
  1. VMI: Vendor Managed Inventory
  2. ASN: Advanced Shipping Note
  3. SPU: standard product unite;
    SKU: stock keeping unit
  4. BPA: blanket purchase agreement;
    Contact purchase order;
    Standard purchase order;
    Planned purchase order
  5. SCOR: supply-chain operations reference-model
  6. FOB: free on board;
    CIF: cost, insurance and freight;
    CFR: cost and freight
  7. QBR: quarterly business review
  8. IQC: incoming quality control
  9. SIOP: Sales, Inventory & Operations Planning
    S&OP: sales and operation planning
  10. DOS: days of supply
  11. ITO: inventory turn-over
  12. MTS: make to stock;
    MTO: make to order;
    ETO: engineer to order;
    ATO: assemble to order
  13. BTS/BTF: build to stock/ forecast;
    BTO: build to order
    CTO: configuration to order
  14. ATP: available to promise;
    CTP: capable to promise
  15. SKD: semi-knocked down ;
    CKD: completely knocked down
  16. ETO: estimated to departure
    ETA: estimated to arrival
  17. MOQ: minimum order quantity
    MSQ: maximum supply quantity
    MPQ: minimum package quantity
    SPQ: standard pack quantity
  18. AVL: approved vendor list
  19. RMA: returned material approval
  20. CRD: cargo ready date
  21. PFEP: plan for each part
