
参考插件为AVPro Video 1.8.2 - 跨平台的播放视频插件



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using RenderHeads.Media.AVProVideo;
using DG.Tweening;

public class VideoGuide : BaseUI
    private MediaPlayer _videoPlayer;
    private BT_Data_Guide _guideData;
    public DisplayUGUI videoUI;
    public GameObject closeBtn;
    public Text info;
    public Text textBtn;
    public Text title;
    private int _currentIndex = 0;

    public override void Init()
        UIEventListener.Get(closeBtn).onClick += OnClose;
        _videoPlayer = GameObject.Find("AVPro Media Player").GetComponent();
        videoUI._mediaPlayer = _videoPlayer;
        title.text = LanguageManager.GetValue("game_help_title");

    private void OnClose(GameObject obj)
        _currentIndex += 1;
        int sub = _guideData.VideoWindow.Count - _currentIndex;
        if(sub == 0)
            hasLoad = false;
            _currentIndex = 0;
        hasLoad = false;

    public void InitData(BT_Data_Guide guideData)
        _guideData = guideData;
        this.mainObj.transform.localScale = Vector3.zero;

        this.mainObj.transform.DOScale(Vector3.one, 0.4f).SetEase(Ease.OutBack).OnComplete(() =>

    private void InitUI()
        if(closeBtn.activeSelf) closeBtn.SetActive(false);
        int sub = _guideData.VideoWindow.Count - _currentIndex;
        if (sub == 0) return;
        textBtn.text = sub > 1 ? LanguageManager.GetValue("guilde_button_NEXT") : LanguageManager.GetValue("guilde_button_OK");
        info.text = LanguageManager.GetValue(_guideData.VideoWindowDes[_currentIndex]);
        _videoPlayer.InitPath(string.Format("AVProVideoSamples/{0}.mp4", _guideData.VideoWindow[_currentIndex]));

    IEnumerator Wait(float t)
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(t);

    private bool hasLoad = false;
    private void Update()
        if (_videoPlayer.CanPlay() && !hasLoad)
            hasLoad = true;

    public override void Hide()
        this.mainObj.transform.DOScale(Vector3.zero, 0.2f).SetEase(Ease.Flash).OnComplete(() =>


//#define AVPROVIDEO_BETA_SUPPORT_TIMESCALE        // BETA FEATURE: comment this in if you want to support frame stepping based on changes in Time.timeScale or Time.captureFramerate
//#define AVPROVIDEO_FORCE_NULL_MEDIAPLAYER        // DEV FEATURE: comment this out to make all mediaplayers use the null mediaplayer
//#define AVPROVIDEO_DEBUG_DISPLAY_EVENTS        // DEV FEATURE: show event logs in the gui display
//#define AVPROVIDEO_DISABLE_LOGGING            // DEV FEATURE: disables Debug.Log from AVPro Video
    #define REAL_ANDROID
#if UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER || (UNITY_5 && !UNITY_5_0)

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Windows.Storage.Streams;

// Copyright 2015-2018 RenderHeads Ltd.  All rights reserverd.

namespace RenderHeads.Media.AVProVideo

    /// This is the primary AVPro Video component and handles all media loading,
    /// seeking, information retrieving etc.  This component does not do any display
    /// of the video.  Instead this is handled by other components such as
    /// ApplyToMesh, ApplyToMaterial, DisplayIMGUI, DisplayUGUI.

    [AddComponentMenu("AVPro Video/Media Player", -100)]
    public class MediaPlayer : MonoBehaviour
        // These fields are just used to setup the default properties for a new video that is about to be loaded
        // Once a video has been loaded you should use the interfaces exposed in the properties to
        // change playback properties (eg volume, looping, mute)
        public FileLocation m_VideoLocation = FileLocation.RelativeToStreamingAssetsFolder;

        public string m_VideoPath;

        public bool m_AutoOpen = false;
        public bool m_AutoStart = false;
        public bool m_Loop = false;

        [Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
        public float m_Volume = 1.0f;

        [Range(-1.0f, 1.0f)]
        private float m_Balance = 0.0f;

        public bool m_Muted = false;

        [Range(-4.0f, 4.0f)]
        public float m_PlaybackRate = 1.0f;

        public bool m_Resample = false;
        public Resampler.ResampleMode m_ResampleMode = Resampler.ResampleMode.POINT;

        [Range(3, 10)]
        public int m_ResampleBufferSize = 5;
        private Resampler m_Resampler = null;

        public Resampler FrameResampler
            get { return m_Resampler; }

        public class Setup
            public bool displayDebugGUI;
            public bool persistent;

        // Component Properties
        private bool m_DebugGui = false;

        private bool m_DebugGuiControls = true;

        private bool m_Persistent = false;

        public bool DisplayDebugGUI
            get { return m_DebugGui; }
            set { m_DebugGui = value; }

        public bool DisplayDebugGUIControls
            get { return m_DebugGuiControls; }
            set { m_DebugGuiControls = value; }

        public bool Persistent
            get { return m_Persistent; }
            set { m_Persistent = value; }

        public StereoPacking m_StereoPacking = StereoPacking.None;

        public AlphaPacking m_AlphaPacking = AlphaPacking.None;

        public bool m_DisplayDebugStereoColorTint = false;

        public FilterMode m_FilterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;

        public TextureWrapMode m_WrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;

        [Range(0, 16)]
        public int m_AnisoLevel = 0;

        private bool m_LoadSubtitles;

        private FileLocation m_SubtitleLocation = FileLocation.RelativeToStreamingAssetsFolder;
        private FileLocation m_queueSubtitleLocation;

        private string m_SubtitlePath;
        private string m_queueSubtitlePath;
        private Coroutine m_loadSubtitlesRoutine;

        private Transform m_AudioHeadTransform;
        private bool m_AudioFocusEnabled;
        private Transform m_AudioFocusTransform;
        [SerializeField, Range(40, 120)]
        private float m_AudioFocusWidthDegrees = 90;
        [SerializeField, Range(-24, 0)]
        private float m_AudioFocusOffLevelDB = 0;

        private MediaPlayerEvent m_events;

        private IMediaControl m_Control;
        private IMediaProducer m_Texture;
        private IMediaInfo m_Info;
        private IMediaPlayer m_Player;
        private IMediaSubtitles m_Subtitles;
        private System.IDisposable m_Dispose;

        // State
        private bool m_VideoOpened = false;
        private bool m_AutoStartTriggered = false;
        private bool m_WasPlayingOnPause = false;
        private Coroutine _renderingCoroutine = null;

        // Debug GUI
        private const int s_GuiDepth = -1000;
        private const float s_GuiScale = 1.5f;
        private const int s_GuiStartWidth = 10;
        private const int s_GuiWidth = 180;
        private int m_GuiPositionX = s_GuiStartWidth;

        // Global init
        private static bool s_GlobalStartup = false;

