Create HTML mails in SSJS using MIME


* Class to generate HTML e-mailmessages from SSJS


* Author: Mark Leusink([email protected])


* Version: 2011-07-21


* History:

* 2011-12-07 initial version

* 2011-12-08 added support forinline images

* 2011-12-19 fixed wrong methodname in usage samples


* Usage example (simple):


* var mail = new HTMLMail();

* mail.setTo("[email protected]")

* mail.setSubject("Yournotification");

*mail.addHTML("Hello world");

* mail.send();


* Usage example (extended):


* var mail = new HTMLMail();

* mail.setTo("[email protected]")

* mail.setCC(["[email protected]", "[email protected]"] );

* mail.setBB("[email protected]");

* mail.setSubject("Yournotification");





contents in atable here

* mail.addDocAttachment("DC9126E84C59093FC1257953003C13E6", "jellyfish.jpg")

* mail.addFileAttachment("c:/temp/report.pdf");

* mail.setSender("[email protected]","Mark Leusink");

* mail.send();


var HTMLMail =function() {

this._to = [];

this._cc = [];

this._bcc = [];

this._fromEmail = null;

this._fromName = null;

this._subject = "";

this._contentsHTML = [];

this._contentsText = [];

this._attachments = [];


* set "to","CC" and/ or "BCC" addresses

* to = string or array of stringscontaining either e-mail addresses or Notes names


this.setTo = function( to:String) {

if (typeof to === "string") { to = [to] };

this._to = to;


this.setCC = function( to:String) {

if (typeof to === "string") { to = [to] };

this._cc = to;


this.setBCC = function( to:String) {

if (typeof to === "string") { to = [to] };

this._bcc = to;


//set the subject of the message

this.setSubject = function(subject:String ) {

this._subject = subject;


this.addHTML = function(content:String ) {


//create a plain textrepresentation of the HTML contents:

//removeall HTML tags and add a line break

var plainText = content.replace(/<[a-zA-Z\/][^>]*>/g, "");

this._contentsText.push(plainText + "\n" );


this.addText = function(content:String ) {

this._contentsText.push( content);

//add html part by replacing allline breaks with a

var htmlText = @ReplaceSubstring(content,@Char(13), "



//set the sender of the message

//fromEmailis required, fromName is optional

this.setSender = function(fromEmail:String, fromName:String ) {

if ( fromEmail.length> 0 ) {

this._fromEmail = fromEmail;

this._fromName = fromName;




* add an attachment on a documentto the mail message


* unid (string) = unid of thedocument in the current database that contains the file to be send

* fileName (string) = well... guess...

* inlineImage (boolean, defaultsto false): if set to true, this image is marked as "inline" (used inthe content)


this.addDocAttachment = function(unid:String , fileName:String, inlineImage:boolean) {

var contentId =@Unique().toLowerCase();

if (typeof inlineImage=="undefined") { inlineImage = false; }

this._attachments.push( { type :"document", unid: unid, fileName : fileName, contentId : contentId,inline : inlineImage } );

return "cid:" + contentId;



* add an OS file to the mailmessage


* path (string): path of the fileon the server

* fileName (string): fileName ofthe file

* inlineImage (boolean, defaultsto false): if set to true, this image is marked as "inline" (used inthe content)


this.addFileAttachment =function( path:String, fileName:String, inlineImage:boolean ) {

var contentId =@Unique().toLowerCase();

if (typeof inlineImage=="undefined") { inlineImage = false; }

this._attachments.push( { type :"file", path : path, fileName : fileName, contentId : contentId,inline : inlineImage } );

return "cid:" + contentId;


this.send = function() {


var doc:NotesDocument= database.createDocument();

doc.replaceItemValue("RecNoOutOfOffice","1"); //no replies from out of office agents

var mimeRoot:NotesMIMEEntity= doc.createMIMEEntity("Body");

var mimeHeader:NotesMIMEHeader;

