 1 encoding).
EAX[31:26]=MaxApicIdCore: 0x7 (7) // Maximum number of addressable IDs for processor cores in the physical package (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[11: 0]=Cache_LineSize: 0x3F (63) // System Coherency Line Size (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[21:12]=Cache_Partitions: 0x0 (0) // Physical Line partitions (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[31:22]=Cache_Ways: 0x7 (7) // Ways of Associativity (plus 1 encoding).
ECX[31: 0]=Cache_Sets: 0x3F (63) // Number of Sets (plus 1 encoding).
EDX[ 0]=CACHE_INVD: 0x0 (0) // WBINVD/INVD behavior on lower level caches.
EDX[ 1]=CACHE_INCLUSIVENESS: 0x0 (0) // Cache is inclusive of lower cache levels.
EDX[ 2]=CACHE_COMPLEXINDEX: 0x0 (0) // Complex Cache Indexing.
0x00000004[2]: 1C004143 01C0003F 000001FF 00000000
EAX[ 4: 0]=Cache_Type: 0x3 (3) // Cache Type (0=Null, 1=Data, 2=Instruction, 3=Unified).
EAX[ 7: 5]=Cache_Level: 0x2 (2) // Cache Level (Starts at 1).
EAX[ 8]=CACHE_SI: 0x1 (1) // Self Initializing cache level.
EAX[ 9]=CACHE_FA: 0x0 (0) // Fully Associative cache.
EAX[25:14]=MaxApicIdShare: 0x1 (1) // Maximum number of addressable IDs for logical processors sharing this cache (plus 1 encoding).
EAX[31:26]=MaxApicIdCore: 0x7 (7) // Maximum number of addressable IDs for processor cores in the physical package (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[11: 0]=Cache_LineSize: 0x3F (63) // System Coherency Line Size (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[21:12]=Cache_Partitions: 0x0 (0) // Physical Line partitions (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[31:22]=Cache_Ways: 0x7 (7) // Ways of Associativity (plus 1 encoding).
ECX[31: 0]=Cache_Sets: 0x1FF (511) // Number of Sets (plus 1 encoding).
EDX[ 0]=CACHE_INVD: 0x0 (0) // WBINVD/INVD behavior on lower level caches.
EDX[ 1]=CACHE_INCLUSIVENESS: 0x0 (0) // Cache is inclusive of lower cache levels.
EDX[ 2]=CACHE_COMPLEXINDEX: 0x0 (0) // Complex Cache Indexing.
0x00000004[3]: 1C03C163 02C0003F 00000FFF 00000006
EAX[ 4: 0]=Cache_Type: 0x3 (3) // Cache Type (0=Null, 1=Data, 2=Instruction, 3=Unified).
EAX[ 7: 5]=Cache_Level: 0x3 (3) // Cache Level (Starts at 1).
EAX[ 8]=CACHE_SI: 0x1 (1) // Self Initializing cache level.
EAX[ 9]=CACHE_FA: 0x0 (0) // Fully Associative cache.
EAX[25:14]=MaxApicIdShare: 0xF (15) // Maximum number of addressable IDs for logical processors sharing this cache (plus 1 encoding).
EAX[31:26]=MaxApicIdCore: 0x7 (7) // Maximum number of addressable IDs for processor cores in the physical package (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[11: 0]=Cache_LineSize: 0x3F (63) // System Coherency Line Size (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[21:12]=Cache_Partitions: 0x0 (0) // Physical Line partitions (plus 1 encoding).
EBX[31:22]=Cache_Ways: 0xB (11) // Ways of Associativity (plus 1 encoding).
ECX[31: 0]=Cache_Sets: 0xFFF (4095) // Number of Sets (plus 1 encoding).
EDX[ 0]=CACHE_INVD: 0x0 (0) // WBINVD/INVD behavior on lower level caches.
EDX[ 1]=CACHE_INCLUSIVENESS: 0x1 (1) // Cache is inclusive of lower cache levels.
EDX[ 2]=CACHE_COMPLEXINDEX: 0x1 (1) // Complex Cache Indexing.
0x00000005[0]: 00000040 00000040 00000003 00021120
EAX[15: 0]=MonLineSizeMin: 0x40 (64) // Smallest monitor line size in bytes.
EBX[15: 0]=MonLineSizeMax: 0x40 (64) // Largest monitor-line size in bytes.
ECX[ 0]=EMX: 0x1 (1) // Enumerate MONITOR/MWAIT extensions.
ECX[ 1]=IBE: 0x1 (1) // Interrupt Break-Event.
