typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBA PointType;
int main()
int c = 0;
int total = 0;//文件名
//pcl::PointCloud cloud_filtered;// 按范围过滤后的点云
boost::shared_ptr m_viewer;
m_viewer.reset(new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer("viewer", false));
m_viewer->setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);//设置背景颜色
// 获取Kinect设备
// Point Cloud
pcl::PointCloud::ConstPtr pointCloud_XYZRGBA; //指针变量
// Retrieved Point Cloud Callback Function 检测到的点云回调函数
boost::mutex mutex; //并发编程互斥锁
boost::function::ConstPtr&)> function = [&pointCloud_XYZRGBA, &mutex](const pcl::PointCloud::ConstPtr& ptr) { //只能用ConstPtr,不能用Ptr
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
/* Point Cloud Processing */
pointCloud_XYZRGBA = ptr->makeShared();
//ptr->makeShared() = NULL;
boost::shared_ptr grabberForKinect = boost::shared_ptr(new pcl::Kinect2Grabber);// Kinect2Grabber
boost::signals2::connection connection = grabberForKinect->registerCallback(function); // Register Callback Function
grabberForKinect->start(); //Start Grabber
while (!m_viewer->wasStopped()) {
// Update Viewer
m_viewer->spinOnce(1); //调用交互程序并更新屏幕一次。
boost::mutex::scoped_try_lock lock(mutex);
//cloud_filtered = filterByScope(pointCloud_XYZRGBA, Z_nearby, Z_faraway, X_left, X_right, Y_bottom, Y_top);//截取对应范围图像
if (lock.owns_lock() && pointCloud_XYZRGBA) {
//cloud_filtered = filterByScope(pointCloud_XYZRGBA, Z_nearby, Z_faraway, X_left, X_right, Y_bottom, Y_top);
//5 显示 Point Cloud
if (!m_viewer->updatePointCloud(pointCloud_XYZRGBA->makeShared(), "cloud")) {//pointCloud_XYZRGBA是指针类型,不能用( . )运算符
m_viewer->addPointCloud(pointCloud_XYZRGBA->makeShared(), "cloud");
if (c % 10 == 0) {//每隔一段时间保存一次图片
char name[100];
sprintf(name, "D:\\%d.pcd", total++);
pcl::io::savePCDFileASCII(name, *pointCloud_XYZRGBA);//以.pcd的格式保存点云数据到磁盘
这里阴影部分的内容,一定要是 ConstPtr (参照第一篇源码) 否则就会出现下列的错误
调试——>项目属性——>VC++ 目录——>包含目录 ,里不要出现这样一项,我就是因为配置的问题,搞了好几天,脑袋都大了,最后是这里有问题。如果带上这一项的话,会出现无法解析的外部符号。
#pragma once
#pragma once
// Kinect2Grabber is pcl::Grabber to retrieve the point cloud data from Kinect v2 using Kinect for Windows SDK 2.x.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the License in License.txt.
#define NOMINMAX
namespace pcl
struct pcl::PointXYZ;
struct pcl::PointXYZI;
struct pcl::PointXYZRGB;
struct pcl::PointXYZRGBA;
template class pcl::PointCloud;
inline void SafeRelease(Interface *& IRelease)
if (IRelease != NULL) {
IRelease = NULL;
class Kinect2Grabber : public pcl::Grabber
virtual ~Kinect2Grabber() throw ();
virtual void start();
virtual void stop();
virtual bool isRunning() const;
virtual std::string getName() const;
virtual float getFramesPerSecond() const;
typedef void (signal_Kinect2_PointXYZ)(const boost::shared_ptr>&);
typedef void (signal_Kinect2_PointXYZI)(const boost::shared_ptr>&);
typedef void (signal_Kinect2_PointXYZRGB)(const boost::shared_ptr>&);
typedef void (signal_Kinect2_PointXYZRGBA)(const boost::shared_ptr>&);
boost::signals2::signal* signal_PointXYZ;
boost::signals2::signal* signal_PointXYZI;
boost::signals2::signal* signal_PointXYZRGB;
boost::signals2::signal* signal_PointXYZRGBA;
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr convertDepthToPointXYZ(UINT16* depthBuffer);
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr convertInfraredDepthToPointXYZI(UINT16* infraredBuffer, UINT16* depthBuffer);
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr convertRGBDepthToPointXYZRGB(RGBQUAD* colorBuffer, UINT16* depthBuffer);
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr convertRGBADepthToPointXYZRGBA(RGBQUAD* colorBuffer, UINT16* depthBuffer);
boost::thread thread;
mutable boost::mutex mutex;
void threadFunction();
bool quit;
bool running;
HRESULT result;
IKinectSensor* sensor;
ICoordinateMapper* mapper;
IColorFrameSource* colorSource;
IColorFrameReader* colorReader;
IDepthFrameSource* depthSource;
IDepthFrameReader* depthReader;
IInfraredFrameSource* infraredSource;
IInfraredFrameReader* infraredReader;
int colorWidth;
int colorHeight;
std::vector colorBuffer;
