Leetcode1482. Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets [Medium] Python Binary Search

Given an integer array bloomDay, an integer m and an integer k.

We need to make m bouquets. To make a bouquet, you need to use k adjacent flowers from the garden.

The garden consists of n flowers, the ith flower will bloom in the bloomDay[i] and then can be used in exactly one bouquet.

Return the minimum number of days you need to wait to be able to make m bouquets from the garden. If it is impossible to make m bouquets return -1.


Example 1:

Input: bloomDay = [1,10,3,10,2], m = 3, k = 1
Output: 3
Explanation: Let's see what happened in the first three days. x means flower bloomed and _ means flower didn't bloom in the garden.
We need 3 bouquets each should contain 1 flower.
After day 1: [x, _, _, _, _]   // we can only make one bouquet.
After day 2: [x, _, _, _, x]   // we can only make two bouquets.
After day 3: [x, _, x, _, x]   // we can make 3 bouquets. The answer is 3.

Example 2:

Input: bloomDay = [1,10,3,10,2], m = 3, k = 2
Output: -1
Explanation: We need 3 bouquets each has 2 flowers, that means we need 6 flowers. We only have 5 flowers so it is impossible to get the needed bouquets and we return -1.

Example 3:

Input: bloomDay = [7,7,7,7,12,7,7], m = 2, k = 3
Output: 12
Explanation: We need 2 bouquets each should have 3 flowers.
Here's the garden after the 7 and 12 days:
After day 7: [x, x, x, x, _, x, x]
We can make one bouquet of the first three flowers that bloomed. We cannot make another bouquet from the last three flowers that bloomed because they are not adjacent.
After day 12: [x, x, x, x, x, x, x]
It is obvious that we can make two bouquets in different ways.

Example 4:

Input: bloomDay = [1000000000,1000000000], m = 1, k = 1
Output: 1000000000
Explanation: You need to wait 1000000000 days to have a flower ready for a bouquet.

Example 5:

Input: bloomDay = [1,10,2,9,3,8,4,7,5,6], m = 4, k = 2
Output: 9





答案还是二分法,我觉得吧应该看到题目有感觉,这是一道binary search, 但凡问你多少天多少量比较合适,就应该 想到二分法了。有了二分法的答案,再回答最上面,到底是控制花束还是控制花的量,显而易见了,你扫描数组,如果小于你的预设值,个么花加1,花加到k值了,花束就加1,扫描结束看看能弄到多少花束,如果大于要求的花束了,代表你预制大了,可以少等几天,如果少于要求,那么你就要多等几天。


class Solution:
    def minDays(self, bloomDay: List[int], m: int, k: int) -> int:
        if len(bloomDay) < m*k:
            return -1
        while l=k:
            if bouquets

corner case:


tricky part

就是当你连续很多很多很多很多的花都小于预设值,其实你一下子很大包老多花束了,这也是就是为什么就flower//k 而不是加1, 然后你打包了几束花可能还是剩了几只花,所以flowers= flowers%k 这个很巧妙


