Java平台本身不支持底层网络操作,需要第三方包利用JNI封装不同系统的C 库来提供Java的上层接口。常用的类库包括 JPcap,JNetPcap等,他们都是基于TcpDump/LibPcap的Java封装。
The transport layer breaks the request into TCP segments, adds some sequence numbers and checksums to the data, and then passes the request to the local internet layer. The internet layer fragments the segments into IP datagrams of the necessary size for the local network and passes them to the host-to-network layer for transmission onto the wire. The host-to-network layer encodes the digital data as analog signals appropriate for the particular physical medium and sends the request out the wire where it will be read by thehost-to-network layer of the remote system to which it s addressed.
—— Java Network Programming传输层把数据切分成TCP数据段,给每个数据段加上TCP报头(序列号,校验和)然后交给本地网络层。网络层把TCP数据段封装成IP报文,在传递给链路层。链路层传给接收方的链路层,接收方的网络层做简单的检查并验证IP报文是否完好,如果他们被fragmented,就重新组装,再传给接收方的传输层。
这里我们重点关注fragment这个机制。在IP数据包(IP datagram)封装好后交给数据链路层封装成帧的时候,可能会被fragmented,以适应帧的MTU。被fragmented的IP数据段分片携带各自的IP报头,他们的报头内的总长度,标识,标志(MF,DF),片偏移都会发生改变。以便这些被fragmented的IP数据段在发送过去之后还能被拼回来。举个例子。一个IP datagram本来有3820bytes,其中报头部分20bytes。帧的MTU是1420字节。问这个IP datagram要怎么分段,分段后各自的头部信息会怎么变化:
We need to handle the incoming stream of packets. So the first thing we need to setup is a packet handler that will receive packets from libpcap. We’re not going to be concerned with multi-threading issues in this tutorial. So to receive packets our main application class will simply implement the PcapPacketHandler interface. Once we have the packets we will need to check if the packet is Ip4 packet and if its fragmented or not.
For all Ip4 packets, fragmented or not, we going to stuff them into a reassembly buffer that we are going to use for IP datagram, fragmented or not.
The Ip4 flag NO_MORE_FRAGMENTS is going to give us a clue about when the fragment is complete, but we can’t always rely on that flag. Fragments can arrive out of sequence or even be dropped along the way and never arrive. So we are also going to keep track of how many bytes we have reassembled. When that total matches the length of the entire unfragmented datagram, then we know we have received all fragments and we are done.
For those cases where fragment is dropped and never arrives, we are also going to implement a simple timeout mechanism that will timeout each reassembly buffer past certain amount of time.
loop {
Receive packet from libpcap;
if packet is Ip4 packet then
get or create reassembly buffer and store in a map;
calculate offset into the buffer and add fragment
if the packet is complete then
remove buffer from map;
dispatch buffer to user's handler;
timeout buffer entries;
User handler {
receive reassembly buffers;
create a new IP only packet;
scan the packet;
to packet.toString() to get pretty output;
This is a very important piece of our application therefore we need to plan it out in detail. We’re calling this buffer IpReassemblyBuffer and it extends a JBuffer.
We are going to allocate a large JBuffer which will hold our ip header and all the fragments combined. Like so:
The buffer is also going to keep track of timeouts. We’re going to set a time value at which time the buffer becomes officially timed out. We will implement a simple isTimedout():boolean method to check for that condition. The method simply compares the timeout timestamp with the current time and if its past its due date, return true.
这个Buffer还需要设置定时,通过重写IpReassemblyBuffer类的构造方法将定时加入时间戳。用 isTimedout():boolean 方法确认传输是否超时。设置超时是为了要求在规定的时间内接收到可以装载恢复成原来完整IP数据包的所有分片。当前时间距离时间戳的时长超过的规定的范围,我们就确认传输超时,返回true。
The buffer needs to keep track of number of bytes already assembled and the total length of the IP datagram. When the 2 are equal, that means the buffer is complete and we can dispatch it to the user. We’re also going to implement as boolean method that checks for this condition isComplete().
Buffer是一个动态的概念,可以把它看做一个正在装载中的IP数据包。Buffer需要实时跟踪已经装载的字节数和IP报文的总长度。二者相等时,装载完成,我们把Buffer分发给指定的进程接口(网络层数据交给传输层处理)。用isComplete():boolean 方法确认装载是否完成。
To keep track of all the buffers, we’re going to use a JRE Map and use a 32 bit int hash we generate from ip fragments ip header using fields,, Ip4.source(), Ip4.destination(), Ip4.protocol like so:
int hash = (id() << 16) ^ source() ^ destination() ^ type();
We’re also going to use a PriorityQueue that will prioritize buffers for us based on the timeout timestamp value. Buffers will be ordered according to timeout value. The packets on top of the queue are going to be either timedout or closer to timeout than any other buffer on the queue. This is going to lets us efficiently check packets on the queue, until we reach a packet that is not timedout, at which time we can stop.
