
  • 文章链接:https://blog.csdn.net/q_z_r_s


一个专注于SLAM、机器视觉、Linux 等相关技术文章分享的公众号

 * start.S的分支
 * _main 执行流:
 * 1. 为board_init_f()设置运行环境.
 * 2. 调用board_init_f(). 
 * 3. 设置交互环境
 * 4a.调用relocate_code(). 
 * 4b.对于SPL而言,直接返回到crt0.S中去,因为SPL不存在重定位
 * 5. 设置调用board_init_r()的执行环境.
 * 6. 调用c_runtime_cpu_setup.
 * 7. 分支到board_init_r().


 * 设置初始C运行环境并调用board_init_f(0).

#if defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD) && defined(CONFIG_SPL_STACK)
	ldr	sp, =(CONFIG_SPL_STACK)
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)	/* v7M forbids using SP as BIC destination */
	mov	r3, sp
	bic	r3, r3, #7
	mov	sp, r3
	bic	sp, sp, #7	/* 为了兼容ABI而进行8字节对齐 */
	mov	r2, sp
	sub	sp, sp, #GD_SIZE	/* 在SP之上分配一个GD结构 */
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)	/* v7M forbids using SP as BIC destination */
	mov	r3, sp
	bic	r3, r3, #7
	mov	sp, r3
	bic	sp, sp, #7	/* 为了兼容ABI而进行8字节对齐 */
	mov	r9, sp		/* GD在SP之上 */
	mov	r1, sp
	mov	r0, #0
	cmp	r1, r2			
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)
	itt	lo
	strlo	r0, [r1]		/* 把GD清零 */
	addlo	r1, r1, #4		
	blo	clr_gd
	str	sp, [r9, #GD_MALLOC_BASE]
	bl	board_init_f   /* 初始化环境 */

#if ! defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD)

 * Set up intermediate environment (new sp and gd) and call
 * relocate_code(addr_moni). Trick here is that we'll return
 * 'here' but relocated.

	ldr	sp, [r9, #GD_START_ADDR_SP]	/* sp = gd->start_addr_sp */
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)	/* v7M forbids using SP as BIC destination */
	mov	r3, sp
	bic	r3, r3, #7
	mov	sp, r3
	bic	sp, sp, #7	/* 8-byte alignment for ABI compliance */
	ldr	r9, [r9, #GD_BD]		/* r9 = gd->bd */
	sub	r9, r9, #GD_SIZE		/* new GD is below bd */

	adr	lr, here
	ldr	r0, [r9, #GD_RELOC_OFF]		/* r0 = gd->reloc_off */
	add	lr, lr, r0  /* 所以lr中现在存储的为重定位之后的here地址 */
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)
	orr	lr, #1				/* As required by Thumb-only */
	ldr	r0, [r9, #GD_RELOCADDR]		/* r0 = gd->relocaddr */
	b	relocate_code  /* 重定位代码,并返回到重定位之后的here标签处 */
/* 重定位向量表 */
	bl	relocate_vectors

/* Set up final (full) environment */
/* 没有进行什么实际的操作,直接返回继续往下执行 */
	bl	c_runtime_cpu_setup	/* we still call old routine here */
	/* Use a DRAM stack for the rest of SPL, if requested */
	bl	spl_relocate_stack_gd
	cmp	r0, #0
	movne	sp, r0
# endif
	ldr	r0, =__bss_start	/* this is auto-relocated! */
/* 没搞懂为什么bss段地址是自动重定位的 */
	ldr	r3, =__bss_end		/* this is auto-relocated! */
	mov	r1, #0x00000000		/* prepare zero to clear BSS */

	subs	r2, r3, r0		/* r2 = memset len */
	bl	memset
	ldr	r1, =__bss_end		/* this is auto-relocated! */
	mov	r2, #0x00000000		/* prepare zero to clear BSS */

clbss_l:cmp	r0, r1			/* while not at end of BSS */
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)
	itt	lo
	strlo	r2, [r0]		/* clear 32-bit BSS word */
	addlo	r0, r0, #4		/* move to next */
	blo	clbss_l

#if ! defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD)
	bl coloured_LED_init   /* board_f.c中声明的为实现的函数,所以什么都没做 */
	bl red_led_on
	/* call board_init_r(gd_t *id, ulong dest_addr) */
	mov     r0, r9                  /* gd_t */
	ldr	r1, [r9, #GD_RELOCADDR]	/* dest_addr */
	/* call board_init_r */
	ldr	pc, =board_init_r	/* this is auto-relocated! */

	/* 一去不复返 */



 * 设置初始C运行环境并调用board_init_f(0).

