Synthesis a new texture pixel by pixel, where the value of each pixel is determined by the local neighbourhood(e.g. 3x3, 5x5), choosing the input pixel with a similar neighboorhood
For regular objects, such as sphere, cube, cylinder
For complex objects, each vertex is specified a texture coordinate
Construct a mapping from 3D mesh models to planar domain
Generally, aliasing is caused when a signal is sampled at too low frequency rate. So that many high frequency features of the signal are missed.
Have a 3-D array of texture values (e.g., a block of marble).Use a function [xyz] -> [RGB] to map colors to points
In practice the map is often defined procedurally, no need to store an entire 3D array of colors, Just define a function to generate a color for each 3D point
du = 1/BumpMapWidth
dv = 1/BumpMapHeight
u_gradient = BumpMap(u-du, v) - BumpMap(u+du, v)(U方向的坡度)
v_gradient = BumpMap(u, v-dv) - BumpMap(u, v+dv) (V方向的坡度)
NewNormal = OldNormal + (T * u_gradient) + (B * v_gradient)
TangentU(i,j) = (1, 0, (HeightMap(i+1,j) - HeightMap(i-1,j))*a);
TangentV(i,j) = (0, 1, (HeightMap(i,j+1) - HeightMap(i,j-1))*a);
Normal = normalize(cross(TangentU, TangentV));
Normal = (Normal + (1, 1, 1)) / 2; //To Tangent Space
给定n个线性无关向量组成的集合 S = e 1 , e 2 , . . . e n S={e_1,e_2,...e_n} S=e1,e2,...en,该算法可以计算出集合 S ′ = e 1 ′ , e 2 ′ , . . . e n ′ S'={e_1',e_2',...e_n'} S′=e1′,e2′,...en′,当i不等于j时 e i ′ ⋅ e j ′ = 0 e_i'\cdot e_j'=0 ei′⋅ej′=0
可以将三角形的法向量作为切线空间的法向量,这样在大部分情况下norma的方向就是三角形面的法向量,也就是在切空间的Z轴(0,0,1)因为向量每个维度的取值范围是[-1,1],而纹理每个通道的取值范围为[0,1],所以要做一步映射,即 pixel =(normal + 1)/2,(0,0,1)就变成了(0.5,0.5,1),而这个颜色就是法线贴图中大片的蓝色
要计算顶点的切线空间向量(B-bitangent,T-tangent,N-normal),首先要计算每个三角面的切线空间向量,假设三角形的三个顶点为 P 0 , P 1 , P 2 P_0,P_1,P_2 P0,P1,P2,纹理坐标为 ( u 0 , v 0 ) , ( u 1 , v 1 ) , ( u 2 , v 2 ) (u_0, v_0),(u_1, v_1),(u_2, v_2) (u0,v0),(u1,v1),(u2,v2)
Q 1 = P 1 − P 0 Q 2 = P 2 − P 0 ( t 1 , b 1 ) = ( u 1 − u 0 , v 1 − v 0 ) ( t 2 , b 2 ) = ( u 2 − u 0 , v 2 − v 0 ) Q 1 = t 1 ∗ T + b 1 ∗ B Q 2 = t 2 ∗ T + b 2 ∗ B [ Q 1 ⋅ x Q 1 ⋅ y Q 1 ⋅ z Q 2 ⋅ x Q 2 ⋅ x Q 2 ⋅ x ] = [ t 1 b 1 t 2 b 2 ] [ T x T y T z B x B y B z ] [ T x T y T z B x B y B z ] = 1 t 1 b 2 − t 2 b 1 [ b 2 − b 1 − t 2 t 1 ] [ Q 1 ⋅ x Q 1 ⋅ y Q 1 ⋅ z Q 2 ⋅ x Q 2 ⋅ x Q 2 ⋅ x ] Q_1 = P_1 - P_0\\ \ \\ Q_2 = P_2 - P_0\\ \ \\ (t_1, b_1) = (u_1 - u_0, v_1 - v_0)\\ \ \\ (t_2, b_2) = (u_2 - u_0, v_2 - v_0)\\ \ \\ Q_1 = t_1*T + b_1*B\\ \ \\ Q_2 = t_2*T + b_2*B\\ \ \\ \begin{bmatrix} Q_{1\cdot}x & Q_{1\cdot}y & Q_{1\cdot}z\\ Q_{2\cdot}x & Q_{2\cdot}x & Q_{2\cdot}x \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} t_1 & b_1 \\ t_2 & b_2 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} T_x & T_y & T_z \\ B_x & B_y & B_z \end{bmatrix} \ \\ \ \\ \begin{bmatrix} T_x & T_y & T_z \\ B_x & B_y & B_z \end{bmatrix} = \frac{1}{t_1b_2-t_2b_1} \begin{bmatrix} b_2 & -b_1 \\ -t_2 & t_1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} Q_{1\cdot}x & Q_{1\cdot}y & Q_{1\cdot}z\\ Q_{2\cdot}x & Q_{2\cdot}x & Q_{2\cdot}x \end{bmatrix} Q1=P1−P0 Q2=P2−P0 (t1,b1)=(u1−u0,v1−v0) (t2,b2)=(u2−u0,v2−v0) Q1=t1∗T+b1∗B Q2=t2∗T+b2∗B [Q1⋅xQ2⋅xQ1⋅yQ2⋅xQ1⋅zQ2⋅x]=[t1t2b1b2][TxBxTyByTzBz] [TxBxTyByTzBz]=t1b2−t2b11[b2−t2−b1t1][Q1⋅xQ2⋅xQ1⋅yQ2⋅xQ1⋅zQ2⋅x]