The first fragment that we see is the one that creates the buffer for that Ip datagram. At the time of the construction of the buffer, we’re going to use the ip header of that fragment as a template for the IP header we need to insert infront off all the fragments in the buffer. We also need to reset a few fields in the header to match the new packet that we are creating out of the fragments. We need to either recalculate or reset to the header crc, clear the MORE_FRAGMENTS flag, drop any optional headers by resetting the hlen field to 5 and also set the total length field to the new length of our IP datagram.
The buffer will never be complete unless we receive that last fragment. That last fragment is crucial since it tells us the length of the original IP datagram. If all the fragment arrive in sequence then the last fragment also means that reassembly is complete and we can dispatch to user. Although we could receive fragments out of sequence and still receive a fragment after the last one has been received. Another important thing we need to set, is to change the size of the buffer to match that of the entire datagram. The buffer’s physical size is 8K, our datagrams are probably going to be smaller than that, so there will be some unused space at the end, but the buffer will be strictly bounded to datagram data.
So in summary. We have a buffer Map and a timeout Queue. The Map keeps track of reassembly buffers for us based on a special hashcode, while the timeout queue uses the priority queue mechanism to sort our buffers and keep buffers that have timed out at the top.
The user handler is going to receive ip reassembly buffers. These buffers may or may not be complete, but they will always have at least an ip header and 1 fragment.
We will check if the buffer is complete and report an error message if its not. Otherwise we will just create a packet out of it.
There is no need to copy the data out of the buffer, it already contains everything we need. It is freshly allocated so its our to do as we please. It has an Ip4 header at the start and then all of the reassembled fragments already copied into it.
We are simply going to peer the a JMemoryPacket with our buffer. Then we are going to run a scan on the packet to decode it, telling the scanner that the first header is Ip4.
通过引入JMemoryPacket类,可以对Buffer中的IP数据包进行数据包层次的分析。告知scanner IP报头的位置就可以直接浏览数据包并对其译码。
All it needs to do is implement the PcapPacketHandler interface. We are also going to use a static main method that will setup the libpcap portion and register our application as listener to libpcap packets.
实现了 PcapPacketHandler 接口对装载好的数据包进行处理。在静态主方法内,配置libpcap的部分,并将应用注册到对libpcap packets的监听器。
public class IpReassemblyExample implements PcapPacketHandler<object> {
public static void main(String[] args) {
StringBuilder errbuf = new StringBuilder();
//open up a capture file
Pcap pcap = Pcap.openOffline("tests/test-ipreassembly2.pcap", errbuf);
if (pcap == null) {
//enter a dispatch loop
6, // Collect 6 packets
new IpReassemblyExample(
5 * 1000, // 5 second timeout for reassembly buffer
new IpReassemblyBufferHandler() {/*Omitted for now */}),
Here we are using the static main method as a start for our application. We open up a capture file and enter a dispatch loop. We’re only collecting 6 packets and we are registering out application as the PcapPacketHandler. Our constructor takes a IpReassemblyBufferHandler that will be notified with reassembled buffers. We create an anonymous class for that since we only do very minor work in its handler callback method.
Pcap.loop(6, new IpReassemblyExample(5 * 1000, new IpReassemblyBufferHandler() {...}), "");
org.jnetpcap.Pcap.loop(int cnt, JBufferHandler handler, T user);
@cnt count of fragments in the loop
@handler JBufferHandler is the interface that dispatcher and loop would dispatch to
@user always be NUll
IpReassemblyExample(int timeOut,JBufferHandler<T> handler){
@timeOut timeOut settings for Buffer
@handler JBufferHandler is the interface that dispatcher and loop would dispatch to
1. 检查数据包是否是version 4
2. 检查是否完成装载
2.1 bufferFragment() 负责将后续的分片组装成完整的IP数据包
2.2 bufferLastFragment()负责记录整个IP数据包的长度。
public class IpReassemblyExample implements
PcapPacketHandler<object> {
private Ip4 ip = new Ip4(); // Ip4 header
public void nextPacket(PcapPacket packet, Object user) {
if (packet.hasHeader(ip)) {
final int flags = ip.flags();
* Check if we have an IP fragment
if ((flags & Ip4.FLAG_MORE_FRAGEMNTS) != 0) {
bufferFragment(packet, ip);
* record the last fragment
} else {
bufferLastFragment(packet, ip);
* Our crude timeout mechanism, should be implemented as a separate thread
We process each Ip4 packet a little differently depending if the the Ip4.FLAG_MORE_FRAGEMNTS is set. If it is not set that means it is the last fragment, otherwise we received a packet inside fragment. If a packet is not fragmented at all, it only contains a single fragment and is always the last fragment and we treat it as a last segment.
根据flag:MORE_FRAGEMNTS 我们判断接收到的数据包是否是最后一组分片,如果一个IP数据包并没有分片,但是它的flag值为false。说明这个IP数据包没有分片。
We use to methods, bufferFragment() and bufferLastFragment() to record the fragments in the reassembly buffer. The bufferLastFragment() is a little bit special in that it records the length of the entire ip datagram we are reassembling and if all the fragments arrived in sequence it also means we’re done with this buffer.
bufferFragment() 负责将后续的分片组装成完整的IP数据包,bufferLastFragment()负责记录整个IP数据包的长度。