Writing Scripts
Understanding Scripts
bro包括一种事件驱动的脚本语言,它为组织扩展和定制bro的功能提供了主要手段。实际上,bro生成的所有输出都是bro脚本生成的。把bro看作是处理连接和生成事件的幕后实体更容易理解,而bro的脚本语言是通讯的媒介。bro脚本有效地通知bro,如果存在我们定义的类型的事件,那么让我们获得有关连接的信息,以便对其执行一些功能。例如,ssl.log文件是由bro脚本生成的,该脚本遍历整个证书链,如果证书链上的任何步骤无效,则发出通知。整个过程是通过告诉bro如果看到服务器或客户机发出一条SSL hello消息来设置的,我们想知道有关该连接的信息。
通过查看完整的脚本并将其分解为可识别的组件,通常是最容易理解bro的脚本语言的方式。在本例中,我们将查看bro如何根据 Team Cymru Malware hash registry检查从网络流量中提取的各种文件的sha1哈希。Team Cymru Malware hash registry的一部分包括对格式为
##! Detect file downloads that have hash values matching files in Team##! Cymru's Malware Hash Registry (http://www.team-cymru.org/Services/MHR/).
@load base/frameworks/files@load base/frameworks/notice@load frameworks/files/hash-all-files
module TeamCymruMalwareHashRegistry;
export {
redef enum Notice::Type += {
## The hash value of a file transferred over HTTP matched in the
## malware hash registry.
## File types to attempt matching against the Malware Hash Registry.
option match_file_types = /application\/x-dosexec/ |
/application\/vnd.ms-cab-compressed/ |
/application\/pdf/ |
/application\/x-shockwave-flash/ |
/application\/x-java-applet/ |
/application\/jar/ |
## The Match notice has a sub message with a URL where you can get more
## information about the file. The %s will be replaced with the SHA-1
## hash of the file.
option match_sub_url = "https://www.virustotal.com/en/search/?query=%s";
## The malware hash registry runs each malware sample through several
## A/V engines. Team Cymru returns a percentage to indicate how
## many A/V engines flagged the sample as malicious. This threshold
## allows you to require a minimum detection rate.
option notice_threshold = 10;}
function do_mhr_lookup(hash: string, fi: Notice::FileInfo)
local hash_domain = fmt("%s.malware.hash.cymru.com", hash);
when ( local MHR_result = lookup_hostname_txt(hash_domain) )
# Data is returned as " "
local MHR_answer = split_string1(MHR_result, / /);
if ( |MHR_answer| == 2 )
local mhr_detect_rate = to_count(MHR_answer[1]);
if ( mhr_detect_rate >= notice_threshold )
local mhr_first_detected = double_to_time(to_double(MHR_answer[0]));
local readable_first_detected = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", mhr_first_detected);
local message = fmt("Malware Hash Registry Detection rate: %d%% Last seen: %s", mhr_detect_rate, readable_first_detected);
local virustotal_url = fmt(match_sub_url, hash);
# We don't have the full fa_file record here in order to
# avoid the "when" statement cloning it (expensive!).
local n: Notice::Info = Notice::Info($note=Match, $msg=message, $sub=virustotal_url);
Notice::populate_file_info2(fi, n);
event file_hash(f: fa_file, kind: string, hash: string)
if ( kind == "sha1" && f?$info && f$info?$mime_type &&
match_file_types in f$info$mime_type )
do_mhr_lookup(hash, Notice::create_file_info(f));
@load base/frameworks/files
@load base/frameworks/notice
@load frameworks/files/hash-all-files
export {
redef enum Notice::Type += {
## The hash value of a file transferred over HTTP matched in the
## malware hash registry.
## File types to attempt matching against the Malware Hash Registry.
option match_file_types = /application\/x-dosexec/ |
/application\/vnd.ms-cab-compressed/ |
/application\/pdf/ |
/application\/x-shockwave-flash/ |
/application\/x-java-applet/ |
/application\/jar/ |
## The Match notice has a sub message with a URL where you can get more
## information about the file. The %s will be replaced with the SHA-1
## hash of the file.
option match_sub_url = "https://www.virustotal.com/en/search/?query=%s";
