在比赛中通过学习各路大神的kernel,同时在很多问题一知半解的情况下,查阅各种文献资料,我对NLP的文本分类有了一个大致的了解,分词,语言模型,词向量等有了初步认识。语言模型n-gram,预训练词向量word embedding,以及常用的lstm网络和GRU网络等等。文本预处理的各种方法,以及attention layer等模型方案。
import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)
import keras
import os
import os
import time
import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)
from tqdm import tqdm
import math
import gc
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, roc_auc_score
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
from keras.layers import Dense, Input, CuDNNLSTM, Embedding, Dropout, Activation, CuDNNGRU, Conv1D
from keras.layers import Bidirectional, MaxPooling1D, GlobalMaxPool1D, GlobalMaxPooling1D, GlobalAveragePooling1D
from keras.layers import Input, Embedding, Dense, Conv2D, MaxPool2D, concatenate
from keras.layers import Reshape, Flatten, Concatenate, Dropout, SpatialDropout1D, BatchNormalization, PReLU
from keras.optimizers import Adam
from keras.models import Model
from keras import backend as K
from keras.engine.topology import Layer
from keras import initializers, regularizers, constraints, optimizers, layers
from keras.layers import concatenate, add
from keras.callbacks import *
def clean_text(x):
puncts = [',', '.', '"', ':', ')', '(', '-', '!', '?', '|', ';', "'", '$', '&', '/', '[', ']', '>', '%', '=', '#', '*', '+', '\\', '•', '~', '@', '£',
'·', '_', '{', '}', '©', '^', '®', '`', '<', '→', '°', '€', '™', '›', '♥', '←', '×', '§', '″', '′', 'Â', '█', '½', 'à', '…',
'“', '★', '”', '–', '●', 'â', '►', '−', '¢', '²', '¬', '░', '¶', '↑', '±', '¿', '▾', '═', '¦', '║', '―', '¥', '▓', '—', '‹', '─',
'▒', ':', '¼', '⊕', '▼', '▪', '†', '■', '’', '▀', '¨', '▄', '♫', '☆', 'é', '¯', '♦', '¤', '▲', 'è', '¸', '¾', 'Ã', '⋅', '‘', '∞',
'∙', ')', '↓', '、', '│', '(', '»', ',', '♪', '╩', '╚', '³', '・', '╦', '╣', '╔', '╗', '▬', '❤', 'ï', 'Ø', '¹', '≤', '‡', '√', ]
x = str(x)
for punct in "/-'":
x = x.replace(punct, ' ')
for punct in '&':
x = x.replace(punct, f' {punct} ')
for punct in '?!.,"#$%\'()*+-/:;<=>@[\\]^_`{|}~' + '“”’':
x = x.replace(punct, '')
for punct in puncts:
x = x.replace(punct, f' {punct} ')
return x
import re
def clean_numbers(x):
x = re.sub('[0-9]{5,}', '#####', x)
x = re.sub('[0-9]{4}', '####', x)
x = re.sub('[0-9]{3}', '###', x)
x = re.sub('[0-9]{2}', '##', x)
return x
def _get_mispell(mispell_dict):
mispell_re = re.compile('(%s)' % '|'.join(mispell_dict.keys()))
return mispell_dict, mispell_re
mispell_dict = {'colour':'color','centre':'center','didnt':'did not','doesnt':'does not',
'isnt':'is not','shouldnt':'should not','favourite':'favorite','travelling':'traveling',
'organisation':'organization','wwii':'world war 2','citicise':'criticize','instagram': 'social medium',
'whatsapp': 'social medium','snapchat': 'social medium',"ain't": "is not",
"aren't": "are not","can't": "cannot", "'cause": "because", "could've": "could have",
"couldn't": "could not", "didn't": "did not", "doesn't": "does not", "don't": "do not",
"hadn't": "had not", "hasn't": "has not", "haven't": "have not", "he'd": "he would",
"he'll": "he will", "he's": "he is", "how'd": "how did", "how'd'y": "how do you",
"how'll": "how will", "how's": "how is", "I'd": "I would", "I'd've": "I would have",
"I'll": "I will", "I'll've": "I will have","I'm": "I am", "I've": "I have",
"i'd": "i would", "i'd've": "i would have", "i'll": "i will","i'll've": "i will have",
"i'm": "i am", "i've": "i have", "isn't": "is not", "it'd": "it would",
"it'd've": "it would have", "it'll": "it will", "it'll've": "it will have",
"it's": "it is","let's": "let us", "ma'am": "madam", "mayn't": "may not",
"might've": "might have","mightn't": "might not","mightn't've": "might not have",
"must've": "must have", "mustn't": "must not", "mustn't've": "must not have",
"needn't": "need not", "needn't've": "need not have","o'clock": "of the clock",