#if defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD) && defined(CONFIG_SPL_STACK)
	ldr	sp, =(CONFIG_SPL_STACK)
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)	/* v7M forbids using SP as BIC destination */
	mov	r3, sp
	bic	r3, r3, #7
	mov	sp, r3
	bic	sp, sp, #7	/* 为了兼容ABI而进行8字节对齐 */
	mov	r2, sp
	sub	sp, sp, #GD_SIZE	/* 在SP之上分配一个GD结构 */
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)	/* v7M forbids using SP as BIC destination */
	mov	r3, sp
	bic	r3, r3, #7
	mov	sp, r3
	bic	sp, sp, #7	/* 为了兼容ABI而进行8字节对齐 */
	mov	r9, sp		/* GD在SP之上 */
	mov	r1, sp
	mov	r0, #0
	cmp	r1, r2			
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)
	itt	lo
	strlo	r0, [r1]		/* 把GD清零 */
	addlo	r1, r1, #4		
	blo	clr_gd
	str	sp, [r9, #GD_MALLOC_BASE]
	bl	board_init_f   /* 初始化环境 */

#if ! defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD)

 * Set up intermediate environment (new sp and gd) and call
 * relocate_code(addr_moni). Trick here is that we'll return
 * 'here' but relocated.

	ldr	sp, [r9, #GD_START_ADDR_SP]	/* sp = gd->start_addr_sp */
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)	/* v7M forbids using SP as BIC destination */
	mov	r3, sp
	bic	r3, r3, #7
	mov	sp, r3
	bic	sp, sp, #7	/* 8-byte alignment for ABI compliance */
	ldr	r9, [r9, #GD_BD]		/* r9 = gd->bd */
	sub	r9, r9, #GD_SIZE		/* new GD is below bd */

	adr	lr, here
	ldr	r0, [r9, #GD_RELOC_OFF]		/* r0 = gd->reloc_off */
	add	lr, lr, r0  /* 所以lr中现在存储的为重定位之后的here地址 */
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)
	orr	lr, #1				/* As required by Thumb-only */
	ldr	r0, [r9, #GD_RELOCADDR]		/* r0 = gd->relocaddr */
	b	relocate_code  /* 重定位代码,并返回到重定位之后的here标签处 */
/* 重定位向量表 */
	bl	relocate_vectors

/* Set up final (full) environment */
/* 没有进行什么实际的操作,直接返回继续往下执行 */
	bl	c_runtime_cpu_setup	/* we still call old routine here */
	/* Use a DRAM stack for the rest of SPL, if requested */
	bl	spl_relocate_stack_gd
	cmp	r0, #0
	movne	sp, r0
# endif
	ldr	r0, =__bss_start	/* this is auto-relocated! */
/* 没搞懂为什么bss段地址是自动重定位的 */
	ldr	r3, =__bss_end		/* this is auto-relocated! */
	mov	r1, #0x00000000		/* prepare zero to clear BSS */

	subs	r2, r3, r0		/* r2 = memset len */
	bl	memset
	ldr	r1, =__bss_end		/* this is auto-relocated! */
	mov	r2, #0x00000000		/* prepare zero to clear BSS */

clbss_l:cmp	r0, r1			/* while not at end of BSS */
#if defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)
	itt	lo
	strlo	r2, [r0]		/* clear 32-bit BSS word */
	addlo	r0, r0, #4		/* move to next */
	blo	clbss_l

#if ! defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD)
	bl coloured_LED_init   /* board_f.c中声明的为实现的函数,所以什么都没做 */
	bl red_led_on
	/* call board_init_r(gd_t *id, ulong dest_addr) */
	mov     r0, r9                  /* gd_t */
	ldr	r1, [r9, #GD_RELOCADDR]	/* dest_addr */
	/* call board_init_r */
	ldr	pc, =board_init_r	/* this is auto-relocated! */

	/* 一去不复返 */




