StringUtils.isBlank() 与 StringUtils.isEmpty()区别



Checks if a String is empty ("") or null.

检查String是否为空(“”)或null。 * *
     * StringUtils.isEmpty(null)      = true
     * StringUtils.isEmpty("")        = true
     * StringUtils.isEmpty(" ")       = false
     * StringUtils.isEmpty("bob")     = false
     * StringUtils.isEmpty("  bob  ") = false
* *

NOTE: This method changed in Lang version 2.0. * It no longer trims the String. * That functionality is available in isBlank().

* * @param str the String to check, may be null 要检查的String可能为null * @return true if the String is empty or null */
public static boolean isEmpty(String str) { return str == null || str.length() == 0; }

Checks if a String is whitespace, empty ("") or null.

* 检查String是否是空格,空(“”)或null *
     * StringUtils.isBlank(null)      = true
     * StringUtils.isBlank("")        = true
     * StringUtils.isBlank(" ")       = true
     * StringUtils.isBlank("bob")     = false
     * StringUtils.isBlank("  bob  ") = false
* * @param str the String to check, may be null * @return true if the String is null, empty or whitespace * @since 2.0 */
public static boolean isBlank(String str) { int strLen; if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) { if ((Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i)) == false)) { return false; } } return true; }

isEmpty 判断某字符串是否为空,为空的标准是 str==null或 str.length()==0

     StringUtils.isEmpty(null)      = true
     StringUtils.isEmpty("")        = true
     StringUtils.isEmpty(" ")       = false
     StringUtils.isEmpty("bob")     = false
     StringUtils.isEmpty("  bob  ") = false

isBlank 判断某字符串是否为空或长度为0或由空白符(whitespace) 构成

     StringUtils.isBlank(null)      = true
     StringUtils.isBlank("")        = true
     StringUtils.isBlank(" ")       = true
     StringUtils.isBlank("bob")     = false
     StringUtils.isBlank("  bob  ") = false
     StringUtils.isBlank("\t \n \f \r") = true   //对于制表符、换行符、换页符和回车符  
  	 StringUtils.isBlank()   //均识为空白符  
  	 StringUtils.isBlank("\b") = false   //"\b"为单词边界符  

你可能感兴趣的:(StringUtils.isBlank() 与 StringUtils.isEmpty()区别)