        // Event state
        private bool m_EventFired_ReadyToPlay = false;
        private bool m_EventFired_Started = false;
        private bool m_EventFired_FirstFrameReady = false;
        private bool m_EventFired_FinishedPlaying = false;
        private bool m_EventFired_MetaDataReady = false;
        private bool m_EventState_PlaybackStalled = false;
        private bool m_EventState_PlaybackBuffering = false;
        private bool m_EventState_PlaybackSeeking = false;
        private int m_EventState_PreviousWidth = 0;
        private int m_EventState_PreviousHeight = 0;
        private int m_previousSubtitleIndex = -1;

        private static Camera m_DummyCamera = null;
        private bool m_FinishedFrameOpenCheck = false;

        private uint m_sourceSampleRate = 0;
        private uint m_sourceChannels = 0;
        private bool m_manuallySetAudioSourceProperties = false;

        public enum FileLocation
            // TODO: Resource, AssetBundle?

        public class PlatformOptions
            public bool overridePath = false;
            public FileLocation pathLocation = FileLocation.RelativeToStreamingAssetsFolder;
            public string path;

            public virtual bool IsModified()
                return overridePath;     // The other variables don't matter if overridePath is false

        public class OptionsWindows : PlatformOptions
            public Windows.VideoApi videoApi = Windows.VideoApi.MediaFoundation;
            public bool useHardwareDecoding = true;
            public bool useUnityAudio = false;
            public bool forceAudioResample = true;
            public bool useTextureMips = false;
            public bool hintAlphaChannel = false;
            public bool useLowLatency = false;
            public string forceAudioOutputDeviceName = string.Empty;
            public List preferredFilters = new List();
            public bool enableAudio360 = false;
            public Audio360ChannelMode audio360ChannelMode = Audio360ChannelMode.TBE_8_2;

            public override bool IsModified()
                return (base.IsModified() || !useHardwareDecoding || useTextureMips || hintAlphaChannel || useLowLatency || useUnityAudio || videoApi != Windows.VideoApi.MediaFoundation || !forceAudioResample || enableAudio360 || audio360ChannelMode != Audio360ChannelMode.TBE_8_2 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(forceAudioOutputDeviceName) || preferredFilters.Count != 0);

        public class OptionsMacOSX : PlatformOptions
            public string httpHeaderJson = null;

            public override bool IsModified()
                return (base.IsModified() || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpHeaderJson));
        public class OptionsIOS : PlatformOptions
            public bool useYpCbCr420Textures = true;

            public string httpHeaderJson = null;

            public override bool IsModified()
                return (base.IsModified() || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpHeaderJson) || !useYpCbCr420Textures);
        public class OptionsTVOS : PlatformOptions
            public bool useYpCbCr420Textures = true;

            public string httpHeaderJson = null;

            public override bool IsModified()
                return (base.IsModified() || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpHeaderJson) || !useYpCbCr420Textures);

        public class OptionsAndroid : PlatformOptions
            public Android.VideoApi videoApi = Android.VideoApi.MediaPlayer;
            public bool useFastOesPath = false;
            public bool showPosterFrame = false;
            public bool enableAudio360 = false;
            public Audio360ChannelMode audio360ChannelMode = Audio360ChannelMode.TBE_8_2;

            public string httpHeaderJson = null;

            [SerializeField, Tooltip("Byte offset into the file where the media file is located.  This is useful when hiding or packing media files within another file.")]
            public int fileOffset = 0;

            public override bool IsModified()
                return (base.IsModified() || fileOffset != 0 || useFastOesPath || showPosterFrame || videoApi != Android.VideoApi.MediaPlayer || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(httpHeaderJson) || enableAudio360 || audio360ChannelMode != Audio360ChannelMode.TBE_8_2);
        public class OptionsWindowsPhone : PlatformOptions
            public bool useHardwareDecoding = true;
            public bool useUnityAudio = false;
            public bool forceAudioResample = true;
            public bool useTextureMips = false;
            public bool useLowLatency = false;

            public override bool IsModified()
                return (base.IsModified() || !useHardwareDecoding || useTextureMips || useLowLatency || useUnityAudio || !forceAudioResample);
        public class OptionsWindowsUWP : PlatformOptions
            public bool useHardwareDecoding = true;
            public bool useUnityAudio = false;
            public bool forceAudioResample = true;
            public bool useTextureMips = false;
            public bool useLowLatency = false;

            public override bool IsModified()
                return (base.IsModified() || !useHardwareDecoding || useTextureMips || useLowLatency || useUnityAudio || !forceAudioResample);
        public class OptionsWebGL : PlatformOptions

        public class OptionsPS4 : PlatformOptions


        public delegate void ProcessExtractedFrame(Texture2D extractedFrame);

        // TODO: move these to a Setup object
        private OptionsWindows _optionsWindows = new OptionsWindows();
        private OptionsMacOSX _optionsMacOSX = new OptionsMacOSX();
        private OptionsIOS _optionsIOS = new OptionsIOS();
        private OptionsTVOS _optionsTVOS = new OptionsTVOS();
        private OptionsAndroid _optionsAndroid = new OptionsAndroid();
        private OptionsWindowsPhone _optionsWindowsPhone = new OptionsWindowsPhone();
        private OptionsWindowsUWP _optionsWindowsUWP = new OptionsWindowsUWP();
        private OptionsWebGL _optionsWebGL = new OptionsWebGL();
        private OptionsPS4 _optionsPS4 = new OptionsPS4();


        /// Properties

        public IMediaInfo Info
            get { return m_Info; }
        public IMediaControl Control
            get { return m_Control; }

        public IMediaPlayer Player
            get { return m_Player; }

        public virtual IMediaProducer TextureProducer
            get { return m_Texture; }

        public virtual IMediaSubtitles Subtitles
            get { return m_Subtitles; }

        public MediaPlayerEvent Events
                if (m_events == null)
                    m_events = new MediaPlayerEvent();
                return m_events;

        public bool VideoOpened
            get { return m_VideoOpened; }

        public Transform AudioHeadTransform { set { m_AudioHeadTransform = value; }    get { return m_AudioHeadTransform; } }
        public bool AudioFocusEnabled { get { return m_AudioFocusEnabled; } set { m_AudioFocusEnabled = value; } }
        public float AudioFocusOffLevelDB { get { return m_AudioFocusOffLevelDB; } set { m_AudioFocusOffLevelDB = value; } }
        public float AudioFocusWidthDegrees { get { return m_AudioFocusWidthDegrees; } set { m_AudioFocusWidthDegrees = value; } }
        public Transform AudioFocusTransform { get { return m_AudioFocusTransform; } set { m_AudioFocusTransform = value; } }

        public OptionsWindows PlatformOptionsWindows { get { return _optionsWindows; } }
        public OptionsMacOSX PlatformOptionsMacOSX { get { return _optionsMacOSX; } }
        public OptionsIOS PlatformOptionsIOS { get { return _optionsIOS; } }
        public OptionsTVOS PlatformOptionsTVOS { get { return _optionsTVOS; } }
        public OptionsAndroid PlatformOptionsAndroid { get { return _optionsAndroid; } }
        public OptionsWindowsPhone PlatformOptionsWindowsPhone { get { return _optionsWindowsPhone; } }
        public OptionsWindowsUWP PlatformOptionsWindowsUWP { get { return _optionsWindowsUWP; } }
        public OptionsWebGL PlatformOptionsWebGL { get { return _optionsWebGL; } }
        public OptionsPS4 PlatformOptionsPS4 { get { return _optionsPS4; } }


