OWASP Security Shepherd搭建


OWASP Security Shepherd搭建_第1张图片




打开压缩包owaspSecurityShepherdVm_V3.0.zip里面的OwaspSecurityShepherdVM ReadMe.txt文件,阅读虚拟机使用说明。

Setting up your instance of Security Shepherd with the VM: In Steps!

1) Import the VM to your hyper visor (Eg: Virtual Box)
2) Update the VM Network Adapters to suit what you have available. (Bridged Adapter for Network Availability, Host-Only for local access only and NAT for just outbound access) The VM by default has 2 Network adapters, one NAT and a Host-Only.
3) Boot the VM
4) Sign in with securityshepherd / owaspSecurityShepherd
5) Change the user password with the passwd command
6) In the VM, run "ifconfig" to find the IP address of the network adapter that is not configured for NAT. Make note of this
7) On your host machine, open https:///
8) Sign in with admin / password
9) Change the admin password (cannot be password again)
10) Go to Admin -> Module Management -> Change Module Layout to change the way levels are presented. Default is CTF Mode (One at a time)
11) Time to play!


OWASP Security Shepherd搭建_第2张图片

登陆Security Shepherd系统

输入默认账号和密码admin / password

OWASP Security Shepherd搭建_第3张图片