## The malware hash registry runs each malware sample through several
## A/V engines. Team Cymru returns a percentage to indicate how
## many A/V engines flagged the sample as malicious. This threshold
## allows you to require a minimum detection rate.
option notice_threshold = 10;
function do_mhr_lookup(hash: string, fi: Notice::FileInfo)
local hash_domain = fmt("%s.malware.hash.cymru.com", hash); //格式化
when ( local MHR_result = lookup_hostname_txt(hash_domain) )
# Data is returned as " "
local MHR_answer = split_string1(MHR_result, / /); //拆分字符串
if ( |MHR_answer| == 2 ) // 这部分为解析网络查询结果,||表示取元素个数
local mhr_detect_rate = to_count(MHR_answer[1]);
if ( mhr_detect_rate >= notice_threshold )
local mhr_first_detected = double_to_time(to_double(MHR_answer[0]));
local readable_first_detected = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", mhr_first_detected);
local message = fmt("Malware Hash Registry Detection rate: %d%% Last seen: %s", mhr_detect_rate, readable_first_detected);
local virustotal_url = fmt(match_sub_url, hash);
# We don't have the full fa_file record here in order to
# avoid the "when" statement cloning it (expensive!). //下面的代码用于生产一个Notice。
local n: Notice::Info = Notice::Info($note=Match, $msg=message, $sub=virustotal_url);
Notice::populate_file_info2(fi, n);
event file_hash(f: fa_file, kind: string, hash: string) //事件回调
if ( kind == "sha1" && f?$info && f$info?$mime_type && //?操作符表示f对象的Info成员是否被赋值,如果赋值返回true
match_file_types in f$info$mime_type ) //如果mime_type匹配自己定义的类型
do_mhr_lookup(hash, Notice::create_file_info(f));//调用
脚本的其余部分包含在when块中。简而言之,当bro需要执行异步操作(如dns查找)以确保性能不受影响时,使用when块。when块执行DNS TXT查找并将结果存储在本地变量mhr_result中。实际上,继续处理此事件,在收到lookup_hostname_txt返回的值后,执行when块。when块通过在文本空间上拆分并将返回的值存储在本地表变量中,将返回的字符串拆分为第一次检测恶意软件的日期和检测率的一部分。在do-mhr-u查找函数中,如果split1返回的表有两个条目,表示拆分成功,我们将检测日期存储在mhr-first-detected中,并使用适当的转换函数将速率存储在mhr-detected中。从这一点开始,bro知道它看到了一个传输的文件,这个文件有一个由团队cymru恶意软件哈希注册表看到的哈希,脚本的其余部分专门用于生成一个通知。
检测时间被处理成一个字符串表示形式,并存储在可读的“readable_first_detected”中。然后,脚本将检测率与前面定义的 notice_threshold进行比较。如果检测率足够高,脚本将创建通知的简明描述并将其存储在message变量中。它还创建了一个可能的URL来对照virustotal.com的数据库检查示例,并调用notice将相关信息传递给notice框架。
The Event Queue and Event Handlers
熟悉bro生成的特定事件是构建bro脚本思维模式的重要一步。BRO生成的大多数事件都是在 built-in-function文件(.bif)中定义的,该文件也是联机事件文档的基础。这些在线注释使用broxygen编译成在线文档系统。无论是从头开始一个脚本,还是阅读和维护其他人的脚本,拥有可用的内置事件定义都是手头上一个很好的资源。对于2.0版本,bro开发人员将大量精力投入到每个事件的组织和文档中。这项工作导致了内置函数文件的组织,使得每个条目都包含一个描述性的事件名称、传递给事件的参数以及对函数使用的简明解释。
## Generated for DNS requests. For requests with multiple queries, this event
## is raised once for each.
## See `Wikipedia `__ for more
## information about the DNS protocol. Bro analyzes both UDP and TCP DNS
## sessions.
## c: The connection, which may be UDP or TCP depending on the type of the
## transport-layer session being analyzed.
## msg: The parsed DNS message header.
## query: The queried name.
## qtype: The queried resource record type.
## qclass: The queried resource record class.
## .. bro:see:: dns_AAAA_reply dns_A_reply dns_CNAME_reply dns_EDNS_addl
## dns_HINFO_reply dns_MX_reply dns_NS_reply dns_PTR_reply dns_SOA_reply
## dns_SRV_reply dns_TSIG_addl dns_TXT_reply dns_WKS_reply dns_end
## dns_full_request dns_mapping_altered dns_mapping_lost_name dns_mapping_new_name
## dns_mapping_unverified dns_mapping_valid dns_message dns_query_reply
## dns_rejected non_dns_request dns_max_queries dns_session_timeout dns_skip_addl
## dns_skip_all_addl dns_skip_all_auth dns_skip_auth
event dns_request%(c: connection, msg: dns_msg, query: string, qtype: count, qclass: count%);
The Connection Record Data Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
@load base/protocols/conn event connection_state_remove(c: connection) { print c; } |
同样,我们从@load开始,这次导入包:base/protocols/conn脚本,它提供跟踪和记录一般信息和连接状态。我们处理connection_state_remove事件,并简单地打印传递给它的参数的内容。对于这个例子,我们将在“bare mode”(裸模式)下运行bro,它只加载最小数量的脚本以保持可操作性,并将加载所需脚本的负担留给正在运行的脚本。虽然bare模式是bro中的一个低级功能,但在本例中,我们将使用它来演示bro的不同功能如何添加越来越多的连接信息层。这将使我们有机会在不过度填充连接记录的情况下查看其内容。
$ bro -b -r http/get.trace connection_record_01.bro
[id=[orig_h=, orig_p=59856/tcp, resp_h=, resp_p=80/tcp], orig=[size=136, state=5, num_pkts=7, num_bytes_ip=512, flow_label=0, l2_addr=c8:bc:c8:96:d2:a0], resp=[size=5007, state=5, num_pkts=7, num_bytes_ip=5379, flow_label=0, l2_addr=00:10:db:88:d2:ef], start_time=1362692526.869344, duration=0.211484, service={
}, history=ShADadFf, uid=CHhAvVGS1DHFjwGM9, tunnel=
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
@load base/protocols/conn @load base/protocols/http event connection_state_remove(c: connection) { print c; } |
$bro -b -r http/get.trace connection_record_02.bro
添加base/protocols/http脚本将填充连接记录的http=[]成员。虽然bro在后台做了大量的工作,信息细节提炼,决策制定一般在脚本层实现。如果我们继续以“裸模式”运行,我们可以通过@load语句缓慢地继续添加基础结构。(这是一种非常好的bro学习方法)例如,如果我们要@load base/frameworks/logging,bro将在当前工作目录中为我们生成conn.log和http.log。如上所述,包括适当的@load语句不仅是一种好的实践,而且有助于指示脚本中使用的功能。花点时间运行不带-b标志的脚本,并在bro的所有功能应用于跟踪文件时检查输出。
Data Types and Data Structures