
University is the hall of dreams for all of us. In order to come to this palace, we experienced ups and downs. Now that we have stepped into this threshold, let us spread our individuality in this dream hall.
My College life, at this moment, is no longer a dream in my mind, it is an ideal in our hearts, it is an ideal that we should strive for, strive for, struggle for and try our best to achieve. My College life, we will have a heart-to-heart start, every day is a heart-to-heart Title page, every day has a different experience, we in College life, will be full of return.
When I first stepped into the school gate, I was full of curiosity about everything. The freshman was confused, the sophomore was at a loss, the junior was at a loss. All these things were unknown, no direction, no motivation.
College life is not without pressure, but the pressure is not given to you by outsiders, but you should look for it yourself. After a nearly semester, the final exam was like a Buddha’s first encounter. For the week of preparation, there was no crazy preparation, but when I was sleeping, I grabbed a book, looked at it, shook my head, and went on sleeping for seven days and seven nights. But after that, we were speechless.
Freshmen, life is really rich. Go to the neighboring cities, ride the roller coaster, take classes, go to the library, make friends, do part-time jobs, and so on, which can not be experienced elsewhere in the university, will experience. But we need to understand that at the same time, we are also experiencing our youth. Playing can change the day, eat can change the day, but youth can not change the day, another day is old. In the most perfect period of life, we should think about what tomorrow is, while experiencing the colorful life that grandparents and grandparents did not experience. I don’t want to regret what I didn’t do. After so much experience, I know what I should stick to, what I should put down, what I should see and what I should not talk about. Finally, I send myself a message to my friends who are just like me: self assurance.
University is a small stage and society full of talent, knowledge and competition. Each of us plays a different role on this stage, so why don’t we try our best to play our role! As a college student, we are eager to be optimistic and positive rather than blindly impulsive, bold and not wanton, dare to say dare but not fantasy, ponder and explore without wandering to drill a bull’s horn. Then let us seize the youth, exercise ourselves here! Here you get not only a kind of knowledge, but also a kind of life’s most precious wealth. Just as a classmate, the youth is in full bloom. Let the flower of life be colored by youth, and let youth be brightened by vitality. In the University campus, there is nothing that can not be done, only unexpected, let us play to our talents to the full! No matter how few creatures there are, the University cherishes the most. Let not youth be wasted, as Paul Korchagin once said, "The first thing a man should do is to spend his life in this way: when he looks back on his past, he will not regret his wasted years, nor be ashamed of his past mediocrity, so that when he dies he can say,'My whole life and all my energy are dedicated to the world. The most magnificent cause in the world is to fight for the liberation of mankind. Load in every day of life a little harvest, let self-confident smile float in your face and my face, firmly believe that the pay will be rewarded, exciting passion! Come on, my college life will be better and better.
