数据库作业之SQL查询练习 考前发一波作业答案,保佑今天数据库满分!!!




select sNo,sName
from student

where age>=20


select sNo,sName,2018-age
from student

where sName LIKE'钱%' and sex='男'


select cname
from course

where credit>3


select sName
from student

where dno is null


select dname
from department  
where homepage is null



select dNO,avg(age)
from student
where age is not null and dNo is not null

group by dNo


select sno,avg(score)
from sc
where score is not null

group by sno


select cno,avg(score)
from sc
where score is not null

group by cno


select dno,count(cno)
from course

group by dno


select cno,count(sno)
from sc

group by cno

select sno,sname
from student
where dno in
        (select dno
        from department
        where dname='信息学院'
select cno,cname
from course
where dno in
        (select dno
        from department
        where dname='软件学院'
select sno,sname
from student
where dno in
        (select dno
        from student
        where sname='陈丽'
select sno,sname
from student
where sname!='钱多多'and age in
        (select age
        from student
        where sname='钱多多'
select sno,sname
from student
where  age in
        (select age
        from student
        where sname='钱多多'
    and dno not in
        (select dno
        from student
        where sname='钱多多'
select cname
from course
where credit >
        (select credit
        from course
        where cname='离散数学'
select count(sno)
from sc
where cno in
    (select cno
     from course
     where cname='组合数学'
select sname
from student
where sno not in
      (select sno
      from sc
      where cno in
                (select cno
                 from course
                 where cname='离散数学'
select cname
from course
where credit not in
            (select credit
            from course
            where cname='算法设计与分析'or cname='移动计算'
select cname
from course
where cno in
        (select cno
        from sc
        group by cno
        having avg(score)>=90
select sname,score
from student,sc
where student.sno=sc.sno and
        cno in
        (select cno
        from course
        where cname='离散数学'
select cname,score
from sc,course
where sno in
    (select sno
     from student
     where sname='尹江月'
    and sc.cno=course.cno
select sname,cname,score
from sc,course,student
where sc.score<60 and sc.sno=student.sno
    and sc.cno=course.cno
select sname
from student
where sno in
    (select sno
     from sc,course
     where sc.cno=course.cno and
     course.dno =
         (select dno
        from department
        where dname='文学院'
select sname,cname
from student,course,sc
where student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=course.cno
    and student.dno in
                (select dno
                from department
                where dname='信息学院'
    and course.dno in
                (select dno
                from department
                where dname='信息学院'

select *

from student ,sc where student.sno=sc.sno


select second.cname
from course first, course second
where first.cpno=second.cno
    and first.cname='形式语言与自动机'


select third.cname
from course first, course second ,course third
where first.cpno=second.cno and second.cpno=third.cno

    and first.cname='形式语言与自动机'


select first.cname
from course first, course second
where first.cpno=second.cno
    and second.cname='编译原理'

select first.cname
from course first, course second ,course third
where first.cpno=second.cno and second.cpno=third.cno
    and third.cname='离散数学'


select first.cname
from course first
where first.cpno is null

select sname
from student
where sno not in
     select sno
     from sc
     where cno in
        select cno
    from course
    where cname='形式语言与自动机'

select sname
from student
where sno in
        (select sno
        from sc
        where cno in
            (select cno
            from course
            where cname='概率论'
and  sno not in
        (select sno
        from sc
        where cno  in
            (select cpno
            from course
            where cname='概率论'


select s.sNo,s.sName,v.sumCredit
from student s, (select sNo,SUM(credit)
                 from sc, course c
                 where sc.cNo=c.cNo
                 group by sc.sNo
                 having SUM(credit)>=28) as v(sNo,sumCredit)
where s.sNo=v.sNo;


select sno,sname
from student
where sno in
    (select sno  
    from sc
    group by sno
    having count(*)>3 and min(score)>85)

select sname
from student
where sno in
    (select sno  
    from sc
    group by sno

    having count(*)=3 and min(score)>60



select dname,dpt_count
from department ,
    (select dno,count(*)  
    from student
    group by dno  
    having count(*)>6)
    as dpt(dpt_dno,dpt_count)
where department.dno=dpt.dpt_dno
select sname
from student
where sno in
    (select sno
     from sc
     group by sno
     having avg(score)>
             (select avg(score)
             from sc
             group by sno
             having sno in
                    (select sno
                    from student
                    where sname='王兵'
    and sname<>'王兵'

select sname
from student
where sno in
        (select  sno
        from sc
        where cno in
                (select cno
                from course
                where cname='离散数学'
and sno in
        (select  sno
        from sc
        where cno in
                (select cno
                from course
                where cname='编译原理'


