Hack Bar 2.1.2 按F9没反应




HackBar for Firefox Quantum

A HackBar for new firefox (Firefox Quantum). This addon is writed in webextension and alternatives to the XUL version of origanal Hackbar.

How to use

    Press F12 to open hackbar


    Load, split, execute url from address bar.
    Custom/add referrer url, User Agent, cookie.
    Make get, post request with Content Type: form data, json, multipart.
    Tools: md5, sha1, sha256, rot13 encryption, url, base64 encoding, beautifier json data.


    Load URL: alt + a
    Split url: alt + p
    Execute: alt + x
    Base64 Encode: alt + c
    Base64 Decode: alt + C
    Url Encode: alt + u
    Url Decode: alt + U
    with multipart post, you need edit boundary to "boundary", example --boundary Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileToUpload"; filename="test.txt" Content-Type: text/plain