int depthWidth;
int depthHeight;
std::vector depthBuffer;
int infraredWidth;
int infraredHeight;
std::vector infraredBuffer;
: sensor(nullptr)
, mapper(nullptr)
, colorSource(nullptr)
, colorReader(nullptr)
, depthSource(nullptr)
, depthReader(nullptr)
, infraredSource(nullptr)
, infraredReader(nullptr)
, result(S_OK)
, colorWidth(1920)
, colorHeight(1080)
, colorBuffer()
, depthWidth(512)
, depthHeight(424)
, depthBuffer()
, infraredWidth(512)
, infraredHeight(424)
, infraredBuffer()
, running(false)
, quit(false)
, signal_PointXYZ(nullptr)
, signal_PointXYZI(nullptr)
, signal_PointXYZRGB(nullptr)
, signal_PointXYZRGBA(nullptr)
// Create Sensor Instance
result = GetDefaultKinectSensor(&sensor);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : GetDefaultKinectSensor()");
// Open Sensor
result = sensor->Open();
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IKinectSensor::Open()");
// Retrieved Coordinate Mapper
result = sensor->get_CoordinateMapper(&mapper);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IKinectSensor::get_CoordinateMapper()");
// Retrieved Color Frame Source
result = sensor->get_ColorFrameSource(&colorSource);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IKinectSensor::get_ColorFrameSource()");
// Retrieved Depth Frame Source
result = sensor->get_DepthFrameSource(&depthSource);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IKinectSensor::get_DepthFrameSource()");
// Retrieved Infrared Frame Source
result = sensor->get_InfraredFrameSource(&infraredSource);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IKinectSensor::get_InfraredFrameSource()");
// Retrieved Color Frame Size
IFrameDescription* colorDescription;
result = colorSource->get_FrameDescription(&colorDescription);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IColorFrameSource::get_FrameDescription()");
result = colorDescription->get_Width(&colorWidth); // 1920
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IFrameDescription::get_Width()");
result = colorDescription->get_Height(&colorHeight); // 1080
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IFrameDescription::get_Height()");
// To Reserve Color Frame Buffer
colorBuffer.resize(colorWidth * colorHeight);
// Retrieved Depth Frame Size
IFrameDescription* depthDescription;
result = depthSource->get_FrameDescription(&depthDescription);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IDepthFrameSource::get_FrameDescription()");
result = depthDescription->get_Width(&depthWidth); // 512
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IFrameDescription::get_Width()");
result = depthDescription->get_Height(&depthHeight); // 424
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IFrameDescription::get_Height()");
// To Reserve Depth Frame Buffer
depthBuffer.resize(depthWidth * depthHeight);
// Retrieved Infrared Frame Size
IFrameDescription* infraredDescription;
result = infraredSource->get_FrameDescription(&infraredDescription);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IInfraredFrameSource::get_FrameDescription()");
result = infraredDescription->get_Width(&infraredWidth); // 512
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IFrameDescription::get_Width()");
result = infraredDescription->get_Height(&infraredHeight); // 424
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IFrameDescription::get_Height()");
// To Reserve Infrared Frame Buffer
infraredBuffer.resize(infraredWidth * infraredHeight);
signal_PointXYZ = createSignal();
signal_PointXYZI = createSignal();
signal_PointXYZRGB = createSignal();
signal_PointXYZRGBA = createSignal();
pcl::Kinect2Grabber::~Kinect2Grabber() throw()
// End Processing
if (sensor) {
void pcl::Kinect2Grabber::start()
// Open Color Frame Reader
result = colorSource->OpenReader(&colorReader);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IColorFrameSource::OpenReader()");
// Open Depth Frame Reader
result = depthSource->OpenReader(&depthReader);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IDepthFrameSource::OpenReader()");
