
package com.everydayflash.util {

import flash.geom.Point;

* This class can be used as a replacement for the DisplayObject.rotation property.
* It rotates a DisplayObject, but it does not limit itself to rotate around the it's
* registration point, instead it can rotate the object around any point. The point is
* defined in the objects parent coodrinate system.
* @author Bartek Drozdz (http://www.everydayflash.com)
* @version 1.0
public class Rotator {

private var target:Object;

* A value that is based on the initial rotation of the display object itself, and
* the angle between the registration point of the display object and of the rotator
private var offset:Number;

* Registration point - the point around which the rotation takse place
private var point:Point;

* Distance between the registration point of the display object and the registration
* point of the rotator
private var dist:Number;

* Registers a DisplayObject that will be rotated and an registration Point around which it will be rotated.
* @param target DisplayObject to rotate
* @param registrationPoint Point containing the coodrinates around which the object should be rotated
* (in the targets parent coordinate space) If omitted, the displays object x and y coordinates are used
public function Rotator(target:Object, registrationPoint:Point=null) {
this.target = target;

* Once set in the constructor, the rotation registration point can be modified an any moment
* @param registrationPoint, if null defaults to targets x and y coordinates
public function setRegistrationPoint(registrationPoint:Point=null):void {
if (registrationPoint == null) point = new Point(target.x, target.y);
else point = registrationPoint;

var dx:Number = point.x - target.x;
var dy:Number = point.y - target.y;
dist = Math.sqrt( dx * dx + dy * dy );

var a:Number = Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI;
offset = 180 - a + target.rotation;

* Sets the rotation to the angle passed as parameter.
* Since it uses a getter/setter Rotator can easily be used with Tween or Tweener classes.
public function set rotation(angle:Number):void {
var tp:Point = new Point(target.x, target.y);

var ra:Number = (angle - offset) * Math.PI / 180;

target.x = point.x + Math.cos(ra) * dist;
target.y = point.y + Math.sin(ra) * dist;

target.rotation = angle;

* Returns current rotation of the target in degrees
public function get rotation():Number {
return target.rotation;

* Rotates the target by the angle passed as parameter.
* Works the same as Rotator.rotation += angle;
* @param angle angle by which to rotate the target DisplayObject
public function rotateBy(angle:Number):void {
var tp:Point = new Point(target.x, target.y);

var ra:Number = (target.rotation + angle - offset) * Math.PI / 180;

target.x = point.x + Math.cos(ra) * dist;
target.y = point.y + Math.sin(ra) * dist;

target.rotation = target.rotation + angle;