        /// Methods

        void Awake()
            if (m_Persistent)
                // TODO: set "this.transform.root.gameObject" to also DontDestroyOnLoad?

        protected void Initialise()
            BaseMediaPlayer mediaPlayer = CreatePlatformMediaPlayer();
            if (mediaPlayer != null)
                // Set-up interface
                m_Control = mediaPlayer;
                m_Texture = mediaPlayer;
                m_Info = mediaPlayer;
                m_Player = mediaPlayer;
                m_Subtitles = mediaPlayer;
                m_Dispose = mediaPlayer;

                if (!s_GlobalStartup)
                    Helper.LogInfo(string.Format("Initialising AVPro Video (script v{0} plugin v{1}) on {2}/{3} (MT {4}) on {5}", Helper.ScriptVersion, mediaPlayer.GetVersion(), SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName, SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion, SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded, Application.platform));
                    Helper.LogInfo(string.Format("Initialising AVPro Video (script v{0} plugin v{1}) on {2}/{3} on {4}", Helper.ScriptVersion, mediaPlayer.GetVersion(), SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName, SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion, Application.platform));

                    Debug.LogWarning("[AVProVideo] TimeScale support used.  This could affect performance when changing Time.timeScale or Time.captureFramerate.  This feature is useful for supporting video capture system that adjust time scale during capturing.");

                    // NOte: WE've removed this minor optimisation until Daydream support is more offical..
                    // It seems to work with the official release, but in 5.6beta UNITY_HAS_GOOGLEVR is always defined
                    // even for GearVR, which causes a problem as it doesn't use the same stereo eye determination method

                    // TODO: add iOS support for this once Unity supports it
                    //Helper.LogInfo("Enabling Google Daydream support");

                    s_GlobalStartup = true;

        void Start()
            m_Resample = false;

            if (m_Control == null)

            //if (m_Control != null)
            //    if (m_AutoOpen)
            //    {
            //        OpenVideoFromFile();

            //        if (m_LoadSubtitles && m_Subtitles != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SubtitlePath))
            //        {
            //            EnableSubtitles(m_SubtitleLocation, m_SubtitlePath);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    StartRenderCoroutine();

        public bool CanPlay()
            return m_Control.CanPlay();

        public bool InitPath(string path)
            m_VideoPath = path;
            bool result = false;
            // Open the video file
            if (m_Control != null)

                m_VideoOpened = true;
                m_AutoStartTriggered = !m_AutoStart;
                m_FinishedFrameOpenCheck = true;

                // Potentially override the file location
                long fileOffset = GetPlatformFileOffset();
                string fullPath = GetPlatformFilePath(GetPlatform(), ref m_VideoPath, ref m_VideoLocation);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_VideoPath))
                    string httpHeaderJson = null;

                    bool checkForFileExist = true;
                    if (fullPath.Contains("://"))
                        checkForFileExist = false;
                        httpHeaderJson = GetPlatformHttpHeaderJson();
                        // TODO: validate the above JSON
                    checkForFileExist = false;

                    if (checkForFileExist && !System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath))
                        Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] File not found: " + fullPath, this);
                        Helper.LogInfo("Opening " + fullPath + " (offset " + fileOffset + ")", this);

                        if (_optionsWindows.enableAudio360)
                        if (!m_Control.OpenVideoFromFile(fullPath, fileOffset, httpHeaderJson, m_manuallySetAudioSourceProperties ? m_sourceSampleRate : 0,
                            m_manuallySetAudioSourceProperties ? m_sourceChannels : 0))
                            Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Failed to open " + fullPath, this);
                            result = true;
                    Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] No file path specified", this);
            return result;

        public bool OpenVideoFromFile(FileLocation location, string path, bool autoPlay = true)
            m_VideoLocation = location;
            m_VideoPath = path;
            m_AutoStart = autoPlay;

            if (m_Control == null)

            return OpenVideoFromFile();

        public bool OpenVideoFromBuffer(byte[] buffer, bool autoPlay = true)
            m_VideoLocation = FileLocation.AbsolutePathOrURL;
            m_VideoPath = "buffer";
            m_AutoStart = autoPlay;

            if (m_Control == null)

            return OpenVideoFromBufferInternal(buffer);

        public bool StartOpenChunkedVideoFromBuffer(ulong length, bool autoPlay = true)
            m_VideoLocation = FileLocation.AbsolutePathOrURL;
            m_VideoPath = "buffer";
            m_AutoStart = autoPlay;

            if (m_Control == null)

            return StartOpenVideoFromBufferInternal(length);

        public bool AddChunkToVideoBuffer(byte[] chunk, ulong offset, ulong chunkSize)
            return AddChunkToBufferInternal(chunk, offset, chunkSize);

        public bool EndOpenChunkedVideoFromBuffer()
            return EndOpenVideoFromBufferInternal();

        public bool OpenVideoFromStream(IRandomAccessStream ras, string path, bool autoPlay = true)
            m_VideoLocation = FileLocation.AbsolutePathOrURL;
            m_VideoPath = path;
            m_AutoStart = autoPlay;

            if (m_Control == null)

            return OpenVideoFromStream(ras);

        public bool SubtitlesEnabled
            get { return m_LoadSubtitles; }

        public string SubtitlePath
            get { return m_SubtitlePath; }

        public FileLocation SubtitleLocation
            get { return m_SubtitleLocation; }

        public bool EnableSubtitles(FileLocation fileLocation, string filePath)
            bool result = false;
            if (m_Subtitles != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                    string fullPath = GetPlatformFilePath(GetPlatform(), ref filePath, ref fileLocation);

                    bool checkForFileExist = true;
                    if (fullPath.Contains("://"))
                        checkForFileExist = false;
                    checkForFileExist = false;

                    if (checkForFileExist && !System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath))
                        Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Subtitle file not found: " + fullPath, this);
                        Helper.LogInfo("Opening subtitles " + fullPath, this);

                        m_previousSubtitleIndex = -1;

                            if (fullPath.Contains("://"))
                                // Use coroutine and WWW class for loading
                                if (m_loadSubtitlesRoutine != null)
                                    m_loadSubtitlesRoutine = null;
                                m_loadSubtitlesRoutine = StartCoroutine(LoadSubtitlesCoroutine(fullPath, fileLocation, filePath));
                                // Load directly from file
                                string subtitleData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fullPath);
                                if (m_Subtitles.LoadSubtitlesSRT(subtitleData))
                                    m_SubtitleLocation = fileLocation;
                                    m_SubtitlePath = filePath;
                                    m_LoadSubtitles = false;
                                    result = true;
                                    Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Failed to load subtitles" + fullPath, this);