// Open Infrared Frame Reader
result = infraredSource->OpenReader(&infraredReader);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IInfraredFrameSource::OpenReader()");
running = true;
thread = boost::thread(&Kinect2Grabber::threadFunction, this);
void pcl::Kinect2Grabber::stop()
boost::unique_lock lock(mutex);
quit = true;
running = false;
bool pcl::Kinect2Grabber::isRunning() const
boost::unique_lock lock(mutex);
return running;
std::string pcl::Kinect2Grabber::getName() const
return std::string("Kinect2Grabber");
float pcl::Kinect2Grabber::getFramesPerSecond() const
return 30.0f;
void pcl::Kinect2Grabber::threadFunction()
while (!quit) {
boost::unique_lock lock(mutex);
// Acquire Latest Color Frame
IColorFrame* colorFrame = nullptr;
result = colorReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&colorFrame);
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) {
// Retrieved Color Data
result = colorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(colorBuffer.size() * sizeof(RGBQUAD), reinterpret_cast(&colorBuffer[0]), ColorImageFormat::ColorImageFormat_Bgra);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IColorFrame::CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray()");
// Acquire Latest Depth Frame
IDepthFrame* depthFrame = nullptr;
result = depthReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&depthFrame);
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) {
// Retrieved Depth Data
result = depthFrame->CopyFrameDataToArray(depthBuffer.size(), &depthBuffer[0]);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IDepthFrame::CopyFrameDataToArray()");
// Acquire Latest Infrared Frame
IInfraredFrame* infraredFrame = nullptr;
result = infraredReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&infraredFrame);
if (SUCCEEDED(result)) {
// Retrieved Infrared Data
result = infraredFrame->CopyFrameDataToArray(infraredBuffer.size(), &infraredBuffer[0]);
if (FAILED(result)) {
throw std::exception("Exception : IInfraredFrame::CopyFrameDataToArray()");
if (signal_PointXYZ->num_slots() > 0) {
if (signal_PointXYZI->num_slots() > 0) {
signal_PointXYZI->operator()(convertInfraredDepthToPointXYZI(&infraredBuffer[0], &depthBuffer[0]));
if (signal_PointXYZRGB->num_slots() > 0) {
signal_PointXYZRGB->operator()(convertRGBDepthToPointXYZRGB(&colorBuffer[0], &depthBuffer[0]));
if (signal_PointXYZRGBA->num_slots() > 0) {
signal_PointXYZRGBA->operator()(convertRGBADepthToPointXYZRGBA(&colorBuffer[0], &depthBuffer[0]));
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr pcl::Kinect2Grabber::convertDepthToPointXYZ(UINT16* depthBuffer)
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud());
cloud->width = static_cast(depthWidth);
cloud->height = static_cast(depthHeight);
cloud->is_dense = false;
cloud->points.resize(cloud->height * cloud->width);
pcl::PointXYZ* pt = &cloud->points[0];
for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; x++, pt++) {
pcl::PointXYZ point;
DepthSpacePoint depthSpacePoint = { static_cast(x), static_cast(y) };
UINT16 depth = depthBuffer[y * depthWidth + x];
// Coordinate Mapping Depth to Camera Space, and Setting PointCloud XYZ
CameraSpacePoint cameraSpacePoint = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
mapper->MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(depthSpacePoint, depth, &cameraSpacePoint);
point.x = cameraSpacePoint.X;
point.y = cameraSpacePoint.Y;
point.z = cameraSpacePoint.Z;
*pt = point;
return cloud;
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr pcl::Kinect2Grabber::convertInfraredDepthToPointXYZI(UINT16* infraredBuffer, UINT16* depthBuffer)
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud());
cloud->width = static_cast(depthWidth);
cloud->height = static_cast(depthHeight);
cloud->is_dense = false;
cloud->points.resize(cloud->height * cloud->width);
pcl::PointXYZI* pt = &cloud->points[0];
for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; x++, pt++) {
pcl::PointXYZI point;
DepthSpacePoint depthSpacePoint = { static_cast(x), static_cast(y) };
