

本文为加拿大多伦多大学(作者:George Edward Dahl)的博士论文,共108页。



The deep learning approach to machine learningemphasizes high-capacity, scalable models that learn distributedrepresentations of their input. This dissertation demonstrates the efficacy andgenerality of this approach in a series of diverse case studies in speechrecognition, computational chemistry, and natural language processing.Throughout these studies, I extend and modify the neural network models asneeded to be more effective for each task. In the area of speech recognition, Idevelop a more accurate acoustic model using a deep neural network. This model,which uses rectified linear units and dropout, improves word error rates on a50 hour broadcast news task. A similar neural network results in a model formolecular activity prediction substantially more effective than productionsystems used in the pharmaceutical industry. Even though training assays indrug discovery are not typically very large, it is still possible to train verylarge models by leveraging data from multiple assays in the same model and byusing effective regularization schemes. In the area of natural languageprocessing, I first describe a new restricted Boltzmann machine trainingalgorithm suitable for text data. Then, I introduce a new neural networkgenerative model of parsed sentences capable of generating reasonable samplesand demonstrate a performance advantage for deeper variants of the model.

1 深度学习方法与现代互连机制
2 深度语音模型
3 药物挖掘的深度神经网络:QSAR案例研究
4 自然语言文本的互连模型
5 结论
附录A QSAR实验细节
附录B Alias方法实现的伪码
附录C 无偏采样的曲面形式