                        catch (System.Exception e)
                            Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Failed to load subtitles " + fullPath, this);
                            Debug.LogException(e, this);
                    Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] No subtitle file path specified", this);
                m_queueSubtitleLocation = fileLocation;
                m_queueSubtitlePath = filePath;

            return result;

        private IEnumerator LoadSubtitlesCoroutine(string url, FileLocation fileLocation, string filePath)
            WWW www = new WWW(url);

            yield return www;

            string subtitleData = string.Empty;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error))
                subtitleData = www.text;
                Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Error loading subtitles '" + www.error + "' from " + url);

            if (m_Subtitles.LoadSubtitlesSRT(subtitleData))
                m_SubtitleLocation = fileLocation;
                m_SubtitlePath = filePath;
                m_LoadSubtitles = false;
                Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Failed to load subtitles" + url, this);

            m_loadSubtitlesRoutine = null;

        public void DisableSubtitles()
            if (m_loadSubtitlesRoutine != null)
                m_loadSubtitlesRoutine = null;

            if (m_Subtitles != null)
                m_previousSubtitleIndex = -1;
                m_LoadSubtitles = false;
                m_queueSubtitlePath = string.Empty;

        private bool OpenVideoFromBufferInternal(byte[] buffer)
            bool result = false;
            // Open the video file
            if (m_Control != null)

                m_VideoOpened = true;
                m_AutoStartTriggered = !m_AutoStart;

                Helper.LogInfo("Opening buffer of length " + buffer.Length, this);

                if (!m_Control.OpenVideoFromBuffer(buffer))
                    Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Failed to open buffer", this);
                    if (GetCurrentPlatformOptions() != PlatformOptionsWindows || PlatformOptionsWindows.videoApi != Windows.VideoApi.DirectShow)
                        Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Loading from buffer is currently only supported in Windows when using the DirectShow API");
                    result = true;
            return result;

        private bool StartOpenVideoFromBufferInternal(ulong length)
            bool result = false;
            // Open the video file
            if (m_Control != null)

                m_VideoOpened = true;
                m_AutoStartTriggered = !m_AutoStart;

                Helper.LogInfo("Starting Opening buffer of length " + length, this);

                if (!m_Control.StartOpenVideoFromBuffer(length))
                    Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Failed to start open video from buffer", this);
                    if (GetCurrentPlatformOptions() != PlatformOptionsWindows || PlatformOptionsWindows.videoApi != Windows.VideoApi.DirectShow)
                        Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Loading from buffer is currently only supported in Windows when using the DirectShow API");
                    result = true;
            return result;

        private bool AddChunkToBufferInternal(byte[] chunk, ulong offset, ulong chunkSize)
            if(Control != null)
                return Control.AddChunkToVideoBuffer(chunk, offset, chunkSize);

            return false;

        private bool EndOpenVideoFromBufferInternal()
            if(Control != null)
                return Control.EndOpenVideoFromBuffer();

            return false;

        private bool OpenVideoFromFile()
            bool result = false;
            // Open the video file
            if (m_Control != null)

                m_VideoOpened = true;
                m_AutoStartTriggered = !m_AutoStart;
                m_FinishedFrameOpenCheck = true;

                // Potentially override the file location
                long fileOffset = GetPlatformFileOffset();
                string fullPath = GetPlatformFilePath(GetPlatform(), ref m_VideoPath, ref m_VideoLocation);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_VideoPath))
                    string httpHeaderJson = null;

                    bool checkForFileExist = true;
                    if (fullPath.Contains("://"))
                        checkForFileExist = false;
                        httpHeaderJson = GetPlatformHttpHeaderJson();
                        // TODO: validate the above JSON
                    checkForFileExist = false;

                    if (checkForFileExist && !System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath))
                        Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] File not found: " + fullPath, this);
                        Helper.LogInfo("Opening " + fullPath + " (offset " + fileOffset + ")", this);

                        if (_optionsWindows.enableAudio360)
                        if (!m_Control.OpenVideoFromFile(fullPath, fileOffset, httpHeaderJson, m_manuallySetAudioSourceProperties ? m_sourceSampleRate : 0,
                            m_manuallySetAudioSourceProperties ? m_sourceChannels : 0))
                            Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Failed to open " + fullPath, this);
                            result = true;
                    Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] No file path specified", this);
            return result;

        private bool OpenVideoFromStream(IRandomAccessStream ras)
            bool result = false;
            // Open the video file
            if (m_Control != null)

                m_VideoOpened = true;
                m_AutoStartTriggered = !m_AutoStart;

                // Potentially override the file location
                long fileOffset = GetPlatformFileOffset();

                if (!m_Control.OpenVideoFromFile(ras, m_VideoPath, fileOffset, null, m_manuallySetAudioSourceProperties ? m_sourceSampleRate : 0, 
                    m_manuallySetAudioSourceProperties ? m_sourceChannels : 0))
                    Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Failed to open " + m_VideoPath, this);
                    result = true;
            return result;

        private void SetPlaybackOptions()
            // Set playback options
            if (m_Control != null)
                m_Control.SetTextureProperties(m_FilterMode, m_WrapMode, m_AnisoLevel);

        public void CloseVideo()
            // Close the video file
            if( m_Control != null )
                if (m_events != null && m_VideoOpened)
                    m_events.Invoke(this, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.Closing, ErrorCode.None);

                m_AutoStartTriggered = false;
                m_VideoOpened = false;
                m_EventFired_MetaDataReady = false;
                m_EventFired_ReadyToPlay = false;
                m_EventFired_Started = false;
                m_EventFired_FirstFrameReady = false;
                m_EventFired_FinishedPlaying = false;
                m_EventState_PlaybackBuffering = false;
                m_EventState_PlaybackSeeking = false;
                m_EventState_PlaybackStalled = false;
                m_EventState_PreviousWidth = 0;
                m_EventState_PreviousHeight = 0;

                if (m_loadSubtitlesRoutine != null)
                    m_loadSubtitlesRoutine = null;
                m_previousSubtitleIndex = -1;


            if (m_Resampler != null)


        public void Play()
            if (m_Control != null && m_Control.CanPlay())

                // Mark this event as done because it's irrelevant once playback starts
                m_EventFired_ReadyToPlay = true;
                // Can't play, perhaps it's still loading?  Queuing play using m_AutoStart to play after loading
                m_AutoStart = true;

        public void Pause()
            if (m_Control != null && m_Control.IsPlaying())
            _timeScaleIsControlling = false;

        public void Stop()
            if (m_Control != null)
            _timeScaleIsControlling = false;

        public void Rewind(bool pause)
            if (m_Control != null)
                if (pause)

        void Update()
            // Auto start the playback
            if (m_Control != null)
                if (m_VideoOpened && m_AutoStart && !m_AutoStartTriggered && m_Control.CanPlay())
                    m_AutoStartTriggered = true;

                if (_renderingCoroutine == null && m_Control.CanPlay())

                if (m_Subtitles != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_queueSubtitlePath))
                    EnableSubtitles(m_queueSubtitleLocation, m_queueSubtitlePath);
                    m_queueSubtitlePath = string.Empty;


