CMD命令 chmod 666/777/744 的含义


Chmod change attributes from a file/folder

  • chmod 666 means that all users can read and write but cannot execute
  • chmod 777 allows all actions for all users
  • chmod 744 allows only owner to do all actions; group and other users are allowed only to read

    permission to:  owner      group      other     
                    /¯¯¯\      /¯¯¯\      /¯¯¯\
    octal:            6          6          6
    binary:         1 1 0      1 1 0      1 1 0
    what to permit: r w x      r w x      r w x
    binary         - 1: enabled, 0: disabled
    what to permit - r: read, w: write, x: execute
    permission to  - owner: the user that create the file/folder
                     group: the users from group that owner is member
                     other: all other users
