VEX includes an array datatype. This is useful in several places:
Reading capture data from surface nodes using the import() function.使用import()函数从表面节点读取捕获数据。
General programming, wherever arrays would be useful.一般用到数组的编程。
Currently VEX does not support multi-dimensional arrays.目前,VEX不支持多维数组。
This example shows off some of the crazy things that you can do with arrays:
string maps[] = { "Mandril.rat", "default.pic" };
export float alength = 0;
vector texclr, av[];
texclr = texture(maps[s+t > 1], s, t);
av = array( {1,0,0}, vector(nrandom()), t, texclr, {.5,0,0});
if (fit(noise(s*8), 0, 1, .3, .7) > t)
av = array(1, {0,1,0}, 0);
Cf = spline("linear", s, av);
alength = len(av);
To declare an array variable, the general form is 要声明数组变量,一般的形式是
member_type var_name[]
// my_array is an array of floats ----my_array是一个浮点数数组
float my_array[];
// v is a single vector, vector_array is an array of vectors ----v是一个向量,vector_array是一个向量数组
vector v, vector_array[];
// str_array is an array of strings str_array ---是一个字符串数组
string str_array[];
You can optionally put a size inside the square brackets, but the VEX compiler currently ignores it.
To declare a function that returns an array:
// A function which returns an array of vectors
vector[] rgb_array()
To declare a nested function that returns an array:
// A function which returns an array of vectors--返回向量数组的函数
// Use the optional 'function' keyword to avoid type ambiguity--函数使用可选的“function”关键字来避免类型歧义
function vector[] rgb_array()
To specify a literal array, use curly braces, with the array members separated by commas:
vector an_array[] = { {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}, {4, 5, 6} };
vector[] rgb_array()
return { {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1} };
If you specify scalars where a vector is expected, the compiler assigns the scalar value to all components of the vector:
vector an_array[] = { 1, 2, 3};
// an_array[] == { {1, 1, 1}, {2, 2, 2}, {3, 3, 3} }
The array()
function creates an array from its arguments.
int my_array[] = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
You can use array()
to generate an array of any type. To force array()
to generate vectors (for example):
vector (array (value1, value2, ...) );
Use arrayname[index]
to look up a value by its position in the array.
vector bw[] = { 0, 1 };
// bw[] == { {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1} }
Cf = bw[index];
Array bounds are checked at run time. Reading out of bounds will return 0
or ""
. This may generate a warning or optional run-time error in the future. Writing past the end of an array will resize the array to include the index written to. The new entries will be set to 0
or ""
Python-style indexing is used. This means negative indices refer to positions from the end of the array.
使用python风格的索引。这意味着负索引指的是数组末尾的位置,从1开始倒着数的位置,最后一位是 -1。
int nums[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int n = nums[10]; // Returns 0
int b = nums[-2]; // Returns 4
string strs[] = { };
string s = strs[20]; // Returns ""
You can also assign values using the square brackets notation:
float nums[] = { };
nums[0] = 3.14;
(The getcomp and setcomp functions are equivalents for using the square brackets notation.)
getcomp和setcomp函数是使用方括号符号的等价函数。比如:getcomp(array[], int index) 取array[]中下标为index的值
The square-brackets operator also works on vectors. You can use it with matrices as well using a pair of brackets: float a = m3[0][1];
方括号运算符也适用于向量。您可以将它与矩阵一起使用,也可以使用一对括号:float a = m3[0][1];
The square-brackets can be used to extract sub-arrays using the Python slicing notation.
int nums[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int start[] = nums[0:2]; // { 0, 1 }
int end[] = nums[-2:]; // { 4, 5 }
int rev[] = nums[::-1]; // { 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 }
int odd[] = nums[1::2]; // { 1, 3, 5 }
The slice function is the equivalent for using the slice-based square brackets notation.
The assignment operator supports assigning values between vector types and arrays of floats:
float x[];
// Cf and P are vectors
x = set(P); // Assigns the components of P to the corresponding
// members of the array x
Cf = set(x); // Assigns the first 3 members of x as the
// components of the vector Cf
If the array is not long enough to fill the vector/matrix, the last member is repeated as often as necessary.
float x[] = {1, 2} // Not long enough to fill a vector
Cf = set(x); // Cf == {1, 2, 2}
You can also assign between matrix types and arrays of vector2
vector2 v2[];
vector v[];
vector4 v4[];
matrix2 m2 = 1;
matrix3 m3 = 1;
matrix m4 = 1;
v = set(m3); // Each row of the 3x3 matrix is put into a vector
m3 = set(v); // Copy the vectors into the row vectors of the matrix
v4 = set(m4); // Extract the rows of the matrix into the vector4 array
m4 = set(v4); // Create a matrix using the vector4's in the array as row vectors
In summary: 总之
Left side = | Right side | Notes |
vector2 |
float[] |
E.g. vector2 v = {1,2} |
vector |
float[] |
E.g. vector v = {1,2,3} |
vector4 |
float[] |
E.g. vector4 v = {1,2,3,4}; |
matrix2 |
float[] |
E.g. matrix2 m = {1,2,3,4}; |
matrix2 |
vector2[] |
E.g. matrix2 m = { {1,2}, {4,5} }; |
matrix3 |
float[] |
E.g. matrix3 m = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; |
matrix3 |
vector[] |
E.g. matrix3 m = { {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9}}; |
matrix |
float[] |
E.g. matrix m = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.., 16}; |
matrix |
vector4[] |
E.g. matrix m = { {1,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8}, ... {13,14,15,16}}; |
float[] |
vector2 |
Create an array of 2 floats from the components |
float[] |
vector |
Create an array of 3 floats from the components |
float[] |
vector4 |
Create an array of 4 floats from the components |
float[] |
matrix2 |
Create an array of 4 floats from the matrix2 |
vector2[] |
matrix2 |
Create an array of 2 vector2s from the matrix2 |
float[] |
matrix3 |
Create an array of 9 floats from the matrix3 |
vector[] |
matrix3 |
Create an array of 3 vectors from the matrix3 |
float[] |
matrix4 |
Create an array of 16 floats |
vector4[] |
matrix4 |
Create an array of 4 vector4 s. |
See foreach.
The following functions let you query and manipulate arrays.
Sets the length of the array. If the array is enlarged, intermediate values will be 0
or ""
Returns the length of an array. 返回数组的长度
Removes the last item from the array (decreasing the size of the array by 1) and returns it.
Adds an item to the end of an array (increasing the size of the array by 1).
Gets the value of an array component, the same as array[num]
Sets the value of an array component, the same as array[num] = value
设置数组组件的值,与array[num] = value
Efficiently creates an array from its arguments.
Flattens an array of vectors or matrices into an array of floats.
Reverses the effect of serialize: assembles a flat array of floats into an array of vectors or matrices.
An array-based replacement for the neighbourcount/neighbour combo. Returns an array of the point numbers of the neighbors of a given point.
一个基于数组的对neighborcount /neighbour组合的替换。返回给定点的相邻点的点编号数组。
In addition, the following functions work with arrays:
min 返回数组中的最小值。
avg 返回输入值的平均值 ---返回数组中值的平均值。
spline 沿着折线或样条曲线采样一个值。
The ramp
pragma lets you specify a ramp user interface for a set of parameters.
ramp pragma允许您为一组参数指定ramp用户界面。
#pragma ramp
See VCC pragmas for more information.
Currently VEX does not support multi-dimensional arrays.目前,VEX不支持多维数组。
Arrays cannot be passed between shaders (through simport, etc.). 数组不能在着色器之间传递
Arrays cannot be written to image planes. 数组不能写入图像平面。