普通青年 文艺青年 2B青年


/* normal-youth.c */
main() {
printf("hello world");

/* literature-youth.c */
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
printf("Hello world!\n");
return 0;

/* 2b-youth.c */
#define m main
#define p(x) printf(#x)
m(){p(hello world);}

// NormalYouth.java
public class NormalYouth {
public static void sayHello(String name) {
System.out.println("Hello, "+name);

// LiteratureYouth.java

* Copyright 2011 Literature Youth
* Permission is granted to anyone who obtained a copy of this code.
* You may
* use,
* compile,
* modify
* and/or redistribute this code
* provided that you
* don't blame the Literature Youth for any consequences caused
* by using this code.
package com.example.youth.literature.hello;

* LiteratureYouth is a hello-saying object.
public class LiteratureYouth {
private String name;

* Get the name to say hello to.
* @return the name to say hello to.
public getName() { return name; }

* Set the name to say hello to.
* @param name the name to say hello to.
public setName(String name) { this.name = name; }

* Construct a LiteratureYouth object that says hello to name.
* @param name the name to say hello to.
public LiteratureYouth(String name) {
this.name = name;

* Say hello to the pre-defined name.
public void sayHello() {
System.out.println("Hello, "+name);

// TwoBiYouth.java
public class TwoBiYouth {
public static String name = "world";
private static TwoBiYouth instance = new TwoBiYouth();
public static TwoBiYouth getInstance() { return instance; }

public interface SayHelloStrategy {
void sayHello();

public class DefaultSayHelloStrategy implements SayHelloStrategy {
@Override public void sayHello() {
System.out.println("Hello, "+name);

private SayHelloStrategy strategy = new DefaultSayHelloStrategy();
public SayHelloStrategy getStrategy() { return strategy; }

public static class TwoBiYouthVisitor {
public void visit(TwoBiYouth tby) {

public static class Facade {
public void sayHello(String n) {
TwoBiYouth.name = n;
TwoBiYouth tby = TwoBiYouth.getInstance();
TwoBiYouthVisitor visitor = new TwoBiYouthVisitor();

# normal-youth.sql
SELECT 'Hello world';

# literature-youth.sql
SELECT 'Hello', name FROM hw WHERE p = 'Hello';

// 2bYouth.sql.java
"SELECT 'Hello', name FROM hw WHERE p = '"
+ scanner.next() + "';");

""" normal-youth.py """
def hello(name):
print "Hello", name

""" literature-youth.py """
def hello(name):
assert(sys.version_info.major == 2 and
sys.version_info.minor >= 6 or
sys.version_info.major > 2)
print "Hello {}".format(name)

""" 2b-youth.py """
hello = lambda n : (lambda v: v + " " + n)("Hello")

# normal-youth.sh

# calculate 1+2+...+100
for n in {1..100}; do
SUM=$((SUM + n))
echo $SUM

# literature-youth.sh

# calculate 1+2+...+100
for x in $(seq 100); do
for y in $(seq $x); do
echo $y
done | wc -l

# 2b-youth.sh

# calculate 1+2+...+100
echo $((1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36+37+38+39+40+41+42+43+44+45+46+47+48+49+50+51+52+53+54+55+56+57+58+59+60+61+62+63+64+65+66+67+68+69+70+71+72+73+74+75+76+77+78+79+80+81+82+83+84+85+86+87+88+89+90+91+92+93+94+95+96+97+98+99+100))

-- NormalYouth.hs
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * fac (n-1)

-- LiteratureYouth.hs
factorial n = foldr (*) 1 [1..n]

-- 2bYouth.hs
module Main where

data Natural = Zero | Succ Natural deriving Show

one = Succ Zero
two = Succ one
three = Succ two
four = Succ three
five = Succ four
six = Succ five

a +++ Zero = a
a +++ Succ x = Succ a +++ x

a *** Zero = Zero
a *** Succ x = a +++ (a *** x)

factorial Zero = one
factorial n@(Succ x) = n *** factorial x

toi Zero = 0
toi (Succ x) = 1 + toi x
