# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import codecs
2、windows下注册表的编码格式为UCS-2 LE BOM , 对应python中的uft-16
def read(path,encoding): if encoding=='': encoding='uft-8' # //ucs2可以认为是UTF-16 with open(path, 'r', encoding=encoding,errors='ignore') as file: str = file.read() return str # python3 # 以读入文件为例: # f = open(path, "rb") # 二进制格式读文件 # i = 0 # while True: # i += 1 # print(i) # line = f.readline() # if not line: # break # else: # try: # # print(line) # # print(line.decode('utf8')) # line.decode('utf8',errors='ignore') # print(line) # # 为了暴露出错误,最好此处不print # except: # print(str(line)) def write(path,str,encoding): if encoding=='': encoding='uft-8' with open(path, 'r+',encoding=encoding) as file: file.write(str)