统计项目代码行数Count Lines of Code(CLOC)

统计代码总行数挺麻烦的 VS2010里虽然有Code Metrics Analyze 但这个工具只能用在托管的项目中 于是在这里找到一个小的命令行工具统计代码行数

用法很简单 如下(转自Wiki)

How to use CLOC in Windows

(1) Download the program

(2) Open command prompt

(3) Run program with syntax:

(4) Program will print out a table with statictics on every programming language it can recognise in the given directory

(5) -> SLOC is the amount of "code" lines

(6) -> LOC is the sum of "blank" + "comment" + "code" lines

Simple Example

cloc-1.08.exe D:\Users\temp\code_files\my_program
      21 text files.
      21 unique files.
       0 files ignored.

http://cloc.sourceforge.net v 1.08  T=0.5 s (42.0 files/s, 9658.0 lines/s)
Language          files     blank   comment      code    scale   3rd gen. equiv
Java                 10       518       164      1979 x   1.36 =        2691.44
CSS                   3       129        28       739 x   1.00 =         739.00
PHP                   5       176       128       505 x   3.50 =        1767.50
HTML                  3        60        34       369 x   1.90 =         701.10
SUM:                 21       883       354      3592 x   1.64 =        5899.04
