pass4sure Brain Dump Exams questions

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1.Avery has a form design that 920-327 is targeted for both the Notes client and the Web browser. One of his buttons uses an @Prompt([OK]) command to display specific form values. Since @Prompt is not supported in Web browsers, what JavaScript alternative can Avery use that will work for both platforms?

A: alert();
B: prompt();
C: display();
D: inputbox();
Correct Answers:  A

2.Avery has a form   MCSE 2003 MCSA  design that is targeted for both the Notes client and the Web browser. One of his buttons uses an @Prompt([OK]) command to display specific form values. Since @Prompt is not supported in Web browsers, what JavaScript alternative can Avery use that will work for both platforms?

A: alert();
B: prompt();
C: display();
D: inputbox();
Correct Answers:  A