"oughtn't": "ought not","oughtn't've": "ought not have", "shan't": "shall not",
"sha'n't": "shall not","shan't've": "shall not have","she'd": "she would",
"she'd've": "she would have","she'll": "she will","she'll've": "she will have",
"she's": "she is","should've": "should have","shouldn't": "should not","shouldn't've": "should not have",
"so've": "so have","so's": "so as","this's": "this is","that'd": "that would", "that'd've": "that would have", "that's": "that is",
"there'd": "there would", "there'd've": "there would have", "there's": "there is",
"here's": "here is","they'd": "they would", "they'd've": "they would have",
"they'll": "they will", "they'll've": "they will have",
"they're": "they are", "they've": "they have", "to've": "to have",
"wasn't": "was not", "we'd": "we would", "we'd've": "we would have",
"we'll": "we will", "we'll've": "we will have", "we're": "we are",
"we've": "we have", "weren't": "were not", "what'll": "what will",
"what'll've": "what will have", "what're": "what are", "what's": "what is",
"what've": "what have", "when's": "when is", "when've": "when have",
"where'd": "where did", "where's": "where is", "where've": "where have",
"who'll": "who will", "who'll've": "who will have", "who's": "who is",
"who've": "who have", "why's": "why is", "why've": "why have",
"will've": "will have", "won't": "will not", "won't've": "will not have",
"would've": "would have", "wouldn't": "would not", "wouldn't've": "would not have",
"y'all": "you all", "y'all'd": "you all would","y'all'd've": "you all would have",
"y'all're": "you all are","y'all've": "you all have","you'd": "you would",
"you'd've": "you would have", "you'll": "you will", "you'll've": "you will have",
"you're": "you are", "you've": "you have", 'colour': 'color', 'centre': 'center',
'favourite': 'favorite', 'travelling': 'traveling', 'counselling': 'counseling',
'theatre': 'theater', 'cancelled': 'canceled', 'labour': 'labor',
'organisation': 'organization', 'wwii': 'world war 2', 'citicise': 'criticize',
'youtu ': 'youtube ', 'Qoura': 'Quora', 'sallary': 'salary', 'Whta': 'What',
'narcisist': 'narcissist', 'howdo': 'how do', 'whatare': 'what are',
'howcan': 'how can', 'howmuch': 'how much', 'howmany': 'how many', 'whydo': 'why do',
'doI': 'do I', 'theBest': 'the best', 'howdoes': 'how does',
'mastrubation': 'masturbation', 'mastrubate': 'masturbate',
"mastrubating": 'masturbating', 'pennis': 'penis', 'Etherium': 'Ethereum',
'narcissit': 'narcissist', 'bigdata': 'big data', '2k17': '2017', '2k18': '2018',
'qouta': 'quota', 'exboyfriend': 'ex boyfriend', 'airhostess': 'air hostess',
"whst": 'what', 'watsapp': 'whatsapp', 'demonitisation': 'demonetization',
'demonitization': 'demonetization', 'demonetisation': 'demonetization'
mispellings, mispellings_re = _get_mispell(mispell_dict)
def replace_typical_misspell(text):
def replace(match):
return mispellings[match.group(0)]
return mispellings_re.sub(replace, text)
train_df = pd.read_csv("../input/train.csv")
test_df = pd.read_csv("../input/test.csv")
print("Train shape : ",train_df.shape)
print("Test shape : ",test_df.shape)
embed_size = 300 #词向量维度
max_features = 95000 #设置词典大小
max_len = 70 #设置输入的长度
# lower
train_df['question_text'] = train_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x : x.lower())
test_df['question_text'] = test_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x : x.lower())
# clean the text
train_df["question_text"] = train_df["question_text"].apply(lambda x : clean_text(x))
test_df["question_text"] = test_df["question_text"].apply(lambda x : clean_text(x))
# clean numbers
train_df["question_text"] = train_df["question_text"].apply(lambda x: clean_numbers(x))
test_df["question_text"] = test_df["question_text"].apply(lambda x : clean_numbers(x))
# clean spellings
train_df['question_text'] = train_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: replace_typical_misspell(x))