EDX[ 3: 0]=MWAIT_Number_C0: 0x0 (0) // Number of C0 sub C-states supported using MWAIT.
EDX[ 7: 4]=MWAIT_Number_C1: 0x2 (2) // Number of C1 sub C-states supported using MWAIT.
EDX[11: 8]=MWAIT_Number_C2: 0x1 (1) // Number of C2 sub C-states supported using MWAIT.
EDX[15:12]=MWAIT_Number_C3: 0x1 (1) // Number of C3 sub C-states supported using MWAIT.
EDX[19:16]=MWAIT_Number_C4: 0x2 (2) // Number of C4 sub C-states supported using MWAIT.
0x00000006[0]: 00000075 00000002 00000009 00000000
EAX[ 0]=DTS: 0x1 (1) // Digital Thermal Sensor.
EAX[ 1]=TURBO_BOOST: 0x0 (0) // Intel Turbo Boost Technology.
EAX[ 2]=ARAT: 0x1 (1) // Always Running APIC Timer.
EAX[ 4]=PLN: 0x1 (1) // Power Limit Notification.
EAX[ 5]=ECMD: 0x1 (1) // Extended Clock Modulation Duty.
EAX[ 6]=PTM: 0x1 (1) // Package Thermal Management.
EBX[ 3: 0]=DTS_ITs: 0x2 (2) // Number of Interrupt Thresholds in Digital Thermal Sensor.
ECX[ 0]=PERF: 0x1 (1) // Hardware Coordination Feedback Capability.
ECX[ 1]=ACNT2: 0x0 (0) // ACNT2 Capability.
ECX[ 3]=ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: 0x1 (1) // Performance-Energy Bias capability.
0x00000007[0]: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
EAX[31: 0]=Max07Subleaf: 0x0 (0) // Reports the maximum supported leaf 7 sub-leaf.
EBX[ 3]=BMI1: 0x0 (0) // The first group of advanced bit manipulation extensions (ANDN, BEXTR, BLSI, BLSMK, BLSR, TZCNT).
EBX[ 4]=HLE: 0x0 (0) // Hardware Lock Elision.
EBX[ 5]=AVX2: 0x0 (0) // AVX2 instructions.
EBX[ 7]=SMEP: 0x0 (0) // Supervisor Mode Execution Protection.
EBX[ 8]=BMI2: 0x0 (0) // The second group of advanced bit manipulation extensions (BZHI, MULX, PDEP, PEXT, RORX, SARX, SHLX, SHRX).
EBX[ 9]=ERMS: 0x0 (0) // Supports Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB.
EBX[ 10]=INVPCID: 0x0 (0) // INVPCID instruction.
EBX[ 11]=RTM: 0x0 (0) //
0x00000008[0]: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x00000009[0]: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
EAX[31: 0]=PLATFORM_DCA_CAP: 0x0 (0) // Value of PLATFORM_DCA_CAP MSR Bits [31:0] (Offset 1F8h).
0x0000000A[0]: 07300403 00000000 00000000 00000603
EAX[ 7: 0]=APM_Version: 0x3 (3) // Version ID of architectural performance monitoring.
EAX[15: 8]=APM_Counters: 0x4 (4) // Number of general-purpose performance monitoring counters per logical processor.
EAX[23:16]=APM_Bits: 0x30 (48) // Bit width of general-purpose, performance monitoring counters.
EAX[31:24]=APM_Length: 0x7 (7) // Length of EBX bit vector to enumerate architectural performance monitoring events.
EBX[ 0]=APM_CC: 0x0 (0) // Core cycle event not available if 1.
EBX[ 1]=APM_IR: 0x0 (0) // Instruction retired event not available if 1.
EBX[ 2]=APM_RC: 0x0 (0) // Reference cycles event not available if 1.
EBX[ 3]=APM_LLCR: 0x0 (0) // Last-level cache reference event not available if 1.
EBX[ 4]=APM_LLCM: 0x0 (0) // Last-level cache misses event not available if 1.
EBX[ 5]=APM_BIR: 0x0 (0) // Branch instruction retired event not available if 1.
EBX[ 6]=APM_BMR: 0x0 (0) // Branch mispredict retired event not available if 1.
EDX[ 4: 0]=APM_FC_Number: 0x3 (3) // Number of fixed-function performance counters.
EDX[12: 5]=APM_FC_Bits: 0x30 (48) // Bit width of fixed-function performance counters.
0x0000000B[0]: 00000001 00000002 00000100 00000002
EAX[ 4: 0]=Topology_Bits: 0x1 (1) // Number of bits to shift right on x2APIC ID to get a unique topology ID of the next level type.