                // Update

                // Render (done in co-routine)


        private void LateUpdate()
            if (m_Resample)
                if (m_Resampler == null)
                    m_Resampler = new Resampler(this, gameObject.name, m_ResampleBufferSize, m_ResampleMode);
            m_Resample = false;

            if (m_Resampler != null)

        void OnEnable()
            if (m_Control != null && m_WasPlayingOnPause)
                m_AutoStart = true;
                m_AutoStartTriggered = false;
                m_WasPlayingOnPause = false;

            if(m_Player != null)


        void OnDisable()
            if (m_Control != null)
                if (m_Control.IsPlaying())
                    m_WasPlayingOnPause = true;


        void OnDestroy()

            if (m_Dispose != null)
                m_Dispose = null;
            m_Control = null;
            m_Texture = null;
            m_Info = null;
            m_Player = null;

            if(m_Resampler != null)
                m_Resampler = null;

            // TODO: possible bug if MediaPlayers are created and destroyed manually (instantiated), OnApplicationQuit won't be called!

        void OnApplicationQuit()
            if (s_GlobalStartup)

                // Clean up any open media players
                MediaPlayer[] players = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll();
                if (players != null && players.Length > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++)

                s_GlobalStartup = false;

#region Rendering Coroutine

        private void StartRenderCoroutine()
            if (_renderingCoroutine == null)
                // Use the method instead of the method name string to prevent garbage
                _renderingCoroutine = StartCoroutine(FinalRenderCapture());

        private void StopRenderCoroutine()
            if (_renderingCoroutine != null)
                _renderingCoroutine = null;

        private IEnumerator FinalRenderCapture()
            // Preallocate the YieldInstruction to prevent garbage
            YieldInstruction wait = new WaitForEndOfFrame();
            while (Application.isPlaying)
                // NOTE: in editor, if the game view isn't visible then WaitForEndOfFrame will never complete
                yield return wait;

                if (this.enabled)
                    if (m_Player != null)

#region Platform and Path
        public static Platform GetPlatform()
            Platform result = Platform.Unknown;

            // Setup for running in the editor (Either OSX, Windows or Linux)
            result = Platform.MacOSX;
            result = Platform.Windows;
            // Setup for running builds
            result = Platform.Windows;
            result = Platform.MacOSX;
            result = Platform.iOS;
#elif (UNITY_TVOS)
            result = Platform.tvOS;
            result = Platform.Android;
#elif (UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_WP81 || UNITY_WINRT_8_1)
            result = Platform.WindowsPhone;
#elif (UNITY_WSA_10_0)
            result = Platform.WindowsUWP;
            result = Platform.WebGL;
#elif (UNITY_PS4)
            result = Platform.PS4;

            return result;

        public PlatformOptions GetCurrentPlatformOptions()
            PlatformOptions result = null;

            result = _optionsMacOSX;
            result = _optionsWindows;
    // Setup for running builds

            result = _optionsWindows;
            result = _optionsMacOSX;
            result = _optionsIOS;
#elif (UNITY_TVOS)
            result = _optionsTVOS;
            result = _optionsAndroid;
#elif (UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_WP81 || UNITY_WINRT_8_1)
            result = _optionsWindowsPhone;
#elif (UNITY_WSA_10_0)
            result = _optionsWindowsUWP;
            result = _optionsWebGL;
#elif (UNITY_PS4)
            result = _optionsPS4;

            return result;

        public PlatformOptions GetPlatformOptions(Platform platform)
            PlatformOptions result = null;

            switch (platform)
                case Platform.Windows:
                    result = _optionsWindows;
                case Platform.MacOSX:
                    result = _optionsMacOSX;
                case Platform.Android:
                    result = _optionsAndroid;
                case Platform.iOS:
                    result = _optionsIOS;
                case Platform.tvOS:
                    result = _optionsTVOS;
                case Platform.WindowsPhone:
                    result = _optionsWindowsPhone;
                case Platform.WindowsUWP:
                    result = _optionsWindowsUWP;
                case Platform.WebGL:
                    result = _optionsWebGL;
                case Platform.PS4:
                    result = _optionsPS4;

            return result;

        public static string GetPlatformOptionsVariable(Platform platform)
            string result = string.Empty;

            switch (platform)
                case Platform.Windows:
                    result = "_optionsWindows";
                case Platform.MacOSX:
                    result = "_optionsMacOSX";
                case Platform.iOS:
                    result = "_optionsIOS";
                case Platform.tvOS:
                    result = "_optionsTVOS";
                case Platform.Android:
                    result = "_optionsAndroid";
                case Platform.WindowsPhone:
                    result = "_optionsWindowsPhone";
                case Platform.WindowsUWP:
                    result = "_optionsWindowsUWP";
                case Platform.WebGL:
                    result = "_optionsWebGL";
                case Platform.PS4:
                    result = "_optionsPS4";

            return result;

        public static string GetPath(FileLocation location)
            string result = string.Empty;
            switch (location)
                case FileLocation.AbsolutePathOrURL:
                case FileLocation.RelativeToDataFolder:
                    result = Application.dataPath;
                case FileLocation.RelativeToPeristentDataFolder:
                    result = Application.persistentDataPath;
                case FileLocation.RelativeToProjectFolder:
#if !UNITY_WINRT_8_1
                    string path = "..";
                        path += "/..";
                    result = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, path));
                    result = result.Replace('\\', '/');
                case FileLocation.RelativeToStreamingAssetsFolder:
                    result = Application.streamingAssetsPath;
            return result;

        public static string GetFilePath(string path, FileLocation location)
            string result = string.Empty;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                switch (location)
                    case FileLocation.AbsolutePathOrURL:
                        result = path;
                    case FileLocation.RelativeToDataFolder:
                    case FileLocation.RelativeToPeristentDataFolder:
                    case FileLocation.RelativeToProjectFolder:
                    case FileLocation.RelativeToStreamingAssetsFolder:
                        result = System.IO.Path.Combine(GetPath(location), path);
            return result;

        private long GetPlatformFileOffset()
            long result = 0;
            result = _optionsAndroid.fileOffset;
            return result;

        private string GetPlatformHttpHeaderJson()
            string result = null;

            result = _optionsMacOSX.httpHeaderJson;
            result = _optionsMacOSX.httpHeaderJson;
#elif UNITY_WSA_10_0
#elif UNITY_WINRT_8_1
            result = _optionsIOS.httpHeaderJson;
            result = _optionsTVOS.httpHeaderJson;
            result = _optionsAndroid.httpHeaderJson;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                result = result.Trim();

            return result;

        private string GetPlatformFilePath(Platform platform, ref string filePath, ref FileLocation fileLocation)
            string result = string.Empty;

            // Replace file path and location if overriden by platform options
            if (platform != Platform.Unknown)
                PlatformOptions options = GetCurrentPlatformOptions();
                if (options != null)
                    if (options.overridePath)
                        filePath = options.path;
                        fileLocation = options.pathLocation;

            result = GetFilePath(filePath, fileLocation);

            return result;

        public virtual BaseMediaPlayer CreatePlatformMediaPlayer()
            BaseMediaPlayer mediaPlayer = null;