test_df['question_text'] = test_df['question_text'].apply(lambda x: replace_typical_misspell(x))
# fill up the missing values
train_X = train_df['question_text'].fillna("_##_").values
test_X = test_df['question_text'].fillna("_##_").values
# tokenize the sentences
tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words = max_features)
train_X = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(train_X)
test_X = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(test_X)
# pad the sentences
train_X = pad_sequences(train_X, maxlen = max_len)
test_X = pad_sequences(test_X, maxlen = max_len)
# the target values
train_y = train_df['target'].values
trn_idx = np.random.permutation(len(train_X))
train_X = train_X[trn_idx]
train_y = train_y[trn_idx]
def load_glove(word_index):
# EMBEDDING_FILE = '../input/embeddings/glove.840B.300d/glove.840B.300d.txt'
EMBEDDING_FILE = 'J:/Code/kaggle/Quora_Insincere_Question_Classfication/glove.840B.300d/glove.840B.300d.txt'
def get_coefs(word,*arr): return word, np.asarray(arr, dtype='float32')
embeddings_index = dict(get_coefs(*o.split(" ")) for o in open(EMBEDDING_FILE, 'r', encoding = 'UTF-8'))
all_embs = np.stack(embeddings_index.values())
emb_mean,emb_std = all_embs.mean(), all_embs.std()
embed_size = all_embs.shape[1]
# word_index = tokenizer.word_index
nb_words = min(max_features, len(word_index))
embedding_matrix = np.random.normal(emb_mean, emb_std, (nb_words, embed_size))
for word, i in word_index.items():
if i >= max_features: continue
embedding_vector = embeddings_index.get(word)
if embedding_vector is not None: embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector
return embedding_matrix
def load_fasttext(word_index):
# EMBEDDING_FILE = '../input/embeddings/wiki-news-300d-1M/wiki-news-300d-1M.vec'
EMBEDDING_FILE = 'J:/Code/kaggle/Quora_Insincere_Question_Classfication/wiki-news-300d-1M/wiki-news-300d-1M.vec'
def get_coefs(word,*arr): return word, np.asarray(arr, dtype='float32')
embeddings_index = dict(get_coefs(*o.split(" ")) for o in open(EMBEDDING_FILE, 'r', encoding = 'UTF-8') if len(o)>100)
all_embs = np.stack(embeddings_index.values())
emb_mean,emb_std = all_embs.mean(), all_embs.std()
embed_size = all_embs.shape[1]
# word_index = tokenizer.word_index
nb_words = min(max_features, len(word_index))
embedding_matrix = np.random.normal(emb_mean, emb_std, (nb_words, embed_size))
for word, i in word_index.items():
if i >= max_features: continue
embedding_vector = embeddings_index.get(word)
if embedding_vector is not None: embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector
return embedding_matrix
def load_para(word_index):
# EMBEDDING_FILE = '../input/embeddings/paragram_300_sl999/paragram_300_sl999.txt'
EMBEDDING_FILE = 'J:/Code/kaggle/Quora_Insincere_Question_Classfication/paragram_300_sl999/paragram_300_sl999.txt'
def get_coefs(word,*arr): return word, np.asarray(arr, dtype='float32')
embeddings_index = dict(get_coefs(*o.split(" ")) for o in open(EMBEDDING_FILE, encoding="utf8", errors='ignore') if len(o)>100)
all_embs = np.stack(embeddings_index.values())
emb_mean,emb_std = all_embs.mean(), all_embs.std()
embed_size = all_embs.shape[1]
# word_index = tokenizer.word_index
nb_words = min(max_features, len(word_index))
embedding_matrix = np.random.normal(emb_mean, emb_std, (nb_words, embed_size))
for word, i in word_index.items():
if i >= max_features: continue
embedding_vector = embeddings_index.get(word)
if embedding_vector is not None: embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector
return embedding_matrix
class Attention(Layer):
def __init__(self, step_dim,
W_regularizer=None, b_regularizer=None,
W_constraint=None, b_constraint=None,
bias=True, **kwargs):
Keras Layer that implements an Attention mechanism for temporal data.