select avg(score)
from student,sc
where student.sno=sc.sno
        and sc.cno in
            (select cno
            from course
            where cname='离散数学'
        and student.dno in
            (select dno
            from department
            where dname='软件学院'

select sname,age,dno
from student
where age <>all
    (select age
    from student
    where dno in
        (select dno
         from department
         where dname='软件学院'
         and age is not null

select d.dname,c.cname,v.countOf  
from course c,department d,
    (select dno,cno,count(s.sno)  
    from student s, sc  
    where s.sno=sc.sno  
    group by dno,cno  
    having count(sc.sno)>4)
    as v(dno,cno,countOf)  
 where c.cno=v.cno and d.dno=v.dno;

select student.sname,student.sno,department.dname
from student,depatment
where student.sno not in
    select sno  
        from sc  
        where cno in
        select cno  
            from course  
            where cname<>'高等数学'
and student.sno  in
    select sno  
        from sc  
        where cno in
        select cno  
            from course  
            where cname=='高等数学'
and student.dno=department.dno


 SELECT student.sName,sub.sumcre
 FROM student,
    (SELECT sc.sNo AS ssno,
     SUM(sc.score * course.credit)/SUM(course.credit) AS sumcre
     FROM sc,course
     WHERE course.cNo=sc.cNo AND sc.score IS NOT NULL
     GROUP BY sc.sNo
     HAVING SUM(sc.score * course.credit)/SUM(course.credit)<70
    AS sub(ssno,sumcre)
WHERE sub.ssno=student.sNo;   


(没有一门信息学院开的课他是不选修的  双重否定  全称量词转为存在量词)
SELECT student.sNo,student.sname
FROM student
    ( SELECT *
     FROM course   
             (SELECT *
            FROM sc
            WHERE sc.sNo=student.sNo AND sc.cNo=course.cNo )  
             AND course.dNo=
                 (SELECT department.dNo
                FROM department
                WHERE department.dName='信息学院')

select sname
from  student
where sno in
    (select sno
    from sc scx
    where not exists
        (select *
         from sc scy
         where scy.sno=
                     (select sno
                    from student
                    where sname='杨佳伟'
         and not exists
                 (select *
                from sc scz
                where scz.sno=scx.sno and
     and sname!='杨佳伟'
create table press
(Pnumber char(30)primary key,   /*Press number  出版社编号 主码*/
 pname   char(30),                /* pname 名称*/
 address char(30),                /*adress 地址*/
 phone  char(30)                /*phone  电话*/
create table book
(bno char(9) primary key,      /*bno是编号 主码*/
 bname char(20),              /*banme是书名*/
 author char(20),              /*author是作者名*/
 ISBN char(30) unique,               /*ISBN唯一*/
 Pnumber char(30),             /*Press number  出版社编号*/
 vs  char(20),                /*version 版本*/
 dateofpub char(20) ,                /*Date of publication出版日期*/
 foreign key(Pnumber) references press(Pnumber)   /*出版社编号(Pnumber)为外码,参照出版社表的编号(Pnumber)*/
drop table book cascade;
drop table press cascade;

create table press
(Pnumber char(30),   /*Press number  出版社编号 主码*/
 pname   char(30),                /* pname 名称*/
 address char(30),                /*adress 地址*/
 phone  char(30)                /*phone  电话*/
create table book
(bno char(9) ,      /*bno是编号 主码*/
 bname char(20),              /*banme是书名*/
 author char(20),              /*author是作者名*/
 ISBN char(30) ,               /*ISBN唯一*/
 Pnumber char(30),             /*Press number  出版社编号*/
 vs  char(20),                /*version 版本*/
 dateofpub char(20)                /*Date of publication出版日期*/
alter table press
add primary key(Pnumber);
alter table book
add primary key(bno),
add unique (ISBN),
add foreign key(Pnumber) references press(Pnumber)

into press(pnumber,pname,address,phone)
into press(pnumber,pname,address,phone)
into book(bno,bname,author,isbn,pnumber,vs,dateofpub)
into book(bno,bname,author,isbn,pnumber,vs,dateofpub)
update press
set address='上海'
where pnumber='A1001';

from book;
from press;
create view is_s1(sno,sname)
select sno,sname,dno
from student
where student.sno in
    select sno
    from sc
    where cno in
    (    select cno
        from course
        where cname='离散数学'
and dno in
        select dno
        from department
        where dname='软件学院'
into is_s1(sno,sname)
create view is_s2(cno,cname,avgscore)
select sc.cno,course.cname,avg(score)
from  sc,course
where sc.score is not null and
group by sc.cno,course.cname
create table student_score
    sNo char(6),
    sName varchar(20),
    avgscore int
into student_score
select student.sno,student.sname,avg(sc.score)
from  sc,student
where sc.score is not null and
group by student.sno,student.sname
