

本文为英国伯恩茅斯大学(作者:Navpreet Kaur Pawar)的硕士论文,共33页。



Recent advancement in the three-dimensionalacquisition techniques provides huge input of unorganized three dimensionalpoint data sets. With an increase in the application areas making use of pointclouds, there is a growing demand to reconstruct a continuous surfacerepresentation that provides an authentic representation of the unorganizedpoint sets and render the surface for visualization. The main goal of the projectis the study of various reconstruction algorithms and the creation of a 3dmodel of an object from a point cloud. The project was started with the use ofPoint Cloud Library to create 3d polygonal meshes and understanding its usageand experimenting with the various algorithms used in PCL (Point cloud Library)for reconstructing meshes from the point clouds. PCL makes use of manyalgorithms like Marching Cubes, Grid Projection, Greedy Projection, etc. Afterexperimenting with the PCL’s Grid Projection algorithm, the project focused oncreating the mesh using Marching Cubes algorithm. The data for Marching Cubehas been created from the Point Cloud using Principal Component Analysis andHermite Radial Basis Function.

1 引言
2 问题描述
3 本文组织结构
4 重要术语
5 使用的工具与技术
6 研究背景回顾
7 贪婪投影算法
8 行进立方体算法
9 Kdtree:最近邻近似
10 使用主成分分析进行表面法向估计
11 埃尔米特径向基函数
12 投影结构与算法流程
13 结果与比较
14 面临的问题
15 结论
16 参考文献