Supports Masking.
Follows the work of Raffel et al. [https://arxiv.org/abs/1512.08756]
# Input shape
3D tensor with shape: `(samples, steps, features)`.
# Output shape
2D tensor with shape: `(samples, features)`.
:param kwargs:
Just put it on top of an RNN Layer (GRU/LSTM/SimpleRNN) with return_sequences=True.
The dimensions are inferred based on the output shape of the RNN.
model.add(LSTM(64, return_sequences=True))
self.supports_masking = True
#self.init = initializations.get('glorot_uniform')
self.init = initializers.get('glorot_uniform')
self.W_regularizer = regularizers.get(W_regularizer)
self.b_regularizer = regularizers.get(b_regularizer)
self.W_constraint = constraints.get(W_constraint)
self.b_constraint = constraints.get(b_constraint)
self.bias = bias
self.step_dim = step_dim
self.features_dim = 0
super(Attention, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def build(self, input_shape):
assert len(input_shape) == 3
self.W = self.add_weight((input_shape[-1],),
self.features_dim = input_shape[-1]
if self.bias:
self.b = self.add_weight((input_shape[1],),
self.b = None
self.built = True
def compute_mask(self, input, input_mask=None):
# do not pass the mask to the next layers
return None
def call(self, x, mask=None):
# eij = K.dot(x, self.W) TF backend doesn't support it
# features_dim = self.W.shape[0]
# step_dim = x._keras_shape[1]
features_dim = self.features_dim
step_dim = self.step_dim
eij = K.reshape(K.dot(K.reshape(x, (-1, features_dim)), K.reshape(self.W, (features_dim, 1))), (-1, step_dim))
if self.bias:
eij += self.b
eij = K.tanh(eij)
a = K.exp(eij)
# apply mask after the exp. will be re-normalized next
if mask is not None:
# Cast the mask to floatX to avoid float64 upcasting in theano
a *= K.cast(mask, K.floatx())
# in some cases especially in the early stages of training the sum may be almost zero
a /= K.cast(K.sum(a, axis=1, keepdims=True) + K.epsilon(), K.floatx())
a = K.expand_dims(a)
weighted_input = x * a
#print weigthted_input.shape
return K.sum(weighted_input, axis=1)
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
#return input_shape[0], input_shape[-1]
return input_shape[0], self.features_dim
def squash(x, axis=-1):
# s_squared_norm is really small
# s_squared_norm = K.sum(K.square(x), axis, keepdims=True) + K.epsilon()
# scale = K.sqrt(s_squared_norm)/ (0.5 + s_squared_norm)
# return scale * x
s_squared_norm = K.sum(K.square(x), axis, keepdims=True)
scale = K.sqrt(s_squared_norm + K.epsilon())
return x / scale
# A Capsule Implement with Pure Keras
class Capsule(Layer):
def __init__(self, num_capsule, dim_capsule, routings=3, kernel_size=(9, 1), share_weights=True,
activation='default', **kwargs):
super(Capsule, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.num_capsule = num_capsule
self.dim_capsule = dim_capsule
self.routings = routings
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.share_weights = share_weights
if activation == 'default':
self.activation = squash
self.activation = Activation(activation)
def build(self, input_shape):
super(Capsule, self).build(input_shape)
input_dim_capsule = input_shape[-1]
if self.share_weights:
self.W = self.add_weight(name='capsule_kernel',
shape=(1, input_dim_capsule,
self.num_capsule * self.dim_capsule),
# shape=self.kernel_size,
input_num_capsule = input_shape[-2]
self.W = self.add_weight(name='capsule_kernel',
self.num_capsule * self.dim_capsule),
def call(self, u_vecs):
if self.share_weights:
u_hat_vecs = K.conv1d(u_vecs, self.W)
u_hat_vecs = K.local_conv1d(u_vecs, self.W, [1], [1])
batch_size = K.shape(u_vecs)[0]
input_num_capsule = K.shape(u_vecs)[1]
u_hat_vecs = K.reshape(u_hat_vecs, (batch_size, input_num_capsule,
self.num_capsule, self.dim_capsule))
u_hat_vecs = K.permute_dimensions(u_hat_vecs, (0, 2, 1, 3))
# final u_hat_vecs.shape = [None, num_capsule, input_num_capsule, dim_capsule]
b = K.zeros_like(u_hat_vecs[:, :, :, 0]) # shape = [None, num_capsule, input_num_capsule]
for i in range(self.routings):