//set to

if (this._to.length>0){

mimeHeader =mimeRoot.createHeader("To");



//set cc

if (this._cc.length>0){

mimeHeader = mimeRoot.createHeader("CC");



//set bcc

if (this._bcc.length>0){

mimeHeader =mimeRoot.createHeader("BCC");



//set subject

mimeHeader =mimeRoot.createHeader("Subject");


var mimeBoundary =doc.getUniversalID().toLowerCase();

var stream:NotesStream;

var mimeEntity:NotesMIMEEntity;

//create text/alternativedirective: text/plain and text/html part will be childs of this entity

var mimeRootChild =mimeRoot.createChildEntity();

mimeHeader =mimeRootChild.createHeader("Content-Type");

mimeHeader.setHeaderVal("multipart/alternative; boundary=\"" + mimeBoundary +"\"" );

//createplain text part

mimeEntity =mimeRootChild.createChildEntity();

stream = session.createStream();


mimeEntity.setContentFromText(stream,"text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\"", NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_NONE);


//createHTML part

mimeEntity =mimeRootChild.createChildEntity();

stream = session.createStream();


mimeEntity.setContentFromText(stream,"text/html; charset=\"UTF-8\"", NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_NONE);


//add attachments


//set the sender


//send the e-mail




//retrieve a file from a documentthat should be added to the message

this._addAttachments = function(mimeRoot:NotesMIMEEntity ) {

var streamFile:NotesStream= null;

//processdocument attachments

for (var i=0; j=this._attachments.length, i

var att =this._attachments[i];

is = null;

//getcontent type for file

var contentType ="application/octet-stream";

var extension = @LowerCase(@RightBack(att.fileName, "."));

if (extension=="gif"){

contentType ="image/gif";

} else if (extension=="jpg" || extension=="jpeg") {

contentType ="image/jpeg";

} else if (extension=="png") {

contentType ="image/png";


contentType += "; name=\"" + att.fileName + "\"";

var eo:NotesEmbeddedObject= null;

var is = null;

try {

if (att.type.equals("document")) {

//retrieve the documentcontaining the attachment to send from the current database

var docFile:NotesDocument= database.getDocumentByUNID( att.unid );

if (null != docFile) {

eo =docFile.getAttachment(att.fileName);

is = eo.getInputStream();


} else {

is = new + att.fileName );


if (is != null) {

var mimeChild =mimeRoot.createChildEntity();

var mimeHeader =mimeChild.createHeader("Content-Disposition");

if (att.inline) {

mimeHeader.setHeaderVal("inline;filename=\"" + att.fileName +"\"");

} else {

mimeHeader.setHeaderVal("attachment;filename=\"" + att.fileName +"\"");


mimeHeader = mimeChild.createHeader("Content-ID");

mimeHeader.setHeaderVal("<" + att.contentId + ">" );

streamFile =session.createStream();


mimeChild.setContentFromBytes(streamFile,contentType, NotesMIMEEntity.ENC_IDENTITY_BINARY);


} catch (e) {

print("error while addingattachment: " + e.toString());

} finally {

if (is != null) {is.close(); }

if (eo != null) {eo.recycle(); }




//change the sender of an e-mail

this._setSender = function(mimeRoot:NotesMIMEEntity ) {

if (this._fromEmail==null){



var mimeHeader:NotesMIMEHeader= null;

mimeHeader =mimeRoot.createHeader("Reply-To");


mimeHeader =mimeRoot.createHeader("Return-Path");


if (this._fromName==null){

mimeHeader =mimeRoot.createHeader("From");


mimeHeader =mimeRoot.createHeader("Sender");


} else {

mimeHeader =mimeRoot.createHeader("From");

mimeHeader.setHeaderVal("\"" + this._fromName + "\" <" + this._fromEmail + ">" );

mimeHeader =mimeRoot.createHeader("Sender");

mimeHeader.setHeaderVal("\"" + this._fromName + "\" <" + this._fromEmail + ">" );