            // Setup for running in the editor (Either OSX, Windows or Linux)
            mediaPlayer = new OSXMediaPlayer();
            Debug.LogWarning("[AVProVideo] 32-bit OS X Unity editor not supported.  64-bit required.");
            if (WindowsMediaPlayer.InitialisePlatform())
                mediaPlayer = new WindowsMediaPlayer(_optionsWindows.videoApi, _optionsWindows.useHardwareDecoding, _optionsWindows.useTextureMips, _optionsWindows.hintAlphaChannel, _optionsWindows.useLowLatency, _optionsWindows.forceAudioOutputDeviceName, _optionsWindows.useUnityAudio, _optionsWindows.forceAudioResample, _optionsWindows.preferredFilters);
            // Setup for running builds
            if (WindowsMediaPlayer.InitialisePlatform())
                mediaPlayer = new WindowsMediaPlayer(_optionsWindows.videoApi, _optionsWindows.useHardwareDecoding, _optionsWindows.useTextureMips, _optionsWindows.hintAlphaChannel, _optionsWindows.useLowLatency, _optionsWindows.forceAudioOutputDeviceName, _optionsWindows.useUnityAudio, _optionsWindows.forceAudioResample, _optionsWindows.preferredFilters);
#elif UNITY_WSA_10_0
                mediaPlayer = new WindowsMediaPlayer(Windows.VideoApi.MediaFoundation, _optionsWindowsUWP.useHardwareDecoding, _optionsWindowsUWP.useTextureMips, false, _optionsWindowsUWP.useLowLatency, string.Empty, _optionsWindowsUWP.useUnityAudio, _optionsWindowsUWP.forceAudioResample, _optionsWindows.preferredFilters);
#elif UNITY_WINRT_8_1
                mediaPlayer = new WindowsMediaPlayer(Windows.VideoApi.MediaFoundation, _optionsWindowsPhone.useHardwareDecoding, _optionsWindowsPhone.useTextureMips, false, _optionsWindowsPhone.useLowLatency, string.Empty, _optionsWindowsPhone.useUnityAudio, _optionsWindowsPhone.forceAudioResample, _optionsWindows.preferredFilters);
            mediaPlayer = new OSXMediaPlayer(_optionsTVOS.useYpCbCr420Textures);
            mediaPlayer = new OSXMediaPlayer(_optionsIOS.useYpCbCr420Textures);
            mediaPlayer = new OSXMediaPlayer();

            // Initialise platform (also unpacks videos from StreamingAsset folder (inside a jar), to the persistent data path)
            if (AndroidMediaPlayer.InitialisePlatform())
                mediaPlayer = new AndroidMediaPlayer(_optionsAndroid.useFastOesPath, _optionsAndroid.showPosterFrame, _optionsAndroid.videoApi, _optionsAndroid.enableAudio360, _optionsAndroid.audio360ChannelMode);
            mediaPlayer = new WebGLMediaPlayer();
#elif (UNITY_PS4)
            mediaPlayer = new PS4MediaPlayer();

            // Fallback
            if (mediaPlayer == null)
                Debug.LogError(string.Format("[AVProVideo] Not supported on this platform {0} {1} {2} {3}.  Using null media player!", Application.platform, SystemInfo.deviceModel, SystemInfo.processorType, SystemInfo.operatingSystem));

                mediaPlayer = new NullMediaPlayer();

            return mediaPlayer;

#region Support for Time Scale
        // Adjust this value to get faster performance but may drop frames.
        // Wait longer to ensure there is enough time for frames to process
        private const float TimeScaleTimeoutMs = 20f;
        private bool _timeScaleIsControlling;
        private float _timeScaleVideoTime;

        private void UpdateTimeScale()
            if (Time.timeScale != 1f || Time.captureFramerate != 0)
                if (m_Control.IsPlaying())
                    _timeScaleIsControlling = true;
                    _timeScaleVideoTime = m_Control.GetCurrentTimeMs();

                if (_timeScaleIsControlling)
                    // Progress time
                    _timeScaleVideoTime += (Time.deltaTime * 1000f);

                    // Handle looping
                    if (m_Control.IsLooping() && _timeScaleVideoTime >= Info.GetDurationMs())
                        // TODO: really we should seek to (_timeScaleVideoTime % Info.GetDurationMs())
                        _timeScaleVideoTime = 0f;

                    int preSeekFrameCount = m_Texture.GetTextureFrameCount();

                    // Seek to the new time
                        float preSeekTime = Control.GetCurrentTimeMs();

                        // Seek

                        // Early out, if after the seek the time hasn't changed, the seek was probably too small to go to the next frame.
                        // TODO: This behaviour may be different on other platforms (not Windows) and needs more testing.
                        if (Mathf.Approximately(preSeekTime, m_Control.GetCurrentTimeMs()))

                    // Wait for the new frame to arrive
                    if (!m_Control.WaitForNextFrame(GetDummyCamera(), preSeekFrameCount))
                        // If WaitForNextFrame fails (e.g. in android single threaded), we run the below code to asynchronously wait for the frame
                        System.DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.Now;
                        int lastFrameCount = TextureProducer.GetTextureFrameCount();

                        while (m_Control != null && (System.DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds < (double)TimeScaleTimeoutMs)
                            if (lastFrameCount != TextureProducer.GetTextureFrameCount())
                // Restore playback when timeScale becomes 1
                if (_timeScaleIsControlling)
                    _timeScaleIsControlling = false;

        private bool ForceWaitForNewFrame(int lastFrameCount, float timeoutMs)
            bool result = false;
            // Wait for the frame to change, or timeout to happen (for the case that there is no new frame for this time)
            System.DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.Now;
            int iterationCount = 0;
            while (Control != null && (System.DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds < (double)timeoutMs)

                // TODO: check if Seeking has completed!  Then we don't have to wait

                // If frame has changed we can continue
                // NOTE: this will never happen because GL.IssuePlugin.Event is never called in this loop
                if (lastFrameCount != TextureProducer.GetTextureFrameCount())
                    result = true;


                // NOTE: we tried to add Sleep for 1ms but it was very slow, so switched to this time based method which burns more CPU but about double the speed
                // NOTE: had to add the Sleep back in as after too many iterations (over 1000000) of GL.IssuePluginEvent Unity seems to lock up
                // NOTE: seems that GL.IssuePluginEvent can't be called if we're stuck in a while loop and they just stack up


            return result;

        private void UpdateAudioFocus()
            // TODO: we could use gizmos to draw the focus area
            m_Control.SetAudioFocusProperties(m_AudioFocusOffLevelDB, m_AudioFocusWidthDegrees);
            m_Control.SetAudioFocusRotation(m_AudioFocusTransform == null ? Quaternion.identity : m_AudioFocusTransform.rotation);

        private void UpdateAudioHeadTransform()
            if (m_AudioHeadTransform != null)

        private void UpdateErrors()
            ErrorCode errorCode = m_Control.GetLastError();
            if (ErrorCode.None != errorCode)
                Debug.LogError("[AVProVideo] Error: " + Helper.GetErrorMessage(errorCode));

                if (m_events != null)
                    m_events.Invoke(this, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.Error, errorCode);

        private void UpdateEvents()
            if (m_events != null && m_Control != null)
                //NOTE: Fixes a bug where the event was being fired immediately, so when a file is opened, the finishedPlaying fired flag gets set but
                //is then set to true immediately afterwards due to the returned value
                m_FinishedFrameOpenCheck = false;
                if (FireEventIfPossible(MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.FinishedPlaying, m_EventFired_FinishedPlaying))
                    m_EventFired_FinishedPlaying = !m_FinishedFrameOpenCheck;