b = K.permute_dimensions(b, (0, 2, 1)) # shape = [None, input_num_capsule, num_capsule]
c = K.softmax(b)
c = K.permute_dimensions(c, (0, 2, 1))
b = K.permute_dimensions(b, (0, 2, 1))
outputs = self.activation(tf.keras.backend.batch_dot(c, u_hat_vecs, [2, 2]))
if i < self.routings - 1:
b = tf.keras.backend.batch_dot(outputs, u_hat_vecs, [2, 3])
return outputs
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
return (None, self.num_capsule, self.dim_capsule)
def capsule():
inp = Input(shape=(maxlen,))
x = Embedding(max_features, embed_size, weights=[embedding_matrix], trainable=False)(inp)
x = SpatialDropout1D(rate=0.2)(x)
x = Bidirectional(CuDNNGRU(100, return_sequences=True,
kernel_initializer=initializers.glorot_normal(seed=12300), recurrent_initializer=initializers.orthogonal(gain=1.0, seed=10000)))(x)
x = Capsule(num_capsule=10, dim_capsule=10, routings=4, share_weights=True)(x)
x = Flatten()(x)
x = Dense(100, activation="relu", kernel_initializer=glorot_normal(seed=12300))(x)
x = Dropout(0.12)(x)
x = BatchNormalization()(x)
x = Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")(x)
model = Model(inputs=inp, outputs=x)
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=Adam(),)
return model
def f1_smart(y_true, y_pred):
args = np.argsort(y_pred)
tp = y_true.sum()
fs = (tp - np.cumsum(y_true[args[:-1]])) / np.arange(y_true.shape[0] + tp - 1, tp, -1)
res_idx = np.argmax(fs)
return 2 * fs[res_idx], (y_pred[args[res_idx]] + y_pred[args[res_idx + 1]]) / 2
def model_lstm_atten(embedding_matrix):
inp = Input(shape = (max_len,))
x = Embedding(max_features, embed_size, weights = [embedding_matrix], trainable = False)(inp)
x = SpatialDropout1D(0.1)(x)
x = Bidirectional(CuDNNLSTM(40, return_sequences = True))(x)
y = Bidirectional(CuDNNGRU(40, return_sequences = True))(x)
atten_1 = Attention(max_len)(x)
atten_2 = Attention(max_len)(y)
avg_pool = GlobalAveragePooling1D()(y)
max_pool = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(y)
conc = concatenate([atten_1, atten_2, avg_pool, max_pool])
conc = Dense(16, activation = "relu")(conc)
conc = Dropout(0.1)(conc)
outp = Dense(1, activation = "sigmoid")(conc)
model = Model(inputs = inp, outputs = outp)
model.compile(loss = 'binary_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', metrics = [f1])
return model
def model_atten_capsule(embedding_matrix):
inp_x = Input(shape = (max_len, ))
inp_features = Input(shape = (6, ))
x = Embedding(max_features,embed_size, weights = [embedding_matrix], trainable = False)(inp_x)
x = SpatialDropout1D(0.1)(x)
lstm = Bidirectional(CuDNNLSTM(60, return_sequences = True, kernel_initializer = initializers.glorot_normal(seed = 12300),
recurrent_initializer=initializers.orthogonal(gain=1.0, seed=10000)))(x)
gru = Bidirectional(CuDNNGRU(60, return_sequences = True, kernel_initializer = initializers.glorot_normal(seed = 12300),
recurrent_initializer=initializers.orthogonal(gain=1.0, seed=10000)))(lstm)
# x = Bidirectional(CuDNNLSTM(64, return_sequences = True))(x)
content3 = Capsule(num_capsule = 10, dim_capsule = 10, routings = 4, share_weights = True)(gru)
content3 = Dropout(0.1)(content3)
# content3 = Reshape(-1, )(content3)
content3 = Flatten()(content3)
content3 = Dense(1, activation = "relu", kernel_initializer=initializers.glorot_normal(seed=12300))(content3)
### 修改了content3
atten_lstm = Attention(max_len)(lstm)
atten_gru = Attention(max_len)(gru)
avg_pool = GlobalAveragePooling1D()(gru)
max_pool = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(gru)
conc = concatenate([atten_lstm, atten_gru, content3, avg_pool, max_pool, inp_features]) #
### 修改了dense
conc = Dense(16, activation = "relu", kernel_initializer=initializers.glorot_normal(seed=12300))(conc)
x = BatchNormalization()(conc)
x = Dropout(0.1)(x)
outp = Dense(1)(x)
model = Model(inputs = [inp_x, inp_features], outputs = outp)
model.compile(loss = 'binary_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', metrics = [f1])
