Round #653 (Div. 3)前两题&Round #650 (Div. 3)第三题


A. Required Remainder

You are given three integers x,y and n. Your task is to find the maximum integer k such that 0≤k≤n that kmodx=y, where mod is modulo operation. Many programming languages use percent operator % to implement it.
In other words, with given x,y and n you need to find the maximum possible integer from 0 to n that has the remainder y modulo x.
You have to answer t independent test cases. It is guaranteed that such k exists for each test case.
The first line of the input contains one integer t (1≤t≤5⋅104) — the number of test cases. The next t lines contain test cases.
The only line of the test case contains three integers x,y and n (2≤x≤109; 0≤y It can be shown that such k always exists under the given constraints.
For each test case, print the answer — maximum non-negative integer k such that 0≤k≤n and kmodx=y. It is guaranteed that the answer always exists.


using namespace std;
int main(){
	int t,x,y,n;
	return 0;

Round #653 (Div. 3)前两题&Round #650 (Div. 3)第三题_第1张图片

B. Multiply by 2, divide by 6

You are given an integer n. In one move, you can either multiply n by two or divide n by 6 (if it is divisible by 6 without the remainder).
Your task is to find the minimum number of moves needed to obtain 1 from n or determine if it’s impossible to do that.
You have to answer t independent test cases.
The first line of the input contains one integer t (1≤t≤2⋅104) — the number of test cases. Then t test cases follow.
The only line of the test case contains one integer n (1≤n≤109).
For each test case, print the answer — the minimum number of moves needed to obtain 1 from n if it’s possible to do that or -1 if it’s impossible to obtain 1 from n.


for ( init; condition; increment )

①init 会首先被执行,且只会执行一次。这一步允许您声明并初始化任何循环控制变量。您也可以不在这里写任何语句,只要有一个分号出现即可。
②接下来,会判断 condition。如果为真,则执行循环主体。如果为假,则不执行循环主体,且控制流会跳转到紧接着 for 循环的下一条语句。
③在执行完 for 循环主体后,控制流会跳回上面的 increment 语句。该语句允许您更新循环控制变量。该语句可以留空,只要在条件后有一个分号出现即可。
④条件再次被判断。如果为真,则执行循环,这个过程会不断重复(循环主体,然后增加步值,再然后重新判断条件)。在条件变为假时,for 循环终止。
Round #653 (Div. 3)前两题&Round #650 (Div. 3)第三题_第2张图片



int main(){
    int t;std::cin>>t;
    	int n;std::cin>>n;
    	int num1=0;int num2=0;
    	for(;n%3==0;n/=3) num1++;
    	for(;n%2==0;n/=2) num2++;
    	if(n>1||num1<num2) std::cout<<"-1\n";//注意,加速了换行就不能用endl了
    	else std::cout<<num1*2-num2<<"\n";//注意,加速了换行就不能用endl了
    return 0;


C. Social Distance

Polycarp and his friends want to visit a new restaurant. The restaurant has n tables arranged along a straight line. People are already sitting at some tables. The tables are numbered from 1 to n in the order from left to right. The state of the restaurant is described by a string of length n which contains characters “1” (the table is occupied) and “0” (the table is empty).
Restaurant rules prohibit people to sit at a distance of k or less from each other. That is, if a person sits at the table number i, then all tables with numbers from i−k to i+k (except for the i-th) should be free. In other words, the absolute difference of the numbers of any two occupied tables must be strictly greater than k.
For example, if n=8 and k=2, then:
strings “10010001”, “10000010”, “00000000”, “00100000” satisfy the rules of the restaurant;
strings “10100100”, “10011001”, “11111111” do not satisfy to the rules of the restaurant, since each of them has a pair of “1” with a distance less than or equal to k=2.
In particular, if the state of the restaurant is described by a string without “1” or a string with one “1”, then the requirement of the restaurant is satisfied.
You are given a binary string s that describes the current state of the restaurant. It is guaranteed that the rules of the restaurant are satisfied for the string s.
Find the maximum number of free tables that you can occupy so as not to violate the rules of the restaurant. Formally, what is the maximum number of “0” that can be replaced by “1” such that the requirement will still be satisfied?
For example, if n=6, k=1, s= “100010”, then the answer to the problem will be 1, since only the table at position 3 can be occupied such that the rules are still satisfied.
The first line contains a single integer t (1≤t≤104) — the number of test cases in the test. Then t test cases follow.
Each test case starts with a line containing two integers n and k (1≤k≤n≤2⋅105) — the number of tables in the restaurant and the minimum allowed distance between two people.
The second line of each test case contains a binary string s of length n consisting of “0” and “1” — a description of the free and occupied tables in the restaurant. The given string satisfy to the rules of the restaurant — the difference between indices of any two “1” is more than k.
The sum of n for all test cases in one test does not exceed 2⋅105.
For each test case output one integer — the number of tables that you can occupy so as not to violate the rules of the restaurant. If additional tables cannot be taken, then, obviously, you need to output 0.

小天使 小蒟蒻又来讲解题目大意啦~不知为何这么长也不难懂哈 ~ 手动狗头保命
说实话这题有点傻眼,让我们来想一想 看看大佬的码hhhh

  1. 首先看看全0,也就是桌子全空,怎么坐人:以可以坐人的位置为界,将桌子们划分开来,由于是从前往后划区,所以最后一个区也要补齐,就将n+k,然后除以k吗?不对,人坐的那个位置也要算,也就是说每个区是(k+1)的长度。所以,全零的情况可以坐的人数为:(n+k)/(k+1)
  2. 如果不是全零,那就是初始已有人坐了,那么我们将可以坐人的零列分块,分成第一个块(第一个人前面的0列),中间部分和最后一个块(最后一个人后面的0列)三部分。当然了,也不排除没有第一部分和最后一部分(首尾都有人的情况)。①第一部分:我们首先记录下1的下标(从0开始的),那么第一个1的下标就是他前面的0的个数/(k+1)就是可以坐的人数 ②第二部分:后面的1的下标减去前面的1的下标再减1,就是当中0的个数 减去k 再除以(k+1)就是中间可以坐下的人数(因为是从前一个人人开始划分领地,所以要把属于下一个人的领地减掉) ③第三部分:(总的桌子数-最后一个人的下标-1)就是最后一串0的长度,由于后面已经没有人了,所以除以(k+1)就好了
int main() {
    int cases;std::cin>>cases;
    	int n,k,res=0;std::string str;//注意这里string前面也要std::
    	std::vector<int> v;
    	for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
    		if(str[i]=='1') v.push_back(i);//vector是push_back
    	if(v.empty()) std::cout<<(n+k)/(k+1)<<"\n";
    		for(int i=0;i<int(v.size())-1;i++){
    return 0;


Round #653 (Div. 3)前两题&Round #650 (Div. 3)第三题_第3张图片