[ T x T y T z B x B y B z N x N y N z ] \begin{bmatrix} T_x & T_y & T_z \\ B_x & B_y & B_z \\ N_x & N_y & N_z \end{bmatrix} ⎣⎡TxBxNxTyByNyTzBzNz⎦⎤
vec2 parallaxMapping(in vec3 V, in vec2 T, out float parallaxHeight)
// get depth for this fragment
float initialHeight = texture(u_heightTexture, o_texcoords).r;
// calculate amount of offset for Parallax Mapping
vec2 texCoordOffset = parallaxScale * V.xy / V.z * initialHeight;
// calculate amount of offset for Parallax Mapping With Offset Limiting
// 带偏移上限的视差映射可以避免在摄像机向量V和法向量N夹角太大时的一些诡异的结果。
// texCoordOffset = parallaxScale * V.xy * initialHeight;
// retunr modified texture coordinates
return o_texcoords - texCoordOffset;
vec2 steepPallaxMapping(in vec3 v, in vec2 t)
// determine number of layers from angle between V and N
// 当垂直看一个表面的时候纹理时位移比以一定角度看时的小。我们可以在垂直看时使用更少的样本,以一定角度看时增加样本数量:
const float minLayers = 5;
const float maxLayers = 15;
float numLayers = mix(maxLayers, minLayers, abs(dot(vec3(0, 0, 1), v)));
// height of each layer
float layerHeight = 1.0 / numLayers;
// depth of current layer
float currentLayerHeight = 0;
// shift of texture coordinates for each iteration
vec2 dtex = gHeightScale * v.xy / v.z / numLayers;
// current texture coordinates
vec2 currentTextureCoords = t;
// get first depth from heightmap
float heightFromTexture = texture(NormTexSampler, currentTextureCoords).a;
// while point is above surface
while(heightFromTexture > currentLayerHeight)
// to the next layer
currentLayerHeight += layerHeight;
// shift texture coordinates along vector V
currentTextureCoords -= dtex;
// get new depth from heightmap
heightFromTexture = texture(NormTexSampler, currentTextureCoords).a;
return currentTextureCoords;
nextHeight = H(T3) - currentLayerHeight //Left triangle line length, 负
prevHeight = H(T2) - (currentLayerHeight - layerHeight) //Right triangle line length, 正
weight = nextHeight / (nextHeight - prevHeight) // 占总的比例
Tp = T(T2) weight + T(T3) (1.0 - weight)
// Start of Relief Parallax Mapping
// decrease shift and height of layer by half
vec2 deltaTexCoord = dtex / 2;
float deltaHeight = layerHeight / 2;
// return to the mid point of previous layer
currentTextureCoords += deltaTexCoord;
currentLayerHeight -= deltaHeight;
// binary search to increase precision of Steep Paralax Mapping
const int numSearches = 5;
for(int i=0; i<numSearches; i++)
// decrease shift and height of layer by half
deltaTexCoord /= 2;
deltaHeight /= 2;
// new depth from heightmap
heightFromTexture = texture(u_heightTexture, currentTextureCoords).r;
// shift along or agains vector V
if(heightFromTexture > currentLayerHeight) // below the surface
currentTextureCoords -= deltaTexCoord;
currentLayerHeight += deltaHeight;
else // above the surface
currentTextureCoords += deltaTexCoord;
currentLayerHeight -= deltaHeight;
// return results
parallaxHeight = currentLayerHeight;
return currentTextureCoords;