return model
def model_cnn(embedding_matrix):
filter_sizes = [1, 2, 3, 5]
num_filters = 36
inp = Input(shape = (max_len,))
x = Embedding(max_features, embed_size, weights = [embedding_matrix])(inp)
x = Reshape((max_len, embed_size, 1))(x)
maxpool_pool = []
for i in range(len(filter_sizes)):
conv = Conv2D(num_filters, kernel_size = (filter_sizes[i], embed_size), kernel_initializer = 'he_normal', activation = 'elu')(x)
maxpool_pool.append(MaxPool2D(pool_size = (max_len - filter_sizes[i] + 1, 1))(conv))
z = Concatenate(axis = 1)(maxpool_pool)
z = Flatten()(z)
z = Dropout(0.1)(z)
outp = Dense(1, activation = "sigmoid")(z)
model = Model(inputs = inp, outputs = outp)
model.compile(loss = 'binary_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', metrics = ['accuracy'])
return model
def model_dpcnn(embedding_matrix):
filter_nr = 64
filter_size = 3
max_pool_size = 3
max_pool_strides = 2
dense_nr = 256
spatial_dropout = 0.1
dense_dropout = 0.2
train_embed = False
conv_kern_reg = regularizers.l2(0.00001)
conv_bias_reg = regularizers.l2(0.00001)
inp = Input(shape = (max_len, ))
emb_comment = Embedding(max_features, embed_size, weights = [embedding_matrix], trainable = False)(inp)
# emb_comment = SpatialDropout1D(0.1)(emb_comment)
block1 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(emb_comment)
block1 = BatchNormalization()(block1)
block1 = PReLU()(block1)
block1 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block1)
block1 = BatchNormalization()(block1)
block1 = PReLU()(block1)
#we pass embedded comment through conv1d with filter size 1 because it needs to have the same shape as block output
#if you choose filter_nr = embed_size (300 in this case) you don't have to do this part and can add emb_comment directly to block1_output
resize_emb = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = 1, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(emb_comment)
resize_emb = PReLU()(resize_emb)
block1_output = add([block1, resize_emb])
block1_output = MaxPooling1D(pool_size = max_pool_size, strides = max_pool_strides)(block1_output)
block2 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block1_output)
block2 = BatchNormalization()(block2)
block2 = PReLU()(block2)
block2 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block2)
block2 = BatchNormalization()(block2)
block2 = PReLU()(block2)
block2_output = add([block2, block1_output])
block2_output = MaxPooling1D(pool_size = max_pool_size, strides = max_pool_strides)(block2_output)
block3 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block2_output)
block3 = BatchNormalization()(block3)
block3 = PReLU()(block3)
block3 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block3)
block3 = BatchNormalization()(block3)
block3 = PReLU()(block3)
block3_output = add([block3, block2_output])
block3_output = MaxPooling1D(pool_size = max_pool_size, strides = max_pool_strides)(block3_output)
block4 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block3_output)
block4 = BatchNormalization()(block4)
block4 = PReLU()(block4)
block4 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block4)
block4 = BatchNormalization()(block4)
block4 = PReLU()(block4)
block4_output = add([block4, block3_output])
block4_output = MaxPooling1D(pool_size = max_pool_size, strides = max_pool_strides)(block4_output)
block5 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block4_output)
block5 = BatchNormalization()(block5)
block5 = PReLU()(block5)
block5 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block5)
block5 = BatchNormalization()(block5)
block5 = PReLU()(block5)
block5_output = add([block5, block4_output])
block5_output = MaxPooling1D(pool_size = max_pool_size, strides = max_pool_strides)(block5_output)