EBX[15: 0]=Topology_Number: 0x2 (2) // Number of factory-configured logical processors at this level.
ECX[ 7: 0]=Topology_Level: 0x0 (0) // Level number. Same value in ECX input.
ECX[15: 8]=Topology_Type: 0x1 (1) // Level Type (0=Invalid, 1=Thread, 2=Core).
EDX[31: 0]=X2APICID: 0x2 (2) // x2APIC ID.
0x0000000B[1]: 00000004 00000004 00000201 00000002
EAX[ 4: 0]=Topology_Bits: 0x4 (4) // Number of bits to shift right on x2APIC ID to get a unique topology ID of the next level type.
EBX[15: 0]=Topology_Number: 0x4 (4) // Number of factory-configured logical processors at this level.
ECX[ 7: 0]=Topology_Level: 0x1 (1) // Level number. Same value in ECX input.
ECX[15: 8]=Topology_Type: 0x2 (2) // Level Type (0=Invalid, 1=Thread, 2=Core).
EDX[31: 0]=X2APICID: 0x2 (2) // x2APIC ID.
0x0000000C[0]: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x0000000D[0]: 00000007 00000340 00000340 00000000
EAX[31: 0]=XFeatureSupportedMaskLo: 0x7 (7) // The lower 32 bits of XCR0(XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK register).
EBX[31: 0]=XFeatureEnabledSizeMax: 0x340 (832) // Size in bytes of XSAVE/XRSTOR area for the currently enabled features in XCR0.
ECX[31: 0]=XFeatureSupportedSizeMax: 0x340 (832) // Size in bytes of XSAVE/XRSTOR area for all features that the core supports.
EDX[31: 0]=XFeatureSupportedMaskHi: 0x0 (0) // The upper 32 bits of XCR0(XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK register).
0x0000000D[1]: 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
EAX[ 0]=XSAVEOPT: 0x1 (1) // XSAVEOPT is available.
0x0000000D[2]: 00000100 00000240 00000000 00000000
EAX[31: 0]=YmmSaveStateSize: 0x100 (256) // YMM save state byte size.
EBX[31: 0]=YmmSaveStateOffset: 0x240 (576) // YMM save state byte offset.
0x00000000[0]: 80000008 00000000 00000000 00000000
EAX[31: 0]=LFuncStd: 0x80000008 (2147483656) // largest standard function.
Vendor: GenuineIntel
0x80000001[0]: 00000000 00000000 00000001 28100800
EBX[15: 0]=BrandId16: 0x0 (0) // 16-bit Brand ID.
EBX[31:28]=PkgType: 0x0 (0) // Package type (Family[7:0] >= 10h).
ECX[ 0]=LahfSahf: 0x1 (1) // LAHF and SAHF instruction support in 64-bit mode.
ECX[ 1]=CmpLegacy: 0x0 (0) // core multi-processing legacy mode.
ECX[ 2]=SVM: 0x0 (0) // secure virtual machine.
ECX[ 3]=ExtApicSpace: 0x0 (0) // extended APIC space.
ECX[ 4]=AltMovCr8: 0x0 (0) // LOCK MOV CR0 means MOV CR8.
ECX[ 5]=ABM: 0x0 (0) // advanced bit manipulation (LZCNT).
ECX[ 6]=SSE4A: 0x0 (0) // SSE4A instructions.
ECX[ 7]=MisAlignSse: 0x0 (0) // misaligned SSE mode.
ECX[ 8]=3DNowPrefetch: 0x0 (0) // PREFETCH and PREFETCHW instruction support.
ECX[ 9]=OSVW: 0x0 (0) // OS visible workaround.
ECX[ 10]=IBS: 0x0 (0) // instruction based sampling.
ECX[ 11]=XOP: 0x0 (0) // extended operation support.
ECX[ 12]=SKINIT: 0x0 (0) // SKINIT and STGI are supported, independent of the value of MSRC000_0080[SVME].
ECX[ 13]=WDT: 0x0 (0) // watchdog timer support.
ECX[ 15]=LWP: 0x0 (0) // lightweight profiling support.
ECX[ 16]=FMA4: 0x0 (0) // 4-operand FMA instruction support.
ECX[ 19]=BIT_NODEID: 0x0 (0) // Indicates support for MSRC001_100C[NodeId, NodesPerProcessor].
ECX[ 21]=TBM: 0x0 (0) // Trailing bit manipulation instruction support.
ECX[ 22]=TopologyExtensions: 0x0 (0) // Topology extensions support.