                // Reset some event states that can reset during playback
                    // Keep track of whether the Playing state has changed
                    if (m_EventFired_Started && m_Control != null && !m_Control.IsPlaying() && !m_Control.IsSeeking())
                        // Playing has stopped
                        m_EventFired_Started = false;

                    // NOTE: We check m_Control isn't null in case the scene is unloaded in response to the FinishedPlaying event
                    if (m_EventFired_FinishedPlaying && m_Control != null && m_Control.IsPlaying() && !m_Control.IsFinished())
                        bool reset = true;

                        reset = false;
                        // Don't reset if within a frame of the end of the video, important for time > duration workaround
                        float msPerFrame = 1000f / m_Info.GetVideoFrameRate();
                        //Debug.Log(m_Info.GetDurationMs() - m_Control.GetCurrentTimeMs() + " " + msPerFrame);
                        if(m_Info.GetDurationMs() - m_Control.GetCurrentTimeMs() > msPerFrame)
                            reset = true;
                        if (reset)
                            m_EventFired_FinishedPlaying = false;

                // Events that can only fire once 
                m_EventFired_MetaDataReady = FireEventIfPossible(MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.MetaDataReady, m_EventFired_MetaDataReady);
                m_EventFired_ReadyToPlay = FireEventIfPossible(MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.ReadyToPlay, m_EventFired_ReadyToPlay);
                m_EventFired_Started = FireEventIfPossible(MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.Started, m_EventFired_Started);
                m_EventFired_FirstFrameReady = FireEventIfPossible(MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.FirstFrameReady, m_EventFired_FirstFrameReady);

                // Events that can fire multiple times
                    // Subtitle changing
                    if (FireEventIfPossible(MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.SubtitleChange, false))
                        m_previousSubtitleIndex = m_Subtitles.GetSubtitleIndex();

                    // Resolution changing
                    if (FireEventIfPossible(MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.ResolutionChanged, false))
                        m_EventState_PreviousWidth = m_Info.GetVideoWidth();
                        m_EventState_PreviousHeight = m_Info.GetVideoHeight();

                    // Stalling
                        bool newState = m_Info.IsPlaybackStalled();
                        if (newState != m_EventState_PlaybackStalled)
                            m_EventState_PlaybackStalled = newState;

                            var newEvent = m_EventState_PlaybackStalled ? MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.Stalled : MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.Unstalled;
                            FireEventIfPossible(newEvent, false);
                    // Seeking
                        bool newState = m_Control.IsSeeking();
                        if (newState != m_EventState_PlaybackSeeking)
                            m_EventState_PlaybackSeeking = newState;

                            var newEvent = m_EventState_PlaybackSeeking ? MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.StartedSeeking : MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.FinishedSeeking;
                            FireEventIfPossible(newEvent, false);
                    // Buffering
                        bool newState = m_Control.IsBuffering();
                        if (newState != m_EventState_PlaybackBuffering)
                            m_EventState_PlaybackBuffering = newState;

                            var newEvent = m_EventState_PlaybackBuffering ? MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.StartedBuffering : MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.FinishedBuffering;
                            FireEventIfPossible(newEvent, false);

        private bool FireEventIfPossible(MediaPlayerEvent.EventType eventType, bool hasFired)
            if (CanFireEvent(eventType, hasFired))
                hasFired = true;
                m_events.Invoke(this, eventType, ErrorCode.None);
            return hasFired;

        private bool CanFireEvent(MediaPlayerEvent.EventType et, bool hasFired)
            bool result = false;
            if (m_events != null && m_Control != null && !hasFired)
                switch (et)
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.FinishedPlaying:
                        //Debug.Log(m_Control.GetCurrentTimeMs() + " " + m_Info.GetDurationMs());
                        result = (!m_Control.IsLooping() && m_Control.CanPlay() && m_Control.IsFinished())
                            || (m_Control.GetCurrentTimeMs() > m_Info.GetDurationMs() && !m_Control.IsLooping())
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.MetaDataReady:
                        result = (m_Control.HasMetaData());
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.FirstFrameReady:
                        result = (m_Texture != null && m_Control.CanPlay() && m_Texture.GetTextureFrameCount() > 0);
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.ReadyToPlay:
                        result = (!m_Control.IsPlaying() && m_Control.CanPlay() && !m_AutoStart);
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.Started:
                        result = (m_Control.IsPlaying());
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.SubtitleChange:
                        result = (m_previousSubtitleIndex != m_Subtitles.GetSubtitleIndex());
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.Stalled:
                        result = m_Info.IsPlaybackStalled();
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.Unstalled:
                        result = !m_Info.IsPlaybackStalled();
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.StartedSeeking:
                        result = m_Control.IsSeeking();
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.FinishedSeeking:
                        result = !m_Control.IsSeeking();
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.StartedBuffering:
                        result = m_Control.IsBuffering();
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.FinishedBuffering:
                        result = !m_Control.IsBuffering();
                    case MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.ResolutionChanged:
                        result = (m_Info != null && (m_EventState_PreviousWidth != m_Info.GetVideoWidth() || m_EventState_PreviousHeight != m_Info.GetVideoHeight()));
                        Debug.LogWarning("[AVProVideo] Unhandled event type");
            return result;

#region Application Focus and Pausing
        void OnApplicationFocus( bool focusStatus )
//            Debug.Log("OnApplicationFocus: focusStatus: " + focusStatus);

            if( focusStatus )
                if( m_Control != null && m_WasPlayingOnPause )
                    m_WasPlayingOnPause = false;

                    Helper.LogInfo("OnApplicationFocus: playing video again");

        void OnApplicationPause( bool pauseStatus )
//            Debug.Log("OnApplicationPause: pauseStatus: " + pauseStatus);

            if( pauseStatus )
                if( m_Control!= null && m_Control.IsPlaying() )
                    m_WasPlayingOnPause = true;

                    Helper.LogInfo("OnApplicationPause: pausing video");
                // Catch coming back from power off state when no lock screen
                OnApplicationFocus( true );

#region Save Frame To PNG
        [ContextMenu("Save Frame To PNG")]
        public void SaveFrameToPng()
            Texture2D frame = ExtractFrame(null);
            if (frame != null)
                byte[] imageBytes = frame.EncodeToPNG();
                if (imageBytes != null)
                    string timecode = Mathf.FloorToInt(Control.GetCurrentTimeMs()).ToString("D8");
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("frame-" + timecode + ".png", imageBytes);
                    Debug.LogError("Web Player platform doesn't support file writing.  Change platform in Build Settings.");