# #block6
# block6 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
# kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block5_output)
# block6 = BatchNormalization()(block6)
# block6 = PReLU()(block6)
# block6 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
# kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block6)
# block6 = BatchNormalization()(block6)
# block6 = PReLU()(block6)
# block6_output = add([block6, block5_output])
# block6_output = MaxPooling1D(pool_size = max_pool_size, strides = max_pool_strides)(block6_output)
block7 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block5_output)
block7 = BatchNormalization()(block7)
block7 = PReLU()(block7)
block7 = Conv1D(filter_nr, kernel_size = filter_size, padding = 'same', activation = 'linear',
kernel_regularizer = conv_kern_reg, bias_regularizer = conv_bias_reg)(block7)
block7 = BatchNormalization()(block7)
block7 = PReLU()(block7)
block7_output = add([block7, block5_output])
outp = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(block7_output)
# output = block7_output
outp = Dense(dense_nr, activation = 'linear')(outp)
outp = BatchNormalization()(outp)
outp = Dropout(0.1)(outp)
outp = Dense(1, activation = 'sigmoid')(outp)
model = Model(inputs = inp, outputs = outp)
model.compile(loss = 'binary_crossentropy',
optimizer = 'adam',
metrics = ['accuracy'])
return model
embedding_matrix_1 = load_glove(tokenizer.word_index)
# embedding_matrix_2 = load_fasttext(tokenizer.word_index)
embedding_matrix_3 = load_para(tokenizer.word_index)
embedding_matrix = np.mean([embedding_matrix_1, embedding_matrix_3], axis = 0)
# embedding_matrix = np.mean([embedding_matrix_1, embedding_matrix_2], axis = 0)
# np.shape(embedding_matrix)
del embedding_matrix_1, embedding_matrix_3
def threshold_search(y_true, y_prob):
best_thresh = 0
best_score = 0
for thresh in np.arange(0.1, 0.701, 0.01):
thresh = np.round(thresh, 2)
score = metrics.f1_score(y_true, (y_prob >= thresh).astype(int))
print("F1 score at threshold {} is {}".format(thresh, metrics.f1_score(y_true, (y_prob >= thresh).astype(int))))
if score > best_score :
best_score = score
best_thresh = thresh
return best_thresh
def train_pred(model, dev_X, dev_y, val_X, val_y, test_X, dev_features = None, val_features = None, epochs = None, callback = None):
if dev_features is None:
model.fit(dev_X, dev_y, batch_size = 512, epochs = epochs, validation_data = (val_X, val_y), callbacks = callback, verbose = 0)
pred_test_y_temp = model.predict(test_X, batch_size = 1024)
# pred_test_y_temp = model.predict(np.concatenate((test_X, test_features), axis = 1), batch_size = 1024)
model.fit([dev_X, dev_features], dev_y, batch_size = 512, epochs = epochs, validation_data = ([val_X, val_features], val_y), callbacks = callback, verbose = 0)
pred_test_y_temp = model.predict([test_X, test_features], batch_size = 1024)
return pred_test_y_temp
## ADDITION TRAIN lstm_atten
num_splits = 4
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits = num_splits, shuffle = True, random_state = 2333)
pred_test_y = 0
thresh_use = 0
val_score = 0
for dev_index, val_index in skf.split(train_X, train_y):
dev_X, val_X = train_X[dev_index, :], train_X[val_index,:]
dev_y, val_y = train_y[dev_index], train_y[val_index]
# dev_features, val_features = train_features[dev_index, :], train_features[val_index, :]
model = model_lstm_atten(embedding_matrix)
pred_test_y_temp = train_pred(model, dev_X, dev_y, val_X, val_y, test_X, dev_features = None, val_features = None, epochs = 2, callback = [clr,])
pred_val_y = model.predict(val_X, batch_size = 1024)
best_thresh = threshold_search(val_y, pred_val_y)
val_score_temp = metrics.f1_score(val_y, (pred_val_y > best_thresh).astype(int))
print("val temp best f1 score is {0} and best thresh is {1}".format(val_score_temp, best_thresh))
thresh_use += best_thresh
pred_test_y += pred_test_y_temp
val_score += val_score_temp
pred_test_y /= num_splits
thresh_use /= num_splits
val_score /= num_splits
output.append([pred_test_y, thresh_use, val_score, 'lstm atten glove+para'])
sub = pd.read_csv('../input/sample_submission.csv')
sub.prediction = (pred_test_y > thresh_use).astype(int)
sub.to_csv("submission.csv", index=False)