EDX[ 11]=SYSCALL: 0x1 (1) // SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions.
EDX[ 20]=XD: 0x1 (1) // Execution Disable Bit.
EDX[ 22]=MmxExt: 0x0 (0) // AMD extensions to MMX instructions.
EDX[ 25]=FFXSR: 0x0 (0) // FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instruction optimizations.
EDX[ 26]=Page1GB: 0x0 (0) // 1-GB large page support.
EDX[ 27]=RDTSCP: 0x1 (1) // RDTSCP and TSC_AUX.
EDX[ 29]=LM: 0x1 (1) // 64-bit long mode.(x86-64)
EDX[ 30]=3DNowExt: 0x0 (0) // AMD extensions to 3DNow! instructions.
EDX[ 31]=3DNow: 0x0 (0) // 3DNow! instructions.
0x80000002[0]: 20202020 49202020 6C65746E 20295228
0x80000003[0]: 65726F43 294D5428 2D336920 30313332
0x80000004[0]: 5043204D 20402055 30312E32 007A4847
Brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2310M CPU @ 2.10GHz
0x80000005[0]: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
EAX[ 7: 0]=L1ITlb2and4MSize: 0x0 (0) // Instruction TLB number of entries for 2-MB and 4-MB pages.
EAX[15: 8]=L1ITlb2and4MAssoc: 0x0 (0) // Instruction TLB associativity for 2-MB and 4-MB pages.
EAX[23:16]=L1DTlb2and4MSize: 0x0 (0) // Data TLB number of entries for 2-MB and 4-MB pages.
EAX[31:24]=L1DTlb2and4MAssoc: 0x0 (0) // Data TLB associativity for 2-MB and 4-MB pages.
EBX[ 7: 0]=L1ITlb4KSize: 0x0 (0) // Instruction TLB number of entries for 4 KB pages.
EBX[15: 8]=L1ITlb4KAssoc: 0x0 (0) // Instruction TLB associativity for 4KB pages.
EBX[23:16]=L1DTlb4KSize: 0x0 (0) // Data TLB number of entries for 4 KB pages.
EBX[31:24]=L1DTlb4KAssoc: 0x0 (0) // Data TLB associativity for 4 KB pages.
ECX[ 7: 0]=L1DcLineSize: 0x0 (0) // L1 data cache line size in bytes.
ECX[15: 8]=L1DcLinesPerTag: 0x0 (0) // L1 data cache lines per tag.
ECX[23:16]=L1DcAssoc: 0x0 (0) // L1 data cache associativity.
ECX[31:24]=L1DcSize: 0x0 (0) // L1 data cache size in KB.
EDX[ 7: 0]=L1IcLineSize: 0x0 (0) // L1 instruction cache line size in bytes
EDX[15: 8]=L1IcLinesPerTag: 0x0 (0) // L1 instruction cache lines per tag.
EDX[23:16]=L1IcAssoc: 0x0 (0) // L1 instruction cache associativity.
EDX[31:24]=L1IcSize: 0x0 (0) // L1 instruction cache size KB.
0x80000006[0]: 00000000 00000000 01006040 00000000
EAX[11: 0]=L2ITlb2and4MSize: 0x0 (0) // L2 instruction TLB number of entries for 2 MB and 4 MB pages.
EAX[15:12]=L2ITlb2and4MAssoc: 0x0 (0) // L2 instruction TLB associativity for 2 MB and 4 MB pages.
EAX[27:16]=L2DTlb2and4MSize: 0x0 (0) // L2 data TLB number of entries for 2 MB and 4 MB pages.
EAX[31:28]=L2DTlb2and4MAssoc: 0x0 (0) // L2 data TLB associativity for 2 MB and 4 MB pages.
EBX[11: 0]=L2ITlb4KSize: 0x0 (0) // L2 instruction TLB number of entries for 4 KB pages.
EBX[15:12]=L2ITlb4KAssoc: 0x0 (0) // L2 instruction TLB associativity for 4 KB pages.
EBX[27:16]=L2DTlb4KSize: 0x0 (0) // L2 data TLB number of entries for 4 KB pages.
EBX[31:28]=L2DTlb4KAssoc: 0x0 (0) // L2 data TLB associativity for 4 KB pages.
ECX[ 7: 0]=L2LineSize: 0x40 (64) // L2 cache line size in bytes.
ECX[11: 8]=L2LinesPerTag: 0x0 (0) // L2 cache lines per tag.
ECX[15:12]=L2Assoc: 0x6 (6) // L2 cache associativity.
ECX[31:16]=L2Size: 0x100 (256) // L2 cache size in KB.
