趣谈代码评审(Code Review)编年史

我的新书《Android App开发入门与实战》已于2020年8月由人民邮电出版社出版,欢迎购买。


书籍购买地址:京东 当当 天猫


1990 - your code is using to much memory
1995 - your code is not running on window 95
2000 - your code is slow
2003 - your code don’t have tests
2005 - your code is not 64 bit
2009 - your code is not using mvc patters
2010 - your code is not horizontal scalable
2011 - your code should be written in js
2015 - your code is not mobile ready
2020 - your code is racist

Comments Plus:

1985 - Shit my code and sprites won’t fit on a floppy, shall I use a datasette tape or solder an eprom cartridge?

2025 - your code is to lightweight, they have terabytes of drive space for you to fill.

2030 - your code is written by yourself

2999 - racism is gone and pc culture is dead so we can use blacklists and masters again…


[GitHub将替换master、slave等术语 反对种族歧视]
