输入lsof命令查看结果如下(sybase server进程相关)
dataserve 18525 sybase cwd DIR 253,0 4096 1638847 /home/sybase/ASE-12_5/installdataserve 18525 sybase 24u IPv4 809117 TCP bdwg:igo-incognito-> (ESTABLISHED)
COMMAND 进程名称(未输出全)
USER 进程启动用户
FD 进程打开文件描述符:
cwd current working directory;
Lnn library references (AIX);
err FD information error (see NAME column);
jld jail directory (FreeBSD);
ltx shared library text (code and data);
Mxx hex memory-mapped type number xx.
m86 DOS Merge mapped file;
mem memory-mapped file;
mmap memory-mapped device;
pd parent directory;
rtd root directory;
tr kernel trace file (OpenBSD);
txt program text (code and data);
v86 VP/ix mapped file;
FD is followed by one of these characters, describing the mode under which the file is open:
r for read access;
w for write access;
u for read and write access;
space if mode unknown and no lock
character follows;
'-' if mode unknown and lock
character follows.
TYPE :类型
or ''IPv4'' for an IPv4 socket;
or ''IPv6'' for an open IPv6 network file - even if its address is IPv4, mapped in an IPv6 address;
or ''ax25'' for a Linux AX.25 socket;
or ''inet'' for an Internet domain socket;
or ''lla'' for a HP-UX link level access file;
or ''rte'' for an AF_ROUTE socket;
or ''sock'' for a socket of unknown domain;
or ''unix'' for a UNIX domain socket;
or ''x.25'' for an HP-UX x.25 socket;
or ''BLK'' for a block special file;
or ''CHR'' for a character special file;
or ''DEL'' for a Linux map file that has been deleted;
or ''DIR'' for a directory;
or ''DOOR'' for a VDOOR file;
or ''FIFO'' for a FIFO special file;
or ''KQUEUE'' for a BSD style kernel event queue file;
or ''LINK'' for a symbolic link file;
or ''MPB'' for a multiplexed block file;
or ''MPC'' for a multiplexed character file;
or ''NOFD'' for a Linux /proc/
followed by an error message;
or ''PAS'' for a /proc/as file;
or ''PAXV'' for a /proc/auxv file;
or ''PCRE'' for a /proc/cred file;
or ''PCTL'' for a /proc control file;
or ''PCUR'' for the current /proc process;
or ''PCWD'' for a /proc current working directory;
or ''PDIR'' for a /proc directory;
or ''PETY'' for a /proc executable type (etype);
or ''PFD'' for a /proc file descriptor;
or ''PFDR'' for a /proc file descriptor directory;
or ''PFIL'' for an executable /proc file;
or ''PFPR'' for a /proc FP register set;
or ''PGD'' for a /proc/pagedata file;
or ''PGID'' for a /proc group notifier file;
or ''PIPE'' for pipes;
or ''PLC'' for a /proc/lwpctl file;
or ''PLDR'' for a /proc/lpw directory;
or ''PLDT'' for a /proc/ldt file;
or ''PLPI'' for a /proc/lpsinfo file;
or ''PLST'' for a /proc/lstatus file;
or ''PLU'' for a /proc/lusage file;
or ''PLWG'' for a /proc/gwindows file;
or ''PLWI'' for a /proc/lwpsinfo file;
or ''PLWS'' for a /proc/lwpstatus file;
or ''PLWU'' for a /proc/lwpusage file;
or ''PLWX'' for a /proc/xregs file'
or ''PMAP'' for a /proc map file (map);
or ''PMEM'' for a /proc memory image file;
or ''PNTF'' for a /proc process notifier file;
or ''POBJ'' for a /proc/object file;
or ''PODR'' for a /proc/object directory;
or ''POLP'' for an old format /proc light weight process file;
or ''POPF'' for an old format /proc PID file;
or ''POPG'' for an old format /proc page data file;
or ''PORT'' for a SYSV named pipe;
or ''PREG'' for a /proc register file;
or ''PRMP'' for a /proc/rmap file;
or ''PRTD'' for a /proc root directory;
or ''PSGA'' for a /proc/sigact file;
or ''PSIN'' for a /proc/psinfo file;
or ''PSTA'' for a /proc status file;
or ''PSXSEM'' for a POSIX semaphore file;
or ''PSXSHM'' for a POSIX shared memory file;
or ''PUSG'' for a /proc/usage file;
or ''PW'' for a /proc/watch file;
or ''PXMP'' for a /proc/xmap file;
or ''REG'' for a regular file;
or ''SMT'' for a shared memory transport file;
or ''STSO'' for a stream socket;
or ''UNNM'' for an unnamed type file;
or ''XNAM'' for an OpenServer Xenix special file of unknown type;
or ''XSEM'' for an OpenServer Xenix semaphore file;
or ''XSD'' for an OpenServer Xenix shared data file;
or the four type number octets if the corresponding name isn't known.
SIZE :大小