EDX[ 7: 0]=L3LineSize: 0x0 (0) // L3 cache line size in bytes.
EDX[11: 8]=L3LinesPerTag: 0x0 (0) // L3 cache lines per tag.
EDX[15:12]=L3Assoc: 0x0 (0) // L3 cache associativity.
EDX[31:18]=L3Size: 0x0 (0) // L3 cache size.
0x80000007[0]: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000100
EDX[ 0]=TS: 0x0 (0) // Temperature sensor.
EDX[ 1]=FID: 0x0 (0) // Frequency ID control.
EDX[ 2]=VID: 0x0 (0) // Voltage ID control.
EDX[ 3]=TTP: 0x0 (0) // THERMTRIP.
EDX[ 4]=HTC: 0x0 (0) // TM: Hardware thermal control (HTC).
EDX[ 6]=100MHzSteps: 0x0 (0) // 100 MHz multiplier Control.
EDX[ 7]=HwPstate: 0x0 (0) // Hardware P-state control.
EDX[ 8]=TscInvariant: 0x1 (1) // TSC invariant.
EDX[ 9]=CPB: 0x0 (0) // Core performance boost.
EDX[ 10]=EffFreqRO: 0x0 (0) // Read-only effective frequency interface.
0x80000008[0]: 00003024 00000000 00000000 00000000
EAX[ 7: 0]=PhysAddrSize: 0x24 (36) // Maximum physical byte address size in bits.
EAX[15: 8]=LinAddrSize: 0x30 (48) // Maximum linear byte address size in bits.
EAX[23:16]=GuestPhysAddrSize: 0x0 (0) // Maximum guest physical byte address size in bits.
ECX[ 7: 0]=NC: 0x0 (0) // number of physical cores - 1.
ECX[15:12]=ApicIdCoreIdSize: 0x0 (0) // APIC ID size. The number of bits in the initial APIC20[ApicId] value that indicate core ID within a processor.
《Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Combined Volumes:1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, and 3C》. May 2012.http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/architectures-software-developer-manuals.html
《Intel® Architecture Instruction Set Extensions Programming Reference》. FEBRUARY 2012.http://software.intel.com/file/41604
《Intel® Processor Identification and the CPUID Instruction》. April 2012. http://developer.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/processor-identification-cpuid-instruction-note.html
《AMD64 Architecture Programmer's Manual Volume 3: General Purpose and System Instructions》. December 2011.http://support.amd.com/us/Processor_TechDocs/24594_APM_v3.pdf
《AMD CPUID Specification》. September 2010. http://support.amd.com/us/Embedded_TechDocs/25481.pdf
《x86 architecture CPUID》. http://www.sandpile.org/x86/cpuid.htm
《Haswell New Instruction Descriptions Now Available! 》. Mark Buxton. http://software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2011/06/13/haswell-new-instruction-descriptions-now-available/
[IDF2012]ARCS002《Introduction to the upcoming Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (Intel® AVX2)》. 王有伟, Henry Ou. 2012-4.
[IDF2012]ARCS002《即将推出的英特尔® 高级矢量扩展指令集2(英特尔® AVX2)介绍》. 王有伟, Henry Ou. 2012-4.
《x86/x64 指令系统》. mik(邓志). http://www.mouseos.com/x64/default.html
《[x86]SIMD指令集发展历程表(MMX、SSE、AVX等)》. http://www.cnblogs.com/zyl910/archive/2012/02/26/x86_simd_table.html
《如何在各个版本的VC及64位下使用CPUID指令》. http://www.cnblogs.com/zyl910/archive/2012/05/21/vcgetcpuid.html
《[VC兼容32位和64位] 检查MMX和SSE系列指令集的支持级别》. http://www.cnblogs.com/zyl910/archive/2012/05/25/checksimd64.html
《[VC] CPUIDFIELD:CPUID字段的统一编号、读取方案。范例:检查SSE4A、AES、PCLMULQDQ指令》. http://www.cnblogs.com/zyl910/archive/2012/06/29/getcpuidfield.html
《[VC] 检测AVX系列指令集的支持级别(AVX、AVX2、F16C、FMA、FMA4、XOP)》. http://www.cnblogs.com/zyl910/archive/2012/07/04/checkavx.html
《[C#] cmdarg_ui:“简单参数命令行程序”的通用图形界面》. http://www.cnblogs.com/zyl910/archive/2012/06/19/cmdarg_ui.html
ccpuid:CPUID信息模块 V1.01版,支持GCC(兼容32位或64位的Windows/Linux)