UINT16 depth = depthBuffer[y * depthWidth + x];
// Setting PointCloud Intensity
point.intensity = static_cast(infraredBuffer[y * depthWidth + x]);
// Coordinate Mapping Depth to Camera Space, and Setting PointCloud XYZ
CameraSpacePoint cameraSpacePoint = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
mapper->MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(depthSpacePoint, depth, &cameraSpacePoint);
point.x = cameraSpacePoint.X;
point.y = cameraSpacePoint.Y;
point.z = cameraSpacePoint.Z;
*pt = point;
return cloud;
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr pcl::Kinect2Grabber::convertRGBDepthToPointXYZRGB(RGBQUAD* colorBuffer, UINT16* depthBuffer)
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud());
cloud->width = static_cast(depthWidth);
cloud->height = static_cast(depthHeight);
cloud->is_dense = false;
cloud->points.resize(cloud->height * cloud->width);
pcl::PointXYZRGB* pt = &cloud->points[0];
for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; x++, pt++) {
pcl::PointXYZRGB point;
DepthSpacePoint depthSpacePoint = { static_cast(x), static_cast(y) };
UINT16 depth = depthBuffer[y * depthWidth + x];
// Coordinate Mapping Depth to Color Space, and Setting PointCloud RGB
ColorSpacePoint colorSpacePoint = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
mapper->MapDepthPointToColorSpace(depthSpacePoint, depth, &colorSpacePoint);
int colorX = static_cast(std::floor(colorSpacePoint.X + 0.5f));
int colorY = static_cast(std::floor(colorSpacePoint.Y + 0.5f));
if ((0 <= colorX) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (0 <= colorY) && (colorY < colorHeight)) {
RGBQUAD color = colorBuffer[colorY * colorWidth + colorX];
point.b = color.rgbBlue;
point.g = color.rgbGreen;
point.r = color.rgbRed;
// Coordinate Mapping Depth to Camera Space, and Setting PointCloud XYZ
CameraSpacePoint cameraSpacePoint = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
mapper->MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(depthSpacePoint, depth, &cameraSpacePoint);
if ((0 <= colorX) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (0 <= colorY) && (colorY < colorHeight)) {
point.x = cameraSpacePoint.X;
point.y = cameraSpacePoint.Y;
point.z = cameraSpacePoint.Z;
*pt = point;
return cloud;
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr pcl::Kinect2Grabber::convertRGBADepthToPointXYZRGBA(RGBQUAD* colorBuffer, UINT16* depthBuffer)
pcl::PointCloud::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud());
cloud->width = static_cast(depthWidth);
cloud->height = static_cast(depthHeight);
cloud->is_dense = false;
cloud->points.resize(cloud->height * cloud->width);
pcl::PointXYZRGBA* pt = &cloud->points[0];
for (int y = 0; y < depthHeight; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < depthWidth; x++, pt++) {
pcl::PointXYZRGBA point;
DepthSpacePoint depthSpacePoint = { static_cast(x), static_cast(y) };
UINT16 depth = depthBuffer[y * depthWidth + x];
// Coordinate Mapping Depth to Color Space, and Setting PointCloud RGBA
ColorSpacePoint colorSpacePoint = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
mapper->MapDepthPointToColorSpace(depthSpacePoint, depth, &colorSpacePoint);
int colorX = static_cast(std::floor(colorSpacePoint.X + 0.5f));
int colorY = static_cast(std::floor(colorSpacePoint.Y + 0.5f));
if ((0 <= colorX) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (0 <= colorY) && (colorY < colorHeight)) {
RGBQUAD color = colorBuffer[colorY * colorWidth + colorX];
point.b = color.rgbBlue;
point.g = color.rgbGreen;
point.r = color.rgbRed;
point.a = color.rgbReserved;
// Coordinate Mapping Depth to Camera Space, and Setting PointCloud XYZ
CameraSpacePoint cameraSpacePoint = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
mapper->MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(depthSpacePoint, depth, &cameraSpacePoint);
if ((0 <= colorX) && (colorX < colorWidth) && (0 <= colorY) && (colorY < colorHeight)) {
point.x = cameraSpacePoint.X;
point.y = cameraSpacePoint.Y;
point.z = cameraSpacePoint.Z;
*pt = point;
return cloud;