#region Extract Frame

        /// Create or return (if cached) a camera that is inactive and renders nothing
        /// This camera is used to call .Render() on which causes the render thread to run
        /// This is useful for forcing GL.IssuePluginEvent() to run and is used for
        /// wait for frames to render for ExtractFrame() and UpdateTimeScale()

        private static Camera GetDummyCamera()
            if (m_DummyCamera == null)
                const string goName = "AVPro Video Dummy Camera";
                GameObject go = GameObject.Find(goName);
                if (go == null)
                    go = new GameObject(goName);
                    go.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy | HideFlags.DontSave;

                    m_DummyCamera = go.AddComponent();
                    m_DummyCamera.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector | HideFlags.DontSave;
                    m_DummyCamera.cullingMask = 0;
                    m_DummyCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Nothing;
                    m_DummyCamera.enabled = false;
                    m_DummyCamera = go.GetComponent();
            //Debug.Assert(m_DummyCamera != null);
            return m_DummyCamera;

        private IEnumerator ExtractFrameCoroutine(Texture2D target, ProcessExtractedFrame callback, float timeSeconds = -1f, bool accurateSeek = true, int timeoutMs = 1000)
            Texture2D result = target;

            Texture frame = null;

            if (m_Control != null)
                if (timeSeconds >= 0f)

                    float seekTimeMs = timeSeconds * 1000f;

                    // If the frame is already available just grab it
                    if (TextureProducer.GetTexture() != null && m_Control.GetCurrentTimeMs() == seekTimeMs)
                        frame = TextureProducer.GetTexture();
                        int preSeekFrameCount = m_Texture.GetTextureFrameCount();

                        // Seek to the frame
                        if (accurateSeek)

                        // Wait for the new frame to arrive
                        if (!m_Control.WaitForNextFrame(GetDummyCamera(), preSeekFrameCount))
                            // If WaitForNextFrame fails (e.g. in android single threaded), we run the below code to asynchronously wait for the frame
                            int currFc = TextureProducer.GetTextureFrameCount();
                            int iterations = 0;
                            int maxIterations = 50;

                            //+1 as often there will be an extra frame produced after pause (so we need to wait for the second frame instead)
                            while((currFc + 1) >= TextureProducer.GetTextureFrameCount() && iterations++ < maxIterations)
                                yield return null;
                        frame = TextureProducer.GetTexture();
                    frame = TextureProducer.GetTexture();

            if (frame != null)
                result = Helper.GetReadableTexture(frame, TextureProducer.RequiresVerticalFlip(), Helper.GetOrientation(Info.GetTextureTransform()), target);
            Texture2D result = ExtractFrame(target, timeSeconds, accurateSeek, timeoutMs);

            yield return null;

        public void ExtractFrameAsync(Texture2D target, ProcessExtractedFrame callback, float timeSeconds = -1f, bool accurateSeek = true, int timeoutMs = 1000)
            StartCoroutine(ExtractFrameCoroutine(target, callback, timeSeconds, accurateSeek, timeoutMs));

        // "target" can be null or you can pass in an existing texture.
        public Texture2D ExtractFrame(Texture2D target, float timeSeconds = -1f, bool accurateSeek = true, int timeoutMs = 1000)
            Texture2D result = target;

            // Extract frames returns the interal frame of the video player
            Texture frame = ExtractFrame(timeSeconds, accurateSeek, timeoutMs);
            if (frame != null)
                result = Helper.GetReadableTexture(frame, TextureProducer.RequiresVerticalFlip(), Helper.GetOrientation(Info.GetTextureTransform()), target);

            return result;

        private Texture ExtractFrame(float timeSeconds = -1f, bool accurateSeek = true, int timeoutMs = 1000)
            Texture result = null;

            if (m_Control != null)
                if (timeSeconds >= 0f)

                    float seekTimeMs = timeSeconds * 1000f;

                    // If the frame is already available just grab it
                    if (TextureProducer.GetTexture() != null && m_Control.GetCurrentTimeMs() == seekTimeMs)
                        result = TextureProducer.GetTexture();
                        // Store frame count before seek
                        int frameCount = TextureProducer.GetTextureFrameCount();

                        // Seek to the frame
                        if (accurateSeek)

                        // Wait for frame to change
                        ForceWaitForNewFrame(frameCount, timeoutMs);
                        result = TextureProducer.GetTexture();
                    result = TextureProducer.GetTexture();
            return result;

#region Play/Pause Support for Unity Editor
        // This code handles the pause/play buttons in the editor
        static MediaPlayer()
#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
            UnityEditor.EditorApplication.pauseStateChanged -= OnUnityPauseModeChanged;
            UnityEditor.EditorApplication.pauseStateChanged += OnUnityPauseModeChanged;
            UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged -= OnUnityPlayModeChanged;
            UnityEditor.EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += OnUnityPlayModeChanged;

#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
        private static void OnUnityPauseModeChanged(UnityEditor.PauseState state)
        private static void OnUnityPlayModeChanged()
            if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying)
                if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPaused)
                    MediaPlayer[] players = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll();
                    foreach (MediaPlayer player in players)
                    MediaPlayer[] players = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll();
                    foreach (MediaPlayer player in players)

        private void EditorPause()
            if (this.isActiveAndEnabled)
                if (m_Control != null && m_Control.IsPlaying())
                    m_WasPlayingOnPause = true;

        private void EditorUnpause()
            if (this.isActiveAndEnabled)
                if (m_Control != null && m_WasPlayingOnPause)
                    m_AutoStart = true;
                    m_WasPlayingOnPause = false;
                    m_AutoStartTriggered = false;

#region IMGUI Debug Information Display
        public void SetGuiPositionFromVideoIndex(int index)
            m_GuiPositionX = Mathf.FloorToInt((s_GuiStartWidth * s_GuiScale) + (s_GuiWidth * index * s_GuiScale));

        public void SetDebugGuiEnabled(bool bEnabled)
            m_DebugGui = bEnabled;

        private int _lastFrameCount = 0;
        private int _sameFrameCount = 1;

        public int SameFrameCount
            get { return _sameFrameCount; }

        private void UpdateFrameSyncDebugging()
            int frameCount = TextureProducer.GetTextureFrameCount();
            if (frameCount == _lastFrameCount)
                _sameFrameCount = 1;
            _lastFrameCount = frameCount;

        private Queue _eventLog = new Queue(8);
        private float _eventTimer = 1f;

        private void AddEvent(MediaPlayerEvent.EventType et)
            Helper.LogInfo("[MediaPlayer] Event: " + et.ToString(), this);
            if (_eventLog.Count > 5)
                _eventTimer = 1f;

        private void UpdateEventLogs()
            if (_eventLog != null && _eventLog.Count > 0)
                _eventTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
                if (_eventTimer < 0f)
                    _eventTimer = 1f;

        // Callback function to handle events
        private void OnMediaPlayerEvent(MediaPlayer mp, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType et, ErrorCode errorCode)




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